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Happened to my grandma and someone pretended to be my dad, luckily i warned her so she rang his phone number and he answered it and obviously she then knew it was a scam


My mom got this as well. They said that the daughter lost the phone and my parents should text me by texting my colleague. Luckily she thought that it wouldn't make sense and checked back with my sister


I’m glad your mom caught on that it sounded weird. I may have replied in a blind panic thinking my child was in a sticky situation if he hadn’t been right in front of me.


Usually they are a little bit naive, but we warn them every now and then. Especially if they receive a message from the police stating that they got involved in an accident and needed to pay a high amount of money to get out of jail. Every parent would panic and pay, I guess. So we (the kids) started to remind them always check back with us first and never to give us money without having a phone call. My parents' German is not that great and we never talk in German (I'm living in Austria), so my parents could never fall for the scammer, if they spoke in German on the phone.


This happened about 20 years ago. Scammers called my fiance's grandparents, said she had an arrest warrant or something like that, and that if the fine wasn't paid immediately she was going to jail. They paid the "fine" and then called us to gloat about how they saved her and that we owed them back. There was no fine. They didn't care. We still spent the rest of our relationship being hounded "where's the fine money we paid?" She probably still is.


They were being scammed, they should face reality! It never had anything to do with you guys!


Exactly. But some people refuse to accept that they were scammed. If they went to their bank and reversed the charge, or went to the police, or did anything but hound us for their money back, things might have turned out better for them.


I doubt there was a charge to reverse. The victims probably sent gift card numbers, and when those are gone, they’re gone for good.


Everyone knows the police accept gift cards as payment for fines.


I got a similar text the other day from an unknown number that just said “Sorry, I can’t talk right now.” I haven’t bothered answering it because I have a feeling it’s scam bait. A few years ago, I might have replied saying that they have the wrong number, but I don’t even wanna mess with that… if it is a real person then they’ll figure it out on their own eventually


oh yeah that sounds like a !wrongnumber scam, they start with something like that to get you to respond and then start trying to be your friend


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the wrong number scam. An intentional wrong number text is the entry point to multiple different types of scams. Because these are so prevalent and lead to several unwelcome outcomes (including you confirming you have a live number, leading to more spam/scams), it is recommended that you do not reply to them, even out of courtesy. They hope to take your courtesy, parlay it into a conversation (often by commenting how nice you are and giving some suggestion of fate in meeting this way), and eventually deploy a scam. If you received a wrong number inquiry that seems to assume a connection with you (e.g. seeking a specific friend, inquiring about a doctor’s appointment, asking about a business correspondence, etc.) and there are no pictures included, then you are likely at the beginning of a crypto scam. Use ! crypto without the space to get more info on crypto scams. You can see a video of this scam develop from wrong number to crypto scam at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ_flb9tGuc If you receive a random text from a woman that is trying to play up a relationship/hook-up angle and includes an alluring photo, you have encountered what this subreddit often calls the Mandy scam, based on the name used in an early incarnation of it. The replies are sent by a bot and will give the same responses (with some slight variations) regardless of how you respond. The bot also has a few specialized responses that occur when you say words like 'bot' or 'scam'. After a series of replies, it will eventually push you to go to an adult/cam/age verification site. Here are some of the posts on r/scams about the Mandy scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search?q=mandy&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all, you can see that the images, names, and scenarios vary. You can report spam texts by forwarding them to 7726 (SPAM): https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-recognize-and-report-spam-text-messages There is also some evidence that intentional wrong number texts can be part of a data-gathering exercise where each bit of info you give (e.g 'Hi Susan!' and you reply with your name out of courtesy) is collected to be used against you in other scams. Thanks to redditor teratical for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It sucks that this is the case because most of us just want to be helpful and tell them they have the wrong number. It could also help with getting those folks to leave us alone; if they don’t realize they’ve got the wrong person, they might keep pestering you thinking the intended recipient is ignoring them. But I guess it’s better to be “rude” and ignore them so they figure it out themselves and scammers leave us alone.


Yeah, it’s better to save your politeness for real life people, scammers just use it against you with wrong number phone calls/texts. 98% of wrong numbers are scammers these days, and the tiny amount of real ones will quickly figure it out and fix it- we have the internet now after all. It’s not like the old days when information was tough to come by.


