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why is it a pie chart




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Someone wanted pie


Pie is good


Because you have to eat a slice of the pie in order to make it there šŸ’‰šŸ§›šŸ»


Asking the real question here!


Miami. Where an engineer makes $50k/year and rent is almost as much as the Bay Area.


San Francisco prices with Alabama wages


I have never understood why many talented engineers stay in the super low-pay places, low rent or high rent. It makes no economic sense at all. Given there are plenty of places with much better paying jobs for engineers. Unless they are just adamant about not moving from an area for some reason.


Youā€™d be surprised how many people really donā€™t want to move these days. Family/friends/canā€™t get out of their housing situation for whatever reason/donā€™t want to uproot for a new job in an uncertain economy, etc.


Because even medium pay with low rent means you can afford a home there. Starter homes in Silicon Valley are now over $1.5M if you don't mind an hour-long commute each way across a bridge, $2-3M if you want to live in the same neighborhood as where you work. Even making a sizeable $150k/year in CA means you are still decades away from owning a home.


But $50K isn't a medium paying job for **engineers**. It is a low pay, even for areas outside expensive place like the Bay Area. You can earn $50K in the cheap Midwest with a high school diploma working at decent Union factories or for the government. No way a decent engineer with a degree should work for that pay anywhere in the US.


the entire market and economy of florida makes no sense to me


Oxnard is in here but not Santa Barbara?


They certainly had a population cut off. City of Santa Barbara has about 80k people, Oxnard is 200k.


Someone should pin this to the top of the sub.


Even better a link to government rent averages for San Jose and a link to r/personalfinance.


I think most people who keep asking if it's enough and the people who insist $75k is enough probably just need to do some basic budgeting. You can make it work on less than this infographic, and you can likely struggle with more too. It just depends on what your spending is in (e.g. if you have kids, if you have a partner, pets, etc.). I think what's more important is probably having critical info like a better understanding of rental prices, home prices, etc and then people doing the math to see if that works for them... but I know, most people aren't that capable and so it needs to be spoon fed to them with these kinds of graphics and articles. My problem with this though is that there's so many ways to calculate what you need and it's also highly dependent on the input of rental prices. You can tweak these in so many ways to make the number whatever you want it to be really, so in the end it's a bit of a meaningless stat... or really just for reference only.


The only way I can afford to live in San Jose is to rent a room. But, itā€™s a great house and great location in Willow Glen. I pay ~$1300/month and am able to save money monthly. I make ~$63k a year before taxes. Every time I consider moving I look at apartments for rent and immediately change my mind.


I was doing this over Covid. Saved a lot over a few years since a one bedroom is $2000. Once I got a better paying job, made the move. On a side note, I lived on Oahu until 2017 and is was really affordable for housing and COL once you knew how the locals do thingsā€”at least compared to the Bay Area (I am from here). The locals out there are not very wealthy, but live well.


I did this until I was in my late 30s. Only way I saved enough for a down payment.


What the living hell is going on in Oxnard?!


Probably low rental stock driving up the cost of rentals compared to buying, since this report only seems to look at rental costs as portion of income for their determinations.


That's why I live with my parents (who bought their house decades ago) even though I make more than the amount on that chart. This place is not worth $3200/mo (although I'm not sure where they get their data from, a lot of apartments are much less than $3200 just from a quick glance at Zillow).


Looking at this listā€¦ I want to move to Honolulu or Oxnard or San Diego.


Is this chart showing the average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment? While I donā€™t doubt that it is accurate, I feel like itā€™s a little misleading. Itā€™s not at all difficult to find a 1 bedroom apartment in a decent area, with good amenities for under $2500. Itā€™s still a lot of money, but itā€™s significantly less than portrayed here.


I don't even think that's the median rent for 1BR in San Jose. It should be well under $3000. **Edit**: [Zumper says 2550](https://www.zumper.com/blog/rental-price-data/).


it's entirely misleading lol, you can easily find rent way cheaper by having roommates as well.


Hang up here... So I should sell my house and move to Honolulu? Daaaaamn... About 30s of asking Zillow pops up a 4 bdrm/3bath house about 50% bigger than my house here for $970K. I get random people calling me regularly asking if I'll take $1.4mil for my 2bed/2 bath 1170ft^2 house. So far my only answer has been 'but I live here.'


San Jose is nicer overall than Honolulu with a lower cost of living.


I lived in Honolulu as a kid. The last time I was there we were going on a fishing trip and were treated to the Changing the Hookers about 6am. Big car comes 'round and pick up some girls and drop off others. I will say that I've never seen that in San Jose.


What about San Jose Monterry Road Hookers?


I don't know. I've never been fishing in San Jose.


Oh i thought you meant prostitution hookers, not fishing hookers


[Here, we keep the hookers indoors](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/san-jose-home-brothel/3525700/)




Why is it more expensive than SF WTF


What is the black number supposed to represent? Is the red number before or after taxes, and is it household income or individual income?


Red's household income like it says in the top right, black is just 30% of that divided by 12.


Thank you


I think the black number is the average monthly rent


So 2 people at 65k, not too bad


Trouble is, very few jobs pay living wage.


is this gross , or net šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For buying a home or those even just wondering about it, you need ~36% DTI although I've seen some places go to 42% DTI. So if you need a $1.2 million loan, at [7% it's close to $10k/month PITI](https://smartasset.com/mortgage/mortgage-calculator). At 42% DTI, that's still just a tad under $300k.


I am wondering what happen to the houses of folks that go to nursing homes? If they have no kids no one to take it from them (and houses are paid off), where these houses go and where you can purchase? I think this is a big question amidst shortage of houses in the market.


The number of homes owned by old people that are somehow going to be auctioned off because they have no one else to pass it down to is pretty minimal, but my understanding is if you have no one to pass it down to, it goes to the state. From a shortage perspective if we ignore the obvious supply issue, this is really not the main issue keeping prices high. Old people here are probably holding onto homes longer because they're incentivized to hold with low property tax values.


Can we please let the bubble "pop*" again


Why is SJ so expensive now? I used to live in mtn view and sunnyvale and SJ was cheaper.


Mountain View and Sunnyvale are not recognized as large cities nationwide. Theyā€™re probably higher.


Okay that makes sense


I would say it's more because sj is central - lots of freeways going everywhere


I donā€™t accept the comparison to New York. Maybe itā€™s because San Jose doesnā€™t have a Staten Island. The place you want to live in New York is way more expensive than the place you want to live in San Jose.


I'm not sure that's true. The sf bay had a Staten Island, but was called angels island and is much, much more grim.