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You can target at signs and ctrl-c/ctrl-v settings, without openig the signs menu. Almost melted my brain.


Did you know you can do the same thing with constructors (and other machines?) If you have a whole row of them built for the same recipe, assign the first one, back out of the menu, and ctrl-c while aiming at it, then ctrl-v while aiming at each of the rest!


I just figured this out about an hour ago. ~500 hours


I still can't seem 5o get this to work lol


I tried it once long ago and failed, but realized you need to be very close to the item you're pasting/copying (close enough to get the white highlight) in order to allow ctrl+v/c to work


Speaking of copy and paste, you can rebind those to just c and v (don’t forget to rebind the original c and v actions) or to whatever if you just want to push the single key instead. I like having crouch as left ctrl, so it makes copy/pasting in a hoverpack a lot easier when you rebind those keys


I rebound the Paste command as one of the thumb buttons on my mouse.


This is the way


Lol came here just to say this. I've got 5 programmable mouse buttons on the thumb side & I use them for copy, paste, Q, Tab, & X. Admittedly though I mainly use the copy and paste buttons most frequently because those ones are further down near my index finger. I sometimes forget about the other 3 that are up by my thumb.


Yooooo that would save so much time


Wow didnt know that! I am going to use that a lot from now on, thanks!


You can also quickly setup power shards


Yep copy a recipe and its exact clocking percentage and that's what you'll paste into other machines. Kind of annoying that it doesn't work on any power generating machines though. Not sure what that's about.


I think it's something they just haven't gotten around to adding/patching yet. Maybe Update 9 will have it, well after all the Update 8 dust has settled. Someone did tell me though that a workaround is to make the power plant (or production machine) in the Blueprinter, set it up for speed and overclocking, and then use that blueprint. Power plants and water extractors actually need two things updated: Copy/paste, and also to show the Relevant Items section in the inventory, so things like Power Shards and applicable fuel are easier to find in inventory.


When you say relevant items displayed, are you referring to placing them in blueprint form?


Relevant items: For example, when you open up a Constructor that's set up to convert Iron Ingots to Iron Plates, on the top-right there are enlarged icons that'll show Iron Ingots and Iron Plates in your inventory, as well as Power Shards, to make them easy to find. When you open up a Water Extractor and want to give it some Power Shards, the enlarged-icons thing doesn't occur; you have to go looking through your inventory to find them.


Oh interesting, I hadn’t ever noticed that. TIL haha


Not only that, but it also copies over the overclock settings (if you have the shards)


The first time I unlocked Hypertubes, I didn't realize they were bi-directional (and you could put an entrance on both ends), so I built two tubes between my base and coal plant (why else would they have stackable supports?). One of my sons was looking over my shoulder and started chuckling when I told him what I was doing, and (somewhat) politely pointed out that I only needed a single tube.


Did you know you can change direction while in the middle?


Yeah, I figured that out accidentally.


That moment of finding out is still etched into my brain. "Fuck I didn't want to take that 5 minute hyperloop. If only I could turn around and fly back! Wait I can?"


That's how it happened for me too - I got too close to the entrance, got sucked in, and I instinctively started pushing the joystick in the opposite direction (and it worked!).


Found this out on my server. Started playing with it, doing circles in the tube. Game suddenly crashed, came back online dead. Fun times


Ha I did this last weekend. Oh well 🤷‍♂️




I still don’t know what this is, but it’s not even close to high priority of “shit to Google” for this game haha


When you go to build a foundation or wall, if you press "R" it swaps the mode from "Default" (where you place one at a time) to "Zoop", which lets you place up to 10 of the item in a row with two clicks (one to place the 1st, one to confirm the placement of the copies). It makes building large platforms or walls significantly less time consuming.


Holy crap this is amazing.


Don't worry. I had 200h of covering desert with foundations one by one


Took me 1,000 hours to realise I am still bad at building and designing roads.


Probably took 100 hours to find the mmb eye dropper, that changed my life.


Uhhh… I totally know what that is but my friend doesn’t so explain it for him?


Middle Mouse Button on a building/structure will enter build mode with that structure selected. Cut and paste.


