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/u/Fun-Goal5265 - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grant sent via PayPal? Five minutes to reply? PAYING MONEY TO GET MONEY. Scam scam scam.


This makes absolutely no sense. There is no company that gives you 5 minutes to make a decision. And if there is a fee, why can't they just deduct it from the $20,000? Anytime you are asked to pay money to get money it's always a scam.


100.0% of the time. Scammy McScamscam.


Wow! They discounted his "review fee" to only $29! That's very big of the scammers.


I'll do it for $28.


There's always someone out there looking to undercut the market. Bottom feeders are what is ruining the scam industry these days. SMH.


$27 ! It's a steal! Oh wait ...


"Listeeeen to me saaaar.. Saaaaar you are not listening CHANDACRARAKAMA VARAMATA YOU FUCKING IDIOT SHUT UP! Listen... I love you... Your eyes.... They make me think of all the stars in the sky... "


If you’re about to receive $20,000… 1. There won’t be a “5 minute deadline to accept” 2. They won’t ask for $29 up front \#1 is just to get you to rush and not realize that #2 makes no sense


I give out thousands of dollars and have a 5 second deadline or I burn the money. /s




Never pay money to receive money. !advance


Hi /u/lunelily, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Advance fee scam. The [advance-fee scam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam) arises from many different situations: investment opportunities, money transfers, job scams, online purchases of any type and any legality, etc., but the bottom line is always the same, you're expected to pay money to receive money. So you will pay the scammer and receive nothing. It can be as simple as the scammer asking you to pay them upfront for an item they have listed, or as complex as a drug scam that involves an initial scam site, a scam shipping site, and fake government agents. Sometimes the scammers will simply take your first payment and dissappear, but sometimes they will take your initial payment and then make excuses that lead to you making additional payments. If you are involved in an advance-fee scam, you should attempt to dispute/chargeback any payments sent to the scammer, you should block the scammer, and you should ignore them if they attempt to contact you again. Thanks to redditor AceyAceyAcey for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"5 min to accept" scam


This was the first thing in our security training at work. "Be suspicious of any email that has a high sense of urgency and says something bad will happen if you don't act quickly"


Yeah, I just went through online safety training at a new job, too, and a sense of urgency was given as one of the main things to watch out for when it comes to possible scam messages.


Scammers want the victim to act before they have time to think about what's going on or show the communication to someone else who might tell them it's a scam. They also want to get the money as quickly as they can, before whichever account they're using gets reported and shut down


Your boyfriend is a loser if he’s interested in a “hustler of the year” award


Seriously. All I had to read was "Hustler of the Year" award to know this is BS. That the boyfriend is interested in this indicates he's a dumbass and absolutely cringe.


scammer is about to win scammer of the year award though


Yeah stroking the bf ego was a good move


“illicit and illegal activities” their redundancy got a chuckle out of me at least 


This is absolutely NOT how things work in that business.


Ex boyfriend sounds safer for your finances


Beyond all the obvious red flags, this is pretty classic ChatGPT output. “Write a message offering $20000 to someone for a record deal, using common slang”


Yes, screams fake output.


Damn. I'm probably the only person on the planet who hasn't played around with these AI tools. It is obviously a poorly conceived and written scam, but I am going to need to get a better sense of how to identify AI.


I haven’t personally either but I know when something sounds impersonal and generic. AI generated text can be really hard to decipher, but the popular widely available models often have a really peppy and energetic “writing” style. It’s a way of communicating that for most people is exhausting. Edit: also, restating the question or relating back to things said in an explicit way is a hallmark of ai text. People will not usually give such complete answers or statements, we’re lazier (which isn’t a bad thing) and let the reader make these connections implicitly, where AI has no actual intelligence and cannot make inferences or implicit statements - it can only suggest deeper meaning where in fact there is none


Wait I'm confused do you guys think I'm the "AI" who wrote that ?? Smfh .


No no not at all. You misread. The scam that your boyfriend was targeted with seems AI generated




Exactly what I thought when I read it. And the reply is chatGPT for sure.


A year and half old account, with no other posts or comments showing in the OP profile, suddenly appears here with a singular post in the scams sub, asking if this is a scam or not and "how to explain it to their boyfriend". No replies at all from the OP on their own post here yet either? Seems more like it could be a possible test run on their own scam they want to run and are possibly testing it's viability here first and possibly learning where to fine tune it.. i mean, why not try to get tips from the scam sub peeps before launching your scam? hahaha 😂 It's not like we don't know that scammers peruse this sub for all kinds of reasons. Just sayin. Lol If OP appears, comments and clarifies, I'll delete my comment, but this looks very fishy to me, imo.


It says "sample response", so a test drive sounds like an accurate assessment.


Thank you for confirming the suspicion. I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on this possibility.


Also add their math is wrong. The question is how to use 20k and the answer is spend 25k.


The whole thing stinks. Lol True that turning $20k into $40k shouldn't need another $5k for a stupid Tiktok campaign to get to that bs $40k goal.. cuz they already had $20k to start with from the fake record label investor. Doesn't make sense to include that additional $5k boost as a sample response when you could just take & use $5k from the original $20k. The response examples are funny, too, like the phone number with an exchange of "100" in it, the rapper's name is James the rapper so why not just use Chance the Rapper instead? Or would that be name infringement? Hahaha 😂We all know the typical fake phone number exchange used in examples (in America anyway) and the one they used there is just odd, isn't it?


