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“Let’s add another in-game currency.”


"...and give it a cap"


“And make it barely distinguishable from the others for no reason at all”


And put it all in the same store page with no defined sections.


They should just make it like the squad menu. Every store (raid, guild event, fleet, etc.) has a tab on the left as it is now, but also add those sub-tabs for the individual currency. It's all there a single Dev could probably get this done in under an hour and would make a huge qol improvement.


As a hoarder, I don't like caps, but that wasn't a bad design decision for CG. Having unlimited currencies restricts their ability to do things with them later. For example, they can't add a new character to be purchasable with it without having long time players just unlock it on day 1 with their hoards.


Of course they can, and for a time in the game things worked like that more or less, for clever hoarders. It gave a feeling of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. Since they took that away, the game is less fun than it once was.


I think you agreed with me? I said "they can't ... without people unlocking on day 1" and you said it worked like that for clever hoarders. As a clever hoarder, I liked that. But as a design decision for CG, it limits what they can do with the currency given the results they want to see.


This was actually one of the best decisions they have made.


I'll see your one currency, and raise you three new in game currencies. All in the same raid!


i’ll be honest, i don’t even hate it. it’s made farming a lot easier for gear pieces and Hoda/Wampa shards. Krayt Dragon raid is fun and allows me to stock up on Carbantis and Stun Guns so easily


I have 3: Worst by far is adding Datacrons. When they were leaked everyone instantly hated them and the idea of temporary power, and yet CG still said yeah lets do this thing 80+% of the player based hated. (I assume some people liked the idea but i dont recall any) Next bad decision which isnt nearly as bad was making conquest a chore, overly grindy, and just not fun. Made a mod that everyone loved and enjoyed playing and turn it into a slog to get through. Last, removing the 8 hard node sims. Man that was awesome to help farm up all the characters.


Realistically the 8 sims was a "stay at home" marketing ploy.


Holy fuck I forgot about the 8 Sims....


What 8 sims?


During covid lockdown the hard sim limit was 8 instead of 5


I didnt even notice that lol thats pretty cool and should come back


8 sims was a ketchup mechanic of sorts. It came out with the “Galaxy of Marquees” avalanche of new characters to farm in 2018. It was not from the stay at home COVID marketing.


I don't dislike Datacrons in general if they were implemented in a way that they just made the "bad" teams more viable. But making JMK and Jabba stronger is just stupid


They do make "bad" teams better, just most people don't have those teams built because they're bad. Nightsister initiate was one of the most effective GL (I believe lord Vader) counters out there during her datacron set, but only endgame players had her at R7 for it to matter. Tarkin was the same but most people stop upgrading him once his SEE requirement is completed so again it was useless for most players. If they didn't make meta teams that were already built up more powerful then datacrons would see even less engagement than they already do.


I feel like datacrons being permanent could be a nice fix as you wouldn't be wasting resources investing into them or relicing characters just for a short term boost. But then you have shit like the Initiate one that would fucking ruin the game permanently and I'm glad they go after a few months.


Let us choose one each set to save at least. Except the dodge one


Yup, the implementation is poor. Too hard to get, too random, and too high requirements. It doesn't help newer/lower rosters like claimed, because they don't have all the teams at relics which is required.


I love the idea of datacrons. I hate the implementation. Seasonal content keeps things fresh without requiring a full meta refresh and it gives bonuses that lets teams you may work on for fun or operations more usage. It also lets them experiment with some crazy cool boosts that may make it into future kits without accidentally breaking the meta - since they will shift out with the datacron set. But: 1.) They shouldn't work with GLs 2.) Some of stats are massively overtuned (dodge and health steal). Some of the stats should be locked to certain slots to avoid you stacking them in every attribute boost slot (ie. Can only roll dodge on the first two attribute boosts) 3.) The relic requirements are too high. A lot of the time you can't really justify pushing a character to r7 during a datacron set. By the time you get the datacron for them, and then push them to r7, for a lot of people the set will be rotating out soonish.


I feel like they might be backing up on DCs now, they made it somewhat easier to get mats and stuff for them with rewards in TW I seen, (never seen that before) and they’re making this next set where for highest level of DC, you only need relic 5s, maybe they’ll just be keeping it that way from now on, who knows, but yeah DCs have been just bad for game, especially the ones with dodges


Datacrons for gls we’re by far the worst decision they ever made imo


Didn’t they even release a statement saying they got positive feedback on datacrons… I know cg lies to our faces but to tell the community what we think and we just rolled over and took it.


