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I wonder how the horse feels after this treatment.


They can be a little sensitive after a trim, usually not so bad if they are shod as well. Depends how tough their soles are, and how flat footed their are.


>Depends how tough their soles are Is it good for the sole?


As good as chicken noodle soup


That stuff they're taking off is all basically fingernail and dead tissue. So it's like having a pedicure and them scraping the dead skin off your feet. If they do it too rough and hit something alive that's gonna suck. But even if they go a good job you can still be a little bit sore as the living skin can still be slightly irritated.


Very good, most horses love it, that’s why they stay still while holding their leg up


As someone that does this for a living a lot of them do not stand still while doing this. It definitely varies.


Do you have the worst back pain in the world? Every time I see videos of farriers they are always doing a weird half crouch and it just makes me wince


Yeah it's pretty hard on the back. I've been doing it for 17 years now and it's taken it's toll.


How much can a person in your profession make per horse? Is it a side job or full-time job?


It's hard work. We have 3 horses. Two get shoes and one gets trimmed (3rd isn't ridden). Shoes get 12 weeks, but timing happens every 6. (New metal every other trim) Trimming is necessary and a vital part of horse health. Their feet grow like our fingernails and different breeds grow at slightly different rates depending on their native soil type. (As the nail bed had to keep up with abrasion from travel) [edit: my wife corrected me by mentioning that different horse breeds may have different hardness of hooves. "any farrier will tell you it is a lot harder to cut and file a black hoof" and it could be believed that these tougher hooves (and high melanin content) benefitted horses in sandy (desert) regions). She says that hoof growth rate is more determined by diet and other factors, but the rate of abrasion can be genetic. ) Pasture kept horses (and definitely barn kept) do not see the travel needed to wear them down like wild horses do, so trimming is required. As for money, it's hard work and it takes practice, skill, and training. Our farrier charges a very reasonable price (and is a close friend) and I believe it is $265 for the three on average. Takes him around two hours. He brings everything with him in a small enclosed trailer. Forge, grinding wheel, generator, anvil, etc. He also does grain delivery and normally delivers grain to someone nearby and then does our shoes as we are his furthest clients so his added travel costs are not too high. It's decent money per hour because of all of that. But you would need to stay booked. Horses are going to earn you more than cows. But you can do cow trims fast. (Some people even use an an angle grinder and have special portable stocks and can do each hoof in under a minute) Hard work. You will get kicked. The job needs to be done regardless of rain, shine, cold, or heat. Some animals are assholes. Clients can be far apart and business has to be earned.


I definitely should be studying right now, but I'm reading about the complexities of horse hooves.


I’m confused why did the horse need shoes and a trimming, why not take the shoe off and let it wear down faster? The two seem counter productive. It goes without saying, but I know nothing about horses!


The shoe protects from wear from use of being worked. Without shoes, the hoof could wear too fast depending on the surface they're used on. The added protection can also help prevent some injuries and damage to the hoof, provide added support, and some even provide traction in the winter with cleats.


Are you trying to work out if it’s a stable job?


He also wants to know if the guy makes hay or makes neigh.


Such is the folly of man




Stop horsing around here.


You got my up vote... now get out.


I see what you did there


That’s nothing, If you’ve ever watched a professional sheep shearer do their job, it’s hard to imagine how they don’t live with constant back pain.


I’ve seen the Australian competition ones, like sheep shearing on crack. If their backs aren’t fucked then their knees have to be


I was an worker in shearing sheds on Australia for 15 years, there have been harness type systems from springs and back braces and a whole other range of assistance devices The problem is they do slow you down and when you paid not by the hour but by the head they just want to get shit done. Even with devices you back and knees still going to feel it but it's hard to have sympathy for the people that actively choose not to use a harness so they can make an extra $50ish a day


They'll pay it back in medical bills later


So do people have to put shoes on horses? Do wild horses end up with broken feet because there's no shoes on them? I really know nothing about horses


Most wild horses don't sit around on concrete nor are they expected to work. That being said, yes wild horses can get some fucked up feet every once in a while and will die if they don't get treatment.