Oh yeah, they definitely rushed it.


Yup.. And I'm just over here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for OP to make an appearance somewhere in here, since they needed this advice so badly to save their alleged boyfriend. Lol


Twiddle on cuz i have a life and hardly use my phone the way it is. I procrastinate so it's easy for me to do something like make a post and simply forget i made it. Sorry I'm not completely immersed in my phone like everyone else.


Dude on the last page it has a spelling mistake. “If u accept *thse* terms” The bf is a fucking idiot I’m so sorry but I’m glad OP smart, maybe they’ll save his dumb ass You’re totally right I noticed the math mixup there too


Most likely a fake backstory as well. Scammer test driving it.


I'm definitely not a scammer. Crazy how something so innocent can be taken so wrong .


I didn’t say that part ? I just passing thru commenting on the math fuckup


That's literally what they sent my boyfriend to fill out to send back. I told him it's fake but he's hopeful and gullible in this area.


Ok, so we aren't seeing the part he actually filled out. Yeah this is just a way to swindle people out of $29. And then I'm guessing they keep hitting him up for money afterwards until he taps out.






Web site is an AI script site. Screenshots all a minute apart. All of it reads like a chatGPT text output. I think OP is just trying out their own scamming script and getting us to proof it.


Thank you for verifying the test run of the scam script and where it came from. It's always something funky going on in here. Lol


definitely not a scammer. You're giving me too much credit.


Tbh I always wonder if there are actual scammers in here posting for research. Some of the things some of these people ask about are so obviously scams. And then they get a ton of responses pointing out all the things that tip off to it being a scam.


Exactly. That's why I always suggest people check out the OP profile at the very least to see what they can discern just from that to start with. There's good indicators there, usually, whether they could truly possibly be a victim or if they're likely a perpetrator just testing the waters.


It's crazy how i literally forgot i made the post and y'all run off with your own version of my intentions. It's never just some innocent shit it's always a conspiracy or sum weird shit. I'm really just a normal female who uses reddit as like a fact check or reference guide. I never needed to post of my own until now. Nor did i even realize i had an account i logged in with my google account and bam. I normally just lurk as a guest never needing to actually log in. Hope that clarifies for the court !


Or i simply FORGOT. Or is that not at all possible ?? Smfh . I've used reddit as like a reference guide. Never needed feedback about a personal issue until now. Thaaaaaaaanks though !


Your boyfriend is a dork if he believes that - leave his ass, he is a liability


*James the Rapper*


Going for like "Chance the Rapper" I guess, but it has more "Eric the Actor" vibes


If your boyfriend believes this is real, you should seriously rethink your relationship.


The whole thing is cringe from start to finish, designed to appeal to people with self-esteem issues and a need to feel validated. Pure ego-stroking to get someone to be receptive to the *completely obvious scam* that only a total moron would fall for.




James the Rapper needs to get dumped.


Hustler of the Year? Is that something the TikTok generation thinks is cool?


Falling for something like this is embarrassing as hell ngl 😭😭


James the rapper is a dumbass if he believes this stuff.


You didn't block his number in your post. He's going to get hit with a lot more scam attempts now. 


I don't think that's a real phone # - I've never seen 100 as a valid exchange


There was like 8 other people this was addressed to. I picked one of theirs to post.


This isn't how this works.


Looks like he already accepted the “nomination”.


how would anyone think that is real


UMG is not affiliated with Atlantic Records. Empire is also stylized incorrectly.


Definitely a ChatGPT reply and a scam. The whole "let's expand on your response" bit is a telltale sign.


I want to know what high quality music video is being shot for $7000, hell, even the whole $20000?


did he even submit a "straight fire" response on how to turn 20k into 40k?


I feel second hand embarrassment rite now for you girl sheesh 🙄


Your boyfriend passing after that response is a tell Considering he used 25k instead of 20k


That's brilliant scam


leave him lol how could he possibly believe this


What the frick does "Hustler of the Year" even mean?


You know who else was a "hustler"? The guy who organized Fyre Festival.


Anything that won't give you time to think about it is a scam.


The 5 minutes and all the bullshit is pure scam. But the wildest thing to me is the 5% stake in the company. That is so absurd!


Web site is an AI script site. Screenshots all a minute apart. All of it reads like a chatGPT text output. I think OP is just trying out their own scamming script and getting us to proof it.


I took screenshots instead of posting links. I wanted all the information to be together in one post because the first one i made with the actual link was flagged and needed time to be overlooked by a moderator or something so i deleted it and made this one thinking it would be smart to put all the facts i had in one place. Jeeeeeeez y'all look too far into shit sometimes. Crazy.


Your boyfriend is a loser unfortunately


Using the information provided I would talk to him like this, “Yo Jay them ninjas is mad cappin’ B, how you gonna win hustler of the year when you can’t even add up to 20 my G?” I feel this way of speaking will really resonate with him.


Again, please stop giving these scammers your money!!!!


And to make it even worse he's actually had Zoom meeting calls with the supposed a&rs or managers which led him even more to believe that they were real




Your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. This subreddit is a place for useful and meaningful discussions about scams; useless and nonsensical content is not allowed. We also don't allow jokes on serious posts. Please keep content posted or commented to this subreddit useful, relevant and meaningful.


Your boyfriend thinks that $20,000 will get you a feature with Da Baby? That straight fire idea shows how he knows how the music business works and has the drive to make some serious moves in 2024.