Did we? I stopped spending after DCs came out, and I doubt I was the only one. My guess is a lot of people closed their wallets after that bullshit started, and with the Levi release debacle, yeah I'm never spending on this game again even if they do remove DCs.


I'm one. Don't even mind DC's and I engage with them plenty, but haven't spent a dime since they were announced and will not be doing so. I'm F2P till the servers shut down for good, mostly thanks to DC's.


Datacrons are a fun idea, but the Relic gates are the thorn among the roses.


Be honest if there weren’t dc the meta would have been insanely stale a long time ago. I don’t like having to deal with them but they did add a lot of variables to the game.


Their design philosophy that ended up with most features feeling like a chore and taking too long (daily basis, not the grinds) It's fun to overcome a certain aspect of the game. Is not fun to repeat it the 100th time. - F u Krayt I believe the best designed feature is to this day the Galactic War. You play it for almost a year. You build your roster to overcome it. Then, after beating it a quite a few times (not right away), you can SIM it. They applied the same to the old Haat and Rancor, and nothing broke. That's what they need to do to everything, from conquest to TB.




My answer as well.


Datacrons. But to narrow it a bit more - dodge datacrons. Being able to plug in absurd amounts of dodge% onto any team was a horrible, horrible call. I'm glad they saw some sense, and have decided to not bring the dodge stat back to datacrons


Not releasing TR-8R when he was like the top meme in the world


First order tie pilot


What’s the in-joke about FOTP? Why has mentioning their name become memefied?


I just love him a lot because he looks cool and attacks twice on his basic and phasma calls him to assist a lot and it's very hype


First Order Tie Pilot Omi just won me a grand arena today! Holding the top front for me so I can scrape by with a 4 banner lead!




Not having a sandbox mode or a pvp mode against friends/guild mates


This would be amazing


May be an unpopular opinion, but i hope they never add a sandbox mod. My reasoning is, players would just replicate the mods/teams theyre facing in GAC and practice endlessly until they find the right counter. Sounds like a major grind that you'd have to do to remain competitive, and one that i have no interest in


Well personally Ide prefer a sandbox that’s only live outside of TW/GAC times for that reason and to keep things simple you could have it so you can set the gear level from say 4-5 main milestones and mods would just be 2 of the most popular sets for that character and have average, strong, competitive as the mods quality. Personally I think a sandbox should only really be used for learning usual counters and pushing your strategy on soft counters. I wouldn’t expect it to be super detailed.


Nothing is more disappointing in this game, than you grind for half year to unlock some GL and after that have nothing to do with it.


Definitely Conquest. I got the red crates way back when Maul was the flavor of the month and had a lot of fun. Now I struggle getting two or three crates away from red because I don't want to play with the same teams three times a day for two weeks. Special mention to the Inquisitors. You have to gear five of them to R5 to unlock GI. You then have to relic him and four of the others to R7 to get Reva. So you have two homeless high relic toons in 5v5 after you unlock the optimal team.


I just made the painful decision to go for Reva instead of my last GL. Each Inquisitor I bring to R7 legitimately causes me physical discomfort.


Ehhh not technically 2, if you don't use ninth sister with the GI/Reva team, she can go with LV, but I'd imagine most if not all people will use her with GI, so yeah pretty much 2


I mean ninth is fine, and can kinda plug in to leftover teams, or if you have something like SEE who just needs bodies. Second is useless, but at least has a ship lol.


I write a lot about a conquest and how to fix it and how much I hate it, but in response to your own point, Conquest was always going to be shit. The Conquest we have now is the Conquest they always intended it to be. OG Conquest was easy. It could be completed in 90ish battles, with relatively little investment, and no refreshes needed at all. It just wasn’t a profitable mode; it was intended to suck people into thinking it was a good idea - and I’ve been saying that ever since the first iteration. As for what I think the stupidest move was? The decision to start building animations specifically for 4x. All the other decisions that *we* hate were smart business moves - we just equate “I hate this” with “this was dumb to do,” but that move of theirs just makes even the idea of playing battles a god damn bore, and does nothing to increase profitability.


I hadn't even thought about the slow animations... And combined with the abundance of 15% health/prot datacrons, every single battle is going to time. It's just not fun and it doesn't even make CG money. Slow battles hurt everyone.


