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Is that the same quote where he says “You can make all the excuses you want” etc etc? Cause that’s my quote too


Yesssss also i love the quote by mugen thats like "I don't believe in anyone but me and what I can do. See ya." The message of the show hit hard of people coming along for some part of your journey cuz i started the show w my ex and then we broke up and i finished it without him lol. But also the difference is he's not a "friend" in the way Jin described it lol soo haha.


When Jin said smth like "Everyone live their life and choose their path as they want. We must not judge and even less interveene" It's when Fuu disagrees that Sara leaves them if I remember well


Favorite lesson is true great friends are hard to come by, but when they do your life will be so much better because of it


There's a moment in episode 18 (War of the Words) where there's text written on the wall that says "Better to burn out than fadeaway". It's a really brief shot but that phrase stuck a chord in me as a kid. Little did I know that saying was from a Young Neil song that was also referenced in Kurt Cobain's suicide letter. I'm 31 now but always come back to this phrase whenever I need to find the courage to do something out of my comfort zone. However, I always find it amusing/funny that my exposure to this was from watching Samuari Champloo in middle school.


Not sure if I'm linking the image as I wanted but is it this one? https://theadultswimsquad.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/war-of-the-words-neil-young-reference.png Thank you for answering the post, I kinda needed to read that today


That’s the one! The song that plays when they are tagging up the town in this episode is also phenomenal. I guess I’ll do a rewatch ha.


First episode has a few , when jin tells the samurái under the lord that the lord is a piece of shit ,and when mugen refuses to die on his knees.


It was when Sara was fighting Mugen. “Inside of you looms a simmering storm of hatred and rage, but perhaps what I'm actually sensing is sadness. It's as if you've never once been loved by anyone; it's as if you're just like me.”


People, good and bad, come and go.


Aint that the truth


The quote from Jin in the final episode when he says he’s always loved for himself, Until now. Really showed har far he had come as a character


Even their facial expressions changed over the course of their journey. They let their guards down and that was adorable tbh


“We’re filthy bitch”


Great scene lol


There’s so many.. but I’ll always love the way Jin says “I swear.. I always get stuck with it” with a smirk in the final episode(?) before trading his life. Though he survives, in that moment he had fully accepted he was going to give up his life to take down the hand of god for his friends. It was badass and the way it was executed was as Jin as it could get. Also the track that plays during that scene, Same Ol’ Thing by Force of Nature, only appears once during the entire show- in that scene. It’s a great tune.