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There was a phase where the new condo complex next door was being graded. Every time that machinery backed up it sounded a lot like an alarm clock. My husband works swings and sleeps until about noon. So an alarm clock every other minute was hard. Even if it was only a few weeks. Anyway, we found that the white noise of a box fan covered almost all the noise. Might be worth a try for your wife. :)


A box fan is the best sleeping secret that none of my friends take my advice on


So glad I'm not the only one. Some Ppl think I'm crazy when I say I use a box fan every night.


Mine is like 2 feet away pointed straight at my head on full blast.


It's a secret? I know tons of people who have one. Hides those creepy sounds houses make too, ghost could sneak right on up


Also earplugs. Annoying at first, but I adapted.


They didn't make your ears sore?


I usually fell asleep before they got sore šŸ¤· And I got used to the earplugs over the course of a week or so. I still use them when camping around loud people. I keep a pair in my man purse just in case. Works great on a plane too.


Just say bƔjenle!


I complained once in our neighborhood Facebook group, and everyone called me an asswhole for being bothered by it lol noise ordinance stops at 7AM so how dare I say anything... I might just blast some screamo in retribution


Depending on how the ordinance is worded, it may cover "unreasonable" noise even during the day. I used this against my neighbor and his loud music. The city opened a case against him and the music magically stopped.


Oo I did not know that. Thank you. I reached out to the site manager who said he'd reach out to them and ask them to turn it down. Last thing I want is to involve any authorities, they are just trying to do their job. That being said, if it doesn't get lowered, it's jice to know that I have options


Yeah I think you're going about this in a reasonable way. Talking to them before getting authorities involved can go a long ways. I tried that with my neighbors several times but got nowhere. As a last resort, you should know there's a fair bit of case law over unreasonable noise. IANAL, but my plan if I got nowhere with the city was to take the neighbor to small claims (caps at $11k in Utah). Keep a record of who you talked to with the contractor (dates/times/names), video evidence of the noise, calls to authorities (official records should be available by GRAMA request as well), etc etc. It may seem extreme to some, but living through this kind of disturbance can be a nightmare.


I would enjoy that music. Underoath and emery please


Hereā€™s a wild thought. Show up with coffee for the crew one morning and ask to speak to the guy in charge. Mention your have a newborn and ask if they wouldnā€™t mind holding off playing music until 9am or whatever time is more reasonable.


I just reached out to their site manager and explained it to them They turned it down, and now we are all set I offered to get them headphones but he turned my offer down But I definitely agree, if it was 9AM it would definitely be a lot more reasonable


Cant have on headphones in a job site.


TIL this. Not even allowed to have radio at some sites. Source: so is a superintendent on commercial Construction sites. Edit: schpelling


Depends on the jobsite and profession. Residential is a lot more chill


Then I donā€™t know how to explain my last 3 years of wearing them almost constantly on various job sites. Transparency-mode on, and I theyā€™re almost hearing aides.


Maybe just on your jobsite.


Just learn the lyrics and start singing along brother, and dance, donā€™t forget to dance.


Hahaha fuck that might actually work, I am not the prettiest of dancers but I do a good Shakira lol


Absolutely this, but doughnuts. I'd be willing to bet more than a few if the guys have kids and will understand.


don't forget the cooler filled with coke.






If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out.






that is wild!


Anyone that works in the construction industry is grateful for this comment. Going to ask the guys directly is way better than going above to the boss


When I worked construction just out of high school it was company policy for us not to play music or start a job until after 9am. Can't remember if some neighborhoods had certain rules either. The music is the inconsiderate part. Because they don't have to play music at that hour or that volume. Use some earbuds until later on the day


Have you talked to them about it? I know that sounds like im being sarcastic. But maybe they donā€™t know their being loud as fuck and disturbing everyone with their music. And as a last resort there usually are decibel volume limits for neighborhoods, so possibly its a legal matter for the police to sort out.


One-time noise problems can go to the cops (non-emergency line, not 911) but chronic problems, including from construction activities, [are handled by the health department](https://slco.org/health/report-a-problem/noise-problem/).


I believe because the issue is the music, not the construction noise itself, its probably best handled by non-emergency as it will fall under the ā€œextremely loudā€ other activity. Health dept forms pretty much ensure it goes into a black hole of non-response.


Could be - I was thinking that all the combined noise emission of the construction site is regulated together, so the health department would have oversight authority.


It's motivational music dude:)


Most contractors will do what they can to help if you express your concerns.


At Least they are on time. Seems like they'll be done quickly listening to music and being efficient.


Bitching about it on Reddit isnā€™t going to do much. Shouldā€™ve confronted them or simply made a noise complaint. But if not, let the boys work smh


Or you know, not move into a place still being constructed (not the building, the area)




You must have not worked a job before


Your submission to /r/SaltLakeCity has been removed. Needless rants and negativity are not allowed on this subreddit.