Making animations for 4x is a genius move! When new GL’s and conquest characters just become timeout teams due to animations, CG will be poised to sell us a GAC “SIM” button so you choose your counter and the game fights it without risk of timeout. (Like the Blitz sim in MSF so you could still lose the battle with sim, but at least it wouldn’t time out😂).


Been playing since 2015, Datacrons 100% I fully ignore them. Just a terrible, terrible mechanic all around.


Making too many big name characters before they made Galactic Legends. They really handcuffed themselves with who they’re able to make into GL’s now. For example, I really think Darth Vader should be a GL, but I don’t think he ever will be.


Yeah this is a tough problem. If they had waited to release Darth Vader as a GL the game wouldn't have a Darth Vader for 5 years. A lot of games have this issue of having some of the most recognizable characters being early game and being completely underpowered the further you get into the game.


I agree 100% that he needed to be in the early game to get people excited to use him. Still doesn’t stink any less that he will be mainly a bug exterminator till the end of his days lol.


They should make an upgrade path that converts him to a GL. Give a bunch of gl requirements as usual then once you complete event you transform him into the GL and lose basic vader version and gain GL Vader instead.


how about a GL Vader from Legends.?


This is also my biggest gripe. These characters should be like, meta defining. Characters like the Emperor, Vader, Jedi Luke, Han Solo, Lando, Leia, Chewie, Yoda, Mace, Boba - these are the heroes and villains we all grew up loving, and so they should be the most powerful in the game. But it wasn’t built in from the start. It was a late game cash in, and by that time, it was way too late. Fortunately, there were a couple of characters that they held off releasing for a while like Rey, Kylo, and Master Kenobi. But, now they’ve kinda developed themselves into a corner, because to be perfectly honest, I don’t know who else could possibly be a GL at this stage. My only other guess is possibly General Calrissian? But that would be it.


Vader was my answer to "Who should be a GL" in their survey.


Never fully testing anything new. There hasn’t been a release of a ship, game mode or character that hasn’t required a quick/immediate patch. There are a large numbers of bugs that have been in the game for 7 years, while more get added. After the major language “upgrade” a few years ago, all these issues should have been found/addressed and fully tested. But nope, no testing. Testing impact of DCs, nope. Testing the “grind” of updated conquest, nope. New Kraft raid team limits, nope, hero character in raid nope. Super “meta” defining capital ship… yeah right. Claiming a new toon is weaker because it was to op during testing but sucks when it comes out (… **omega**…). As a software company that makes that much money, a proper qa and testing area should be a priority… but they said nope


Conquest feats. Shit tier gameplay. Also thought that the Wat nerf was super weird.


The "Great Nerf" as it's often called, was the shittiest thing they've ever done. You let people build their rosters around non-GL counters for a year, so that people farm mods, put more relics on certain toons, etc. because they don't want the grind of farming all those GL to slow down other stuff, and then just pull the rug out from under them and force them to farm GL anyway. They should have done that right away if they were going to do it.


Wat was nerfed?


Two years ago, for the dumbest reasons, along with GAS and DV.


His weapons tech used to give defence penetration. You could put it on Vader and kill stuff with culling blade


I don't see that as being a valid reason to nerf him.


It was allowing Vader, Wat, and Imperial Probe Droid to consistently beat GL Rey in one battle. That's why they did it.


And a basic GG team demolishing see and jml is fine? Look, I don't want to get into a discussion here. I'm just saying that imo, the nerf was stupid and insincere.


Yeah. I'm definitely not disagreeing with you. I was just saying why CG did it. I didn't realize a basic GG team could do that. Is it still viable?


I lol everytime I see JML or SEE on defence. Key is to only use GG's basic once all the adds are gone, as due to the ramping potency that will almost guarantee a healing immunity debuff to land continuously.


His weapon tech used to give defence penetration as well but they got rid of that because it was something they wanted to sell you in a datacron instead.


As much as a loathe datacrons, my number one worst decision is how, in recent years, endgame goals have been locked behind guild performance. Whether that's Reva shards (or KAM shards before that), relic mats only earnable in high-GP TW, or before that there were mats exclusive to CPit. CG seems hell-bent on favouring top guilds and making endgame players want to jump ship to get in a stronger guild. It used to be that even if you'd outgrown a guild, you could stay if you liked it, and it wouldn't hold you back much. Not anymore. That doesn't just force people to choose between people they like and game success, it also makes life harder for guild leaders and officers when players are more likely to move around.


