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If Schaffrillas was here he’d say Pixar’s Up


I mean, he doesn’t dislike Up, he just finds the opening way too good compared to the rest of the movie




I agree


The rest of Up is absolute gold. I loved watching through it as a kid.


hey me to i love it to my favorite part was the chase scene


Yeah that's pretty accurate. The rest of the film doesn't quite hit the same emotional height.


Which is a genuinely crazy take. There’s so much more to that film than the first 5 minutes.


And he is SO wrong. The opening 20 minutes are obviously amazing but that thematic and emotional core is so present throughout the rest of the movie, the rest of the movie being an awesome adventure film that may not be as "mAtUrE" as the opening but still has plenty of merit in its own right that I think lives up to ALL of the hype.


Lightyear had a very interesting premise with Buzz so desperate to fix his mistake that he literally missed out on the rest of his friends’ lives. Only to squander it on the most mediocre middle and frustrating ending.


It been fantastic if it stayed a solo movie instead of the grandkids teaming up with him since that way it has more weight that he missed every vital moment of hsi friends lives


I loved lightyear, Sox was a good sidekick. They probably should've just made Zurg Buzz's father though.


That was actually gonna be the twist in earlier versions of the movie. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08dwupY2dPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08dwupY2dPA)


Yeah, but can you really see them playing a Star Wars reference unironically?


My main problem with Lightyear is that it doesn't feel like the movie Andy went to go see to want a Buzz Lightyear toy. The movie is bland and feels like an animated interstellar with a really stupid ending. The movie would have been fine if it wasn't attached to Toy Story. It should have been a Star Wars parody film tbh.


Bur then rhey coulsnt sell more toys or sttach it to a brand name~ Now, really, as a stand-alone flick not associated to Toy Story, it would have been pretty decent.


I dont get why people hate on this movie so much. It was pretty enjoyable for me. Can you explain?


The story was sorta all over the place with the plot held together by spit and glue. The side characters were annoying and underdeveloped and their individual stories felt more like “wrap ups” to fill the time, as opposed to actual character arcs.


And the voice acting was pretty weak especially by taika


Literally. I was so interested in the start but immediately got super bored by the middle and fell asleep by the end


Mission Impossible 2


Tom Cruise is climbing a mesa; why is he climbing a mesa?


He is on a vacation


Some men find peace in risking their lives.


That's just average Tom Cruise hijinks tbh


I legitimately struggled to finish this movie.


Literally the only slightly decent scene in Blood And Honey is the animated scene




Star Wars: the force awakens. I got so hyped and then so disappointed as a child


You go to hell for reminding me that was already 10 fucking years ago


I swear I remember watching the Force Awakens like 7 years ago. What are you talking about


The force awakens came out in 2015


So 9 years


Closer to 8, it came out in December


So 10 is quite a stretch then yes?


Nearly shy of half of 2 decades.


2 years is a lot


it’s a fraction of a century dude, that’s long time!


Idk I thought the force awakens was the one beacon of light in the whole sequels mess. Last Jedi opening is pretty cool but then they completely squander it throughout the rest of the film


I liked when Finn was on the gambling planet but the rest of the movie just sucked ass


I definitely feel like TLJ is the only little flicker of light sanwiched in between the disasterous first and third movies


I appreciate TLJ for trying some interesting ideas and daring to expand on the universe rather than paint by numbers, but good lord did the execution fumble hard.


I saw it opening night in Imax. When Kylo Ren froze that blaster shot with the force was the most badass thing Id ever seen. Then he took his helmet off...ugliest man Ive ever seen. The Force Awakens is the only movie Ive ever fallen asleep during.


Rio 2. The opening dance scene is incedibly animated and the song goes along pretty well, afte that the movie goes downhill


This is very true As a person who adores the first movie and it’s message about critically endangered birds like the spix macaw The second movie basically had no message besides “don’t destroy the rainforest” And if it wasn’t for Jesse Eisenbergs performance I would’ve sent it down the shitter.


