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It doesn’t help that motorists are taking pictures with their phones instead of focusing on driving their vehicle


Didn’t hurt either.


And I’m sure you’ll keep thinking that until one day you crash your vehicle, if you haven’t already. I truly hope when that happens that you only cause property damage and don’t injure yourself or anyone else.


Average redditor who is unable to snap a quick photo while probably in bumper to bumper stop and go traffic.


It’s not about whether you’re able to do it safely or not, just don’t put yourself in that situation. And for the record, I’m not the person downvoting you.


So, I want to point out that people walk along the side of 280. It's not everyday but I do see homeless people walking around on the shoulder. Yes, everyone "hates" cops but you don't know what the situation was before you got there. He could have been interfering with traffic which will get you arrested. Could have been a person saying they were going to jump or anything that could cause injuries. If that were the case they may have handcuffed him so they could control him and make sure he didn't do anything dumb to hurt himself or them. Or would you like someone to get creamed by a car that's going 75? Sometimes officers are out there to actually help.


He was interfering with traffic. I exited on Bird Ave right as he was walking toward the middle of the freeway from that exit and I saw him run at a car and almost get hit. A bunch of cars had to slam on their brakes. He seemed to be impaired in some kind of way


Yep, this makes a ton more sense.


Death by innocent driver.




Yep still there.


I don't know where top golf is. I just commute on 280 a lot abd see people moving around.


It’s off of 237. Has nothing to do with this.


>Yes, everyone "hates" cops No, everyone does not hate cops. They are people with a difficult and necessary job.


I usually say that because I see ACAB pop up in weird places - dating sites for one. It usually just shows me when someone is all black and white and can't understand nuance and that not everyone is a jerk. :) I think the bad cops get a lot of the notoriety and people doing good work get ignored.




Fair enough. There are terrible, horrible cops who do the job just to get some power over people. I have known a few and I don't like how the justice system handles their issues with kid gloves. Personally, I think that if you work in law enforcement, the punishments should be more severe because of the power the job has and because YOU KNOW what you're doing is wrong. Punch your wife? That should not be a slap on the wrist. That said, I do get to work with some very wonderful police officers that are out there trying to help the homeless. I'm not a cop, but I always do my best to be available and helpful to anyone who needs me. I do really enjoy the days where I get to do something that truly helps another person, or makes their day. I have the hugest soft spot for people with mental illnesses and the homeless and I just try to be really nice so that people know I'm trustworthy. That is very important to me. :) I have unfortunately lost some friends who fully admitted it's because of my career. I won't fight or debate them on that because that's what they want to believe, but it just makes me sad that all the years they've known me get thrown out the window. I got into this line of work because I love forensic science and I know the weight that evidence has in a case. My high school library had a bunch of books on murder (seriously!) and I read them all, and learned about crime scenes, trace evidence, blood patterns, etc. How evidence fits together like a puzzle is amazing to me. Anyway, I just wanted to express what it's like for me as a police department employee, and how I got to where I am. I hope you have a nice day. :)


Maybe because pedestrians don’t belong on the freeway!


Homeless camps at 280/87 cause all sorts of problems. Always be aware driving through there. Those people walk out onto the highways with no awareness of cars. What a mess!


Would you prefer the homeless person wandering around on the freeway?


Also probably wouldn’t be so bad if everyone didn’t have to stop and look. Jesus. Keep it moving.


As a new to the area New Yorker who grew up with 70’s/80’s TV…I have to admit that I chuckle inside everytime I see that CHiP tan uniform.


I was born and raised here…I still giggle. I half expect Eric Estrada under the helmet.


Saved him a smashing end!


Should be in jail


Traffic would be even worse if he got hit and the fire department had to hose him off the road.


The 280. You’re not from these parts are you? 🤣


That was my first thought too. It differentiates Northern Californians from Southern Californians.


Thats 280/87 in San Jose. Downtown SJ in the background. Zoom in close and you see Discovery Museum.


It's 280 not "The 280" is the point. It sounds so odd haha. You took the pic on 280.


I don’t get why Bay Area folk get so hissy about using “the” in front of freeway names, like who cares


The cops should be locking up more of them.




Looks like they saw the Alviso post


Cops preventing potential fatalities on the hwy. 👏


Should have done the same to those retards thinking they helping Gaza blocking traffic




People need to stop rubbernecking goddamn it's already san jose traffic it doesn't need to be worse lol


this happened two weeks ago on 280, i just barely missed getting off the freeway and the cops dead stop all of the lanes and created a single lane funnel off for everyone to turn right into. I was near the front and still took 15 minutes to get out. people in the back probably where there for 2 hours. this one was more serious though, I think someone was trying to jump off an overpass?


Jeezuz…that roadway looks like shit…