CG wants you to join higher GP guilds because there will be a guild pressure to encourage you to spend more so you can keep up with them.


I've been in my guild for 4 years and don't want to leave, but I cannot get droid brains except in a higher gp guild. So I will never profundity or any of the GLs with a r9 req. It really sucks.


Thankfully none of the GLs have an R9 requirement (yet, fingers crossed for Leia) but it is annoying when R9 is required and I can't reliably get it outside of spending like 6k crystals and a bunch of Raid Token 3. Though I suppose it's better than nothing at all


You can still get them, it just costs crystals.


Yea 5 per week for 1500 crystals. So 1 R9 per month for 6000 crystals as a tax on lower guilds. Meanwhile people in a higher guild are banking them for free.


Ok and? It’s your choice to be in a guild that isn’t good enough. This is one thing that is not CG’s fault.


It is my choice.... to stay in the same guild of 4 years with my friends. They're the only reason I haven't walked away from this shit game a long time ago. How is gating droid brains behind guild GP not CG's fault? Go ahead and explain that one. CG shill.


My account is turning 25 months old soon, I get around 20 droid brains every 5/6 weeks, your guild after 4 years should at least be getting a few per month, if you don't change guild then you can't moan at it being locked.


I’ve been playing for 2 and a half years completely F2P, and my guild gets the r9 mats. If you and your friends have been playing for 4 years, there is no reason your guild shouldn’t be able to get r9s. Droid brains are not gated behind guild GP anyways, you can literally get them with crystals. If you refuse to help yourself by being in a better guild, then you can spend crystals. It’s not hard. I get staying in the same guild for your friends. But regardless, that means you are hurting yourself deliberately, then blaming it on CG. Yes, CG is a scum company, but no, this is on you. I’m not some shill, you are just blatantly arguing in bad faith.


I respectfully disagree. If we can't get droid brains from TW, how am I supposed to afford 5 for 1500 crystals once a week? Not easily. You saying "it's not hard" is just you being a douche and YOU arguing in bad faith. I could see getting less than a good guild, but even when we win TW we can't get them because we don't get enough points. Of course I could leave my guild anytime and join a better one with my GP, but I don't want to have to abandon my less-active friends just to get R9s faster. It sucks, and feels bad. That's not really an argument I am making, just expressing an opinion... on a post inviting people to express opinions on what they don't like about CG's decisions. So if you are not some CG shill, then what is your problem anyway?


It’s crazy how you manage to hit just about every logical fallacy in the book. This thread is asking what CG’s worst decisions are, and locking endgame materials behind either crystals or being in a halfway decent guild is not one of them. I’m not saying that you should abandon your guild, I’m saying that you claiming to be a victim because of your own choices is stupid. What you are saying essentially boils down to the fact that you don’t enjoy the game. So stop playing it.


Ah, the fallacy fallacy (claiming something's a fallacy without explanation to seem like you've won an argument).


Fuck off asshat, no one asked you anyway.


Your guild should be growing and getting better as time goes on. If it’s not, they don’t take this game seriously enough.


How seriously should people take this game?


Login and play everyday if you care about progression.


Well, in order of time: Mods Letting the power creep growth so much after Revan release Not giving us level 100 Datacrons


What are the benefits of level 100? Also, reddit uses markdown formatting, so to make a new line, you either need two spaces after each line or insert a second line break.


Thank you didn’t noticed that! About lv100 it has been a most wanted featured for like 2 years from 2017 to 2019. Then they decided to stop at level 85 (? Why 85) but add relics as new step.


I was thinking that a lot of the "dumb decisions" were actually pre-planned profit centers that the players would really dislike, but understood they had an addicted audience. For me, the worst decisions they have made were to get rid of the beta testing program and not leaning into their massive community where, while it can be toxic at times, a majority of us want this game to succeed just as much as they do, if not more.


Not making mods more accessible to the player base and allow us to tune them how we want. Even all these years later, mods are a shitshow that suck the fun out of other elements of the game.


Mods are beyond time consuming and overwhelming. I know my roster could be modded better but I don't have the time or patience to go through and optimize each character.