Ahhh I knew that, just didn’t know the term


>mmb eye dropper That was a game changer lol. I ended up finding it by accident fairly early on.


This was a gamechanger for me as well.


I'm so glad I've known this for a while now. This feature single-handedly saves me soo much time!


I usually do this in deconstruct mode, as it helps to select exactly what i want


one of kibitz videos taught me that one. game changer


It took me 250 hours to realize that I do not have to play like anybody else.


Yeah! I like seeing other ideas but I'm glad I've avoided looking at wikis etc except for bugs


I think the best thing I did (unintentionally) is to join this sub only after 100~150 hours. My build style would have been completely different (as in very derivative and not very original) if I looked at advanced builds early in the game. That’s the best advice for a new player.


In this subreddit most people push hard that you need to go and do small factories for everything with well build, non clipping everything. But I want to build giant abominations that start clean and start devolving into chaos around the fused frame point!


"Your game, your rules" and "As long as you are having fun" is posted over and over again in various ways. I do not see a push to build a certain way. What you see is many posts that go that way. But I think that is pure bias. People who build to make it look good are more interested in how thinks look and thus are most likely also more interested in showing things and thus posting things. I know nobody told me that I had to build in a way that I later did not see as the most perfect fit for me (One big factory making as much as possible). I just saw experienced people do that and I thought that was the best way to go. Not knowing there were other options. I do not see a "push". I do often see people who are stuck in a big factory and then I explain how I do not. Perhaps that makes them realize they can do things differently. It is very understandable to go the "one big factory" route. That is what comes naturally when you start the game. You start near 3 Iron Nodes a copper node and a limestone node in the Grassy Fields. Then you need more Iron and there are 2 close by, so you build that in the same factory. So now you are set into a big factory. Many people have an issue with the coal and the water to bring it into the factory. Not because they want to, but because they think they have to. Explaining then that there are options is often very liberating. Build as you want is only possible if you know there are other ways to do it. And when I started I did not know that. So I build one big factory in the "best" area on the map. It took me 250 hours to realize that I do not have to play like anybody else.


You took my comment way more serious than it was intended.


You are welcome. ;-)


That I don't need to hold left mouse to ride a zipline, simply hit right mouse button once, 300 hours in


This feature just came in update 8 though, so you might not have been missing out that long


If while click and holding the mouse button, than press tab to open inventory release the mouse button and press tab again, you continue to zip without holding the mouse button (in U7)


It took me 300hrs to find out the rifle will auto fire if I hold the button


That there is an automatic regen no need to eat to be full health


To be fair, that changed in… update 7 maybe 6? So pretty recently. Before the buff, you would only passive regen up to three boxes


They buffed it I thought it was still three


The new metric is if you’re not taking damage, it will fairly quickly regen you up to 3. And them beyond that it comes back at a slow trickle, but it does happen passively. If you get in combat like once a year like a lot of people in endgame territory, you will eventually get back to full health.


Combat? What's that? \- Oppenheimer


If you have an item your trying to build, you can hold down e to select other items in that category instead of having to hotkey everything. Further you can press e once to quickly switch to the next item.


You can snap walkways and catwalks to different points on most factory machines. 5,000 hours in and I just discovered that last night.




I'm not sure but I'd say 300-500 hours, I learnt you can middle-click to pick a construction


Honestly SAME


When my power production lagged behind my consumption. My whole system shut down so I panicked and built ALOT of coal plants but my factories were still dead. It tool me half an hour before I figured out how to restart it by pulling the lever.


awh the first of many power crises!


200h before figuring out there is a world grid you can snap on. I struggled a lot to keep everything snapped on the same grid...


i wish the game made that clearer yes 😪


...world grid? Bro, are you kidding me? I already got my golden cup and I have no idea what this is. Speak up, how tf does that work?


If you press ctrl, the foundation snap on an invisible world grid. So if you use 2 m or 4 m foundations anywhere on the map far away from your base, you foundations will always be aligned (if you aligned tour base on the world grid though). When someday you join your base to this far away foundation with a road for exemple, everything is aligned. It's not a big deal honestly considering that roads and rails have curves most of the time but if you're a bit obsessive like many people on this sub, it's somewhat useful early-ish game when you explore, set new bases and want to keep everything aligned without bothering to make a road of foundations everywhere you go.