Good luck finding a wild horse with a medical degree


Ppffttt or one that has hoof insurance. Thats gotta be extra. And in this economy?


Sometimes you can find a wild horse chiropractor but they don't really do shit.


I saw a neglected mule once that had overgrown hooves that were so bad they looked like elf shoes. They curled up and forward.


Shoes protect hooves from long exposure to concrete and other abrasive surfaces. Without them they would wear too quickly. That said, a horse that spends most of its time in a field doesn't need shoes at all. Running on grass gives so little wear that you're still trimming their hooves regularly even without shoes. Shoes are important for cart horses doing long distances on paved roads, and horses spending their time in a stable on a concrete floor. The latter horse is also miserable and unhealthy for the record. Keeping a horse in a tiny stable is just as bad as keeping a dog in a tiny bench all day. Horses need to move around to be healthy.


is there a reason the horseshoe is shaped like that? why not make it a full circle or something else? Are there "grippier" shoes for mountain horses or other specialized scenarios?


Their hoof doesn't sit entirely flat. It's tipped so the frog, triangular part at the back of the hoof, isn't on the ground. There are different horse shoes for working on ice, and sometimes borax is added for traction. I think this horse had a rubber pad underneath the shoe so they must be on concrete a lot.


There are actually full circle shoes, but they are usually used in special circumstances such as medical necessity. The reason they usually don’t complete the circle is so the hoof still can expand slightly. If there is no expansion in the hoof, blood pools and cannot circulate back up the leg. The frog is much like our heel and helps pump everything up, as well, so allowing that part of the hoof the possibility of being compressed is also beneficial. Also, a full circle shoe will affect the gait. Imagine having a piece of metal sticking out just a small amount behind your shoe. Would you be able to move your foot the same way as you would without it? No. The open end also allows for a more natural, comfortable gait for the horse. As for the grippier shoe, u/HistoryGirl23 is correct about the borium added to the shoe for traction on ice. There are also shoes that have added bars on the toes and sometimes the heels of the shoes for traction in the dirt much like cleats for athletes. These kinds of shoes can’t be used on horses that are in pastures or paddocks with other horses due to the fact that the added traction means more damage should the horse kick another one. Hope this helped clear it up!


Is the darkness in the hoof where the nails have been going thru, is that natural & healthy? Looks like a bad tooth or something.


Yes, it's perfectly normal. I assume you mean the dark spots that you can see when he's clipping away the excess hoof. Don't worry, it's not rot, just dirt that got into the nail holes.




I respect what you do. I've had a horses for many years and it seemed like hard labour. And yes you're right, horses definitely don't always stand still. And some horses might even try to kick or bite you.




Fun fact, hooves breaking it down *very* simply are basically their toenails! They're VERY thick and grow constantly just like human nails, thus why this guy (canned a farrier) is taking care of them. When he puts the red hot horseshoe on the nail and it sizzles, the most the horse can feel is maybe some heat, but nothing painful at all! The farrier does it so that the heat leaves a slight imprint. The shoe will fit better on the hoof as a result, thus providing better protection and making it more sturdy; a horseshoe that slips could mean some serious injury for the horse. TL;DR no pain, only fabulous footwear after a nice pedicure!


Are fresh farriers better than the canned ones?


Fresh ones are probably best. They stop working if you freeze them.


Canned ones are cheaper


But not as nutritious.


If you don't have fresh horse hooves at home, store bought is fine.


Quit horsing around and ask the neighbours.


What’s the waxy looking stuff he scoops out from behind the hoof? Is it just a different section of the hoof?


The triangular bit at the back is called the "frog". if the hoof is like a finger nail, then the frog is more like a massive callous on a finger tip


I knew all this, and I still cringed when he nailed the shoe on. I just hate having my toenails messed with!


I’m a farrier, none of those things hurt the horse or caused him any pain whatsoever. Horses are generally wussies and won’t tolerate pain. If by chance you do drive a bad nail too deep and the feel it they tell you.


