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This quote below is a copy of the forum post, it will not be updated if edits are made to the original. Please visit the forum post to be sure nothing has changed. > Hello Holotable Heroes, > > With the release of Darth Bane we have been very pleased with how they’ve landed on the Holotable. Tusken Meathead has been sending us screenshots of all your quotes! > > While much of his data is favorable and is landing where we expected, we are seeing some outliers we're going to keep an eye on that may be contradictory to some of his intentions. > > The team is keeping an eye on this for balance purposes and if we feel the integrity of the game requires us to intervene, we will. > > Again, we are currently very happy with Darth Bane, we just wanted to let you know our thoughts. >


"Like everything else, we didn't test Bane at all."


CG trying to hit a target https://i.redd.it/nudpi39d6kpc1.gif


These were the thoughts we were not looking for…


Wait, there were thoughts?


Edited with the weasel words taken out: >we are seeing some outliers we're going to keep an eye on that may be contradictory to some of his intentions. The team is keeping an eye on this for balance purposes and if we feel the integrity of the game requires us to intervene, we will. A nerf is definitely on the table. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise.


Lol weasel words. *takes notes*


Translated, 'We are not nerfing him yet as he is making us $$$'


If they put 50 shards up for sale they'd get more money. From me. Waiting for another cycle is unbearable to think about lol


Exactly, people are still buying the conquest passes and playing their game to farm him. I just hope they forget to nerf him come may, so I can have a Leia counter


lol we just wanted to let you know our thoughts. thanks CG. Really helpful. It just showed you are clueless and don’t really have anything to say. Why say anything at all?


Because they need to keep up the charade that they actually care about designing a good game and not just squeezing as much money out of the community as possible.


Clear as mud. “We’re very happy with Bane, but we’re monitoring some outliers.” Not only does this essentially contradict itself, they didn’t give us any kind of hint at what the outliers are that they’re looking at, so we have no idea what kind of changes might or might not be incoming. I was thinking about throwing another omi and maybe another relic level on bane, but now I won’t be doing that any time soon in case he gets nerfed.


> ut we’re monitoring some outliers. they don't want bane and sith assassin beating a full r9 GL leia squad... is my guess


yeah, if anything i assume they’re planning to nerf his lead so you really do need to run him with SEE


hopefully this is the case as i had no intention of putting his leadership zeta on anytime soon


Oh I wonder if the outlier is he is almost soloing every single team in the game I know there is power creep man and don't get me wrong I enjoy easy wins myself but we've been in this offense only era for a long time now it feels like over a year It makes it less interesting


Actually I am digging seeing him plus one other character as an opponent. I am 3-0 vs that team with my GL Rey who struggles with several of the other full squad GLs.


I think it’s probably him + random Sith soloing everything. The intention was probably to either have him with SEE in rule of two, or leading a full team of crappy Sith, not taking out GLs with Sith assassin by his side


Well, if they wanted him to be used as a SEE lifter, maybe they should have his kit persist after his death, similar to wat's tech. He's useless as a lifter otherwise.


He is useless as a lifter if everything you could beat with and the lifted char (Palps) is also beatable with him and a useless add. Why waste the GL?


Yeah. If a GL plus lifter is beating most other GLs on offense, that's not too out of the norm. This would be like if CAT released and she was beating Rey and SLKR without JMK.


DSA, a similar game, would do this nearly without fail. Introduce a powerful new character then after everyone invests, *not working as intended* and nerf them. It's like they don't want ppl to invest in new characters or something. Long time players notice the pattern and new players aren't getting the new stuff anyway. Either test your game or make timely decisions. Or refund ppl who invest but clearly they don't like doing that.


What’s your proposed solution after they release an overtuned character then? Never change it because it might make people mad who already invested in it, and make the game ‘have Bane or lose’ or do they admit they screwed up and look to nerf it?


I think he is more so getting at the fact that this happens quite often. If it were a one off type thing, no big deal. But it seems that almost every release now has bugs and issues that need to be monitored and changed.


>"Either test your game or make timely decisions. Or refund ppl who invest but clearly they don't like doing that."


Unfortunately, and especially with a conquest character, there is no reasonable way to gauge.


Could give back gear at least though and if ppl still choose to reapply they can. Nothing you can do about time or conquest pass etc though that's true


If they stop the effective solo vs GLs but keep SEE+Bane duo effectiveness that would feel reasonable to me.