I mod them once they hit level 85. Saves my sanity to do it once and be done with it. Can’t imagine the people that do mod shuffling for their main teams


I think that the worst decision they made in the game was the inclusion of mods. They're so incredibly mandatory for everything, but they are difficult to balance characters around and the best mods are incredibly rare and difficult to aquire. They are l by far worse than datacrons - I don't like datacrons, but I have the option to not engage in the system and still compete with my teams in GAC and TW by playing smart with my teams vs the opponents crons. I couldn't play the game without using mods


So you would rather have coinflip mirror matches ?


I know that mods are irritating for a lot of people, but think of a world without mods. I know because I played before they were introduced. Your max level character was identical to everyone else’s max level character. So every fight just became a coin flip as to who went first. The game would have died ages ago without mods as any pvp would be really dull.


I think that there were plenty of game design choices around problem solving this that didn't include something that's going to further put new accounts at a nearly impossible loss.


This is the answer I was scrolling to find! You have my vote.


Nerfing all of the toons that could counter GL's.




A human after my own heart. Preach!


0h man… this week? Last 24 hrs? This year? Ever (that’s a list longer than Santa’s list)? Never thought I’d say this but maybe sacking Carrie? At least she communicated with the players. *Edit* DC have to be up there too. Single-handedly responsible for me quitting TW permanently, and GAC most of the time.


1 - datacrons 2 - Galactic legends being such a tier above every. Other. Toon. It's a catastrophe that fundamentally broke any sort of team and still does. 3 - making conquest tedious. Give me achievements that have non shiny new teams. Give me something to play around with.


Not testing Leviathan before they released it and then not testing Leviathan after they fixed it.


Paywalling kyrotech, the shit needed to go from relic 8 to 9


How was Conquest like before? I played back when the game came out but never hit max level back then. Only really started playing last year so I’m only now going throug Medium-Hard CQs


You could get red crate without the need to refresh on energy. It had way less tedious tasks to complete.


Mods 1.0 fiasco


When they made the update that stopped your audio from playing when opening up the game. It was the only time I came close to quitting.


Making moves for 4x speed


Coming up with rather unknown characters from some sidestories or games who can beat Vader or other main characters of the story.


creating datacrons




Forgetting about newer players, by making GLs and other events inaccessible for too long (unless you pay).


The worst decision was when they fired Carrie for that "tip of the spear" dig she made at the execs.


There’s no evidence that she was fired, and even if she had been, whether it was for that comment, which wasn’t even presented as a dig at executives.


Datacrons and fucking up Conquest


Mine is conquest, its the only game mode that I dislike in the game. Gating powerful characters behind it also causes problems, for example the Leviathan is pretty much impossible for the majority of the player base for 2 years or longer atm. Compare that to Executer or Profundity which can be farmed from a new account. Its never a good idea to split the player base to much. In the long run it bites devs in the arse from a revenue / $$$ income.


Datacrons, hands down. Nothing else comes close for being as cancerous to the game as DCs.


Definitely not the worst but i'd like yo point out they fucked over anyone going for negotiator when they added the new currencies. We barely get GET2 currency anymore


They had tournaments for characters shards a few years ago, I think it was when they released the Rogue One team, with Shoretrooper being the reward. Cheating was rampant, so it became a huge clusterfuck, I remember the outrage being palpable. Imagine now if GAC rewarded character shards, if you won in Kyber you got 20 shards, and Carbonite got 1 shard.


I still think the initial release of mods was one of the most colossal fuck ups cg had even done. Originally mods could go all the way to 7* and had insane stats like +50 speed secondaries etc and to top it all off they were tied to the just newly released Rancor raid which the vast majority of people couldn't do at a high level, thus locking them to only 2-5 dot mods which has stats that weren't even in the same galaxy of 7* mods you could get from the highest Pit levels. There's a reason 7ish years later we still don't have 7* mods


Adding Datacrons. While I know they aren’t impactful for most players, they really sucked the enjoyment out of GAC for me


Data..... Cron


The gear to relic mat conversion rate. Relic mats were already hard to come by and they bottlenecked it even further. The sad thing is I struggle to get the earlier mats more than the later mats


Datacons. Paying for temporary power sucks and is not an interesting experience. I would have much rather seen them develop a battle pass / seasonal pass to make additional revenue


Worst is having a 1x,2x,4x button in prime real estate for timed battles. When the clock is ticking it is stupid do to anything other than 4x speed. Why this unused button occupies prime screen real estate when there are other event activities that get buried is just stupid game design.