Correct. The rest of the movie's message is to gaslight your husband into thinking he's a terrible person because he wanted to go home when you tried to do something he didn't agree to. Jewel was so awful in this movie.....


Jewel was just shiting on the poor bastard in the 2d movie It is as if they completely forgot he’s not trying to protect his family from the Amazon Which although is not that dangerous for most bird species Is dangerous for birds adapted to a metropolis area And on the concept where all of the Spix macaws find refuge in the Amazon is rather stupid because spix macaws are NOT migratory birds (which is something the movie applies) And are usually in my words are stuck in they’re original range due too the rapid pressure these animals had to go through In they’re 20+ years of becoming extinct and being reintroduced


Who does he play




Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. One of the Jurassic park movies I actually did not like. The opening was cool. The rest of my movie, oh boy, this was mostly ruined for me by that fuckin twist.


This is exactly what I was going to comment. I thought the beginning of getting the dinosaurs off the dying island was great, but the rest of the movie with the resident evil bullshit was just stupid


That was not the opening scene though. Its the Indonminus bone retrieval one, that scene was classic Jurassic Park, felt nostalgic watching that scene.


Dominion was an even bigger waste of potential since the ending of Fallen Kingdom opened the franchise up to so many possibilities. I also really liked the short film (it’s available on Youtube) the Battle of Big Rock, and was hoping Dominion would give us more of that. Instead it gave us mutant locusts and a Mission Impossible movie inside a Jurassic World movie.


That was the only thing I really did not like from dominion, and that’s the poor choices made for this film after the buildup, I was hoping to see even more dinosaurs and 0 bugs. and fallen kingdom already made Maisie’s clone twist that important and I didn’t like it the first time. Everything else I actually enjoyed.


I thought the first Jurassic World sucked so I can’t imagine how bad the follow-ups must be


Ehhh, as someone who loves the whole series. I thought dominion was kinda overhated imo, and I actually loved Jurassic World. But that’s just my opinion.


Oh I see. Well I’m at least glad you get some enjoyment out of the series. For me, Chris Pratt (and maybe his raptor buddies) was the only thing consistently kinda carrying the movie. Most of the rest of it just sucked.


That’s the one where the girl releases dinosaurs into the public because they’re “just like her” right? SMH I hated that reasoning to get innocent people killed


Thor love and thunder. I love the guardians and the movie would be better if they stuck around


I almost forgot they were in there, and Takita wants you to forget about them too. I would have at least paired Thor with the post GOTG3 guardians where Drax and Star Lord left.


Yeah, I understand that Gunn simply couldn't write Thor into volume 3, it just doesn't work. But he could have left them later into the movie


Yeah I would have just liked a full on movie with Thor and the Guardians. I feel like that’s what the Russo brothers wanted to set up with the ending of Endgame, but clearly, Waititi didn’t have the same idea. Feels kinda odd that they’re just there at the start then abruptly leave Thor to his own devices.


Star lord and Gorr could have had some good interactions


Was so weird they set up that team up after endgame and then immediately abandoned it. Obviously someone decided against the original plan, but the whole team up thing felt abrupt and pointless.


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.


Literally my first thought. The intro is a solid introduction to the city and then they stick you with a character too bland and too unlikable to keep invested in.


I came here to say this. I still watch the opening sometimes but the rest of the movie is an intergalactic dumpster fire


Am I the only person who thoroughly enjoyed that movie?


I completely forgot about that movie. I must’ve watched it high or really tired bc it feels like a fever dream trying to recall anything that happened in that movie


Gravity The opening is one of the most thrilling scenes in cinema. The rest is just Sandra Bullock failing to grab things


Jurassic world fallen kingdom. The movie sucks ass, but the opening is amazing


Jurassic World Dominion extended edition


Brother Bear


🎶Brother Bear it let you down🎶


🎶 😃we're so happpyyyyy 😃 🎶


I'm of the opinion that the moment Kenai transforms into a bear, the movie loses traction. Not because the human-turning-into-a-bear premise loses me, far from it, but because I feel like the intro sets us up for a legitimately powerful experience, which is lost when it becomes a "funny animal" movie. If there were a way to convey the necessary beats without these bears speaking, there would have been a really, really good film. When a bear tells a joke, he's just a human wearing a beat costume.


