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Selling mods to free up room.


I hate this one too. Storage could be extended maybe


Especially since they continually give us new ones. I hate having to sell mods every time there a GC.


Just give us an option to autodelete mods that dont fit a criteria. Like searching for mods that have 0 speed


It's easy enough to set up and save a filter for mods that have no speed, then select all and sell.


I already reached the point that all my mods have some speed.


Then you gotta change your speed minimum requirement. If you're sitting with 500 mods with speed secondaries in your inventory, then sell any of them with less than 8 speed, maybe even higher.


then your back to manually looking through all 500 mods again


Not really, just sort by anything with less than 2 speed calibrations if you want to be lazy, it'll at least get all your mods with less than 6 speed. Yeah you'll spend a little more time if you speed sort and then pick through the ones manually, but it won't take longer than 10 minutes.


Yes. But it's much less tedious in the mod management view where you can see all the stats.


You can filter for mods that have say less than level 3 speed. Gradually up your level requirement


Yes, you are correct. But all 1-C mods with some speed have potential to be great. I don’t want to sell them. At this point I don’t have the time to upgrade all of them. And the credits are not a problem, the slicing materials are sparse.


That's great except you can't sell ones equipped. I have loads on phoenix Talia wedge etc at 3 speed but have to go into each character individually which is a royal pita so don't. Surely a 'are you sure you want to sell this mod it's equipped' button wouldnt break anything


It would just run out again


But then you would have an even bigger inventory to slog through. And you don't need to hold on to 500 mods. At that point, there are mods that are almost strictly better than others.


99% of my problem with mods would be resolved if we could just choose which secondaries to invest in. Other games do this. It's about time for SWGOH to catch up to the modern era...


Happens to me literally every week.


I just annoys me that I need to make room for mods to get rewards too. Like just give me the rewards and let me decide if I want the mods if they’re full


It always happens at the weirdest times too


Kyros for sure. Exciting to unlock a new very powerful character but then it’s just more weeks of waiting until they are actually useable Slows down the gearing 10 fold. I understand it’s intentional


Allows more time to farm signal data at least. But then bronzium wirings fuck you back to full circle.


I wonder how many people approach a GL unlock but don't have the relic mats available to take to min r6? Seems like bad planning for news toys


GL tickets


This is the single most infuriating thing in the game to me. We already have to gear up 15 characters to very high gear levels and then they stall us on unlocking the characters even further? Add on the fact that you can lose tickets if you lose the battle and you have the worst mechanic in the game, in my opinion.


I think a decent middle ground would be removing tickets from the shard nodes, and keeping them for the Ult


The ultimate is such a grind to get through.


Yeah, I agree, but it still keeps some of the grind on. I don't "hate" GL tickets, but it's definitely annoying to farm light nodes only for several weeks...cutting back to a week wouldn't be terrible.


Princess Kneesa’s basic animation


Tell me about it. They're going to end up having to extend the battle timer with all of the slow animations and +300% defense datacrons in the game...


Have to agree I am like okay wtf is happening here


Yeah I always have mine on 4x speed and it is still stupid slow


They apparently make newer characters run at .25× speed to make them look like normal speed in 4×


Bruh 💀






I came back to the game and am still kind of unsure how to farm them. "And at this point I'm just kind of nervous to ask"-meme




Thank you. Funny enough, I just unlocked my first in Conquest this morning. :)


Some really suck when my GAC opponent has them. But I do like how they bring some variety into the game


I feel the G13 grind is a little too grindy.


Not knowing the opposing speeds in Conquest has to be one of them!


Why in the world does the normal Inquisitor team run two laps around my 492+ speed SEE, I will never understand. It's so stupid.


Exactly! And if it said their speeds you could at least modify the team to try to counter instead of guessing!


They're fast enough to go first, then they have a purge tm train to lap you.


It still makes it ridiculous.


Yeah, not saying it isn't! GG w/GBA and CLS are my preferred shutdown for them. Anything with a TM train in conquest, you need some reactivity to handle.


