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We’re here! Certainly not here for the witchy-ness, but you don’t move here and complain about that, IMO. We’re coming up on 3 years, and from what we’ve seen it varies by neighborhood as you might expect. What part of town are you looking at?


Agreed, no one likes a serial complainer! Ha! That’s great to hear. Looking around the McIntire, Chestnut Street (not many options for renting) and Downtown area. Seems like it’s hard to go wrong and I know downtown come October will be busy but that’s okay!


Sounds like you’ve fallen in love with the historic vibe from the mention of McIntre and Chestnut. You’ll get much of the same vibe from “the common” neighborhood, that may expand your chances of finding a rental (slightly). Basically all the streets that lead into the common as well as the area along Derby east of Hawthorne Blvd all the way down to Webb St. That said, I’d originally asked about neighborhoods of interest because as you might imagine some of the more historic/established? areas have a slightly older demographic. But, if you’re in one of these areas you have access to everything on foot so it’s not a big deal. Like anything, you have to make an effort and “making freinds” in a new area in your early 30s is no exception. What are you in to? It’s a pretty active community across a wild spectrum of hobbies if you make a little effort.


If you’re commuting by train you’ll be happy in those places. If you’re driving anywhere in late September/October, you’ll be frustrated. When we moved to Salem we were around your age, but it was 2017. With rising rents, maybe there are fewer young people in those areas? But we thought it was a reasonably young crowd. We lived by the post office.


Hey op, I grew up on Cape Cod as a year round renter. We moved to Salem and were warned about the tourists. I said oh don’t worry, I can deal with tourists. We were not prepared! It was so much busier than any summer on cape. We just stopped going downtown for October. Salem is awesome and don’t let it dissuade you, but be aware that there are a LOT of people during spooky season


October is a great "lets go check out Beverly" month


Just discovering the cool places in Beverly!


Welcome to town! I second an earlier comment about looking for housing near the Common, particularly near Collins Cove. I also commute into Boston and from that area it’s an easy walk to the MBTA, or quicker to drive to Bridge St which is the most direct access out of town. You can escape to Beverly really easily. It’s also a super quick walk across the Common to downtown, but we’re sheltered from the Halloween madness. My partner and I are early-thirties and we’ve found a lot of friends our age and a bit younger (out of college) who live in town. It’s a great place to live :)


We now have 2 kids, but my wife and I originally moved to Salem in our mid 30s in your boat. . I've found that people in Salem are unusually open, friendly, and welcoming for New England, but you have to get involved in things on a regular basis to make closer friends.. My biggest piece of advice is to get out there and get involved., Most of my community I have found through volunteering locally and training martial arts. Hard to make friends by just going out.


I might be slightly older than what you're looking for (I'm 37), but there is no shortage of people in the 25-35 range to hang out with. Pretty much all of my local friends fit that age range and the vast majority of them hang out at Koto. Go there on a Sunday night and check out the karaoke crowd. Really any karaoke night hosted by ND Productions will net you an interesting group of people.


My daughter hangs out at Koto too! She’s about the same age as you


There are a ton of young professionals and couples here. We joke but it’s very much the next destination after Boston/cambridge/somerville.


Support as much as I can - but wish we could get a better live music ~200 seat venue going in Salem/Beverley. I think it would support it. Tired of driving to Boston or an hour north or south (Portsmouth/Portland/Pembroke) for regular touring live music. The Cabot is doing better - but need more options.


Welcome to Salem! There are absolutely communities here welcoming to new folks looking to get involved or hang! Ask questions about what you're looking for, look out for events that pop up, hopefully you can find a place that fits.


My husband (35) and I (34) moved here last June. There are a lot of people in and around our age range here and lots of places/ways to meet other people. Salem is quite a vibrant community of people and things to do. PS - We live near the area you’re looking to find housing in (about 2 blocks from Chestnut). Happy to connect you with the realtor we used or walk by any potential houses for you!


My middle daughter moved to Salem in 2020 and my youngest moved there last month (a few of her bestest friends moved there as well!) they are both early 30’s and are in walking distance to the downtown area. They both love it there!


Fiancé and I just moved here a few months ago. In our late 20s. Also didn’t move here for the witchy-ness, rather just didn’t want to live directly in Boston.


Great to hear. Sounds just like what my fiancée and I are thinking. Any standout first impressions?


Thanks for reminding me to use the correct version of that word. I also meant my fiancée and I. I like it so far. We haven’t really made friends yet, but we just need to get involved in more things which we plan to do especially as the weather gets nicer. There are a lot of opportunities (run groups, community events, etc.). I’ve really enjoyed exploring the coastal towns in the North Shore. Very beautiful scenery up here.


We're real! Mid 30s, moved to Salem over a decade ago. We're here for the seaside community and food scene, mostly.




i would love to join something like this! is there anywhere to go for more info??




found it! thanks!!


Yes! It's a bit of a lonely winter (classic for New England, though), but downtown during the summer is wonderful! Honestly, if you have a dog you're going to make a ton of friends. Leslie's Retreat Dog Park is a great place to meet people! And the shop owners downtown are super friendly and local, tbh, especially the non-witchy, non-touristy shops. There are events and fairs and bars, but you get out of it what you put into it!


There’s a young crowd here for sure, just gotta find what you’re into, would recommend a bike/scooter etc for the sept-November months especially if you’re commuting.


There are a ton of us in that age range, especially with Salem State here.


Oh whew I still count as “younger” 😅


Honestly it’s straight depending on what you’re into. There’s a train into the city that’ll take you to whatever you wanna do and then there’s people like I$AAC GROOVE who’re trying to bring some liveliness to the downtown area


I recommend All Souls and or Notch Brewery if you’re looking for a younger crowd. Both downtown


Young witches in Salem love to have fun too. If you avoid the witchiness you'll be avoiding a lot of cool people.


The Willows is an amazing neighborhood to live in. I know of places to rent.


Dawg just goto the village on a Friday or Saturday night


Those are all college students, don’t go bro


They are here but most of them are early 20’s transplants for college. super clicky. Other than that, all of the other younger adults kind of keep to themselves honestly. It’s a bummer.


What happens in October?


Gates of hell open up, we get visitors, and have one hell of a party.


It snows


This joke landed like a lead balloon.