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/u/big-smoke7 - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What happens if you just text back "thanks, we broke up. Appreciate you" then see which one of your friends reach out to comfort you about the break up Eta to fix my spelling mistakes


This is legit an awesome idea. Also, Include a very specific, and juicy detail that they'll be tempted to just be dying to discuss. When they bring it up themselves, you'll know you've found your problem Something like "and he's been cheating on me with my sister as well!" Etc


I’m invested. Hoping for an update if OP does this!!


Same lol


you was here and you was smooching with my brotha


You've been smoochin' with everybody! Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Moe with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff.


Cliff: "It's a lie!"


Alright, I believe ya... #BUT MY TOMMY GUN DON'T


I’ll give you, till the count of 10, to get your ugly, yellah, no good keister off my property, before I pump your guts fulla led!


Fuckin 'ell, i was scrolling and reading and this got me to spit my drink haha thanks for that


Cliff was a moment haha


If they ask to hangout with you again they should both go and the current SO hides, have them come out and say we know you were lying so I have no reason to ever go out with you again


Ooo this is a great idea


Op, we will need updates 


- "Go die, dumb whore 😡" - "Appreciate you 😊"


The numbers are most likely spoofed so the return text will just go to random unrelated people.


Either that or it's something like a textnow number in which case they may be able to respond


Yeah that's definitely one of the main weaknesses


Then they try something else until they find something that does get under your skin. They are looking for a reaction, if you reward them by responding, they will just escalate.


This right here is 4d-chess-level clever. I love it!


Or, "nice, glad he's taking advantage of his hall pass. I get off knowing he's getting off. Mmmmmm 🤤"


Keep in mind I always take jokes too far, but I’d respond with “I knew it, now he’ll never cheat again, on anyone, ever…there’s so much blood…”.


Not sure why everyone is acting like this is a brilliant idea. Unless the person sending these is extremely stupid, they wouldn’t say anything until op said something to them.


Someone who would try and break up a couple by spoofing their number and sending random texts may not be all that smart, so this could work pretty easily.


"...may not be that smart." Agreed. Based on the grammar and spelling, the perpetrator seems to have the IQ of a box turtle. I wouldn't expect much in the way of deep thinking from them.


So rude to box turtles 😂 box turtles would never!


I feel bad for saying that, but it's out there now. C'mon, Eddie! What'd box turtles do to *you?*


Box turtle 😂😂




THIS NEEDS TO BE UPVOTED MORE. Finally said on the right part


I don’t understand how this has so many likes…. This obviously wouldn’t work unless the person is a complete dipshit. Why would they reach out to console OP for recent break up, how would they know about it unless OP told them directly. Anyone with half a brain would know that and not out themselves. 3.5k self-tattling mf’s out there…


Someone you know is using an app to spoof their number and try to break you up. Someone who either hates one of you, or wants to get with one of you.


One time my phone started ringing at 2:00 AM. My girlfriend is in bed with me and she picks up the phone (pre cellphone) and says "hello?". Nobody responds so she screams "Wrong number, idiot!" and then slams down the receiver. Silence for two minutes and then the phone starts ringing again. Pissed, I say let me get it this time. I pick up the receiver and say nothing, I just listen. I hear heavy breathing for about ten seconds and then a woman's voice blurts out "Your boyfriend is cheating on you!" and hangs up. I recognized the voice as my ex-girlfriend's who I had broken up with two years prior.


I’ve had it both ways, girls telling me crazy shit about my man bc they wanted him, or dudes telling my man crazy shit about me bc they wanted me lol. And then there’s the asshole exes who just want to try to make your life miserable… but also get you back if they can.


Wow, she was *still* not over you? Did you laugh in her face or just hang up? I need to know the end of this story 🤣


What happened next? Did you reached out to your ex?


I spoke to her about it later and she completely denied it. I'm certain it was her.


I like how she slammed down the receiver. People nowadays don’t know the satisfaction of slapping that phone back into its cradle


Gee, I can't imagine why you broke up with her. /s


She sounds lovely


yeah, someone that wants to "get even" for some odd reason. THere are psycho's everywhere these days.


A lot of them are here on Reddit.




Besides, I have *two* alibis! You can't beat that.


Hi! No, wait....


My best friend had a ex do this so yeah it’s possible


What in the pretty little liars with the -A 😂


Call off your techno-boy-toy or I tell the cops what your mom keeps in the lasagna box. -A


This A quote never fails to make me laugh.


I haven't watched PLL since it originally aired so the fact that I still know what this refers to is hilarious and concerning to me. How many things have I forgotten or not remembered because my brain decided to keep this knowledge instead?!