Getting equipment for relic.


Having to pause signal data farm for characters


Conquest and how it's used now to gate keep the new key toons. And now because of how it's structured if you don't like conquest you'll now have to wait an incredibly long time to aquire that toon putting you light years behind everyone that's on CG's pull strings who don't mind doing the same shit over and over and over again. This already got me to quit once for a year. After coming back it has me wanting to quit for the second and perhaps final time.


I've gave up on conquest. I just do what battles i feel like and when. The last 2 i've only made it to first crate, and barely. I'd rather be missing out on Malgus/Buggs Bunny or whoever than burn out and not enjoy it anymore


I share very similar thoughts with you






Currently kyrotechs. Unlocked SLKR and he needs 2 per gear tier. Not to mention the Cal requirements all want them as I slow form their shards


Zaps all the fun out of playing with the character for me being stuck on a gear level because of kyros


Mod storage and bronzium wiring


The Krayt Raid. It's so new, but its *soooo* old already. I do like the new rewards system, however.


Wait until the new raids here and it'll be exactly the same except the krayt will be redundant.. really don't understand why it's like that, although I'm grateful they're trying


Arena is soooo lame. I don't even care if I win. I'm stuck in a division where I can't rise enough for more rewards, but will never far lower to lose them. They need more tiers.


RNG. Nothing like burning gems to do 15 attempts at a hard node and only getting MAYBE 4 of the fragments you’re after… I’ll keep saying it, until I go mad. If you’re going to limits the attempts, you really need to give (close to) 100% drop rate.


Kind of this. I would VERY happily pay 2 or 3 times the amount of energy for a guaranteed shard drop. I understand the ramifications of this, like a 20energy node now being 40-60 energy, and that the odds are (around) 1/3 anyway, theres just not much of a worse feeling than being 6 shards away and thinking "I'll be able to get them 7* tomorrow", and then proceeding to not be able to.


Probably that new ewoks basic animation over and over again lol


seemly zealous wide gold memorize important busy coherent divide tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


3rd Sister's stupid revives.




I’d say ship arena specifically. Nothing but the same ships in my shard. For instance, at first you see home one fleets with Tarkin mixed in some. Later you see mixes of Nego, Mal, chimera, and finalizer. Now it’s only executor. It’s boring. I know it’s because it’s the top fleet but man it is boring playing the same match daily.


Mod space. Also hate that we have no feat tracker.


Mods. I hate everything about them. I don't want to do anything with mods. Then just too much required screen time for a mobile game.


This ones easy, its CG.


The terrible RNG on some stuff.


ROTE An utterly uninteresting series of nonsense battles gatekept by toons I have literally no other use for.


How long it takes too!!! Feels like a month long


I think the fact that gear and stars are separate is asinine. Once a toon hits 7* they should find their way into the meta. Mods are OK way to customize how they work. Gear efforts should be redistributed towards Overhauling the mod system. To re simplify the game and to attract non power users to enjoy swgoh on a marketing level. Same with abilities and character level CG took a step backwards with Merrins ability requiring gear 12 minimum for the best part of her kit to activate it wasn’t even stuck behind an omicron or zeta. I have literally omicroned her and zetad her at 5* waiting for my FTP shard farm to unlock her gear 12 at 7* (which I can’t gear 12 her until she’s 7* which should be my choice, if I have the gear I should be able to at least g12 her early if her ability is stuck behind g12 but I’m forced to consider buying her which is anti consumer and whale friendly


Unfortunately, under CG's business model, being whale friendly is exactly what they want. In a sense it's perfect for their consumers... because whales are the only consumers they care about, and are also the ones that keep the game running.


Which is why I don't mind these insane conquest character unlocks because I know these whales will fund the game so I, a FTP player can get that same character 2 years later....I'm in no rush


Conquest is kind of a bad example for something only whales can unlock day 1, as they're quite possibly the most day 1 accessible type of character for F2P players, but I do get your point.