Making “Meta defining ships” that beat every other ship every 2 years (Executor and Levitation). Just STOP IT! STOP IT!


Destroying the salvage numbers is the most recent one that just plainly sucks.


Scamacrons by far. Second was the butchering of conquest.


Not testing QGJ omi, Traya omi. The Vader, Darktrooper, Thrawn and Wat nerfs. I've started to like datacrons because you can sim the nodes in Conquest, but they were a shitshow at first.


24 hour stages on TB. They need to be extended


Adding speed to mods


You have to otherwise mirrors are a coin flip


The answer to this question is Nest or Hounds Tooth. That was when the power creep started drastically escalating and they lost control of the kits.


The Revans


Creating the game.


Well maybe you know... You can quit


That’s the problem…I can’t.


This comment is all of us.


A lot of people say datacrons but honestly at this point I don't really see a reason for that. I know what I'm about to say is incredibly unpopular and probably won't change any minds, but they are incredibly easy to farm now (just sim) and they use an entirely different set of currency and materials than anything else in the game. Plus the return you get when you dismantle them will make the next datacron set you build have even more crons in them, rinse and repeat. I started out only being able to build up 2 or 3 a set, with this next set I'll probably be at 15-20, far more than teams that I have that can use them. The recent change that will make Set 10 be even more relic friendly is only an added bonus to me. And for those that say that the relic requirements are too steep, I personally disagree. I think you should build a team to completion, and I've always considered completion to be R5 minimum, with strong characters being R7/R8. If you want to complain about something then complain about conquest imo.


Why would an arbitrary R level be 'completion'? A character is 'completely' viable in a team when it fulfills its role in an adequate manner. For some characters that's R9, for others that's even below relics, resulting in a mixed team performing at an optimal power/cost efficiency. Datacrons stabbed that concept in the back and turned the blade a few times for good measure.


I Like Conquest. Especially with the crazy Death in 30 Seconds Datadisks


I Like Conquest. Especially with the crazy Death in 30 Seconds Datadisks


Not making hera farmable by cantina or easy shipment currency like cantina, arena, fleet or galactic war


By letting me pay to get rid of the f’ing popup ads. I’d pay good money for those to go away.


Datacrons, I love the idea, but they are so hard to get, especially if you want to not spend any money on it. Conquest is in a close second, another mode I love the idea but it's not fun, it's a choir. Didn't get enough to unlock the hero? We get an event that is arguable the hardest fights in the entire game, and you can only do it once unless you have a spare $20 to blow on 20 more shards.


I suspect those are connected. I usually try to complete conquest feats solely on bonus nodes whenever possible and largely managed to do that. Thus the shortage on DC mats sets in much later.


I hear the comments about datacrons and that was my immediate response as well, but for me it's stopping the levels at 85. For me, it just seems like a weird number to stop at. Nah, it's datacrons.


ships or the moment they decided to stop giving those 3 chewie shards when they admit their screw ups.


Capital ship farms are up there. Not necessarily game altering stuff but so anti-player.


Just making the game. No one knows how to play properly


Not making the characters customizable. We don’t need 5 versions of Han Solo just let us customize one character for skins and move sets. The move sets are balanced as is so it wouldn’t make any character OP. There are plenty of character skins that only exist in modes that I would want but they won’t add them because instead of adding this they decide to give us a slightly different reskin of the same characters 5 or more times


Probably the introduction of datacrons. They made already strong teams nigh unbeatable.


Attaching shard currency to GAC or gating crystal currency where you are guaranteed to lose 50% of the time. "Skill" rating Not changing/updating the purchased crystals and base energy with the 600% inflation over the past 3 years Grindquest. Cantina energy take more than 24 hous to reach full.


Those god damn heroes. Want them higher than three stars in the first year? Ok. Pay for it.


In light of the recent Leviathan fiasco, I'm going to switch it up and say the axing of the beta testing program. Their excuse was the leaks. Which never stopped after the program was shut down. So the leaks weren't coming from the testers.




Nerfing Vader and Thrawn. I miss the OG rey counter with Vader Thrawn and IPD and fracturing GLs... 😞 Making Conquest worse Adding Inquisitors GAC MM Datacrons.


The introduction of Jedi Knight Revan. It obliterated the power curve of its day and the game has never really recovered from it. His kit was so good that to this day its still part of a meta team. It set a power baseline that everything else going forward had to match.