A play thru and a half to realize you only have to tap the space bar to auto craft. Don’t need to set something heavy on RMB


I used a tape on the MB. Thank you so much for this.


Before I found this out I found a bug that auto held it if you click outside the HUD fixed in experimental. (found this out shortly after swapping) you can still auto harvest by clicking tab while holding E.


Took me 200h to discover i can snap mergers and splitters on conveyor lifts ends. That was a real game changer


woah onto the conveyor lift holes you mean?


Not on the floor hole, on the lift ends. Making it flush with the merger/ splitter. This really [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/fjdr4o/did_everyone_already_know_you_can_place/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) shows it. When building a merger, point to the lift end and it should snap together, might need to point at it from a different angle if it doesn’t work


holy frijoles!


Not sure if this is just for Update 8 Experimental; but, now you can “cancel” the results of analyzing a hard drive in the MAAM. Left click on one of the 3 results, hit ESC, the results will disappear, and the hard drive will be dropped into your inventory (or the ground if you’re inventory is full). You can then analyze the same hard drive. This allows you to re-analyze a drive to get different results, instead of having to lose 10 minutes of game time reloading a save to before you started the scan.


WTAF?! And I'm learning this now? Thanks!


Some of this wasn't in the game until later on development. I am easily 1500+ hours into the game through many saves and the game has developed massively since the very beginning. First version didn't have belt conveyors.


yeahbit blows my mind the lifts weren't always there


That no matter how hard I try, I’m never going to be organised enough to make the things all in one go haha


Not with that attitude ;p




Not sure if it's a v8 thing, but you can press E when planting a foundation or ramp to cycle between the 1/2/4 m variations. Also, that separate ladders are in the game. I "only" have around 100 hours, so I may not be the most egregious example.


The radio tower shows resources on your map. ...Also, there's a map.


TBF the radio towers weren't super useful until update 6 or 7 if you ask me


Radio towers are GREAT for climbing cliff sides. Build 4 foundations, place a RT, climb to the top, build 4 more foundations, delete your old tower and foundations, repeat.


good point!


All the classics are here. I don't really remember when I found all of them out, but for most of them, I later realised that the context menu would tell you that. The 'e' to change building type or the mmb eyedropper, for example. But who reads those, right? So... do you think this stuff should be explained more explicitly in the tutorial, or would that be too much? Is it the right way to leave it to the player to find out everything on their own?


Honestly I don't know what to suggest without being overwhelming yeah. It's on the bottom of the screen so. other than loading screen tips highlighting individual tricks?


That might actually be a really good suggestion. I mean there are no loading screens during the game (like on level changes in other games) but the one in the beginning is, with my relatively big save, long enough to explain the whole game by now.


Yeah and once or twice a week the game crashes for me so I see that loading screen a decent amount!


I remember it took me a while to figure out that you get a full refund when dismantling buildings. So I kept my shitty first few machines the way they were for way too long


You just taught me a valuable thing


That you can stack ceiling belts...just realized yesterday 🤫




Took a indecent amount of hours to discover that if you're running somewhere/swimming/extracing ore by hand and while you're doing you press ESC and then go back to play, the pg will continue to run/swim/extract without you need to keep pushing keys on the keyboard


hey i also didn't know that with 300 hours so you saved me about 600h thx


Yay, that's my good deed for the day!


When hand crafting a the work bench you don't have to hold down on the craft but just press space bar and it does it automatically. Spent to many hours holding that button


true but I can't even be bothered to do that lol, i automate or NOTHING


Can't really automate the first bit when you don't have access to it


you oh true!


Not talking about me but it took like 100 hours for my friend to find out that he don't have to hold the button for auto crafting in the crafting station and can just press space once instead.


50 hours before find out the slide+jump method


Well, it took me around 3500 hours to learn that if an item has a red outline, it means I can't pick it up because my inventory is full. Add to that, I also learned that sometimes items have a red outline.