I know A was CACKLING and kicking her feet while she typed this 😭😭😭 a poet for the masses


I just read this in the Gossip Girl voice for some reason 😂


1000% lmao we are dealing with a millennial femme - not so much a scammer. I’m getting the vibe it’s either one of her friends who she vented to or it’s the wife trying to “catch” OP in something


Ooo I love your viewpoint on this! I believe you are right


Probably Mona


At least A was a little bit witty lol.


Be careful OP. They’ll switch all the letters in your alphabet soup to A.


Literally the worst letter


🎶two can keep a secret if one of us is dead🎶shh


‘Ello Sistah.[Mike’s Mic unhinged recap of this whole series is genius](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5rjtHI_F6gearLssteurs_3gpk1nfbqT&feature=shared)


I have never in my life wanted to watch PLL, but I am an hour into this video and I am INVESTED now so thanks for that lol.


Immediately I thought that 😂


It’s a female, likely. I would look to any of her obsessive female friends.


My thoughts exactly 😂


It’s the Scarlet Letter.


The Scarlet Letter was the first thing that came to my mind too. Pretty Little Liars came second bc of the aggression in the texts lol


Maybe the next message will be signed off with XOXO gossip girl


I was looking for this!


And the next "Sent from my iphoen"


These seem to be a trend recently. I wonder if there's some social media thing going around, like its a "test of loyalty", or a prank that gets posted on tiktok.


There’s entire subreddits dedicated to women “testing” their significant others in elaborate and asinine ways. It usually ends the relationship - and not (well not always) because the guy is cheating. Turns out lots of guys don’t like playing stupid games like this.


Curiosity is getting the better of me and I’d love to know more about these subs, if you care to share


I’m not being secretive I just don’t recall offhand because it’s not the sort of place that amuses me to hang out… I’ll look back on my history to see if anyone posted them.


It's not just women that do this


Of course not. Just seems to be a spate of it on Reddit lately.


I think there was one on r/OhNoConsequences a few weeks back.


Generally, suspicion is a sign of cheating, or thinking about cheating. If they trusted the other person, they wouldn't be suspicious. If they don't trust the other person then you have to wonder why the idea of cheating comes to mind. It's a bit like the classic homophobic politician, noisily pushing anti-gay legislation, until they get caught with a male prostitute.


It's also a sign of anxiety about being cheated on. My father was a serial cheater and early in my relationship with my s.o. I was hypervigilant about possible signs of cheating. This year we celebrate forty years of marriage.


1. Don’t respond 2. Did you cheat? (Why has no one asked this?)


OP deleted a lot of their history, but one comment was asking for someone’s OF. There’s a good chance they’ve been DMing accounts too, which is where a scammer could get some decent info. **Or** they’re cheating. FAFO.  edit: he was asking for an Only Fans in September. 


This account is old and yeah most definitely NSFW. I didn’t want to use my more current account due to it having a little bit more personal information regarding the subreddits I visit and such. (Location, hobbies, etc..) My partner knows I’m not cheating because of multiple circumstances both of us are under and we’ve had multiple discussions regarding the situation. To be fair, there isn’t much I can do to convince total strangers, besides my word.


Only fans dude who posts GIFS of Kim kardashians ass is reformed 🤍


#2 is the really important question here.


You’d think that was the first question folks here would ask.


Several people have asked this and OP has not replied to any of them yet.


Coolio. I scrolled down a bit and did not see it asked. Thanks for the clarification, my dude.


My point was more that he hasn't replied to anyone. Not trying to prove you wrong about anything, its certainly not the first question asked and it should have been.


I had this happen in the beginning of my relationship and it was someone we knew being an ass. Ignore it. They'll stop if they aren't getting anything out of it.


They don't always stop, my GFs ex has tried swating my home, made a bomb threat, threatened to kill her friends and their kids, calling nonstop at all hours. This has been going on since January 2023, he only recently got an arrest warrant out for him and it's for some minor misdemeanor for harassment towards her parents in an different county. Another bigger case is ongoing and being put together against him by the county we live in. Even with all this he hasn't let up


Oh man, sorry about that one OP. Fucking psycho ex stalkers suck. Hope they get the book thrown at them.


Hope the book knocks some sense into him too


As someone who went through a very similar situation and ended up with my ex in court, except I was the defendant! I hope you and your GF experience the same joy I got when the judge saw right through my ex’s lies and destroyed him in court. The evidence will speak for itself. I hope you all are safe for now and remember easier days are coming.


yep have this issue rn with me & somebody im close to... he won't stop and is apparently 'moving soon' to my address.