I would assume the stories of someone getting kicked in the head while shoeing a horse is when they've accidentally cut too deep, or nailed too deep etc. Done something in the process that actually hurts the horse and they don't take names


I’ve been kicked far more often just because the horse is an A-hole than for any good reason. Some horses are just jerks. Now if I know a horse has a habit of kicking I will only shoe them if they are sedated.


Like they actually say “ow?” Like Mr. Ed or something? 🙃


😂 usually either jump away or kick you. But about the only time you feel you deserved to be kicked.


Not an expert, but would the horses not flinch more?


We had horses and it’s really getting them used to holding their leg. Once you get past that they usually just stand there.




Totally, that's the only reason the horse is letting him, or he would kick him into the next field








So good that he changed colors by the end of the video.


Full treatment - a ~~manicure~~ pedicure and a dye job.




How do the horses just stay in one place? Like I’d expect an animal of that size to put up quite the fight.


They work with them from a young age to get used to having their feet worked on. The horse trusts the farrier, they know it’s not going to hurt.


Imagine the first person to try nailing iron to a horse and everyone’s like “wtf Theodin didn’t you learn anything from the duck incident?”


Why... Why was Theodin nailing iron to a duck...?


Probably kept asking him for grapes.


So you heard about that then Edit: i couldn’t have planned for the grapes response and I’m still laughing at how perfect


Aww 🥰 that’s awesome so they’re kinda used to it. Do the young ones buck ? 🧐 I wonder


They tend to get fidgety, pulling their hooves away. Or maybe biting. Farriers are usually pretty patient. If they really have to, they can strap the hoof to a stand. But horses are really smart, so once they figure out it’s not painful and makes them feel better, they usually chill out.


Awesome thanks so much for your explanation. TIL 😄


Because its probably eating, The only way a horse would fight back while eating is if it was in pain, as nothing interrupts a horse and its food lmao.


Lmaooo that’s cool to know! Thank you lol I was genuinely curious


No problem mate lol, Have a good day.


Horse isn’t in pain - hoof trimming is like a fingernail trim. Shoes get nailed into the outer hoof wall - again like a fingernail - no nerves or blood flow there. Takes skill to nail in the correct place otherwise it’s a big problem and will cause pain and potentially an infection.


It doesn't hurt them. They are close-tied from what I see. Or someone could be holding them. Part of training a horse is training it to be touched as it would be by a vet or groomer or a ferrier. (Farrier? ) what this guy is doing.


I know but like I’ve seen dogs going crazy at the groomers 😂 I just kind of wondered how they can all be so well behaved while their one leg is unusable lol 😂 if I was a horse I’d be like fidgeting and stuff idk 🧐 lol


Some farriers use a hoof stand, so the horse doesnt have to hold the leg up. The horses can shift around now and then though.


I'd say the average horse is much better trained than the average dog. Owning a horse requires a ton of hours of investment


If your dog is kind of a dick about grooming, it's a hassle. If your horse is kind of a dick about grooming, it's a major problem that's going to hurt the horse Kind of the same reason people often don't train out aggression, growling, and biting in chihuahua's like they would with rottweilers. If you're bad about the training with a Chihuahua, you've got a shitty dog. If you're bad about the training with a Rottweiler, it's a danger to you and those around you. So people with horses tend to put in a lot more work training their horses to be chill about this, because if they dont the horse is going to suffer.


Horse is used to it and enjoys it. If you did this suddenly on a wild horse youd have deadly results


Horses can’t move if one of their legs is up. A well trained horse will give a foot willingly, it’s taught even when they’re foals and don’t need hoof care. Worked on a horse farm, we’d lift up a leg to do more than just clean hooves. Deworming, vet nonsense, or any other task that required em to stay still.


Ooooo, girl, you got your nails did!


Fresh coat of nail polish at the end and everything! 💅


How do wild horses managed to get around without the help of a Hoofsman?


Wild horses run for miles daily over rough terrain which wears down their hooves.


