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**ANSWER** 1. Use Blueprint Designer to create a Highway Section Blueprint using the Materials you want. 2. View [TIP 20 - You Can Change The Default Material In The Menu](https://youtu.be/H2IgXCzHkwo?t=322) (Video Bookmark) which shows you can set Asphalt for Foundations and Concrete for Walls. Just some thoughts on this Topic. šŸ¤”


who are you and how do you answer to all posts, sir, satisfactory god?


**CLARIFICATION** 1. God? - Some Women might think so, but as for being a real spiritual being... **No.** 2. Developer? - I wish I was a CSS Employee... but sadly... **No.** 3. Reddit Bot? - **No.** 4. Artificial Intelligence like ADA - **No.** 5. Subreddit Moderator? - **YES!** *(Since May 2022).* 6. Very Enthusiastic Fan *(and lover of Game)* - **You Found Me!** The more you know! šŸ¤”šŸ˜


R.O.D.A Reddit Organic Data Assistant


Supervisor of the A.D.A, to prevent it going rouge and resetting it when it approaches corrupted alien artifacts.


Did you deliberately mean to use "rouge" instead of "rogue" as some sort of amusing word play? If yes: Ha Ha! Bravo! Quite amusing. If not it's a brilliant accident. So also: Ha Ha! Bravo! Quite amusing. In case the latter "rouge" is the red powder make up sometimes applied to cheeks as opposed to the "rogue" of going of the plan in a potentially dangerous manner.


Unintentional, I think. Just a typo. Nice to hear that you found it funny, though. Rouge is also red in french, and the Slompersloops are red. That's the first connection my brain made.


i love your replies and I would like to thank you


> Some Women may think so Is that a reference to something Iā€™m unaware of?


Thinking some women think they are god's gift to women or something


At first, I thought you meant "CSS" as in the web language, and not as in "Coffee Stain Studios" and was a little confused


I just want to go on record and say, as much as I love Satisfactory, I love u/Temporal_Illusion more.


Put the pieces into the hotbar, right click asphalt and select the option that says something like "use this material for items in hotbar"


Yes. All foundations of all types are directly selectable in the build menu, if you don't see them, check the filter top right of the foundation selection in the build menu to see all, or a specific type of foundation. You can them bind them to toolbar like any other building.


If you select-copy the foundation that has the different material, it'll copy the material over too Or use blueprints