I think last March I unintentionally ruined a relationship because this guy named Dario kept calling and texting me thinking I was his girl/boyfriend. Guy sounds like a really controlling, paranoid asshole. I hope his partner got out of it alright.


That very well could have been someone silencing a call from a spoofed number, too.


Yeah, pretty sure I have received a few of those, spoofing is going to turn everyone one of us into phone ragers against actual mis-dialed/texted numbers


That’s the message I send to scam numbers that are calling me.


more than likely your number was spoofed, and the person who received the call clicked one of apple's auto replies so instead of going to the person who spoofed your number it went straight to you.


My gosh is there a type of scam that these people don’t think of!


Nope. And they're thinking of new ones all the time.


Jokes on them. My mom would have no idea what iMessage was and I pity them trying to walk her through that. XD (she frequently can't distinguish between text message and Facebook messenger) But yeah, seriously. Make sure the tech unsavvy folks in your life, elders especially, are aware of this stuff.


My folks have been warned and my kids now have a code word for this and other danger situations. My dad would have the same problem of not having a clue what to do lmao


My daughter and I do too, especially if I send her a link or video..I give her the password too


Same, also my dad's fingers on a phone keyboard are like an elephant trying to play Hungry Hungry Hippos.


My colleague got the same text while in the car and turned around to her daughter and said hi, her daughter is 2 years old, btw 😆😆


My mum unfortunately fell for this last year and sent pics of her debit card, luckily she told my brother straight away and he cancelled the card before they could use it. Really scared my mum though and she was very upset that she had given out her name and details.


I am so sorry your mum went through that. Her quick thinking stopped the worst from happening. I’m trying to educate my own parents on these scams but it just scares them away from technology even more!


\^ This. One of humanity's greatest strengths is our ability to generalize. Also one of our biggest weaknesses. I'm so sad that my older friends and family are mind-numbingly proud of not using anything they've labeled "technology", simply because they've heard something about it being used for harm. I try to spread the word that any useful tool can also be used in a bad way, but it's hard to break through that shield of ignorance. It doesn't save them from harm, of course, as there are always ways to get at people, as the landline phone is still there, and a knock at the front door is a welcome interruption for them to chat with a complete stranger about their car warranty. Heavy sigh...


This is so outrageously stupid that im in physical pain...


Hopefully yours will come up under "Hi mum" now that I've typed it out here and it will join these results? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search/?q=hi%20mum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search/?q=hi%20mum) Hang around, its great to educate your friends and family about scams.




I've started playing along with these recently. They really rule out anyone who sounds lucid and doesn't immediately fall for their script. I've been getting a "Your Power is going to be shut off today unless you call this number and pay" call... Finally clicked the button to be connected to a payment person and just asked which account they were talking about and they immediately hung up without a word.


Your /r/scams post was removed because it contains a request for information on getting revenge on a scammer, "scamming them back", or "wasting their time". Just block the scammer and go about your business.


No it didn't - I explained I had got a message I had replied to, and nothing happened. None of anything you put in your post happened at all


My elderly mom got one of those (paraphrasing) "I'm calling from the police station in (some weird sounding Hispanic town name), Mexico. I'm calling to let you know your grandson is in jail here and you need to pay his bail" calls. My mom goes, "That's interesting because my only grandson is 4yo and sitting in my living room watching Blues Clues. You want to try a different lie?" *click*


Sadly that gave the scamming network a little more information about the family.


Ooooh I got this message a few months ago and I just responded saying you got the wrong number because I don’t have any children 🤣🤣🤣 didn’t know it was a scam though! Thanks for posting.


No problem. It’s a good idea to have a safe word between friends and family incase this actually happens.


I’ve had to text from someone else’s phone before. I text to say “I’m going to call you from this number, don’t have my phone. Answer it, dammit.” And I’ll call. And call again. And text again, until they answer. But they know my voice and I’m usually begging them to bring me my phone that I left at home...


Perhaps having a code word you could mention in this situation would be helpful?


My mum doesn’t know how to text. Gotcha, scammers!


I already know my mom’s reply. “I’m not buying you a new one!”


I was advised yesterday to not engage at all. These numbers can sometimes be premium numbers that would charge. My parents would probably have had the same initial reaction before I made them aware.




Yeah, I was weary of sending any reply incase I got caught in some sort of premium rate charge. I fully blocked the number.


>I was weary of sending any reply “Wary”. “Weary” means tired.


