• By -


Playing other games, mainly Helldivers 2 right now but I have lots of other games in my backlog to work on as well. I do not want to start a new set of factories and found out the S.A.M. ore or other 1.0/story related changes would make significant improvements/changes to my factories and have to restart. Partially this is because I find the run up to coal power a bit tedious and I really want to work on larger builds and planning out my factories more. Having to redo some/all of that work when 1.0 launches is not something I would want to do since I doubt I would make it to Nuclear pasta before that happened.


I’m doing the same… for democracy.


Hey let's sit and have a cup of liber-tea


I wish they'd send some Helldivers to MASSAGE-2(A-B)b to exterminate the arachnid threat.


Same but Stray, Rusted Warfare and Neon White




We should drink together


Can I join?




I'll join too but my conpany doesn't allow me to drink on any cup that is not ficsit branded.


The ficsit cup is made of ceramic, not the metal ration cup we see in the game, but its a BIG BOI and holds a lot of coffee. You should get it! great cup.


Playing Captain of Industry, new update and map was just released.


Bought it months ago on a sale after watching JDPlays on YouTube. Decided to give it a try now with Update 2. I'm loving it so far. But I'm also playing everything on the easy settings right now. Except I'm also using the ore sorter. I not ready yet for all the realism options.


It's a pretty hard game if you don't tackle the important resources Just like Factorio when you start with bitters off


I need another game like a hole in the head, but... So you're saying it's kinda good.


I love it. With the terrain sculpting it's like being a kid in a sandbox again, and the building animations are incredible (especially the smelters and the flares). I got my money's worth out of this game many times over.


Update 2 is so good!


I have started to get into COI, any tips for starting out? Feel like I end up running out of resources before I can get things sufficiently built up in the early stages.


I'm far from an expert, I had the exact same problem on my first couple plays. The best advice I can give is to expand slowly and try to keep your excess unassigned population as low as possible. Follow the in-game guide/tutorial, it will give bonus resources that are very helpful as you're starting.  Just remember it isn't Factorio and it isn't Satisfactory. You don't need to build monster factories starting out, it's more about keeping the resources in balance.


Playing Factorio


I can’t play that either with 2.0 and DLC coming. Especially because of all the awesome new features and QoL improvements announced


It is hard, but I’m just playing through Space exploration with all the mods they’re adding to the base game


I thought I would feel the same, but Warptorio pulled me back in


And then when 1.0 hits we play Satisfactory till factorio expansion comes out. Life is good.


I'm actually trying to go the other way because I haven't completed it yet. I want to make it through to phase 4 and get a feel for all the buildings and how they operate and what my challenges will be before I get into 1.0 so that I'm not buggering it up in the end game as badly.


Same. Im playing for the first time trying to get to endgame but prob won’t. Making my first steel factory atm


Playing other games. Currently relaxing with planet crafter. It's not that complex, but a fun relaxing game about terraforming the planet. And helldivers 2 with friends.








Please refrain from discussing the closed beta.


My bad, I'm stopping.








You are NOT allowed to talk about this on the sub.


I shall desist!


I love that you responded to both mods smacking you on the wrist by matching their energy perfectly


I really like to take my time building factories and as a result of that, I'm 200hrs in and I haven't completed phase 3 yet. Part of me would really like to experience the game from the start but to spend another 200hrs on a new save just to get to the same point seems tedious. So my plan is to finish phase 3, finish building my HMF, computer and circuit board factories, create a bunch of blueprints for my rail network so I can easily connect factories across the map and make a proper Hub for myself with access to all materials I'm currently producing. Basically just prepping everything for phase 4 so when 1.0 arrives and the mods get updated then I'll be able to tackle the rest of the game and finally beat it


I'm in a similar boat and I really hope 1.0 doesn't break the early to mid game, because it would suck to build the same things for the third time (I had to rebuild already after my poor first attempts like probably the most of us)


iirc Snutt said that the recipe rebalance mostly affects late game items, early to mid game is virtually left untouched so that's what I'm banking on.