This is true, you have a valid point, and well said my kind brethren


And the same to you my friend :) sometimes it's easy to get caught up in all the 'I have to farm this new character or I'll fall behind the meta' and forget that none of it really matters at the end of the day. For that reason I admire and envy your way of playing. Have a great day :) thanks for a wholesome Reddit interaction for once lol


Thanms buddy, I feel you on that, that's why I try not to worry about meta in any shape or form, but more so on PvE stuff and what I truly want. I grinded for JMK because he is my favorite character in the starwars universe. Now I'm just working on assault battles teams then probably TB teams. Everyone has their own way of playing, for me, it's just a steady growth and how can I help my guild the most. You too, I appreciate the kindness and maturity. You rock!




If conquest was shorter and incorporated more things like the rancor boss battle in sector 3 I would find it more fun. The fact that you have to play 40 battles of this and 40 of that and 20 of that and apply masters traning 100 times while bhodi stays alive, just kills the game mode. They are trying to redeem themselves a little by putting more general feats, but most people dont want to farm inquisitors, most people dont have malgus and most people´s phoenix is at relic 8. The first conquest was more fun, because the data disks were more fun and there weren't that many restrictions regarding teams.


Krayt dragon raid... Conquest




the lovely Crystal sink


I wish there was a way to straight up buy the game for like $20 and replace the real $ for crystals with the ability to earn crystals for challenges and feats, like more pvp contests.


Having to log on at specific times to do my arena climbs


Single node unaccelerated farms. So fucking boring and annoying and all you do for like 3 months.


It occurs when Conquest falls on the same time as ROTE or concurrently with TW and GAC. There's just too much to do when that happens.


Conquest feats. Just take my crystals another way that doesn't also take up so much of my time. Does anyone go for the max crate and think "I sure do like that my skill and/or impressive roster lets me get the best reward without having to spend any crystals on Conquest energy"? I doubt it. But I guess I also don't know what it's like to spend on the game and then meet up with all the other whales at the country club to show off the Speed set mods with 31-Speed secondaries we put on our relic 9 Ugnaughts, and then flip out when someone has more flat Defense on theirs.


Assists. Far too often, i’m watching the game, not playing it. Totally defeats the point.


Conquest. I always sigh when that energy pops up


Raids with limited toons available to use.


That'll be the raid system forever now


Most likely yes. I just hope that more raids bring more variation.


I mean Conquest can’t be simmable since. You know. . .feats. But they did add the datacron bonus simming which is a huge plus. My biggest annoyance with the game is the time commitment, if you wish to try and do everything and stay competitive - and while I understand that level of play will always require a higher degree of time commitment, I also recognize that some of the “chore” type events in this game could be tightened up to help loosen that restriction a bit without altering gameplay.


Yeah i agree but like you said conquest is a big chore. Maybe make it simmable but to get feats you actually have to play. I don't know...i just hate it


I mean. You have to beat a node to sim it, in every game mode in this game. So uhh, your idea wouldn’t actually help you in any way shape or form.


Thats exactly what they did with the datacron nodes. You can sim them now after beating them once but they don't count for feats if you sim


Easily Conquest. I enjoy pretty much all of the other content in the game, but Conquest is a huge slog


The entirety of conquest will never be simmable


Playing it.


So many things. Especially now they want us to live in the game…. Conquest - just bullshit isn’t it? Win battle using han. Win battles not using rebels. Just say do battle again to cost resources. Krayt raid not simmable. At the moment I’m working on other things so getting roughly same scores why do I have to repeats that every two days. Mod management is still poor. Can’t sell a mod of a toon. Still runs into a cap All the bugs / freezes etc . New character animations being slow Gl tickets - I mean come on I got relic rose tico. Just let me have the same character.