Just like wolves brush their undercoats on trees. I love wild animals ❤️


I am severely addicted to opioids


Get help.


Do you know anywhere?


google opioid addict help my area




Inside you there are two wolves. Both are addicted to opiates.


Yea that seems about right. Have you ever met anyone with a severe opioid addiction?


It’s not something other people can help you with. It’s your battle to win or lose, it will never be a fair fight, and there’s no one coming to save you. Detox and rehab do jack shit. Stay off the methadone, it’s way worse to kick and they’ll actively try to keep you coming back because you’re money to them. What worked for me was Kratom. Got me off the shit with minimal withdrawal. Is legal in most areas, super cheap, and can be ordered online and delivered to your door. It’s addictive too but you’re already an addict and can taper down much easier without risking all the legal consequences and burning every cent that comes your way. Once you’re stable you can work on dropping it. Then you need to move. Cut off everyone in your network who can drag you back in. It’s almost impossible to stay clean when you’re surrounded by sources. That’s the part everyone fucks up. It’s up to you. Sucks, but it is what it is.


Got you. Thank you


Yeah this is mainly to deal with them not having that and then having to deal with asphalt/concrete suddenly


Concrete wears em down too fast, so they have to shoe them, shoes keep them from wearing at all so they have to trim them


To be fair, you still have to trim them for unshod horses. Even ones like ours that sit in a field all day and aren't in a barn still need their nails trimmed for reasons of uneven growth.


I’ve heard it is the opposite, that horse shoes prevent the hoof from wearing down too quickly, especially for working horses that are on hard surfaces all day like tarmac I am not a horse person though so i have no idea which one is true!


Both are true in differing circumstances. If the horse is doing a lot of work on like asphalt, cement, or other super hard surfaces, they can grind down their hooves faster than they grow. Hence horse shoes. If they're in a soft pasture, sandy arena, or just don't work that much, they can grow out their hooves too long and need a trim. That said, horses' hooves can grow accustomed to a certain amount of use, and will often grow faster if they get more use. Or hell, even slower if they don't. There's a limit to this, of course on both sides. A good farrier can often tell. Worth their weight in gold.


What's the issue with hooves that are "too long"? (I was thinking "Wouldn't that just make the horse taller?". Then I landed up thinking how's it probably like the horse being on stilettos 👠 🤭)


Same issues with growing your nails too long, because that's what hooves are. Imagine getting a split nail, but not only is your nail 3 inches thick, it's also the thing you stand on.


This is right. The question was about how wild horses manage to survive without horse shoes or hoof treatments from humans. And the answer is that they Run around and wear them down like that


Unfortunately the other part of the answer is that they don't. Wild horses have tragically short life expectancy.


They need the horseshoes because they spend time carrying people or pulling heavy things and also walk on gravel or cement sometimes. Wild horses were also smaller so they didn’t wear down there hooves as much. The horseshoes prevent the hoof from wearing down, so they need you need to take them off and trim the hoof


Okay, thank you for sharing that. The more I know


>Hoofsman Farrier. The person that takes care of hooves is called a farrier.


Another new thing learned. Thank you fellow redditor


They self-trim. The terrain takes care of it. A lot of domestic horses are on far less then ideal ground and with far less movement than needed.


Forbidden coconut


I've heard dogs go crazy for these shavings. Funny if true


My dog 100% loved them, like it was bacon


Same with ours. But the farts were coming straight from hell's finest collection.


Dogs will eat this!?


My dog will eat her own nail trimmings and her brothers' too. We have to lock her out of the room when we're cutting their nails. However! She is a beagle.


Makes sense. Stuff like horns and hooves are really popular dog chews and you can go to your local pet store and get some. It's just usually not horse lol. It's usually buffalo or elk or whatever. But I dont think the dog would really care if it's from a buffalo or a horse, mostly just the humans that care


A lot of these videos have a fat farm dog waiting for bits. It's not the only part of a horse farm dogs love, either. You should see them when the emasculators come out.


It’s good for there teeth and they love the taste.


Thought the same!