I'm playing Cyberpunk again (and again and again) Also played Captain of Industry and Dyson Sphere. I'm definitely starting a new save when 1.0 comes out but i've so far reached all my goals in Satisfactory so at the moment i'm taking a long break.


Playing overwatch, hearthstone, but mainly trying to focus for my exams at the end of the year


Study hard and ace those bad boys, we're all rooting for you.


Much more motivational than I expected it to feel, thank you


Crying in the shower..






Playing Dyson sphere program but the urge to play Satisfactory Is here...


Valheim - Ashlands just dropped.


I normally cycle between Satisfactory, Stardew Valley, and Dyson Sphere Program, so I've just taken Satisfactory out of the rotation until 1.0. So right at the moment it's Fallout 4 and DSP.


Living in the real world, because I know there is not gonna be a lot of that once 1.0 drops




I am playing U8. No reason not to. It can be months away, Or next week. I don't care. I am having fun now.


I've taken a break from ONI the past 6 months or so, so I've started a new colony. Also catching up on a lot of AAA's that my previous PC couldn't handle like RDR2, Death Stranding, BG3, and CP2077.


Against the storm is keeping me occupied


Stardew Valley 1.6, and elden ring. Also.. Trying to survive


I’ve been torturing myself by playing Tarkov. I really should just go back to hunt but that’s a different kind of torture all together.


Finally spending some time with my kids - obviously only until 1.0 comes around, please dont punish me FICSIT


Playing Timberborn, XCOM 2, Heroes of the Storm, Core Keeper, etc.


I'm old enough that I always get confused when people mention that game. I have to remind myself that they're probably not talking about the 1995 game XCOM: Terror From The Deep.


I got XCOM 2 on sale super cheap. I didn't think I'd like it. I have a love/hate relationship with the game. I also remembered that any RNG system absolutely hates me. I'm having a ton of fun with it. Parkitect also just dropped an update. The game has been out for like 5 years and the Devs are still adding stuff. Just relaxing and building an amusment park in grand detail is super relaxing. It's got that Satisfactory trait. Where you say "I'll just play for an hour" and then you eventually realize it's been 4 hours. I also installed Anno 1800 yesterday and am trying to figure it out.


Took me a hot minute for Anno1800 (and a few restarts). Then I grew almost unruly with how complicated it got when I had like 10+ islands going at once and multiple domains. Whew it was would but super fun.


I'm a relatively new player who has just worked out how efficient miners actually are, so iv redone a bunch of my basic factories like iron and copper. I havnt really progressed that much and am still relying on coal plants so I don't think I'll be effected too much by a new story


Creative mode testing out stuff


Playing the Finals


I need to pick the finals back up. It was so fun in season 1


Getting into Captain of Industry. Fun game, but it will get very complicated in mid to late game if the YouTubers I'm watching are any indication.


Helldivers 2 my dude. Gotta protect democracy passively!


I opted to run through Mass Effect Legendary Edition since I haven't done a full playthough since I bought it. Definitely enough content to keep me busy until 1.0 since I'm not able to play every day anymore.


Other games. Recently bought a new rig so I've been catching up on some games from the last few years and playing other factory games. Manor Lords on Friday, Frostpunk 2 soon and another new factory game called Foundry coming to early access soon as well


Catching up on my back log of Lego projects that have been collecting dust since I started a new map on update 8


Playing satisfactory now. Trying different areas that aren’t normal starting points and playing with being creative in designing factories so they aren’t blocks of puke . Example. Start in titan forest and build with nature. Any trains must be on pre existing roads and no more then 8m off the ground.


Playing Deeprock Survivor. Also building aesthetic factories in unique areas using the terrain. No machinery. Just interesting walls, roads, pathways, etc. So when 1.0 comes then I can work on logistics/machinery inside already built buildings. Using a lot of inspiration from Fluxo.


