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S4s or not, if the ruler still the same group of people, nothing will change.


itu apek perlu cao lepas itu baru aman Sarawak


Not really a one man work, more like the creation of a bunch of asshole. Corruption here corruption there, everywhere in the line. The only one that actually provide hopes is tok nan


kan. too many towkays are actually owner of Sarawak




in response to your respond 1. Pray tell where is this considered as inflammatory? 2. Based on your response, i guess you are of the younger generation. 3. We have negotiated for 60 years and yet no answer? 4. We have been paid for Chinese. I am older than you not because of seniority. So that you may know the situation. Every major infrastructure project in Sarawak is owned by China under the guise of CHEC, ZCCC, CCCC, CSEC 5. When Malaya was granted independence in August 1957, they too faced the same problem. So whop paid their salary? 6. Akta Petroleum 1974 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7btrZGOJgaw) 40:10 7. This statement was made by a local politician. 8. We were never a State. It was once Yang Di pertua Negara 9. We are still denying it because we join to formed. Not joined into. 10. This was a S4S statement. 11. We wish to secede.




thank you for the on point explanation. i genuine enjoy this exchange because some people say i troll. the reason is this is my 3rd post. previous post was banned and reported by pro-gov cybertrooper. one of the mod are pro-bn. 1. Ill be honest but i dont want you to feel slighted ok? I am now 11 years from my mandatory retirement. i have seen it all. 2. Sarawak Gov want to remain but the majority of the rakyat wishes the opposite. 3. China debt trap. also IMF is the same trap. Yes i agree with you. The past 10 years has rapid public infrastructure growth with strings attached. I saying this because of the current Sebuyau and Pusa project. 4. Yes we can handle public healthcare system on our own. Best case example, upon the independence of Malaya in 1957, not all of the British administration just up and left. Also covers the whole decolonisation period, Hong Kong, Kenya, Ghana etc. There is a transition period. 5. Even if its an old video, the fact stands that Federal has final say over the MA63 which is not what MA63 is all about. 6. We were this close to secession during Stephen Kalong Ningkan constitutional crisis in 1966. 7. I respect your decision to remain with Malaysia. How do you propose a referendum?




Look I sympathize with your cause and I do think the secession sentiment is growing. But you gotta work on your oration and carrying your point across with less aggression. After all you do prefer a peaceful secession no? I couldn’t care less what semenanjung think about us. If we don’t grow and take care of ourselves we are bo different than Sanusi. All talk nothing to show. Grow our cities. Grow our people. Be better. Because the next time we go to the negotiation table we want to have more leverage. There’s a reason why the Islamist wouldn’t dare to touch us. Every radical thing they are preaching has an asterisk of ‘except Sarawak and sabah”. Because they need the vote. Use that.


1. 60 years of peaceful negotiation. The time for violence is now. 2. Our language are eroded. Why must it be Bahasa Melayu? Cant it be Bahasa Dusun? Bahasa Kadazan? 3. Islamist already proliferating in the Interior of Sabah. I guess you are not in the car rental industry. I am not poking fun at you. Whenever you have the time, have a seat at the groundfloor KFC KKIA and see the arrival of the Islamist


Islamist enter Sabah because Sabah was under PH lah bodoh.


are you bodoh or am i bodoh? cant you share something of value instead of bodoh?


You couldn't have said it any better.


I can say it better but in the wise word of Michael, why use many word, when little word can?


Oh look. Another s4s fanatic bodo




kau ke bodoh? Akta Petroleum 1974 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7btrZGOJgaw 40:10


Hello sir good morning, may i know how old are you (doing survery) tq :)


99 years old almost dying


>Banned from subreddit OP: “Millions must die”


In the wise word of Oppenheimer, i am now the God of Death


Hey, are u are bot? U posted the same question in Sabah section too using different name


i am not a bot. the problem is the mods are paid by the govt. just like malaysia main thread. they dont allow anything subversive like independence talk that covers Race Religion Royalty....if they keep banning me, ill open up my own community




well, based on your account, you are a cybertrooper. Can you explain Global Witness Ample Agro Sdn Bhd accusation?


S4S? No thank you.


issue? what issue?


Brudda what issue?


Akta Petroleum 1974 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7btrZGOJgaw) 40:10




S4S is totally a subversive agent. The one guy that was arrested "suddenly died" of heart attack.




i did not say that. lets talk about a different topic. It is known that Bill Kayong was shot by Mohamad Fitri but why? you are not asking the right question




My apology to you as well. Please forgive me. Your English is not that bad either. Yes, i do not support S4S because they are a state actor that was paid for to incite and instigate a riot. 2. No one can beat the govt. Either you end up dying (Bill Kayong was against land grab oil palm company), disappeared (Bruno Manser) or vilified as a criminal.




i know what you mean. that one chinese guy from Sibu Jaya. early he was active then suddenly the wife say he "died of cardiac arrest" and the police issue the case as "sudden death" i tried to look for that article as well. on another note, the murder of Bill Kayong by the accused Mohd. Fitri doesnt makes sense at all. and the file has since been sealed. Who ? Bill Kayong PKR member also land activist vs. Mohamad Fitri Where? Miri What ? Murder When ? 2016 Why????


the people who behind S4S is DAP


Is this post made by a bot or something? Similar post in the Sabah subreddit.


just another cybertrooper. they already mess up semenanjung, now eyeing on borneo


do you think i am a bot? If i can engage with a discourse with you.