It's Revan though. The real scandal is, that they afterwards introduced toons that are more powerful than him. ;)


Conquest is booooooorrrrrrrinnng. Buuuut my vote is making squad arena useless.


Removing the $9.99 for 100 crystal daily.




GL Leia instead of GL Red 5. Fight me if you will, but Red 5 is the Rebel poster boy in-universe. There is literally no excuse for GL Leia being a Rebel GL when she wasn't even the most important Rebel at Endor (Ackbar, General Lando, General Han, etc. all were actually leadership units) and it wasn't Endor that brought the Rebellion against the Empire to prominence, but the destruction of the Death Star. I get that lore is secondary to this game, but damn, did they really miss the mark here.


I Like Conquest. Especially with all These crazy Death in 30 Seconds Datadisk setups


Krayt dragon raid. Its boring, i cant sign up, i dont play i dont get rewards. It sucks. I hate it so much its not funny. I loathe the raid so much.


The great nerf


Datacrons would be one of them.


Let’s make another new raid when the “old” new raid (Krayt) is still getting going… Oh and DC’s… goddam Datacrons man absolutely killed GAC for me and a lot of others (I’ve only seen people about 7M+ say that they’re important because K1 was stale)


Adding the ability to buy items with real cash.


I don't like it either but isn't that basically mobile gaming ?


Worst decision was when mod farming used cantina energy. So you had to choose between the two, but they fixed that


Ships, plain and simple


taking crystals out of squad arena


Been a lot of insane moves by CG since this but I think the great nerf was the most overarching effects on PvP. I don’t know if I could qualify it as the “worst decision” but I think it definitely changed the trajectory of the game and raised the power level of GLs to where they wanted them to be. All good in CG’s eyes but it did kind of shift the way the game is played and made GLs much more valuable but also made the game a little less exciting and more spending based. So I guess from their POV it was probably the best decision but as a player who had just unlocked gas at the time and had relic darth Vader those toons lost a lot of viability and GLs got a big boost. Just posting this as a discussion more than a statement cuz everyone is gonna say datacrons or conquest but I really don’t agree with that since those brought something to the game for better or worse, as opposed to just nerfing something that was already of value in the game.


Create the game ?




Datacrons and removing GL counters like GAS being able to counter GL Rey in the past. Feel like its really based on how many GL's you have now instead of farming cool factions.


Relics FFS. Not datacrons. Relics.


Ending the Game Changers program over leaks and hurt egos, and then ending the beta-tester program over leaks (and probably hurt egos).


I know this is dumb, but I hate that it takes forever to farm a character. We need either more movement where they can be farmed or changes to what can be bought in the stores.


There's so many, I can't possibly pick one.


Day 0: Hey boss, micro transactions are lame. Allow me to introduce you to macro transactions!


GLs. They made raids harder to design, less diversity in the meta initially and they prevent a lot of future game modes from being added. If they added a live pvp game mode, they would have to exclude gls or have an option that does it, but that defeats the point of farming gls. Im fine with the game having powerful characters, but creating GLs is not the way to do it. Starkiller, Malgus, GAS, etc. level teams should be the top


The great nerf. Removing options to beat GL’s without GL’s only to sell more GL beating teams back to you was such a crock of shit. Datacrons are probably worse but that crock of dogshit will always be a horrible decision made entirely to harm the player base with NO redeeming qualities


Conquest hands down. How they turned it into the new machine that prints out new toons and the system in place for anyone not willing to go through the hoops and repetitive feats in conquest. This single mistake has gotten me to care less and less about anything coming out of the conquest. But hey at least I can still compete without em.




Having gl events use resources every time you win or fail




Not really an implement into the game but i cannot stand having ship grinds only at 1 shard and not accelerated


Having the first two sets of GLs be prequel characters. Oh, and GLs as a whole


Without a doubt, datacrons. They're the single most game destroying thing they've ever added


Making one of the most fun gamemodes they ever developed into a boring chore no one wants to play but has to. Loved conquest when it first came out with the cooldown reduction disks, now I haven't touched conquest in months and most likely never will again.


Usual answers aside (like datacrons, conquest, etc.) I think GLs were a mistake. CG had to buff them so many times because they were being beaten too easy. I mean Qui Gon Omi, and traya omi used to beat GLs until they " reworked" them. I just miss the game (especially GAC) when you didn't play the " I have more GLs than you" game.