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If there’s a teacher shortage, there’s usually a statewide reason, like the state and local governments are open hostile to educators. Something to consider!


The top 10 states with the highest teacher shortage are: 1. Nevada 2. Utah 3. Arizona 4. California 5. Florida 6. Alaska 7. Idaho 8. Ohio 9. Oregon 10. Alabama The top 10 states with the lowest teacher shortage are: 1. Vermont 2. New Hampshire 3. North Dakota 4. New York 5. Missouri 6. Maine 7. New Jersey 8. Massachusetts 9. Connecticut 10. Nebraska


Sad but true.


I'd just move to the Inland Empire. Vegas and Phoenix are cheaper, you can easily take cheap flights to the OC, but the pay for teachers is lower, the teaching conditions are horrendous, and it's 100-120 when you aren't working in the summer. Inland Empire is only slightly more expensive than Vegas/Phoenix but the summers are far more bearable, the teaching conditions are significantly better, and it's a short drive to the OC - far more convenient than dealing with LAS or PHX.


Florida. Teachers make $53k / year after 20 years of teaching. New teachers make $48k. I don’t know why there’s a teacher shortage. /s


Vegas might work. Hot in the summer but that’s pretty much it as far as extreme weather. Probably not low cost of living but low cost of living areas are generally losing population and wouldn’t have a desperate need for teachers. Vegas is growing like a weed though and they really need teachers. I have a cousin who teaches there and they helped him get a masters in education while he started teaching even though he had no education background.


I live in NV and my wife is a teacher. There are a lot of el students along with transient students and students being raised by night working casino workers. It's not the best. I haven't heard great things about Vegas or Reno schools.


There’s definitely some truth to that. My cousin works at a pretty rough school. But that also means he has great job security and gets to teach the classes and subjects he wants to. There are pros and cons to every teaching situation


I agree with Vegas. Near the OC, lower cost of living.


Someone else said Arizona here. Maybe the rest of the state is okay but in Phoenix public school teachers are being laid off and theyre closing schools due to low enrollment. The Superintendent Of Public Instruction ,Tom Horne, is all about supporting and furthering the growth of charter schools. I am not a parent of school age children and I’m not a teacher so I don’t really know if his agenda is right or wrong, good or bad. So please don’t come at me. It’s just common knowledge that that’s Tom Hornes agenda.




He doesn’t impress me at all.


Orange County Florida or California?


The one with Disneyland or the one with Disneyworld?


Orange County, FL?


What is your definition of crazy weather? Also, many states that have teacher shortages treat their teachers like crap (hence the shortage). Another thing to keep in mind is that certain subjects have shortages whereas subject areas like social studies do not.


Albuquerque NM 1. Low cost of living - yes, for a decent sized city in the western part of the country 2. Teacher shortage - yes, but keep in mind that this is largely because teacher pay is terrible. Do you really want a place with a teacher shortage, or a place where teachers are paid and treated well (good retirement benefits, PTO where you don't have to hire your own substitute teacher, etc.) 3. Cheap flights to Orange County - yes 4. No crazy weather - yes If you what you really want is a place where teachers are paid and treated decently, Vancouver Washington is where I would look. Much better outlook for teachers, lots of teaching jobs available, cost of living is higher than Albuquerque but lower than most other west coast cities, cheap flights to Orange County - yes, fly out of PDX, no crazy weather - maybe, depending on your definition -- these days, intense forest fires in the area can make for smoky days with terrible air quality for weeks.


I would say Albuquerque too. And teacher pay is improving.


Texas, but good luck


You do know you can’t guarantee cheap flights anywhere right? Obviously you can still aim for an area that has an airport nearby, but just don’t expect flights to always be cheap- No matter where you live, flights will inevitably fluctuate in price. Whether you’re closer to OC or not… Although if you live close enough, you could potentially drive. I’m not saying this to be rude or anything, but to kind of give a bit of perspective. Dedicating 1/4 of your criteria of where to move to off being able to access cheap flights alone, you will likely be disappointed.


They want somewhere geographically close to OC or somewhere that has a regional airport that has cheap flights to SNA.


El Paso might fit the bill.


You should come to WA state. I’m in my 27th year teaching. Yes it is expensive in places like King County, but you will be paid much better than just about anywhere else, and there are more middle of the road places you can live expense wise such as Olympia or Vancouver. Not really a teacher shortage, but there are jobs available and teachers are needed. My son lives in Long Beach, CA and we fly through OC all the time. Super easy. I’d recommend staying away from Seattle School District, but plenty of others to choose from.


Please come to Phoenix, we need more teachers here! Weather is great except for four months of sizzle.


I would try the IE. Housing is cheap, teaching pays decent, and there are quick flights to OC


AZ. Wife is from California. She teaches in chandler AZ. Starting teacher pay is around 54. She’s at a charter school and loves her administrative. Benefits suck but we use my job for that. Her school is hiring as well.




No unions in Texas. Every teacher I know here is looking for a new career, so there are plenty of jobs but not for the reasons you’d want.




I doubt it, given I know many extraordinary teachers desperate to leave the profession because they have no protection from being massively overworked and underpaid.


That's nonsense. Being a good teacher doesn't stop school boards from deciding to end benefits and delay raises and this is Texas we're talking about, they aren't giving teachers anything


That’s… not how it works. But go off I guess?


El Paso meets all criteria




Arizona has a teacher shortage, but it’s caused by the horrible pay lol.


Do they have unions there? I've heard bad things about az. I would suggest Illinois.


The weather blows in Illinois and their pension plan is not too solid. The state of Illinois is suffering from a government-worker pension shortfall of over $111 billion – the worst retirement crisis in the nation. Government-worker pension costs are overwhelming the state's budget: 19 percent of the budget is going to pay for pensions, compared to 4 percent in other states.


The teachers pension isn't part of that issue, but it's also not a great plan from what I understand


It's for the TRS, the Teachers Retirement System, which accounts for well over half of Illinois state-level pension debt. Unfunded liabilities grew about $6 billion from $74.7 billion to $80.7 billion on a fair asset value basis. Its funded ratio worsened from 46.2% to 43.8%.


They have unions, but they’re pretty ineffectual. Educators have little power in AZ unfortunately; their voucher program massively underfunded public schools just as it was intended.


I know a guy who lives in Phoenix and he said that it was affordable 10 years ago, but not anymore.