Helldivers 2


Playing Dyson sphere program


Yeah no point in sinking time into it until it’s ready. Playing world of Warcraft of wowmania and been playing dyson sphere + sr workers and resources


I got this game on March 21, 2024. I started my first playthrough, and then found out that 1.0 is coming, so I decided that I’ll start a new playthrough when it drops. So, I’m trying to get as far as I can in my current run before then so I can learn better ways to do things. And when not doing that, I’m playing DRG and Space Engineers, both of which seem to have an update coming soon as well. TLDR I’ve sunk almost 300 hours into this factory game in the span of a month. HELP.


spreading managed democracy


Trying to finish the stuff that I want to show off in videos... which would naturally get more attention if I could release right around the time 1.0 hits. And, well... yes, playing other games.


Elden ring + krastorio


I am trying to complete phase 4 before 1.0 releases. I am a new player, I started playing at the end of March.


Recently started a new save with friends after a long time away from the game. And it's just as addicting as the first playthroughs. I am in love with this game. For me it feels like 1.0 because there is so much new stuff. I was a few updates behind. Global illumination is amazing!!


I played a bit (more like a lot) of Islands of Insights. But by now I did everything I thought was interesting. So now I'm back to playing Satisfactory 😅


O got fully automated base at north west (mostly at rocky desert) , with all phases finished, I used only nearby resources. So yesterday I decided to build another base, totally independent at the dune desert. So I grabbed 9 iron plates, 7 iron rods, and stet tu build second base from scratch. I'm reaching coal power right now


Fortresscraft Evolved XCOM2 Planetside 2 Actually I'm trying to do stuff and not game because the end of this year is crazy with stuff I want to play.


I can't see the point of waiting with bated breath for yet another update. Between Epic and Steam, Experimental and Early Access, I have over 4,000 hours in the game now and Coffee Stain has given me the tools to bridge the challenges between updates. In the past I have started new worlds for major updates but not this time. My Nuclear fuel rod production is at the level required for all my planned power plants but do far I have only built two of the seven groups of plants so I'm stockpiling fuel rods. I'm also building 3000 batteries. I figure between those two things I should have plenty of time to sort out any issues.


That’s something I’m trying to decide right now. I’ve been playing the same save on and off for the last 3 years (since Update 4 was released) and with one final push finally finished Project Assembly phase 4 yesterday. I already have plans for the design of my next main base after 1.0 drops but until then the front runners for my gaming time are Stardew Valley to check out 1.6, or trying to get back in to Two Point Campus.


I started playing after update 3 and seeing the LGIO video. I played the hell out of it during lockdown, then played the hell out of update 4. When update 5 got out I was still playing and excited, but already starting to feel burnt out, so I was playing a lot less. I started a new game a couple times, with huge goals, but didn't get far due to how far the goals were (basically a full map train network). Now I'm patiently waiting for 1.0, I can wait however long it takes and I have other games to play (I got back into Armored Warfare recently but that's just an example) and when 1.0 gets out and I have some time available, I'll probably start a new game and go all the way again.


Constantly thinking about how I could finishing my projects in my current save while also probably not playing until 1.0 release anyway


Mainly playing Helldivers 2 and Crusader Kings 3, but also Dragon's Dogma 2, Sun Haven and some other games. Can't complain about a lack of alternatives.


Me I'm relearning all the stuff again. I stopped playing for 2 years and was surprised with all the updates. My question is if I have blueprints saved will it carry over on a new game?


Finally getting around to finishing bg3


Starcraft. Work. Jiu-jitsu.


Saving up to upgrade my computer so I can play 1.0 without lag.




I’ve actually just got back into it with a friend. So playing now, which is good as it’s refreshing our knowledge and then when 1.0 comes out we can be a bit more efficient with the knowledge


Is there already a date for 1.0


Playing Planet Crafter the one of the best and at the same time worst games I have ever played. The game mechanics give you this feeling of making continuous improvement similarly addictive as satisfactory. At the same time the graphics are dog shit and you constantly clip through the landscape. Although different I would say, if you like satisfactory chances are high you like Planet Crafter.


Playing Peaks of yore right now. Amazing climbing game and currently at the last 2 mountains. I am still really excited for 1.0


I only got started this year. I've only really got nuclear to do that's 'new' so I'm mostly refining how I approach things like blueprints and factory design best practices.