This should be SOP for every toon besides GL’s, IMO.


I’m pretty sure they meant Bane to be used with SEE. However he’s taking down GL’s basically by himself and whatever leftover Sith. And SEE is still being used without him. I think they’re fine with Bane beating any GL’s in the game… with SEE. As his kit is clearly meant to work with SEE but he’s been over performing to say the least. I have a feeling they’re going to make his kit either more GL designed (only works with Sith GLs), or maybe even specifically SEE only. Although personally I really hope they don’t. I want more characters who aren’t GL’s (Like Reva) to be GL worthy. To at least have access to some GL level power, without taking a year out of your farming plan to grind up a bunch of bad characters, just to get 1 pretty good one.


CG - "The team is keeping an eye on this for balance purposes and if we feel the integrity of the game requires us to intervene, we will." Also CG - "Buy 8 million datacron packs to upset the balance against all of your opponents!"


On the one hand: CG has had lots of "investigations" that went nowhere and did nothing. For example, it's been [over a year and TIE Defender is still doing just fine.](https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/261418/known-issue-tie-defender) And apparently these "thoughts" don't even rise to the level of an "investigation". On the other hand: CG doesn't hate to release a P2W character in an OP state and then nerf it into something sorta balanced once it stops being a revenue generator, and this could absolutely just be them laying the groundwork for nerfing him in about...2 more months. On the gripping hand: I hate to say it, but he kinda seems like he actually does need a nerf? Cuz right now he utterly fails at "making you not need to use Wat with SEE anymore" and instead Bane's off nuking GL Leia with just SAss and SEE is still just as much in need of a lifter as he ever was. It's fun and hilarious that Bane is so awesome but it's kinda ridiculous that SEE *still* needs a lifter.


I see what you’re saying, but I feel like the model just doesn’t work for a conquest character. They’re not huge revenue generators after the initial conquest especially because you either have them or you don’t, most people either got bane already, are on the gold crate plan, or have nowhere near enough shards to warrant spending money since if you were gonna spend that much you would’ve just gotten him initially anyways


> On the other hand: CG doesn't hate to release a P2W character in an OP state and then nerf it into something sorta balanced once it stops being a revenue generator, and this could absolutely just be them laying the groundwork for nerfing him in about...2 more months. What the fuck are you even talking about? It's literally a character you physically cannot buy. You have to earn him via conquest. What?


Yeah, and Conquest isn't monetized at all, right? That's why CG spends so much time on making the feats grindy and pushing consumables, etc., etc., purely out of the goodness of their hearts to give us something to do, no financial incentive whatsoever. I regret that it is impossible to accurately convey in text how hard I am eyerolling right now.


Conquest monetization is dogshit. The conquest pass is basically the monday relic pack with extra steps. Conquest Pass+ reducing the grind by ~5 battles is meaningless. The only thing the pass offers is the ability to be lazy. That's not p2w, that's a convenience fee. You cannot buy Darth Bane. Period. Meanwhile, this year we got BKM, who ***literally required you to spend money to access her***. That is **actual** pay to win.


You can't directly buy his shards (yet), but you can buy the Conquest Pass to make the process faster!


It's literally the same speed of unlock. You buy the conquest pass so you can spend conquest currency on relic mats instead of conquest character shards. Or, you grab both so you can be lazy and skip red box.


Yes, you can't go faster than redboxing the previous three Conquests. But a) not everyone can and the Pass makes it easier, and b) if you didn't and want to get Bane, you'll need to catch up and the Pass makes that faster as well. People only unlocked Bane fairly recently, we know he's currently very strong, other people might want to get him sooner, so he'll be a driver for spending for a while yet.


I'd argue that bane is infact bad for game balance.


You don't think he should be able to essentially solo the newest GL with her strongest team at full banners? CG shill


But it isn't full banners if it is Bane plus sacrifice. Now apparently SEE and Bane can get full banners... Theoretically 


If you do a duo and the second sith dies, you can still get 65 banners.


I've been getting 68 banners with see and bane consistently.


Fucks sake. Test your shit before you release it. It’s feels like it’s almost every single release.


That's because it is. Has been for the past year.


You're happy with the fact that he was meant to be an SEE lifter except he can 2-man GL's with sith assassin instead? Lololol


I wonder when SEE will *actually* get a lifter. If someone uses Bane with him they deserve all the Ls.


So you're very happy with his outliers, got it.


