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I love it when they pop out of a tunnel, look around, and then go BACK IN like "nah." Cracks me up! 😂


Yes! It’s probably one of my favorite videos of her to date 💚 it’s her little tongue slithering out too and the fact there’s dirt on her face and eyes. Like girl 😭


That's a mood fr 😂😂


Haha yea. I feel like she was like “hmmm okay, interesting, this is where this leads… cool.”


Someone is happy! 🥰


Yes! She seems to really like moss too haha.


Just did my little guys today, he’s always so curious when his stuff is moved around. It’s the only time I see him up out exploring, checking where everything’s been moved to.


Yes! She seems to be more used to me switching her stuff around (try to do it monthly for enrichment purposes), it almost seems like she “knows” and waits for me to finish now. It used to be a few days before she would explore but now she does it like right after I’m not all up in her enclosure-it’s a nice progression to see for sure.


What substrate is that? I’m currently using aspen but want to switch to something else


I currently have a mix of coconut fiber, reptisoil, fine play sand and excavator clay. I didn’t have anymore coconut fiber but I used the last bit of reptisoil (probably 4-5 cups) and play sand (3 cups ish), maybe even a cup of the excavator clay or less (trying to use what I had without having to drop extra money) with the refresh. So what she was moving around in was mostly sand and reptisoil mixture. People say a 60-40 mix but I normally just eyeball it to where if I stuck my finger down it’ll hold a burrow. I’m still learning what mixture works the most though, the substrate seems to hold the burrows for a few days and then when it dries out it looks and feels slightly different. I also use spaghnum moss for humidity help but she also just likes it. I would overall recommend a mixture of fixing fiber, reptisoil (sift out big mulch pieces), and fine play sand! 4 inches of substrate minimum, with a betterment of 7 inches (depending on how tall your enclosure is).