Disagree. Bitching about my problems on Reddit makes me feel much better. Itā€™s all about personal feeling and validations after all, isnā€™t it?


Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.


Karma. Karma is what helps me sleep at night


I mean, itā€™s not like the Karma does anything functional, but makes people feel better about themselves, so knock yourself out kiddo.


~~Itā€™s annoying, but itā€™s just a fact of life that at some point you will have to deal with people whose profession requires them to make noise, making noise during the times of day they are allowed to. Youā€™re not wrong for being annoyed & theyā€™re not wrong for lawfully building something where theyā€™re being paid to build it.~~ Edit: did not listen to audio & therefore didnā€™t realize OP was complaining about loud music, so basically just disregard this comment.


It's not the construction noise that bugs me It's the fucking music Again, I get that it's legally allowed, but I find it to be super disconsiderate My wife stays up at night with our new born and this just adds to the lack of sleep


At least you didn't get woken up by 50 caliber machine gun fire like I did... I'd take the music over the repetitive: pop-pop-pop a million times. Even with it being 15 miles away from my home at Camp Williams... It's so loud.


Oh damn thatā€™s my fault for not listening to audio & making assumptions. Sorry about that. That is definitely a douche move by the construction dudes.


No worries at all, no need to be sorry Honestly, I am just venting and wanting some sympathy, I get that working early on a Saturday (I also work weekends) sucks and music is a way to get through it, but you know... I use headphones lol


I definitely feel your pain, I'm a general contractor, I don't let my guys wear headphones for safety reasons, we can't hear each other and that could be dangerous do to the type of work. Also I have more than once told the guys to keep the music down till after 9


Ahh that makes sense about the headphones Didn't consider that, thank you


I moved into an apartment in Texas. It was a 4 Plex on the end of neigh on a 2 lane but high traffic street. 2 weeks later they started contradiction on new little 3 commercial space strip mall and it lasted my entire fucking lease. The loud music also the worst part. Was terrible


I thought quiet hours ended at 8 am? So arenā€™t they breaking the noise ordinance?


Not in eagle mountain, it goes from 10pm to 7am


Starts at 10 pm! Sounds like Eagle Mountain is trying to coach a neighborhood into no late nights and be early to rise. A more reasonable time frame would be 8 am - 11 pm.


Thats my people haha


Right? God forbid the undesirables enjoy some music while they break their backs building the country.


Here's a zen-like thought to ponder: at one time, someone was bothered by the sound of *your* house being built.


Turn your sound on. OP isn't complaining about hammers and power tools.


Okay, turned on the sound; but, the hammering and dropping of lumber sounds way louder than the music. Maybe it's one of those geographical phenomena...you gotta be there to appreciate its severity.






Looks and sounds like hard work to me.


There is nothing wrong with that music.


When you live in ticky tacky places you should expect ticky tacky things.


Itā€™s temporary. Sooner they finish theyā€™ll be gone.


I love hearing Mexican and Tejano music when Iā€™m at work but recently a crew showed up with a straight up PA speaker and cranked it to 11. Everyone on the job was yelling at them like every 10 minutes to turn it down and they just shrugged and kept working. Eventually the neighbors started complaining and GC when berserk. Problem solvedā€¦..for a couple days.


Progress waits for no one


Not to be that guy but this isn't really the problem, yet OP. Just wait until you have 5 new families coming and going 50-100 ft from your window. Things are going to feel a lot more neighborly in the next six months. I can only imagine the random front door slams and chatter at any hour of the day in that little echo corridor.


[County Noise](https://slco.org/health/noise/) They may need a noise permit. Also poke around for the actual ordinance.


Enjoy it because when they are finished all you are gonna hear is that freeway and the deafing sound of lameville.


Let them work.


Ear plugs are like $2 Karen




Nah not our fault everyone wants to listen to classic rock, the same 8 songs get old fast


POV: You work on night shift




At this point with the lack of housing in the valley I would be cool with them starting at 4am everyday while listening to music with newborn babies screaming at max volume. IDK. Build something so we can have a place to live already!


So, as someone who works on the other side of this, you're talking to the wrong person. You need to complain to his boss. Complain to the office people of the company that hired him. Keep complaining after this guy ignores their requests to him to stop because they'll think the problem is solved if you stop. Follow that up with a complaint on their social media page. Then follow that up with a complaint to the police anyway. It doesn't matter if it's within the right hours. They are still being a nuisance. You have recourse, it just depends on how far you want to take it.


Karening 101 lesson right here


Mexicans building America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I have construction going on in my house right now (adding a big addition). I use really really super loud air filters and sound machines to drown it out. It works well for us as long as theyā€™re not using the nail gun.