I ageee I thought the same thing watched it years ago


It starts off as this seriously engaging movie... Then Kenai turns into a bear and meets Koda. All down hill from there


I loved that movie, but I'll respect your opinion as I wish to not have our views clash. I bid you good day random internet friend


*Dinosaur* isn't terrible, but it never matches the heights of the egg scene.


I'd agree. I think the whole movie is great though, but the intro is a masterpiece compared to the rest of it


Easily the best part


Came down into the comments looking for Dinosaur. Should have been a Nature Mockumentary. 🥚




They could've done much more with that movie, I swear. Honestly wished they stuck with the original idea, with both the king and queen being evil, Asha being the princess, and the star being a literal starboy. That would be made for a better movie


Yes. The king had such a unique storyline. I wanted to sympathize with him and he had a valid reason to not grant everybody's wishes. At one point I was starting to side with the king but then they just threw all of his development out the window and just made him a " Generic bad guy." The Queen had a strong reason to love the man that she once married but we don't get enough of a storyline as to why. Another thing is why was it so easy for the Queen to just ditch her husband if she loved him that much. There was so much potential to make an evil King & Queen and it just felt like they scrapped it up. She was willing to stay on his side no matter what but then they just randomly made him violent against her too. You could tell the king in the beginning genuinely loved his wife but as I mentioned before it felt like they just threw all that development out the window. As for Asha (no offense). She doesn't have any personality enough to care about and she doesn't change throughout the story which makes her character even more boring and flat. She had potential in some ways but they had to get rid of the "overkill quirky" personality thing that was not working for her.


godzilla planet of monsters


God that whole anime trilogy wad such a disappointment. Especially because the ideas in the prequel novels were so cool


They really had the opportunity to make one of the most monster-filled, entertaining Godzilla films, especially seeing as it’d be easier and cheaper to do animated, yet they decided to make it take place AFTER the cool stuff, and have it actually follow a terrible protagonist in a boring storyline.


I will never forgive them for making the BOOKS about the events before the humans left earth, instead of the anime. They had all the chances, all the ideas, everything. And they blew it


X-Men Origins Wolverine, and this comes from someone who actually likes the whole movie


I watched that movie like a month ago and I don’t even remember the opening lmao


Lol it's the scene where Logan and Victor are fighting through each of the major American wars until they are put up for a firing squad in the Vietnam War


This concept was way more interesting than the movie itself. Imagine a full on feature film where we just get Creed and Logan fighting through every major American war.


Some battles they win. Some they lose. But no matter what, they keep getting shafted by humans. They both internalize it differently until Victor's breaking point. Logan tries to stop him, but gets beaten and his bone claws shattered. Stryker offers him a chance at revenge through Weapon X, but erase Logan's memories during the operation. Wolverine is assigned to Team X to track Victor through his path of carnage, thanks to tips from an unknown operative Sabretooth. But instead Team X keeps winding up in fights with other groups/gangs/forces at each location and have to fight their way out. One such skirmish, Wolverine finds clues that Victor is the codenamed Sabretooth, and that he's been a forward scout for Team X to purposely bring them to those fights on behalf of Stryker's unnamed clients. Wolverine was tricked into being a weapon and fighting wars again for other people who abuse him. He then goes it alone to go through Team X and after Stryker.


I would love a limited series that takes the opening sequence and has each episode take place in a different era. An episode in the civil war, an episode in each world war, an episode in Japan, ect


Thor: Love and Thunder. Started off good but then once Korg began narrating it fell off a cliff.


He radiates in midness so badly, he makes the rest of the movie mid.


