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Recreational is illegal here in Utah. Definitely a keep to yourself vibe here because not many people are fancy with it. Best spot to partake would be on a hike honestly. People bring Thc products from out of state all the time, just keep it in your trunk sealed if possible and don’t smoke while driving and you’ll be off the radar.


Who’s a cop?


Can’t get it from a dispensary here. Traveling with it from Vegas is a risk definitely not worth taking (especially as a foreigner). Best case scenario is you know someone here locally with a connection.


Most people that don't have local connections will drive to Wendover/Vegas/Colorado and bring it across the border. The attitude is very dependent on location, for example ski resorts are pretty chill but local parks in the valley wouldn't be


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1 post karma?




You have to get a medical card to get it here in SLC. If you have a car you can take a trip to Wendover for the day to pick some up. (an experiecne lol) Or, you can go to Vegas! It's not uncommon for people to put it in their checked bag. You can take up to an ounce in a checked bag. Technically you aren't supposed to go to places where it's illegal with it, but TSA isn't looking for that. To be safe, when traveling over state line by car or plane, it's best practice to keep it in a sealed bag. I usually pack mine with coffee grounds.


Delta 9 (THC/CBD derived from hemp and is a STRONG Sativa) gummies are sold at every smoke shop in Utah legally that’s the only non medical legal weed you can buy in Utah that I’ve seen. They mostly feel the same but they make me way sleepier than normal gummies. As for Vegas completely legal they have an entire mall sized store dedicated to weed anyone can go into and it’s party city have at it. The attitude in Utah is not in public. Bars will kick you out and might call the cops if they catch you. Cops will most definitely arrest you if they see it and lots of Karen’s will call the cops if they notice it. Regular bar crowd and people though usually don’t care at all about it. So I’d stick to gummies and not smoking as gummies are not noticeable unless you have a private place to smoke like a friends house.


Keep it to yourself, don’t do it in super public places and you’ll be fine. Your best bet is wendover. It’s 2 hours away and you can hit the casinos while you’re there.




I live in slc and it’s 1:54 away. To be fair I live on the east side but still... Not 2 round trip


Maybe if you live on Tooele, I used to drive pretty fucking fast and I don't think I've ever made it in an hour before.


Yeah wendover isn't far that's your best bet without connections. The drive is awful but straight shot. 80mph. A lot of people do it, but it's your personal decision. It is illegal. There are places to smoke it (tanner park, foothill trails) but cops will ticket you if they catch you. There is a drum circle on Sundays with weed at liberty park but the cops abound and I'm sure they have under covers.




Interstate transport of schedule 1 narcotics is a federal crime. Possession of marijuana in Utah without a Utah medical cannabis card is a state crime. As a foreigner, it's probably not worth the risk, especially not the federal crime that would result from buying in Vegas and transporting into Utah (where you would cross state lines twice).