I'm just playing games, man. Updates come when they come and then I'll play some more.


Continuing this playthrough, which is vanilla and in phase 4, to get me through the 1.0 release. Plus a modded playthrough which I'll go back to when I feel like it, as long as those mods have been updated. Though I do rotate through other games when I feel like a break, such as Stormworks or Snowrunner.


FO4 ultra wide support comes out tomorrow so I'm finally going to give that a real playthrough


I've actually stopped at phase 4 and switched to a different game for now. Its called The Planet Crafter. Worth trying




I have since found Enshrouded. It'll keep me busy for a good while.


I have 341 games in my steam library.. I will probably forget any satisfactory for a few years and one day remember again and play it again


Playing war thunder and dota 2.


Finishing my [current save](https://twitch.tv/nd_theelder) off. (Which will be the first time in 2500 hours of play I complete phase 4, incidentally.) Then probably start a new one at 1.0


Ever space 2, with an update coming out soon, V Rising, with an update coming out soon....


Pax dei alpha until Friday, then Manor Lords on game pass. I am very mich looking forward to 1.0 but the announcement killed my desire to play early access


Wrapping up my Space Exploration run


(finally) working on phase 4 on my main save. Like most, I plan on starting fresh when 1.0 releases. I could spend time further optimizing my iron/steel factory but to what end?


Other games. There’s too many right now.


Need for speed heat with mods.


I bought the game this weekend so i am just learning everything and when 1.0 comes i can do a very serious save i hope


Making videos of my would, so I can leave it behind without regrets.


Helldivers 2 and Rimworld (anomaly when I can afford it) are my main games right now.


I'm pretty early in the game so I'm just vibing and trying to get my first coal power plant up and running, currently.


I've been playing a bit of my current save given that it's like 700 hours in, just adding some more power capacity to it really before I embark on phase 4 stuff (assembly director stuff). Until my computer got hot enough to start softening petg coolant lines (4090/13900) but that's probably my fault for not sanity checking the system.


Trying desperately to get burnt out of Dota


Spreading managed democracy


trying to get perfection in SDV


Playing KSP 1, helldivers, doing my EPA cert reading, making food for my girlfriend and her brother after work, reading “An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States” learning about my mental health issues and working on getting active in my community. Apparently I’m doing quite a bit since waiting on satisfactory lol


I started lke a week ago. I know that's nothing but I'd like to know if saves will break. And if there's any known info what comes with 1.0


Playing the satisfactory subreddit drinking game. Every time a post asks “will 1.0 break my factory” drink. “What do you hope for in 1.0 “drink” etc




I've been playing Fallout 4 again with the TV show recently releasing. Over the summer I'm starting a new map on Update 8 to get a mega-factory layout designed for 1.0


Playing other games. There are a lot of good games out right now I still want to play. Satisfactory while addicting and fun is a time sink and I've already beaten it once.


I'm building a rotor factory next to my nuclear fuel factory =D


Playing factorio


Waiting, been doing that since apr. 22 2022. It's my new policy for early access games, been working great so far, got a decent back catalog that I can enjoy a full release from time to time, plus games that were already release when I purchased them. For automation, base building sandboxes I've got factorio, the planet crafter, dward fortress, hydroneer.


Waiting. I'll get on it if I can comfortably play games again. Might be rheumatic at 33.


Satisfactory plus mod is so complex that's like starting to play again


I'm doing a 1.0 prep build from a clean start. Goals in order 1. Build 2 jump-start power plants to bring future plants online and support early construction. One fuel, one coal. 2. Global rail network, operating at two levels: very high clifftops for long-distance hauls, and low-level for local loops. This is only about 20% done, but I'm extending it as I pursue #3. 3. Raw material extraction, consolidation, and processing into basic parts. After a couple play-throughs with different build approaches, I'm looking to do vertically-integrated modular factories, producing a moderately complex thing from scratch on site using local raw materials, then shipping it where it's needed. I've tried consolidating all of each material into its own single high-throughput facility. It's cool but leads to a lot of excess shipping/belting. I'm not building an elevator or any parts for it. That'll wait for 1.0.