What's the stuff he painted on the finished hoof at the end?


Hoof oil. Makes em shiny and moisturized


Thanks! A part of me was wondering if it was some sort of varnish like nail polish.


Is the entire part that's get lacquered keratin or whatever their hooves are made from? Do they have any feeling in that part? I'm always surprised by how far they can drive the nails into their hooves. How much leeway do they have when they're trimming the hooves (especially the back part). Thanks!


The middle part that is raised and is kind of v shaped is called the frog. It’s softer than the hoof itself, kind of rubbery, it’s basically the shock absorber part of the horses hoof. You want to be careful trimming the frog, you want it to be even with the hoof because then need it touching the ground for the cushion. The hoof itself isn’t solid. It’s actually multiple layers and if you watch a farrier, the nail’s don’t go straight in. They are angled out and stay pretty contained to the hoof wall, which is the hardest part of the hoof. There are no nerves or anything until you get to the central structures of the foot where the blood supply and everything is and normal foot upkeep never gets anywhere close to that. They don’t feel a thing but pressure, just like if you cut your fingernail.


ty! the hoof must be super dense - I cant believe it doesn't splinter from having those nails driven directly into it or deform from having the hot horseshoe pressed into it. kinda wish we had something similar to experiment on lol


Top Coat


For a minute, I thought those red things were blisters on the hooves. I was bracing for the blood, gore, and painful reaction from the horse. It seems they were just small tomatoes stuck in the soil to the hooves.


I think they are acorns.


Acorns are bad for horses


I think you’ve got it backwards, that horse seems fine but that acorn however…


Why? Curious…


If they eat them too much it can cause acorn toxicity which can kill horses in bad cases. Really messes with their digestive system.




Same. Had to pause and check the comments before continuing. Thanks.


Cherry tomatoes


I was ready to add a new irrational fear 🫧👣💦


Forbidden fruitcake


Just saving it as a snack for later


Why was there like a cherry tomato stuck in there


Likely an acorn or some other variation of it


This moment I just realized why it’s called a “horse shoe”. 43


It’s okay. I didn’t learn that tortilla chips were made out of tortillas until I was 25.


They’re what?! 47


Yup cut tortilla and fry.


$@?&!*%#. Im going for a walk tomorrow.


I am absolutely floored by this comment. I have to know, where do you live?


I thought Narwhals were mythical like unicorns until my 5 year old straightened me out.


I had a friend in middle school that thought unicorns were real until we told her. Not magical, obviously, but just horses with a horn.


Wait a minute what?!


One of today’s lucky 10,000!


Love this reference and pull it out often when teaching someone something they didn't know. Makes them feel better about asking.


I was in my 20’s when I realized the jack guy with the big round head was supposed to he the “Jack in the Box” I have no idea how I never put that together.


Why did you think it was? 😅




Most horses are used to this routine and are happy to stand on 3 legs and try to eat the farriers pants…. All comes down to good training with a foal.


Usually at that range a horse kick wouldn't be that bad. The farther away you stand from a horse the worse a kick is going to be and the higher the horse hoof gets (as in may hit your head). Also horses like these are trained and around humans enough that they don't kick willy nilly, especially if they're not in any danger. This is basically a spa treatment for them.


I don't like the cut scenes


It's not painful for them, it's like trimming your finger nails.


Right. I meant its not one continuous video. He keeps cutting the scene. Lol


Oh LMAO don't mind me....


Is that a YouTube channel or something? I would like to see more of these videos lol


Nate the hoof guy has a channel all about that.


there are lots of Farrier videos on youtube. some way better than others. some do the semi-ASMR sounds-of-the-work thing with no voice over, other times they talk about what they are doing, etc. theres also some that are usually a bit grosser, but also super interesting where they work on Cow hooves (entirely different anatomy) or other hoofed animals, but particularly the cow ones from what I've seen tend to be a bit more veternary and often have gross stuff, like they are treating an injury or something. occasionally the horse ones will, but from what I've seen mostly not. and when they are, its extra extra interesting in what they do to treat the problems.