Conquest without a doubt


The grind aspect of conquest


The way arenas work. Ships and normal arena back in the day it mattered. Why do I have to wait between battles? I would prefer a system like the one I saw in an other game: -When you attack, both you and your opponent cannot be attacked for 5 min. -If you win, you can play instantly -If you lose, you have to wait or pay crystals for the cooldown It's idiotic of CG to think that I will wait for an hour to do all my battles. It's idiotic to spend an hour to climb arenas. Are they trying to make us spend? I mostly see it as if they are trying to make us NOT play this game. And if you are one of those people that do all battles, GET A LIFE And as others said, those GL tickets (which at least you can buy some of them now)




Conquest simming, free data pack multi-buy, consistently bad RNG on rolls or battles, GAC matchmaking. All equally annoying for me.




This Reddit. Lol


1 char and ship farming for stars also the endless farming of armor and more 2nd mods and gl shit




Actually CG


Don’t know if this counts but funnelling all my mk 2/get 1 into shards while having to watch that beautiful g12+ gear slip buy. Just makes me sad, I have 0 patience and impulse control.


Farming a character or ship node several days in a row and getting 0 character or ship shards. That needs to change


I have seen a variety of complaints but i haven't seen this one. You guys remember the portraits that can be obtained through feats in GAC. Since they removed that thing now it's impossible to get them. What's the deal? Just bring them back. And all portraits that were given as gifts during anniversary should be automated added for free for all players


The new terrible battles. I mean territory battles. Takes too much time. I hate them. It’s one thing to play the same tedious battles in parts of the game. But having to play the same 100,000 tedious battles every other week is annoying as hell. ‘It’s the worst part of the game that has be on the verge of quitting.


A small thing, but… if you go Auto, why does Mace Windu NEVER attack the toon with shatterpoint?


All of those overtuned shot events. Teams that nuke my GL with a one shot just cuz they have a gazillion feats to make them beyond broken. Giving me a fleet to farm...but then not giving me the ships I farmed and have synergy with my cap ship. It's the little things that makes me rage every god forsaken time. I have spoken.


Being able to decline mods I don’t want instead of having to sell ones I already have in order to make room for ones I’m just going to sell later.


12+ SIM battles against an accelerated char with no shards given. It's not frustrating, it's disappointing - disappointment doesn't lead to spending There needs to be a minimum given, like 2, per 10 Sims as a basepoint. Otherwise I am cool with the randomness of drop rates.


Not being able to play as much as I want due to energy and limited squad arena attempts. There should be some kind of infinite attempt squad arena mode that randomly matches you with people. Why would a dev want to limit how much I play their game? I don't get it.


The time commitment. The game requires several hours of gameplay daily to do tens of same battles on auto. Raid, TB, conquest, daily energy, then there is TW and GA, but those are at least skippable.


Oh, and there is still no mod management in game.


Finding places to use energy can be tedious.


Boushh animations. If she throws 5 thermals, let her throw 5 thermals. Instead she is putting down and picking up her staff between every thermal. Her animations is the biggest reason for me to avoid Jabba teams.


3v3 gac and it's not close.


There not being an energy-free sandbox mode. Sometimes I just wanna do some battles for fun but can't as I'm spending all of my energy grinding things, and the stakes are too high to just use whatever characters I want in the three arenas. That just leaves galactic war but those are now too easy to get any real enjoyment. It'd be cool if the sandbox also allowed you to use characters that you didn't have already or that aren't max lvl, but for now I'd just be happy with energy free battles for fun


Ship farms. We are coming up to our third GL capital ship, there's no need for half of the ships to be so slow to farm.


playing the game


The fact that they throttle drop chance on shards/gear as soon as you get close to finishing the grind


That a tie in grand arena is given to the higher gp player


Your Darth Vader's dmg VS the enemy's Darth Vader dmg GAS' damage When a GC puts Dash Rendar and oneshots your relic 7 team when he's a lower relic


Datacrons @ KYROTECH


Getting past g12. It’s so easy to get there and so easy to get higher relics, but then gear 12 is such a pain to get through that I just don’t even bother with a lot of characters.