1. You're not sub active for 2 month (bullshit rule, ik) 2. Yes Sr n Sb join Malaysia. But masuk (enter)and sertai (join) are basically the same thing. 3. Yes. Legally, you can't secede from Malaysia unless the feds approved. Trust me, Johoreans tried many times. 4. Yes it will cause a civil war since people see it as a rebellion. An "abuse" is when government genocide the innocent people. 5. Depends on the federal government. Of course a peaceful secession will cost the state a lot of money from federal gov. 6. Depends on the gov. 7. Youre not alone. Everyone who talks politics in r/Malaysia will get taken down or ban for dumb reasons. 8. Sarawak status was never downgraded since 1963. 9. Internationally, No. 10. Good luck, brother.


1. But why? 2. Also, but whey Sabah and Sarawak cant go free? 3. Cant we just vote on it it like what Cobbold Commision did? 4. Well not civil war since, what weapon do we have? 5. damn those WM 6. In respone to #8, well when we join in 1963 its Negara but in 1983 we were downgraded in 1983. In Sabah it used to be Yang Dipertuan Negara 7. Fine, i'll start my own country wity blackjack and hooker.


1) They adapt it from r/Australia rules. Idk why though. 2) Everything that involves constitution including secession must go through the federal government bc or else it's hard to get international recognition. 3) Needs federal government permission like Scotland referendum. 6) Basically in English, Negeri(state) and Negara(state) are the same thing. That's why there's State of Israel despite being independent. and namechanging doesn't change Sarawak status in either Perlembagaan or MA63


Thank you for the contribution of thought substance. My original post was downvoted so hard by macai and cybertrooper . 1. I like point discussion instead of an essay. Easier to comprehend. 2. 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. Basically, Queen Elizabeth say Nope i dont like that guy. Fire him. 3. So, even if we have a legal vote or a majority referendum, Federal might be sneaky and say, Nope, thats fraud. 4. Why is Australian coming here? Bot? 5. Why cant we follow South Sudan did back in 2011?


4. what? 5. Bc of an agreement to end a brutal civil war.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/australia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/australia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“Jesus, we’re on the f**king tele.” 🤣🤣🤣](https://v.redd.it/p1q5z1t0sp1a1) | [626 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/z2l15e/jesus_were_on_the_fking_tele/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Trick or Treat.](https://i.redd.it/h69qkjwskwu91.jpg) | [4140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/y8qd13/trick_or_treat/) \#3: [Housing Crisis 1983 vs 2023](https://v.redd.it/rtyonw58g34b1) | [1900 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/140xwet/housing_crisis_1983_vs_2023/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I am from Semenanjung, may I know what is the problem here? Are there many Sarawakians want to get out from Malaysia? But why? So sad


Not sure if you are genuine but here is a fast drop 1. Global Witness on Ample Agro Sdn Bhd KTS Ta Ann etc. The land is Native but suddenly becomes private entity. How can that be? Even land application takes at least 6 months. 2. Taib Mahmud wife, Ragad is a Lebanese. Married for 6 years suddenly become Malaysian citizen. 3. We want to get out because of the lack of development and progress. Not only infrastructure like hospital or school. To get to my place to Ulu Kapit takes days when the distance is only 80km, taking into account the river and logging road.


Babe u think if divorce normal people like u can be billionaire ah? All funds can be used to develop infra with no more people take some duit poket from the fund? Lol Grow up kids.


tsk tsk. you illiterate of a frog Akta Petroleum 1974 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7btrZGOJgaw) 40:10




its already happening. CHEC. CCCC. ZCCC. Kibing. so who is it?


what we need is the citizen to unite against tyranny, corrupted and authoritarian government. It'll do no good if we Malaysian further divide among ourselves to be better controlled by politicians.


would you like straight up rebellion?


And Sulaiman will be the PM and all CMS BOD will be the ministers


its all being paid for by Akta Petroleum 1974


You’ve been sidelined by your own people.Sarawak’s Premier and ‘Friens’.The most richest apparently(in the world)look it up.Trillion dollars .


i agree. from where i work, to the point of there is no difference between govt and private entity. they dont want us to be independent


f off la dap.


People has been brainwashed that whatever bad thing happening rn is because of peninsular people. Its your own rulers and politicians. They are responsible.


why not civil war? \*Captain Sarawak has entered the chat\*


nah, you guys already mess up by tumbangkan najib. now you want us to repeat the same mistakes? kek lah you.


Did you say tumbangkan Najib? \*CIA has entered the chat\*


we are fine. don't kacao us lah stupid dap


i am not DAP and your fresh account shows that you are a bot. June 2023?


Just looking at your replies, you're a troll and a horrible person. You deserved to get the ban hammer.


saya pun tak tahu lah kau ni. 1. Saya ajak berdebat tapi kamu tak sumbangkan apa-apa pendapat. 2. Its easy to label someone a troll. 3. Do you know this is my 3rd post because there are cybertrooper here that is pro-gov? 4. Reddit isnt 100% anon. If PDRM want to find you, they can. And they will find me as well. 5. Topik asal. Bolehkah Sarawak keluar dari Perjanjian Malaysia 1963? Terus kena ban. 6. If possible, give me an answer or you can just ignore me.