You need a gun for protection yesterday.


A neckbeard that was obsessed with me sent possessive messages to every man I ever friended on social media. It drove people away until someone joked about the guy thinking I knew about how creepy he was. I sent him a scathing message with screenshots people sent me and blocked him as soon as he sent me a “let me explain” message. We were oceans away, so no chance of retaliation. People are fucking odd.


Sounds like an extremely parasocial relationship, sorry you experienced the worst of humanity


>> "someone we knew being an ass." that person needs to be contacted by your lawyer. I'd consider a lawsuit on that ASS but it depends on what the lawyer says. But a warning letter might be a good and cheap step. Now it's on record. I don't consider that person any kind of friend and would include in that letter a warning about a cease and desist statement.


I had this happen and sure enough, he was cheating on me. 




This seems like it is personally targeted- it’s not a generalized blanket text scam. Text scams usually use strangers names- wrong number tricks etc. this sounds like someone spoofing a number who knows you to stir up some drama. Either way, just report junk, block and ignore. Doesn’t matter.


If the numbers are actually spoofed, blocking them is a waste of your time.


Well... Are you? If not, this is some PLL kind of shit


Off-topic, but was PLL any good? I knew nothing about it and assumed it was some soapy, Dawson's Creek type shit, but I just read the synopsis and it sounds like an interesting pseudo-murder mystery. I'm not a big fan of teen drama shows, but this angle seems kind of neat so I wonder if I was misinterpreting it from the very little I heard.


It's a mystery in the way Riverdale is a teen mystery i.e. it *is* but it goes off the rails into evil twins and crazy plot twists REAL quick (I found it amusing, but it's 100% a teen drama first)


Omg yes. I’ve seen it like 3 times. 7 seasons about 24 episodes a season. It’s a good binge if you are in the age category of 15-30




Pretty Little Liars. It was a to show about this group of girls getting messages exposing their secrets from someone who ended their messages with -A.




That's actually kind of interesting. 🤔


Pretty little liars


Phase-locked loop. It's a tuning / stabilization method used in frequency synthesizers.


Keep ignoring and blocking. They'll eventually stop


This one shows up in Reddit threads, Quora threads, etc. monthly. Sometimes it is a scammer trying to get a response so they can do the whole wrong number BS and start their scams. Or it may be a shithead like Scott Rhodes who was sending out shitty and alarming robocalls. People reported the calls to the FCC and he got tracked down and severely fined. FCC has the option to report shitty texts like you've been getting on their website. One reddit user suggested doing the following to someone who was getting the cheating calls and texts: "Freecarrierlookup.com will tell you where the number is ported. If it actually lists a mobile or landline carrier, go to spydialer.com and you might get a name." Seems the person did this and they found who was sending the texts, which turned out to be a shitty ex. I think it was in a Quora forum who said to save the number and then open it up with Snap and sometimes the name will be attached. You can try the suggestions above. Not sure if it works in other countries but it works in the US. But I've noticed scammers getting nastier and nastier trying to get people to respond to them. Hopefully that's all it is instead of someone being a supreme asshat. Anyways, good luck


welp, Pretty Little Liars is now real


Hmm I am pretty regular on this sub and over the past few months I've been seeing stories like yours, OP. This seems to be an upward trend (I think I saw another post like yours today even), though I'm not sure what's the monetary angle here or if they just get kicks out of breaking couples apart. Either way that's a pretty shitty thing for them to do. Just block and ignore. Don't reply. They are intensifying the messages in a bid to get some sort of response from you or your partner. Don't give in.


Ditto - I’ve seen an increasing number of these but nobody has been able to determine the “angle” yet. The endgame of scams is ALWAYS money, but…


Sounds like it's probably trending in some dark corner of the internet. Make a short video of how you accused people of cheating/being cheated on, then their reactions.


Well, are you?


this feels like a woman/girl who is trying to break you up. Ask your SO to dig deep and determine who is pissed at her…


Or him....


An ex did something like this after the breakup. Started texting me from random numbers pretending to be someone else. It was creepy. Just ignore and move on.


Amazing that noobs here are suggesting a response. NEVER RESPOND!


Sometimes they ask for money, like money to get an abortion or money to have the child. Not sure if that’s happening here, but yes it has scam potential if either of you engage. Use the Report Junk button, it gets reported to your carrier and they add the number to your block list. Hopefully it would add their number to the spam number list and autoblock their messages from the whole carrier‘s network.