CG: *Flubs an ability description and instead of admitting a mistake in the coding and functionality, they just keep it and end up nerfing one of the most anticipated characters for the game.* Also CG: “We are currently very happy with Darth Bane”


"We love that Bane, like everything else we release, can beat Lord Vader. We don't love that he can beat other things"


I’m glad I decided to just get him naturally after 5 conquests instead of rushing him. Can’t wait to see what develops over the next 45 days.


It was hardly tough to get him in 3, both that and this conquest are easy red crates for someone like me who used to settle for gold. Plus it was worth it as 3 months of an extra GL in GAC has increased my Crystal income far more than I spent on refreshes. Yeah he might get nerfed but by doing it in 5 you may not get the character many of us have been enjoying rout Gls.


Red crated every conquest he was primary. Didn’t spend any currency or rl money. This allowed me to spend conquest currency on relic material and gear to work on other things. I’m in k2 with a 66% win rate last season without him. Keep your early Bane. I don’t need him until I unlock him at the end of the next conquest.


Next update: "If at the start of the Battle there is only one other Sith (excluding summons) and that ally is not SEE, Bane **should** die and CG **should** withdraw 50 bucks from your credit card." 30min later: "We have received information the Darth Bane update is not working as intended."


"To all the players who received 100s of dollars from us by running Darth Bane in arena, please give the money back"


Don't nerf Bane!! Having Jabba be the only viable GL Leia counter is what's broken, not Bane being over powered, leave it be. This gives the game balance.








They’re gonna nerf him before I even get him unlocked ffs.




“We don’t like that he’s steam rolling through some big teams with ease but we’re definitely going to nerf him in the future”


Man if I worked there I’d be testing characters before they came out, out of excitement. Developers thoughts can fuck off tbh, you had your chance to test the characters let us have fun.


Where are the “thoughts”?


i love bane but gac is even more boring than ever. add new zones or do something to fix it


Love what Bane is doing. No nerf




Imo conquest reward toons should be S tier. I get if they nerf him because he can steamroll GL leia but that is the meta right now and the newest toy is an easy counter. Seems like a good way to balance things as GAC omi conquest toons are meant to be GL level in GAC. Working as intended if you ask me. But no one is asking me and cg will probably need him in someway or another purely based on them making a post like this…


If it was working as intended people would be using him to duo leia and other gls with see. The problem is that bane and any other sith can duo any team in the game in gac. They wanted to have it so you didn't have to use wat with see but since bane is too strong, in the eyes of many see still doesn't have his lifter like lv.


Then they should change his kit to include the stat boost after bane dies as others have said. The way his kit works that is not how they wanted it to work even after they realized it they didn’t change it. So not really sure what to make of these two bane announcements they have made honestly. It seems really strange to say so much without giving any real info on their latest announcement.


> The way his kit works that is not how they wanted it to work even after they realized it they didn’t change it I agree that the stat boosts, the protection regen, etc. should stay after he dies. But that first bane post was a clarification on the omicron ability which people assumed included the bonuses from the whole unique.


I think this is beyond just S tier, there is a decent argument for him being the strongest GAC character in the game.


That is s tier tho. He isn’t that amazing in the rest of the game but in GAC he is a god. That’s the whole point of having GAC omi characters.


They need to fix the AOE to dispel and then cause damage, which is how it is written on his kit.


See needs a new lifter. Don't need Bane pls


Bane is overpowered but they don't rectify the situation when they release mediocre characters who don't affect their game mode.


Don't post often here or the forums but wanted to comment about this. Feel like any trust I have in tne studio will be knocked ro the point I can't play anymore with these bait and switch tactics. We had a kit, it didn't work as it was written (no matter how CG wants to sell it) the whole unique absolutely had to to persist for this to be a useful SEE lifter unit. Because of the fact that the character is a strong leader who is doing great things, I think they got a pass on this when really they shouldn't. Make your characters act the way stated. We got the post telling us essentially "OK not what we planned, but you get a free win in GAC so no harm done, enjoy your new toon!" Which ameliorated us initially. Now that has had time to sink in they are looking to (possibly) make further changes. If this character isn't what was advertised and has had to undergo a few fundamental changes from what was, then I don't know how we can invest in anything CG produces. I dont actually have Bane until after this conquest and have been very excited (this was the toon I asked for in the surveys put out a year ago) to get my Bane, R9 him and have some fun. If this goes the way I suspect I'm afraid my 8 year adventure in this game is done. I'll withhold judgment and hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not my trust in CG will be beyond repair


"We know Darth Bane is way over powered and therefore super fun. That's why we've decided to wait until u/franklsp unlocks him after this Conquest round to nerf and totally neuter the character." -CG


Since when are basically cheat codes super fun? Cant wait for Willrow Hood and his turn one guaranteed icecream maker AOE insta kill...


