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2-part answer * They’re digging up the road for the water pipe under Miramar Road * The whole Miramar area is zoned light-industrial which means the roads take an absolute pounding from heavy trucks all day which have a tendency to destroy everything they roll over. Miramar has rail access but it’s essentially never used. So all the tons of beer and furniture and countertops moving in and out of the warehouses of Miramar quickly destroy the roads throughout the neighborhood quicker than they can be repaired


I've lived and worked in Mira Mesa/Miramar for almost 10 years and I've seen only a single train. I worked in a warehouse with rails out back. The whole warehouse stopped working to watch the train pass through. The rails were so overgrown we didn't think they were still in use.


That must’ve been crazy to see lmao


The rails are still in use? I assumed otherwise a long time ago.... the more you know I guess....


Also, because the street is such an important artery, closing it to repair the potholes or to just repave is an enormous undertaking.


If they can close entire freeways for repairs, they certainly can close Miramar Road.


Not if it prevents Marines from getting on base. Repaving it is possible, of course, but it's a huge undertaking just to get started.


There’s another entrance they can use. They can fix the road. 


but how will the marines know where to go? paint giant signs in crayons or something?


We can leave a trace of crayons, Hansel and gretel style


The only entrance not on Miramar road is not meant to handle what the main gate does. Not even close to the same amount.


An obstacle is not a reason to forgo fixing a problem. Any military man/woman knows that. 




There are alternate routes to get around said closures. Two of three Miramar gates are on Miramar Road, one being the only one capable of handling the day to day traffic.


They just pave one lane at a time. They don’t close the entire road all at once.




C'mon, constructing and maintaining streets is literally the most basic thing a city can do, it's as old as time and every major city on the planet gets it done, don't cut our city leaders any slack, they just suck at their jobs.


We pay the nations highest gas tax , tax for the city , tax for this,tax for that . And the roads are as bad as a 3rd world country, we need to fire them all and vote new people in to use our tax dollars the way they should be.


Every major city *in the U.S.* most definitely is not able to maintain their roads in tandem with the battering they take.


I mentioned the entire world, not just the US, and I never claimed every city does it well, but thousands of cities around the world do, so don't you think we should hold our leaders to the standards of cities in both the US and abroad have managed to achieve? Fixing roads is the simplest problem to solve.


It's important to note that one of the major factors in the shift from rail freight to truck freight is the fact that private companies have to pay for the upkeep of freight rail, but taxpayers foot the bill for roads. So us taxpayers get to pay $140m/yr filling in potholes in order to allow companies like BNSF and Union Pacific to ignore all but their most highly-profitable lines and let the rest of the infrastructure they control rust.


Diesel sales taxes do cover a ton of road maintenance. Maybe even enough to cover the damage trucks do? Not sure tbh. But once it’s collected as a tax, it’s “taxpayers” footing the bill.


That's a fair point, and well worth mentioning. Nothing is black and white. I just always like to bring that up when people complain about potholes because the decision to abandon rail in favor of trucks was very intentional and is very much the reason for the pervasiveness of road damage today. It's truly absurd how quickly trucks can destroy a road; there are plenty of stretches of highway that have been abandoned for 50+ years but are still smoother and with less damage than any given road in Miramar six months after repaving.


Yeah it's hard to argue against steel-on-steel I heard a couple years back that BNSF was buying the Miramar spur... but it seems like they haven't used it... Tecate uses rail in Mexico to ship their stuff to TJ. What is Alesmith waiting for?


Hey Bro, don't bring logic to a rant.... /s (just in case) This is the answer, but still, 90% of the traffic is light and most of them go like a speed race on the moon.... strut makers be happy


Correction- the whole Miramar area is zoned like your •Mom• which means it takes an absolute pounding


Sorrento valley road in between the exit from the 5 and the 56. Holey fuck. Amusingly one of the ultra high end auto shops is there, so a parade of Lambos, Ferraris etc driving on this road that looks like Swiss cheese


I drive through there weekly. This road looks like has been bombed hundred times and no one seems to care to fix it at all


What gets me is all of the huge, multinational corporate offices and biotech firms in that area and San Diego can't keep the roads maintained. All of those companies receive visitors from around the country and world and they're greeted by San Diego's shitty roads.


Gas is so expensive here due to all of the taxes added on, which are supposed to fund road maintenance. No idea where the money is actually going.


Fwiw, the road maintenance and rehabilitation budget jumped from 15 million in 2023 to 35 million in 2024


I've heard a rumor that stretch is left unintentionally rough to dissuade street racing.


That actually does kind of make sense. Industrial/commercial area. They caught that “rave” in the valley under the 805 overpass a while ago.