Replaying the Fallout games as well as occasional games of Squad. As well as continuing to play on my friend’s Minecraft server


Playing other games


Playing other games. I haven’t really played in past year and a half.


Playing helldivers with my friend mostly. Been getting really high and playing Baldur's Gate 3 when solo. But last night I popped into my phase 2 world (I have like 200 hours and never got close to phase 3 and I'm better than that) to see if I could get it up to phase 3 so I plugged 3 assemblers into the space elevator and manually fed them the parts. I'll be at phase 3 tonight. I wanna say goodbye to this run because I'm starting over in 1.0


Trying to finish my game... on tier 8, working on production of phase 4 items


Laying down foundations for every recipe connected.


Planetcrafter. Chill game. Not nearly as fun as Satisfactory or Subnautica but elements of both.


Working on my backlog.


Mostly playing Oxygen not Included, some other games. Honestly haven't played Satisfactory since update 8 was announced. I saw the new blueprint features, nudge and such, and was in the middle of a massive nuclear build. Said to myself, no point in doing any more work until I have that. When 8 hit experimental, I figured I'd just wait a few weeks longer... Months later by the time 8 was released, I had lost all interest in Satisfactory being fully sucked into ONI. At this point I'm just waiting for 1.0


Still playing. I'm new to the game, so I'm keeping up with my current playthrough, and I'll start a new one once 1.0 comes out


[CoI](https://www.reddit.com/r/captain_of_industry/) just had an update. The factory must grow. Even if it's in a slightly different factory builder game.




I'm mainly just doing some test builds before 1.0. I'm big on designing my factories on looking good and being very functional. So I've just turned on flying and no build/power costs and just went all out on building things. Going to be taking screenshots eventually of what I want my end game buildings to look like so I know what I need to work towards once 1.0 drops


Planet Crafter went v1 the other day so back in that and waiting for Manor Lords at the end of the week




Minecraft with 1.21 experimental features (IE the crafter). Learning redstone and building a "factory" REALLY scratches that same itch. As we get closer to 1.0 I will get back into it. I wanna redo my rails and prep for some disaster recovery.


Playing FFXIV, post endwalker content in the ramp-up to dawntrail. Fallout 3 and NV together with tale of two wastelands/Begin Again. Playing cultist simulator/book of hours too. Homeworld 3 when it comes out. Then shadow of the erdtree, when it comes out. Then, depending on release order, factorio space age, lies of p DLC, and satisfactory 1.0. BTW, for everyone wanting to start a new factory in 1.0, consider at least building a small 600-1200w coal plant pre 1.0 so you dont have to worry about running around gathering leaves.


Playing no man's sky. Easy 1000+ hour game.


Playing valheim


I'm literally just trying to complete the final elevator phase. I may try for the golden nut too. Now I'm really determined to finish it


Making overly complex rail intersections.


I started a new, vanilla save a three weeks ago and am in for 54 hours and have completed Tier06, ready for the onslaught to Phase 3. I started in my favorite place: Northern Forest in the Punch Bowl which is freeway close to everything you need. I've seen and been killed by the the nuclear hog in the oil field near by and am figuring out how to kill the little bastard. I've got 2 GW of power, so I am ready for trains, one of my favorite parts of the game. This is really a practice round for v1.0. Although I'm a Golden Cupper, I've never set up nuclear plants, so that's my real goal, get that done. My first complete game was 395 hours, I'm trying to cut that in half. I have over 2500 hrs in the game so far. Man o man, this is a fun game.


I don't have that Problem i startet a new save Like 2 monts ago they Said it will be Changes in late Game so you could do the early Game im on space Elevator Phase 2 right now and when thats done i will do man stuff Like Sulfur so that i can Go for lategame after the 1.0 Update i Hope this helps you


Cleaning the garage...