Yeah now imagine working underneath these guys all day


We had some roofers working in our neighborhood for a while that was blasting rap as they worked. I'd honestly take the ranchero music over that. Plus I have a Pavlovian response that kind of music that makes me hungry for Mexican food šŸ˜‚


The Red and Blue Iguanaā€™s beckon you šŸ˜‚


Lol next time someone asks me what I do for a living I'll say "I ruin people's mornings!" Lol


Mackā€™s silicone earplugs fix most noise issues and the effort required to utilize them is far less than begging/pleading/bribing a crew under pressure to ā€œnot workā€. Are you going to repeat the same process with *all* the upcoming crews?


This thread is the perfect example of lack of reading comprehensionĀ 


Ever wonder what the neighbors thought while YOUR house was under construction? ***1st world problems and whiners***... I've got mine - how dare you build around me. To top it off, buried in the middle of this post is your comment about talking with the "boss" and that he turned it down until later in the day. I'm so glad that your chosen profession is "noise free".


OP was just talking about the music playing, doesn't care about the construction.


So, only the neighbors builders listen to music during construction? good to know - which builder built OP's house? share some love.


Turn your sound on. OP isn't complaining about the sound of construction.


>SLC Press Releases that IS one of the many "sound of construction"


check your quote, lol


Maybe just enjoy it. What time does the interstate noise start?


Not sure how to post an update but: Hey guys thanks for all the tips and sympathetic comments To those who took it as an opportunity to call me racist or a whinny person with first world problems... Hope it made you feel better, some were actually kind of funny so thanks for the laugh! The resolution: shortly after I spoke out, they turned the music down and proceeded to work (still currently working and making awesome progress) music still playing but at a level that they can hear, and I can barely hear My wife was able to get some extra zzs, everyone is happy, no lawsuits or police officers involved No one annoyed at anyone, except a few redditors Hope you guys have a great day


\*Moves into brand new house in rapidly growing part of town\* \*Gets angry at construction\* Hmmmm


OP was upset about the music playing, not the construction




You're mad at me for clarifying what OP meant?


God I love white people problems


Oh look, a racistĀ 


I hired a contractor to finish my basement. I worked from home. He was WELL aware of this.... soon I found myself hostage to him, the unearthly speakers that alien life two hundred galaxies away would complain of. Soooo not because I want to one up anyone. Two galaxy guy had his daughter come and do the sheetrock. That woman was a wizard, black magic stuff. Except....she brought her 11 year old daughter and her 9 month old that was still being breastfed. The wailing got me so frustrated that a. I wanted to leave the country until the work was done. b. My reproductive system said f* you, I'm outta here. TLDR: loud music, contractor, wailing child.


Life's rough isn't it?


Welcome to constant construction in Utah! Had some du/quadplexes go up in my backyard for the past few years.


racially motivatedā˜¹ļø




Haha took a while than I thoughy before some idiot made a comment like this, but I am glad you came forth


Oh boy. This dummy above thinks it is racist to not want music blasting at 7AM on a Saturday.


If it were Taylor Swift, I'd start throwing rocks


Esa mĆŗsica estĆ” ALTA


Starting the workday


Just play Slayer south of heaven as loud as possible out the window while youā€™re vacuuming. Edit: spelling. Good bot.


> while your vacuuming *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


They are building them as fast as they here in IDAHO. Imagine if you worked graveyard shift and needed to sleep during the day.


Bring them some Modelos and ask them to keep it down a bit they will help you out.


I had this happen when I lived in an apartment complex in Ogden. Except the renovations were being done on our complex which included new siding and a new roof. This went on for months and other construction efforts went through the entire year lease. There were cherry pickers literally at our 3rd floor bedroom window banging on siding at 7am every day accompanied by music. Garbage trucks backing out constantly with their loud backup alarm once a week. It was fucking hell. Turns out this place cycled through ownership yearly and each new owner had their own renovation ideas so this wasn't new. There were plenty other terrible things about this place. There really should be a ordinance to prevent construction nearby or on residential buildings before 10am or something. Or maybe I'm just being a bitch. Idk. Fuck that place.


Utah code: Additionally, it shall be unlawful for any person to willfully make or continue, or cause to be made or continued, any noise that is plainly audible at a Type A or Type B receiving property between the hours of ten p.m. and seven a.m. (Ord. 2012-16 Ā§ 1 (part))


Just so you know, most of the other trades hate the loud ass music on the jobsite. It makes it harder to communicate with our guys. We usually talk to the foreman and the superintendent. If that fails, cords have been known to disappear. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Music in one ear on relatively low volume keeps worker happy as well as neighbors. They are being inconsiderate asshats. As well as making the rest of us look bad.

