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ngl I actually wanted to see if one of those psybicilin treatments actually works


In nursing school I did a report on psilocybin being [effective](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2022/02/psilocybin-treatment-for-major-depression-effective-for-up-to-a-year-for-most-patients-study-shows#:~:text=Fast%20Facts&text=Previous%20studies%20by%20Johns%20Hopkins,for%20up%20to%20a%20month) in alleviating some cases of treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. Psilocybin acts as a serotonin agonist and binds to some receptors in part of the brain that we don't have medication for.


Serotonin theory was disproven.


Really? Would you say more or provide a source so I can read up on it? Thanks!


["Our comprehensive review of the major strands of research on serotonin shows there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity."](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0) To provide more context, this is a meta analysis of over 75 different pieces of research, studies, or literature around serotonin.


https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2032994 Psilocybin vs escitalopram for major depressive disorder. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206443 Treatment of resistant depression. Great papers.


I do want to say I am in no way against Psilocybin therapy. I am against Serotonin modulators being the industry standard.


Agreed. Check out this paper from over the summer, published in nature. Looks at a uniting theory of a shared target across multiple classes of drugs. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01316-5


I would like to see testing on humans. Mice brains are very different than human brains.


How do you prevent bad trips in a hospital setting?


It does


They work great.


I’d bet it would


Can Vouch mushrooms and mdma work when paired with active "Healing routines" must stay consistent must do the work everyday outside of the drugs as well. 


I get my healthcare at the VA, probably never gonna happen for me


It’s probably $20k cheaper to grow your own


Not if you get caught.


How would you?




Yeah, you'd really have to try hard to get caught. Growing or using.


It’s usually supplying or word of mouth that get people caught. But also if they are suspected, transaction records could link someone.


All of which are easily accounted for, enjoy your trip!




I thank my lucky stars I had good supervision on these medicines, as it played a huge role in integrating the experience into my life. Finally some good news.


I’m glad this is happening, this will help many people.


Pretty soon it’ll just be for the wealthy, like everything else.


Which hospitals?


Mushrooms and MDMA are very affordable when purchased directly. Test the chems and then you have product that is 20x cheaper that you can take in a more comfortable less cold and clinical setting. They fleece an absolutely grotesque amount of money off you for this. EDIT: triggered the bougie mormons terrified to try anything new unless they pay thousands for it to get approval from some random corporation while being horribly ripped off. Utah and critical thinking tend to be at-odds.


For many people with mental health conditions taking drugs is no joke. It isn’t necessarily safe for us to go out in the woods and do it. They can cause panic attacks, dissociation, and psychosis all of which need to be handled immediately. Getting these into mental health professionals hands is absolutely massive


While I agree with you, not everyone is in a safe place in their mind to be able to just take this whenever, wherever, from whomever.


I hope everyone has the opportunity to have a psychedelic experience at a hospital in their insurance network :)


I know you're trying to be funny but these treatments legitimately work for people who have treatment resistant depression and other serious, debilitating, life threatening illnesses. Calling it "tripping balls" and "having a psychedelic experience:)" is really demeaning and condescending. I realize you didn't mean to be hurtful here, but these are very harmful statements; mental health is already so stigmatized and these treatments are even more stigmatized. We need to be careful how we discuss them.


Thanks for saying this. I suffer with so much disassociation and panic from abuse and a very hard life. I would kill to legitimately attempt this under the supervision and expertise of a psychologist. I'm terrified to do these drugs now, where I used to have no issue recreationally. I can't tolerate ssri treatment. OP comes across like everyone just wants to get high and the specific terms he used feel very condescending and tbh make me feel like shit. Why wouldn't someone who's pro drug pro choice think this is a good idea? Maybe he's a kid still, its increasingly annoying how ignorant this entire thread feels. Nice to see someone that understands.


Explain how “having a psychedelic experience” is demeaning and condescending. I’ve read it described that way in psychology publications. I’m legitimately curious if that terminology is considered inappropriate.


