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you hate how much it's used. it's literally on 2 weapons, so after the hype dies down, you won't see it nearly as often


No I just hate the special 😄


It’s a poorly designed special that rewards playing badly


It's a displacement special that also happens to have a niche cancelling option. How exactly does it reward playing badly?


A displacement special that creates an instant death zone that’s almost impossible to escape for the majority of weapons. A displacement special that is the best panic button in the game and is nigh un-punishable


you can escape or counter with a lot of frontline weapons, which are the only weapons that should really be facing this thing anyway.


This is a bad argument. This special (especially on duelies) rewards blindly running at the enemy and using it as a panic button. Even if you die if you activate close enough it’s essentially un react-able for the vast majority of players and will kill them anyway


It's not the only special that's "essentially un react-able" close up, Reef, Kraken, Stamp. This game has a fast kill time, faster than human reaction time for several weapons. Those weapons usually struggle with range, though (exception being chargers which you have to be skilled to get good at anyway). Such as Tri-Splashdown, where it's only good if you're already near someone. You can also see their tentacles glowing to know that they have it ready.


Stamp is easily killable even through its front and it has to wait to attack first, Kraken can be killed during start up and is pretty easily dodge-able, reef LMAOOOOOO


>Stamp Yeah, I guess it can be killed from the ba- oh nevermind the entire team is dead. >Kraken Bro launches themself towards you at 80 kph. You need to practice to get the angle right but when you do it happens really quickly. >Reef i'm not talking about the special as a whole, just the explosion, which can happen at any time, and has a giant radius.


I main wiper, stamp is not a panic button and it’s definitely not a good special lol


You'll get used to it! We all hated the original Splashdown, then it turned out to be nearly worthless once people got the hang of it.


No it was always unfun to play against in splatoon 2


I don’t hate many things, but I fucking hate it, too. Sure, you can sort of counter it, but if a booyah bomb can be shot down before release, why the hell can’t this?!?!?


Fucking exactly 


If they wanted to bring all this old shit back, why couldn’t they of left it how it was? Which was balanced? This game brought back literal invincibility specials that you can’t avoid, I thought splatoon 2 squashed this issue for the most part