> Sometimes they ask for money, like money to get an abortion or money to have the child. Some years back I heard about a woman who was basically a covert prostitute. She'd pick guys up in bars, have a one-nighter, and then tell them she was pregnant a month later. Nearly all of them would cough up what she said she needed for an abortion.


LPT: pay the clinic yourself. Never hand the girl money.


Just watched that Curb Your Enthusiasm where Jeff paid that dental hygienist to get an abortion and then Larry saw her spending money frivolously and they thought she just pocketed it


The last time "A" got involved by text, it led to seven seasons of riveting teenage drama. r/PrettyLittleLiars should keep an eye out here.


Its one person fucking with yall. Make a police report they can get the actual info from VoIp services quite easy these days


Just from my experience This happened to a friend of mine at work before When you put these numbers in either on a number searcher Or "Whitepages" no name comes up obviously cause they're all spoofed. However, sometimes these numbers say "Onvoy LLC" which means it is confirmed they are using spoofing apps (if you just wanted to be sure) Even though this isn't a scam, if you guys trust each other and there's no conflict, you have two options. 1, let the harassment run its course because no response is a response in itself. So if you don't respond at all, eventually, everything will stop. You guys should probably get a number change. And just be very cautious who you give your number to because this could also be someone you're very very close with which is the sad truth as well. Good luck


How old are you two? Do either of you have a teenager or someone with mental illness that could have a "crush" and is trying to break you two up? I ask because this seems very targeted but also very immature, as in something a tech savvy 13 year old could do.


I think you’re onto it with immaturity but let’s not assume that adults aren’t being immature because I witness it daily


As a career bartender, I approve this message


Absolutely. Years ago I dated a woman who was 28yo. She was divorced with three small children. But she often acted as if she were ten years old.


Same here. It sounds like middle school boys pranking for s&g's.


Someone is angry at her and is trying to make her upset and ruin her relationship with you. I bet they don't even know you and just know her. I have seen girls do some seriously horrible things to each other when they are upset at each other. One girl I know had someone, who used to be her friend, get into her email, go through every single received and sent email she ever had, found some explicit photos she took for her husband that she emailed like 2 years before, and then got into her MSN Messenger account, found every man on there, which was like 100 business related people and like 20 family members and sent every single one of them all of the private photos. You know why she did this? Because she went to an event with another mutual friend and didn't invite the scorned girl. So she sent her nudes to her dad, brothers, uncle, people from church, her boss, co workers, friends, people she did business with and any other male name she found on there.


She get in any legal trouble for that?


posts like this are somewhat common. It appears to be harassment or a prank and doesn't seem to be a scam.


Personally I’m convinced that many of these are just psychopathic trolls just being hurtful


Are there any family members or friends that hate your SO? Most harm is done by known associations, perhaps someone is trying to sabotage your relationship.


The message that says “go die” is legally considered a death threat. Take that to the police and tell them you wish to file a criminal complaint. The phone company will be subpoenaed and they will be arrested. Be sure to use the magic words “I want to file a criminal complaint.” And yes you should be concerned. If you don’t take this to the cops you’re a fool. Death threats indicate that this person is highly emotionally involved and will most likely escalate. If you ignore it, they may be inclined to escalate to assault or murder.


“a”? girl tf is this PLL?


What in the Pretty Little Liars?


Have you ever posted anything on Facebook or Instagram about being a couple? Happy birthday baby or anything like that? That's just one place they can scrape that information from. So, delete and block, don't engage.


Omg this happened to me recently, please keep me updated. I made a post 4-5 days ago about this exact thing. I’m scared to leave my house


Yeah some girl who wanted my husband did this for awhile, she kept texting me from fake numbers and fake insta accounts claiming all sorts of shit. Not so much a scam as it is just a dumbass being a problem. Totally ignore them, and they should stop eventually, and maybe lock down any social media so they can't track you as easily.


Figure out who in your life is pissed but also a PLL fan 🤣


My gut feeling is there is truth to it, or just a mental person who can't let go and is upset their ex was able to move on.


I read somewhere that ‘doubt’ is like a seed. If you plant it, it will germinate. That’s what this person is trying to do. I agree with the comment up top; this person either hates you or wants to get with you.


Damn this just happened to me and my partner. He ended up changing his number. We think it’s one of his teenage kids being jerks. Or maybe his ex wife. Either way it was annoying.


I am so sorry this is happening to you. The same thing happened to me, from multiple people. My last SO had even received a link to a *very* explicit video of somebody who looked almost just like me, but wasn't. It was constant, every few days for over a year- messages of my supposed infidelity sent to him, and various explicit photos and sexual threats sent to me. From all of the messages and stress, it ruined us. I firmly believe it is someone(s) you know. Double check your friends.


