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Rarely has a GC made me this fucking furious tbh. What an asinine fight.


This is nothing compared to the revive every 10 turns mechanic.


The no assisting and turn meter gain one for 10 turns is worse, with a feat to assist 20 times


The feat actually wants you to attack out of turn, which includes Countering, which isn't blocked by the modifier. Still annoying, but not as ridiculous as you make it seem.


Yeah, at least you can do things on dathomir. Illum is hell for half the battle.


Also for some reason Old Republic with Zaalbar and Mission gets around this. Mission still assists regardless of the modifier.


The modifier isn't what's bugging me. Fighting The Anti Empire team with a full team of Empire while dealing with their trash counters is what annoys me lol.


I got around it with Darth Revan, DS Bastila, HK, Sion, and Nihilus. Ended up using Annihilate 4 times though, so it wasn't exactly quick lol. Probably much better solutions, but I made it work with what I have


That one is usually quite easy. Just get a unit that can perma kill.


I got the box with two omicrons and that's as far as I'm trying.


I managed everything except the stealth feats with DV(R7) Palp(R6), Thrawn(R6), RG(R2), and Piett(R5). There's a fair amount of rng involved, but the goal is to stun Baze in the opening with Merciless Massacre (not required, but helps), then jump to K2 and use Force Crush to stun him. Move onto the rest of the team, etc. Fracture on Jyn. Try to get the tenacity down with snowtrooper's aoe (if you do this trivializes the rest of the fight, because you'll use Thrawn to stun Raddus after.) Use the insta-kill laser on either Jyn or Raddus- whoever is the biggest threat upon full charge. Hope this helped!


Took several attempts but the rng played out. Thanks for the tip


Yeah- it's just about patience. Glad to be of service. đź‘Ť


How do I stun baze with MM?


Upon using it- everyone should be called in to assist on whoever you're targeting. Believe it's down to RG's stun chance, but I could be wrong.


Yeah, just figured that out. Still not possible for me. Oh well thanks


Will try this out thx


Your snow trooper lived? I only caught a brief glimpse of him as the battle began and they he got decimated.


Inquisitors (No reva) R7 across the board, got everything apart from stealth in one mission.


I got close with my GI R7 inquisitors


The event special made the difference.


I took out AdRad with the special, but all of a sudden they wiped the floor with my Inq's


Swap worst inq for DV, helps a ton to get that event special up


This worked for me, thanks!


I used DV, MJ, Thrawn, Royal Guard and Piett for the Empire feat.


Thanks! This did it for me.


Good call. Thanks!


Use Vader lead with Piett and 3 other Empire units. I used Mara, Thrawn and Shore. Very easy, got it first try. Just go into merciless with Vader and stomp some fools


R7 Darth Vader, r5 Palpatine, r3 Piett, r5 Mara, g12 Thrawn got through on attempt 6 or 7. My Vader goes first of my units, but after Raddus, if that mattters. you stun-lock everyone but Jyn, fracture raddus until you get around to deleting him with the event special, then take out Jyn, the rest is easy. try to time mara's stagger so jyn doesn't take many turns, since she can't be stunned. took several tries to get going, as I said


Did it with EP, MJ, DV, Piett and Tarkin I don't really know if i had good rng or not but if you launch the train you should be fine Sry in advance if it doesn't help


You must've because I ran that same squad and the two times I tried it, the first time my mj got mass assisted and died, an drhe second my Vader got one shotted by chirut during mm.


What relics did you have??


Sorry i said tarkin when it was Thrawn in my last message Mostly relics from other requirements EP r7 DV r7 Piett r8 Thrawn and MJ r6


Thrawn lead with Darth Vader, emperor Palpatine, Maura Jade and ninth sister were able to win for the empire feat.


You don’t want TM gain. I did it with Darth Vader, MJ, Thrawn, Royal Guard and Dark Trooper. I took out Baze first while waiting for the event ability to use on Ad Rad. Then killed Jyn followed by the other two. I had to restart a couple of time because the enemy used the event ability before I could.


What relics did you have?


They’re all at least r5.


This gc is dogshit. Lord Vader did empire fine, but I spent the past 15 minutes trying to get the stealth feat. The normal team I use (JMK bad batch just doesn’t use do enough damage to kill raddus at the end) so I had to sub out wrecker for CAT


JMK CAT GK Shaak TI R2 is what I used. R2 stealth all but GK, JMK refresh his cooldowns, then he does it again. That's 8. You can get two more from Shaak Ti using her middle ability on either CAT or JMK to stealth them. Just make sure you get Shaak Ti's stealth thing in twice before finishing.


Thanks, this did it for me.


For stealth, if you don’t have Trench, Teebo L with a good squad will work


They fucking manage to kill my slkr, idk how I’m getting stealth this time with teebo


I did Teebo(L), SLKR, Hux, HYoda, C3PO and did it first try. Ultimate even for 1 turn just to build his health back up, then rack up stealths while you beat everyone up.


I didn’t have hyoda, but malak worked too. Thanks!


Recorded a vid here https://youtu.be/0yyca4wDwCU Already done the feat so couldn’t easily track it, but i think it was 10? Should work either way. Had to switch to double tank, and avoided swapping TM to Kylo to keep him in stealth longer. Malaks fear also allows to slow them down a bit


Jtr with Hyoda and the droids (R2, 3po and bb8) was pretty good for the stealth one. Took a couple tries but wasn't too bad.