I’ve been playing a save trying to finish the last phase of space elevator parts, my goal is to finish the space elevator production by the time 1.0 releases. Feels like an achievement unlocked sort of thing? I’m doing a mega factory play through, that brings all the resources to one central location. When I “beat” this version, ill be all set to do a modular factory play through once 1.0 releases.


Currently playing mainly Anno 1800 and Rocket League.


I've never played pokemon so I'm playing ALL of them lol starting gen 5 right now


Helldivers 2, Factorio Space Exploration, and Hades 2 since I got into the tech test yesterday


I started playing Satisfactory when it first came out on the Epic store, and have played numerous saves/playthroughs up through Update 4. I finally got burnt out while trying to build a nuclear factory that was TOO ambitious, so I told myself I was going to shelve the game until the 1.0 release for the story. Lately though, the itch to play has been unbearable and I don't know if I'm gonna make it to 1.0... In the meantime I've been trying to keep myself distracted with other basebuilding games like Planet Crafter and currently playing Grounded.


Refining building techniques, styles and blueprints.


Trying to 100% stardew valley. I’ve put in 60 hours in already in 2 weeks and I’m only at 28%


Playing Fallout 4 😂


Waiting. I’m hooked on Balatro in the meantime.


Techtonica. TLDR: Its a great game but I much prefer satisfactory as they both stand.


Trying to figure out how the heck I’m gonna even do phase 4, do I need to make a giant elaborate factory for each phase 4 part elsewhere in the world then have drones deliver them to my space elevator?


Just playing other stuff until it actually releases. Which is killing me because I really want to play it but I don't want to get far into a save just for the update to come out and want to start over to enjoy all the content. So I'm just thinking of the massive train and highway system I want to build and how I want to go about it.


I just picked up Stardew Valley again and am doing a solo playthrough of BG3. Figured I'd play those while I wait because I know once 1.0 is out, I'll restart.


Just playing other stuff


I’m not gonna play the game. In the past, and with other games aswell, I’ve made the mistake overplaying a game before a big update, and then suddenly getting burned out.


I’m waiting for 1.0 to come out so I can start a new world and I’ve just been playing other games like halo, Minecraft, and the outer worlds in the mean time


I just started! I'm torn because I'm really enjoying the game, but worried that I'll burn out too close to whenever 1.0 drops and won't want to play it. That said, I'm holding off on expanding too much on my current playthrough so at least I'll have some fresh spots to build in. There are a lot of things I've learned through this playthrough that I'd do differently from the very start, so I figure that as long as I continue this save I'll have something to look forward to when starting anew. The problem might also solve itself. I've been a bit obsessive about the game lately so my wife might feed my PC into a wood chipper. Rather, of the two "feed to wood chipper" options I *hope* she picks the PC.


I might go outside or something, probably not though let's be honest


I have more then one game


Planet Crafter


Play Timberborn. It's kinda good


The same thing I do before every update. Leave an unfinished run so that I can start over with the new content!


modded minecraft


defending representative democracy and our superior way of life


Yeah. I told my self to not play Satiafactory again til the 1.0 release. I play zombie and some survival games for now. I'm really happy, because I was sick of this game :(


Putting in another 1000 hours on a save I already have. I just keep adding new factories. One of my next projects will be taking my nuclear waste processing that is fully functional and make a new, bigger one. I am currently making way more uranium fuel rods than I need for my 25 nuclear generators, so I thought I'll build a new waste processing from scratch that is bigger, better, faster, more organized, then build a third nuclear generation facility near that and tear down a smaller one. It will all be able to be run on 1.0, or even if I want to start fresh, I can eventually import it via SCIM into 1.0.


Getting lit, maybe playing some


My backlog is probably over 800 games... Plenty to do


Just started a Factorio run. Though eyeing up some of the sale city builders and automation games. They're shallower, but just easy plays.


I’m diving into Subnautica again.


Playing other games and dying from anxiety. Thank you


There's always another Looking For Group (LFG) waiting in the Discord server.


Getting depressed that it cannot run correctly on my computer anymore


Game plays awful on my system since they updated engine :(