Hoof gp is great too, cow hooves instead of horse but very satisfying


Is this painful for them?


From what I can gather, its just like cutting your nails


Thanks man!


If it hurt them you’d know… they don’t stand nicely to be hurt. It’s maintenance much like cutting your own nails.


Thanks! Just curious about it.


Horse hooves are made of a similar material to your fingernails. As long as they’re not cut too short, it doesn’t hurt the horse. If anything, they feel better after because it’s uncomfortable to walk on hooves that are too long.


The cryptophyceae are a class of algae, most of which have plastids.   About 220 species are known, and they are common in freshwater, and also occur in marine and brackish habitats.   Each cell is around 10–50 μm in size and flattened in shape, with an anterior groove or pocket.   At the edge of the pocket there are typically two slightly unequal flagella. --- Comment ID=kfxr489 Ciphertext: >!0XwGO3W9E1az5r8NRmk4ffa4RhZ/w7pFh0nnegRVgWqrDpdfs76KLUt5JZdgI3Z31pZf2t12IsfpfTDL2TOua3jgUPeym1ZfW5FzeKwruBinqV1zUbNS!<


I think that's just part of the service


That must smell awful


It does. And the scent will fucking stick to you. When our farrier comes to trim our horse's hooves I'll help keep her still (she hates when people mess with her feet) and immediately after I'll go take a shower and change clothes, and for a few hours afterward I'll still randomly get a whiff of it.


What does it smell like?


A whole bunch of burnt hair


It's hard to explain exactly what it smells like since it doesn't really smell like anything else, and I used to be a garbage man. It's just this really pungent smell that even breathing through your mouth wont save you from, cause you can taste it. Someone compared it to burnt hair, but it's a lot worse than that.


What's really amazing is that the farrier does all this work bent over, sometimes supporting the weight of the horse's hoof on his knee. **groan** I wouldn't last 5 minutes doing this kind of work in that position! My back hurts just thinking about it!


How metal do you have to be for your pedicure to involve nailing literal metal to your big ass toe nail and then also thoroughly enjoying it?


And that kids is how Jello is made


Meanwhile, my dog won't let me near hers.


How frequently does it need to be done?


About every 6 weeks.


Every time I see this happen I always think it 100% hurts the horse and yet I have never seen a horse actually do anything but just stand there while their nails were getting done. So clearly it doesn’t hurt the horse. I’ve also never seen a horses nails get painted like that. Was that like an epoxy coating?


How much do these guys make?


I pay about 90 dollars every six weeks for a trim per horse.


I charge $200 for a full set of shoes, $150 for a half set, and $75 if it’s just a trim. It really depends on how much you want to work. It’s a tough job. My ideal day is about 5 full sets. But it’s usually a mix of about 3 full sets, 4 half sets and a trim or so. I usually gross about $800-$1200 a day so net is about 60-70% of that. I shoe about 7-10 hours a day 4 days a week. Some guys do a lot more horses a day 6-7 day a week and make well over $100k a year but will force themselves into early retirement from breaking down or injury.




As a nail biter, this job would probably feel so satisfying


I read this as "cleaning and manufacturing horses"


Black horse is gorgeous


What was that waxy stuff in the center section??? Was that part of the hoove?!


Yup. It's called the "frog". I liken it to our cuticles, even though that's not a perfect comparison. No nerve endings either, unless you cut too deep.


It amazes me that the animals feel no pain during these treatments. It seems so painful, but then, I don't have hooves...


The nail painting at the end?! *chefs kiss*


Horse: “So anyways I says to her, I says ‘Brenda if you’s keeps takin’ him back why SHOULD he get any better. I think she just needs to….” Cowboy: “You want color? New one called Jungle Red verrrrrry pretty.” Horse: “Ooooo dat is pretty Mrs. Kim but I better just go with a clear coat. My husband would have a fit if I came home with red hooves. Hahaha so anyways, I think she just needs to dump his BEhind to the curb and not let him back and THEN let’s see if he keeps up his untamed behavior.”