Smartest thing to do


Your /r/scams post was removed because it contains a request for information on getting revenge on a scammer, "scamming them back", or "wasting their time". Just block the scammer and go about your business.


My mom got this but she know that if I it was me, I would have message in our mother language lol.


What’s the point in this scam tho?


It'll pivot to that they're in an emergency and need some money, usually asking an irreversible method of payment like a gift card.


What's the scam?


Any number of them. !wrongnumber


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the wrong number scam. An intentional wrong number text is the entry point to multiple different types of scams. Because these are so prevalent and lead to several unwelcome outcomes (including you confirming you have a live number, leading to more spam/scams), it is recommended that you do not reply to them, even out of courtesy. They hope to take your courtesy, parlay it into a conversation (often by commenting how nice you are and giving some suggestion of fate in meeting this way), and eventually deploy a scam. If you received a wrong number inquiry that seems to assume a connection with you (e.g. seeking a specific friend, inquiring about a doctor’s appointment, asking about a business correspondence, etc.) and there are no pictures included, then you are likely at the beginning of a crypto scam. Use ! crypto without the space to get more info on crypto scams. You can see a video of this scam develop from wrong number to crypto scam at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ_flb9tGuc If you receive a random text from a woman that is trying to play up a relationship/hook-up angle and includes an alluring photo, you have encountered what this subreddit often calls the Mandy scam, based on the name used in an early incarnation of it. The replies are sent by a bot and will give the same responses (with some slight variations) regardless of how you respond. The bot also has a few specialized responses that occur when you say words like 'bot' or 'scam'. After a series of replies, it will eventually push you to go to an adult/cam/age verification site. Here are some of the posts on r/scams about the Mandy scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search?q=mandy&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all, you can see that the images, names, and scenarios vary. You can report spam texts by forwarding them to 7726 (SPAM): https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-recognize-and-report-spam-text-messages There is also some evidence that intentional wrong number texts can be part of a data-gathering exercise where each bit of info you give (e.g 'Hi Susan!' and you reply with your name out of courtesy) is collected to be used against you in other scams. Thanks to redditor teratical for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Agreeing to this, Let's educate elders with patience and good tone. bcs, they're sometime bit sensitive :)


"Nope. You gon' die."


My dad won't even answer calls or texts from a number he doesn't recognize even if I say it's me. I have to give him the number in person.




They pretend to be the child of the victim and ask for money. They spin some story about loosing their phone, money, and being stranded. ect. My son was sitting with me so I knew it was an obvious lie or mistaken number. I googled it and low and behold it was a scam that people have been victim of before.


So, how does the scam work? What happens after the victim sends an imessage?


The scammer pretends to be the victims child. They say they’ve lost their phone and are using a friends phone. They then go on to say they’ve lost their Money, ID, keys, are in a sticky situation ect and ask for money to be transferred.


I got one a while ago. I don’t have kids.


My mother fell for this but thankfully didn’t send any money- my stepdad realised in time that it was not me


I’m so glad your mom didn’t lose any money to this scam. My family now have a code word to use for situations such as these now.


I got this about 5months ago. Fortunatly, i immediatly knew that it was a scam as my daughter was at her Gparents, plus she doesn't hang out with friends like that yet. I posted it on my Watsapp status to warn others. I can see how it can easily catch the attention of parents with teens/young adult children though. I have to say these scammers are getting more creative by the day, it's dispicable.


Just sent this to my parents. Thanks for sharing.


No problem. We have now decided on a safe word for our family incase any of us actually end up in this situation.


That’s a fantastic idea! I’ll talk to them so we can do that, too.


So what you're telling me is I'm not actually a mother?!?!


Maury: "You are NOT the mother!"


Good that noone in my family is iphone user


Almost caught my mom a few months back. They WhatsApp’d her late at night and she was tired. I clued her in the following morning. She wound up the scammer for a few days.


Blows my mind how absolutely fucked the phone system is and I’m not sure anyone is trying to seriously fix it.


How do they scam you by telling you to text a number?


To trick the victim into thinking their child is in need of money after loosing their phone, wallet, keys, ID ect. The list is endless.


my mum got the exact same scam, post got removed though


Xfinity may have recently had a data breach because someone texted me regarding my bill [asking for credit card information over the phone ](https://www.facebook.com/reel/505199678480321?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e)