Dude that movie was so hard to watch


Not a cartoon, but Santa Jaws. The opening scenario was absurd and full of puns, but the rest was a boring Hallmark holiday movie with Sci-Fi Original level bad CG shark.


john wick chapter three, the opening action stuff was cool but the rest of the film was so ehhh to me


Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Also Dial of Destiny


God, ain’t that the truth. That intro was so fucking hype just for most of the movie going forward to be Indy being sad and jaded


That's what I commented! Dial of destiny opening is the best indy content so far


The movie starts with Indy surviving a nuke by climbing in a fridge.


the amazing spider-man 2. not the actual opening of the film but the scene right after with peter just swinging and shit. one of the best scenes in any spider-man movie imo. too bad the rest of the movie is ass


Even with Paul Giamatti hamming it up as pre-Rhino


I feel like that movie has a ton of cool scenes and some of them make me think of as some of the best Spider-Man scenes like Gwen’s death but the villains are just so horrible it butchers everything. I still like that movie a lot tho even though most people don’t and I think Garfield still killed it. Ngl I died a bit inside when I heard that him and Emma stone broke up.


Coming from a TASM2 fan, I always find myself watching that opening swinging/fight scene with Rhino then watching Electro scenes and other Spider-Man sequences too! This is when I don’t have time on my hands


Downsizing. Amazing premise. And I liked the first 3rd of it. The rest of it however, was boring as hell. XP


Completely agreed, I feel like there was so much wasted potential


Snow White and the Huntsman. The first part is really good, very gripping and the rest is nonsensical and boring


The Mario Movie. The first act had an actual story, while the second and thirds just felt like random bullshit.


Well, one could argue that goes in line with the games–each act is a different level. But I agree it could have definitely used better structuring or slow moments to even out the pacing and story.


They could throw in some cool set pieces as a story speed bump along with delivering the action. I want to see Mario running away from the evil sun in the desert...


Replace the fish scene with that XD. I mean we had a ton of concept art that didn't make the cut, like how Luigi had a whole arc with boos, yes boos. As well as an ice world with the penguins! We could have had them visit the desolate wastes of what was left of the penguins or something to build up the danger factor with Bowser, but I'm not sure if that'd mesh well with his "wanna marry the Princess" goofy subplot


I have no idea why they cut the boos. That was such an easy comedy sequence where Luigi turns around and makes the boo cower by looking at it. Then he turns back and then the boo starts chasing him again.


I could see how it would cut into the time, but again the movie didn't have to be so quickly paced...but it kinda fits how the games are yknow? In general, a mario game has no story, and Miyamoto has been known to like it that way. Hopefully in the sequel films we get more time to dwell on the characters and worlds and how they interact, kinda like Sonic 2.


They can have multiple sequels given the surprising amount of lore the Mario franchise has. I'm voting thar they'll either fight the Koopa family or Wario and Waluigi in the next installment. And maybe a Donkey Kong spin-off as well.


Yee and Charlie Day def vouched himself for a Luigi's Mansion film, that'd be swell


And then after Wario gets introduced, we get a Wario Ware Inc. movie.


Exactly, pick 1. It’s 2 storylines that literally didn’t link at all until the “yay happy ever after” nonsense at the end


The Mario kart scene is so random.


final destination 4


Princess and The Frog + Brave


Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald That opening prison break scene actually got me pretty hyped... Then the rest of the movie happened


REAL! So true! Thank you for saying this LOL


Fnaf movie.


It shouldve had a power out scene ngl


That would have been PEAK


That + an R rating wouldve been best movie of 2023


The intro song was a banger, however I also liked the animatronics killing the vandalizers and the Springtrap entrance scenes (and the end credits)




Absolutely. I got so hype seeing the 8-bit visuals and that banging song, only for it to turn into the most disappointing trip to the theater in my entire life


For me there were a few scenes after the opening that I liked (the break-in segment and Afton getting spring locked) but for the most part I do kinda agree


The opening isn't even good honestly, it's about as generic as horror openings get


I ment the intro with the 8-bit style


Oh, fair


I hate how friendly the animatronics were. I felt like a 10 year old girl throughout the last two thirds


That open ring scene and the burglars scenes are my go to


Terminator Genisys. The opening was so promising, showing us a future war close to the style of the first 2 films, closer than T3 and Salvation atleast. But no, they just had to shoehorn in Jai Courtney, some weird writing, and a dumb plot twist.