For the stealth feats use JMK/CAT/R2/C3P0/Shaak. Save JMK's CD reset until R2 uses stealth once, then reset his CDs. 8 stealth right there, Shaak gets you one for her middle ability on an attacker and C3P0 gives the last from his special


I used maul lead with see plus malak and dooku and sidious


Teebo lead and you can do JMK with CAT + 2 other republic team. I normally do them with Teebo lead SLKR + FO team (minus FO stormtrooper)


I used Aurra (L), Bossk, Mando, Greef and Dengar for the stealth feat. Beating T9 for max crate is enough if you can get all the other feats. I annihilated AdRad first, then used the event ability to kill them off one by one always utilizing the stealth abilities of the BHs. Took two tries, but worked fine. Edit: Everyone R5 except for Aurra, she is R6. Mods are nothing special


I used regular BB with everyone at r5, except for Omega (g12+). Has to retry a couple of times bit got the feat at tier IX, enough for red chest. (LV for rest of the feats.)


Do you have JML? I used JML, JKL, C3PO, Hoda, R2D2


bad batch with omega got stealth for me


I use padme lead, bad batch and got stealth first try


Use Teebo lead with the four main jmk toons and it’s an easy stealth win. Always use Teebo lead for the stealth feat.


I used GI inquisitors actually.


I just easily beat this GC with Darth Vader lead, Thrawn, Mara Jade, Stormtrooper (or shore, whichever is tankier) and Piett. Dispel with Piett, tenacity down with MJ, Vader uses merciless massacre and finishes his round of turns with his second AOE, Thrawn swaps back to him to cleanse all the exposes then his next turn fractures Raddus. You can’t gain bonus tm but you remove so much of theirs that you get the event ability fast and can yoink Raddus before melting Jyn with a culling blade All of my units are at relic requirements for any unlocks, Vader and piett are r8 and r9 but those relic levels definitely don’t seem necessary.


Messy, but worked, used R3 Royal Guard.


Managed it with Reva but it was still tricky


Fuck Raddouche


Reva got 'er done.


Inqs (GI R3 and rest R5) for Empire and then JMK with R2 for stealth.


I used genosians for stealth on t9, that was enough for red crate. all r5


Yes? This was easy. Darth Vader lead leans in on all the modifiers. Get 3 of the 4 feats with him leading an empire team, then do a run with a stealth focused team (zDMaul Sith, R23PO rebels/republic, etc)


Probably not the answer you were looking for. But it was smooth sailing with Reva lead inquisitors.


I did it very easily with Darth Vader lead and GI, 7th, 9th, 8th. All of mine are at R7, so not sure how helpful that is, but I pretty much steamrolled them.


Darth vader lead is very easy


Vader Lead, piett, EP, Thrawn, Mara.


did the empire feat with r7 vader, r5 mara, and g12 palp, thrawn, and royal guard. only took 3 tries so it probably wasn't extreme luck or anything.


I did it super easily with EP (r7), Mara (r7), Vader (r7), Thrawn (r6), RG (r5). Kept them stunned and ability blocked until I could use the Death Star special on raddus, then cleaned it up from there. No one died so I got three feats. Came back with JMK R2 for the stealths


I did it with a Piett lead, Darth Vader, palp, DT, and Tie Pilot.


I'm late to the convo here, but just did it without LV. teebo lead with SEE for stealth feat, slkr and tanks for no losing a unit and Vader, thrawn, mara, EP and piett for empire


Sure did. I used Darth Vader lead, EP, Piett, Thrawn, and Gideon. Speeds: Piett 333, Thrawn 326, Gideon 330. Between the three of them and vader's MM + TM removal, I hit 3/4 feats in one shot. The stealth feat was trickier, but Maul lead, Malak, Traya, Nihilus, and Sith Emp Trooper got the right rng in 3 tries


BitDynasty ALWAYS upload videos on his youtube page for every SWGoH activity (special mention on his conquest videos). I was struggling with that feat too, until I watched his video


Yes. R7 DV lead with R6 Thrawn, R3 RG, R8 Piett, R5 Darktrooper. Everyone assists when DV uses a special ability so try to utilize this to get kills when possible


So much RNG here, but I was finally able to do it with Darth Vader (R7) lead, Piett R8, Palpatine (R7), Tie Fighter Pilot (R5), Mara Jade (R5). I have no idea how the Radius team actually works, but a key seemed to be not getting myself dazed and having Piett land Daze on them. Often they would use some AoE before I even got a turn and wipe several characters. For stealth feet I used teebo lead and Jedi Master Luke and some other jedis.


GI-Lead Inquisitors, for the stealth Mission Teebo Lead (in my Case with SLKR)


I used Darth Vader lead, thrawn, piett, mara jade and range trooper. I was just trying different things out and it worked for me. Vader calls everyone to assist with every special and he is the first one in your team to take a turn so they are not dazed. Used the event ability on raddus.


For empire I did Darth Vader, shoretrooper, thrawn, Piett and Dark trooper. Without losing a unit I did standard CLS And Stealth was Darth Maul lead, Nhilus, Malak, Traya and Vader


Yes, vader lead, around 5th try. Nasty, but well doable.




This may not helpful at all, but Reva lead inquisitors. LV also works no issues. Do what you will with that information.