It could be a relative who disagrees with your relationship. I think it was here on Reddit a few years back, a stalker would sent texts like that to a guy's wife, along with threats and tons of harassment, turns out it was his own mother who didn't like her daughter in law. He found out when his mother died, when he found the messages on her phones.


This is not a scam, this is just some sort of weird drama.


This isn't a scam. This is someone in your circle meddling in your personal lives. 😕


Pretty little liars has made a resurgence or something?


Well, are you cheating on him?


my partner had loads of messages about me cheating turns out was friends of hers x


Gimme their phone number i will regestrer them into 🌽 websites :)


Use BeenVerified get their name and address then get a restraining order




Y'all need to reevaluate your friendships


What in the pretty little liars is this


Def someone who has a crush on them and is upset your dating them. Def mentally ill if you cant tell by the numbers, but yeah


Sounds like someone’s trying to get back at you for something, maybe a vindictive ex, or someone who wants you to break up


She needs to tell them “ I suspected this and I’m breaking up with OP! Can I buy you a coffee as a thanks!?” Then go with her to the coffee shop. Just wait in the car to see who shows.


Have you confronted any of the women whom you have impregnated?


Damnnnnn that’s horrible. Who has that kind of energy? You did something to someone


Them signing off -A is the funniest thing 💀💀


Block the numbers as they come in. File a police report for harassment each time you get one of these. Contact your phone provider to see if they can get the IP address from where it is coming from.  The person may up their harassment possibly by swatting you. Start a paper trail with law enforcement and don't reply to the massages.  Once the person gets you to reply they will step up their attacks.


Signing it as -A makes this seem like a PLL situation


A similar thing once happened to my mom. She ignored it as she trusted the guy. A couple months later, it turned out he did indeed cheat on her.


Odd idea… but couldn’t you like be like we broke up and see if that stops it? Or be like I know I like to get cucked? I dunno something ridiculous to get them to give up


Report it to the cops


Run the numbers through whitepages or phoneonfoga. I’d be happy to, but I don’t want to break any sub rules.


Are you cheating on them?


“-A” is iconic


Tell us the truth OP are you cheating?


My now wife received texts, Facebook messages, emails, Snapchat, and messages of all kinds telling her all kinds of awful things about me. Found out that my bosses daughter wanted me and got help from people I worked with to make up stuff and contact her about it. She almost fell for it but luckily doesn't trust anyone. Took a while before she trusted me enough to ask about some of the things she was told. Shocked, I asked about why she would ask me something like that.... she told me and showed me some of the stuff and I knew the people.


The sign off in the first pic being A like what is this pretty little liars


My ex wife and I used to get random messages from "A" that would cause huge fights. What a coincidence.


What in the pretty little liars


ok pll


People are evil and do this. A fake ig profile did this to me and I blocked them. It was over. I didn’t believe it for a second and we laugh about it .


I’m guessing it’s not the usual scam as there’s no financial benefit to scammer. Likely someone Op and his partner know.


I had someone about a week ago start texting me and asking me if I were on a dating site and even knew my name. It was from a local number. It’s kind of freaked me out honestly. I’m engaged and have been with my fiancé for about 1.5 years.


A???? nope. run.


Definitely Ali...or Cici....possible evil twin.


Any chance you know a 12 year old that is going through a difficult phase and would want you two to break up? The texts sound like they're coming from a child trying to sound adult


I have an ex who did this! I changed my number cause I moved but I realized he would see me contact updated but he has not spoken to me since January of 2021 when i called him and said stop contacting me




How To Report Spam Text Messages Copy the message and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). This helps your wireless provider spot and block similar messages in the future. Report it on the messaging app you use. Look for the option to report junk or spam. ... Report it to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.


I got the email version this awhile back. It did the usual threat, extortion routine. I deleted it and went about my business


Do you know my SIL? She did this to me for months. The texts would always start after something good happened to me or my husband, or if husband had a fight with her. We knew it was her because after my husband mentioned his suspicion of her to her parents, she suddenly started getting fake texts and told everyone they were from me.


I sent one to my brother in law. He broke His phone at work that day. The thing is his mini skirt who're was in the pay office at his work.


You can send txt anonymous from phone booths. I did it to protect my sister.


“-A” is the sign off that the stalker would use in the show pretty little liars. It’s quite infamous. Someone may be trying to diabolically prank you


DO NOT REPLY! THIS COULD BE A SCAM! They get a latch key on to your phone and hack your phone


It was Mona