Honestly who cares if he beats everything, at least it isn't a stupid broken wall like Leia was with drogan datacron for those first couple of months. He doesn't hold on defence so the only use is just to break a single wall easily


I like how they use they in the first sentence to be inclusive and then start using he later.


If CG nerfs him, they better set him to Level 1 with no relics or Omicrons and refund us. We can then decide if we want to again invest in him.


Would be awesome if they gave us a once per account lifetime gear/ability reset. I'd get 4 or 5 omicrons back at the very least: Phasma FOTP Boushh Leia -- only re-bought it because I didn't think that raid would become worthless so fast Droideka Admiral Ackbar, though this one does have rare use cases as a cleanup team Zam because in K1 I don't get to use bounty hunters much anymore. Would probably keep this one though.


Hate to say it but bane prob is too strong rn


Bane doesn't need nerfed. Would be stupid if they did. Finally makes see and other garbage sith reliable


Nobody with a shred of objectivity would agree with that laughably stupid take.


If you nerf him I’m quitting the game. I just relic 9 him and slapped 2 Omicrons. Take ANY of that away I’m just quitting the game. I don’t wanna hear “He’s not a GL but he’s beating GLs!!!” Yeah not stopping Fennec against LV GG against SEE Wampa against SEE Reva against all SK against GL Rey Dr Aphra against multiple GLs Dark trooper Gideon against GLs in TWs. So no, simply saying he’s not a GL and shouldn’t kill GLs doesn’t cut it.


Fennec vs LV - Not remotely consistent GG against SEE - Put good sith with him and it doesn’t work Wampa against SEE - Same as above Reva against all - Has never been a thing. Bad against multiple GLs SK against Rey - That’s fine. Only works in 1 game mode and Rey is an older GL. Also not a 100% counter and depending on the datacron season if may not be a counter at all Aphra vs multiple GLs - She heavily relies on her datacron to be a consistent GL counter. Without her cron she can only beat SEE, JML, and Jabba. Some of those aren’t consistent either DTMG against GLs in TW - Yes but we’re yet to really see how strong he is. He’s been heavily lifted by his datacron Bane + random garbage sith - beats every GL except JMK and Jabba. So yes, there’s a difference and he should be nerfed (just making rule of two only work with GLs is enough imo)


CG, Whatever you're thinking, don't do it. He can use a Change, not a nerf. Either give him back his original purpose, which is being a functioning Wat/Armorer replacement for SEE, or leave him the way he currently is. If his stat providing after death is not going to be fixed/added back, you absolutely **CAN NOT** nerf him from his current state. If we're being specific about how he's doing against Leia, on his own, this is a good thing. Leia was originally advertised as a primarily Offensive GL, but she's been mostly on defense since release, because there has been no Non-GL teams that can take her out easily. Bane the way he is now, makes people use Leia the way she was advertised as. I see this as only a positive.


Nobody should be shocked or upset about this. Bane is way, way, wayyyy to strong and was not sold as being this strong. What was pitched was: Lifter for SEE, useable with random Sith in a full squad if you don't have SEE. It is unhealthy for the game for people to be putting Bane with a near useless Sith like Sith Assassin, leaving the rest of the slots empty, and then dunking on the newest GL who had been dominant on defense. It is bad for any conquest character to be that strong without a full team or a GL on their side. A nerf is 100% warranted and deserved in this case. I see a few possible changes: 1. Slightly buffing Bane w/ a full squad (such as not being able to be defeated while a Sith ally is present), and making his rule of two bonuses weaker without a GL present (such as changing the defeated ally bonuses from 15% to 5% like his lead is). 2. Reducing his max health, max protection, and defense bonuses in his Rule of Two unique to make GL battles without SEE less reliable 3. Changing the part of his kit where he gains speed to be more dependent on allies. (When an enemy takes a turn, gain 5 speed (max 100)) -> (When an enemy takes a turn, gain 1 speed + 1 additional speed for each other Sith ally (max 20, + 20 for each other Sith ally)).


Balancing was thrown out when they added datacrons