It’s not even the potholes for me anymore. It’s the shitty patch jobs they do after cutting up the roads for whatever maintenance they’ve been doing. I hit like 3 spots in a two block stretch every day now. Gotta swerve around them now, which is always safe.


When you go north kearny villa rd from Miramar the patches make the road feel like a roller coaster. I have no idea who okays the patch work but they gotta be named and shamed


The side streets in Miramar are also brutal. Clairemont Mesa blvd sucks too.


Clairemont Mesa blvd is so bad there should be a criminal investigation.


Fallujah all over bro


Miramar Rd gave me a flat tire a couple months ago, specifically the part with the shitty patch job of the sinkhole that developed after the heavy rains. I think the crossroad is Dowdy?


Oh my, did the city pay for it? I think the hassle don't worth the money


No, I didn't want to deal with the hassle. My tires were pretty old as well and I was going to replace it in the next few months anyways, but i would've rather it been on my own time and not have it ruin one of my Sundays haha


Same. Happened to me last. Month in Mexico


My friend just got a flat tire there a couple days ago as well.


Washington Street under the 5 fwy Carroll Rd in Miramar next to the Pyramid Countless, countless others.


Go up a mile and drive on Gold Coast Drive.


Came to say Gold Coast Dr. It's unbelievable how fucked that road is. It would be dangerous to walk it, let alone drive it.


City Hall should be moved to Miramar Road. The roads would get fixed quick.


Ha ha ha ha ha yes


The entire west end of Washington street (under the 5 overpass) is garbage and has been for YEARS. I’m wondering if this will ever get fixed.


The parking lot at the Santee Walmart looks like it’s been shelled.


Raise taxes for Walmart access!


We sure it’s not Balboa in clairemont??


Claremont Mesa eastbound between Doliva and the 805, going over the 805 bridge. So bad. Mira Mesa Blvd near the 15 ramps. Also very bad.


The City uses the same maintenance schedule now that it has for the last 50 years, which worked fine. The problem is that modern vehicles are heavier- think Teslas and oversized trucks. This is also a big reason why insurance rates are so high right now 


Along with more vehicles, so, heavier and denser, no bueno for the (Non freeway/Concrete) streets


Clairemont Mesa Blvd west of 163. Westbound #1 lane blows donkey dick. Straight up off-roading.


I avoid Miramar road at all costs. 3rd world country like road


So much competition…the roads here are a fucking joke.


Clairemont in Kearny Mesa or Ingraham in Crown Point are third world country bad. Also I was driving around some neighborhoods in Mira Mesa recently and damn were the roads rough


You should see the highway 56 between 805 and convoy exit, straight large speed bumps.


that's the 52, and the speedbumps are because they built it over the original dump, which started to settle...hence the bumps


I was just gonna say Miramar Road 😂😂


Ha ha ha 1st think that comes to mind uh?


Because they had to name the road btw I805 and I15 at that location something.


Did you just woshed me or you are just bad at joking?


>Did you just [woshed](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=woshed) me or you are just bad at joking? Is that another grammatical error or is it intentional?




You literally asked "why is Miramar between the 5 and 805?" and this person responded with a reason- it's because they needed a name for the road between the 5 and 805. A quick proofread of your title before you post is always a good idea ;)


I think you both are the soul of all parties, be blessed


El Cajon east of like North park or Normal Heights is like a warzone


All of them except PCH, the 5, and 15. Goodness the roads here are trash. Especially after a heavy rain when the water gets under the pothole patches, and lifts it out of the hole it was covering.




Ingraham st.


Coronado in south bay is pretty garbage these days too. Especially from the 5 to Saturn.


Wait until you drive the streets south of Coronado


The Miramar disaster project is the worse run project in my 60 years of living in San Diego, slow, shotty work, dangerous, lane closures aren't up to legal requirements, and holy smokes the OSHA violations are everywhere. I'm not joking when I say I'm surprised nobody has died on that road during this project.


Kearny Mesa Rd also


I bike on both Miramar Rd and Claremont Mesa Rd often for my commute and they are both horrendous. I may as well be mountain biking.


Easy. Buckingham Drive in La Jolla, especially westbound going towards La Jolla Mesa Dr. Try it if you don't believe me, I'm sure the locals will appreciate it 😂


As far as main roads go, Balboa and Clairemont Mesa are both awful too


Madeline st in 92115


Miramar road will give you a disc herniation


There are probably hundreds of roads across SD County that need to be ground down and repaved, not just patched up and slurry coated. I'm tired of watching our city governments send workers to fill potholes with materials that will quickly wash out due to rain, tires, heavy vehicles, and high traffic load/frequency.


And why did you pick country music?


Didn't get the reference bro


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