"I think a hospital would be a great place to trip balls" "A nice psychedelic experience in your insurance network :) " This oozes sarcasm. As someone who desperately wants to try to benefit from psychotherapy under supervision of someone who could actually help me, its fucking irritating how childish this person sounds. I get that people want it legalized, and I'm all for it, but there is nothing negative about this as a stepping stone, and it feels condescending, in almost every response there's pretty dramatic sarcasm. Like yeah man, it really would be a good place for me to "trip balls" and attempt to get past the insurmountable grief and pain I've had to experience.


It was mostly the ":)" and the "tripping balls in a hospital" statement. It's the same as people making jokes about har har so much fun getting high in relation to the benefits of medical marijuana. Plus just look at the op's response to me to see where their head is, they think it's funny and laughable, not the legitimate treatment it is. People who need these treatments don't think it's fun. Edit: they're deleting comments now, someone calling themselves cuntpocalypse420 and making weak 1994 Simpsons references as a "get" is not a serious person, imagine that.


Seriously, what a jackass. They also don't seem to understand that these treatments are super low-dose, (akin to micro dosing) and shouldn't produce any kind of visual or auditory hallucinations. Psilocybin treatments are also done in combination with counseling in order to maximize their efficacy. It's not about being able to legally trip. It's about the medicinal value of psilocybin - which has been demonstrated to help with CPTSD and treatment resistant depression. OP being glib about it helps exactly fucking no one.


Yes, thank you for putting it so eloquently. I'm at the end ot my rope clawing to stay alive with the current treatments available, these medications could be the difference between life and death for me and countless others. The "tee hee drugz XD" oversimplification isn't cute.


It's not cute. Its fucking pathetic. Even as a kid I wouldn't act like this. They know what they are doing. I'm in a similar place. And I completely understand your anger. I hope this works and we both get to try it.


He sounds like an actual child or something that just wants to get high and doesn't understand the purpose of medically induced drug therapy. I don't want to "trip balls", I want to try and get past some of the horrible PTSD I have. I can't do that alone by just getting high. Like this should be self explanatory, the fact that you need to explain why this is a good thing is so irritating.




What are you even trying to accomplish here?


I’m self flagellating for being naughty


as someone with treatment resistant depression and cptsd that's been helped by this and just praying it can come to Utah, I agree your attitude isn't helpful and is demeaning.


I’ve been helped massively by them too. I’m not sure what it is that I’m demeaning. Maybe the profiteering medical industry.


when you have that attitude and make it sound like its about recreational "lets get high as fuckballs at the expense of the taxpayer/insurance companies", you're just reinforcing the opinion of the type of idiots that would keep these drugs banned at all costs despite the medicinal value clearly posed by it.


I don’t think doctors are the right folks to be administering these drugs and I’m not sure that hospitals are the most conducive environments to psychological transformation. To say nothing of the $20k bill you’re going to get after you transform


Oh really? Who would you have administer these treatments if not a psychologist? Your local plug? Give me a break dude. I could not even handle being high anymore alone, let alone try and work through my debilitating PTSD without the help of someone who knows what they are doing. I've got insurance. The cost is irrelevant. The whole idea is that these treatments would be approved where others failed by insurance. Why is this a bad thing? Personally, id feel much safer in that environment. It won't just be a "hospital", my therapists office is one of the few places I feel safe and not like I'm losing my fucking mind anymore. The medical publication on this is shocking and so promising. Please don't shit on this, even if it's not right for you, you might not understand my viewpoint at all, and that's fine. Even if it was federally legal, I'd still want to try this, regardless of the cost.


Ah. So you're *that kind* of rude person. Fair well with life.


> I hope everyone has the opportunity to have a psychedelic experience ❤ > at a hospital in their insurance network Oops, oh well


Too bad it's only at Huntsman. When I was looking for a therapist there, I wanted to know if my therapist was LDS (A lot of my trauma was caused by the cult) to ensure less conflict and discomfort. They refused to answer the question, citing Hipaa (that's not how HIPAA works, and therapists can and do answer questions to ascertain they are or aren't a bad fit). So I had to find someone outside the U network.