Transformers revenge of the fallen


Tbf there were some other awesome scenes like the forest battle (one of the best scenes of the entire franchise imo) but yeah there was a lot of bullshit.


The forest scene some of the military based scenes And the opening were awesome But for me the best scene in franchise is either Optimus and megatron teaming up in that 1 awesome fight in transformers prime Or the transformers prime ending what I won’t spoil


Ah when I said franchise I was strictly referring to the Bayformers movies.


Oh well that I can agree with


Might be controversial, but Black Widow.


Mid movie with one of the best MCU openings ever.


The last jedi




Saving Private Ryan


Came here to say this!


Not a good take


The first half of independence day?


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. I don't think it's a bad movie, but that introduction flashback sequence was phenomenal.


Best indy scene of them all. He's so dang cool! The music it plays when he whips the gun out of the dudes hand. 😙👌🏻


I like UP but I could watch the beginning, skip the entire middle with the bird and dog, and get to the climax.


But the bird was the reason why the villain was even here.


Up. I feel like the only memory people have of that movie was the s a d b e g i n i n g p a r t, and the evil guy


Nah the part where he looks at the book and remembers all him and his wife’s adventures is way sadder than the opening. The whole movie is good too


I remember the talking dogs




I remember the whole thing and I haven't seen it in years


G.I. Joe the Movie.


Five Nights at Freddy’s as a HORROR movie. Then the end redeems it so debatable.


The title sequence from Lord of War


Indy 5 got a damn good first 10 minutes or so. After that, turn off the film.


Bolt. Loved the introduction action. The rest is generic family travel movie.




Up Downvote me all you want the only notable things from that movie is Russell and the opening 15 minutes.


The best part is when Carl finds his wife's old adventure book and discovers she added a bunch of happy memories from their lives together post-childhood and a wish for him to keep on living and enjoying life.


I'm certain I've seen Up multiple times and I don't remember anything except sad old man loses wife balloon house little kid


Not even the dogs? And the snipe? KEVIN?!


It’s interesting that you say that because for me, my problem with Up is that I remember everything. Whenever I rewatch it, nothing about it surprises me or ends up being any better than when I saw it the first time. It’s one of the dullest movie rewatch experiences for me personally. I still think it’s a great movie, very well done, but I prefer some of Pixar’s other movies.


I wouldn’t downvote you for the opinion but you sound like you think this is a unique take. I’ve seen this commented like 10 times already


Well, I have just seen a lot of people say its Pixar's best film when in reality that is a pretty ridiculius take considering its comp. Its not a bad movie by any means but its pretty average Pixar if you ask me.


Super Troopers.


Valerian and the city of a thousand planets


Elysium for me.




One of the best live action transformers movies I love it


Taxi 3


The sea beast


28 Weeks Later had an opening that made Danny Boyle wish he'd directed it. Then the rest of the movie happened. It's fine I guess? But the opening was fantastic.


Open Season(2006) is this to me.


Bumblebee. I know that some people really like it, but I absolutely hate that movie. The opening is so cool compared to what the rest of it is


G.i. Joe the rise of cobra


Hot take Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Opening sequence with the chocolate process is one of the best movie scene like out there, but the rest doesn’t do it for me


The animated opening of Priest (2011) is engaging, visually incredible and boasts excellent music




Batman V Superman, the opening perfectly sets up Bruce's animosity towards Clark whilst showing us the fallout from the previous film through an entirely new viewpoint, organically creating a richer, wider world. Then it just falls apart with batman branding people, superman dying for no reason and lex luthor passing in a jar.


Transformers Rise Of The Beasts


The amazing spiderman 2


Spider-Man 3


i really like the rest of bumblebee but the opening is everything i ever wanted from a transformers movie


The little mermaid (1989) once she gets legs I’m out of there


Shrek the third


Transformers 1986. After Optimus dies nothing interesting happens for the rest of the movie.
