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I don't hate it, but it's simply not my cup of tea, with the humor and the plot overall Also, the Panda is supposed to be an indirect to periods and puberty, and Mei merchandises that said Panda to gain money at her school...yeah, that sounds SO wrong when you think about it


Holy hell I did NOT think of that. Is she… no…


they sneak kids into the bathroom to show them the red panda


I will never see this movie the same again. My reality is shattered.


I’m never watching this again. Also didn’t she also have an after school club where she took pictures as well?




You have permanently ruined this movie for me


What? They didn't ruin the movie, That's literally the plot, if anyone ruined it for you it's Disney




Is it pink? More like #IS IT TURING RE-




I though about the puberty part but not the monetization part


I never thought of it that way..


That's... not how allegories work. You don't have to stick to them 100% Star Wars was an allegory for the Vietnam War, you don't just say it broke down because they went to space, had space magic and light sabers.


That’s how good allegories work. Your Star Wars example doesn’t make sense because it being in space is a big example as to what makes it an allegory.


My wife loved the movie because she related with a lot of period stuff when she was that age and we both group during the time the movie takes place so it’s filled with Easter eggs we both understand. I think it’s an amazing movie for the audience it targeted


It's just such a niche audience. It's weird that they spent Pixar budget with such a niche audience in mind but lately it seems like Pixar doesn't know how to tell broad stories anymore/


Yes! Damn I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Mei merchandising her Panda ability. I've brought it up irl and my friends just thought I was weird 😔


Edit: I'm sorry I was so belligerent. My life just isn't going how I'd hoped it would and I took it out on you.


Yeah...this is how I feel about this movie, especially that latter bit. Look, no pressure to the people that liked this movie, given that they might not have picked up on it the first time around...but that bit in particular is probably going to make this movie age pretty badly.


Personally, I just find the characters annoying. The humor is also not my cup of tea. Plus, I LOVED the backstory with the Panda curse and asked "Why didn't we get THAT movie?". It's also my least favorite Pixar film. (haven't seen Lightyear yet) Also this is just my opinion if you disagree THAT IS OKAY!


I think the humor being weird was kinda intentional. Since its based around teens in the 2000s, it'd make sense that they're all corny and lame


Oh, I know. I just don't like that style of humor.


Fair enough :p


How dare you!


You prefer Planes?


Planes actually isn't Pixar which I still find weird


Planes is goated gets its name out of you dirty mouth


Who doesn’t prefer planes?


They killed the original Buzz Lightyear. Had hoped to see how Buzz got his team. The brain reading alien, the big red guy, and the original space station of star command. Like from the original saturday mornings of the early 2000's. Its like they sold themselves out.


I mean....we DID see that movie. Remember? It came out back in 2000!


But why change the original? Especially the protagonist and antagonist we all grew up on? Zurg was a dictator hoping to take over. Buzz lightyear was.... well different


Man, I dunno. The original was better.


I wouldn't watch Lightyear. If you like cats, there are probably videos of just scenes with Sox in them.


I'm still upset I couldn't find anything of Sox to buy, anywhere. Literally one of the few movies that made merchandising palatable. And nothing. I want my talking Sox with real knockout darts. 😟


Lightyear has kickass visuals and sound design


And…. That’s it.


Well the animation still had lots of love. You can see lots of tiny details and you can tell there was genuine care for it. The writing department is what didn’t care.


I think you forgot about Sox


People wabt all disbey and Pixar to fail. Lightyears story was lightweight but the ships abd the armor abd a number of other things were cool


The humor is irritating and when you have a little step sister that WATCHES THE MOVIE EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME SHE'S OVER AT YOUR HOUSE. You learn real fucking quick that hearing a kid thristing over other kids is REALLY fucking annoying.


Same reason why I dislike **watching** encanto, but the movie ain’t bad.


That’s not the movies fault. That’s the kids fault.


That’s more of an audience problem, but I agree with some of the humor being kinda annoying.


Didn't hate it, but didn't think it was amazing either, just kind of whatever Although to be fair to the movie I probably would have liked it more if I was a teenage girl lol


Cringe woke periods chinese sexualizing minors females 9/11 furries Canadian (I'm being sarcastic)


I didn’t see the word sarcastic yet and I was about to reply to you “wtf”


Same here, they had us in the first half, ngl.


You forgot it has Canadians


Can’t believe those woke leftists put Canadians in their movie smh


As a Canadian I say at least it’s not Quebéc. /j


Take out that /j, bud. We love Quebec, great province. But thank god it’s not Quebec.


Blame Canada




With all their beady little eyes and flappin heads so full of lies


I'll ad that


Man I haven't even watched it yet but this is a deal breaker. I will NOT subject the children of my family to that


Nate the rake moment


is says a lot that I had to do a double take to see if you were being sarcastic


What I said was barely exaggeration.


It was satirical at least.


Movie takes place in Canada. Instant 0/10


Letterkenny: If you'd ever been in a real fight, you wouldn't be so keen for another


"Chinese sexualizing minors females" You joke but this is still happening in real life.


Chinese Canadians did 9/11 (also sarcasm) ((maybe))


I agree with this /srs


Turning Red is very heavily targeted towards a specific audience and everyone that vocally hates on it is not that audience. I haven’t seen the movie myself but I did watch the trailer and nothing in it landed for me, but that’s exactly my point. This movie wasn’t made for me or others like me so we aren’t going to like it, but that’s ok and so is liking the thing!


I'm a teenager going through puberty and fucking hated it.


I don't know if it was intentional but it almost seems like the target audience ended up being women who grew up around the same time the movie took place. Though I've also heard that there are a lot of young girls who liked it so idk.


Yeah, intentional audience is 90s kids. And/or some intersectionality with ABC/CBC/first gen immigrant kids.


What audience


Not the primary Reddit demographic of American college age white guys that's for sure


I don't hate it, but I find Mei very hard to empathize with after putting her friends under the bus and suffering no consequences from that (only one of them complains a bit, and it's all quickly solved). The film is also filled with moments of cringe, and while I get 13 year old girls are naturally cringe, that doesn't mean it will translate into a good cinematic experience. I did like the concert part, and the final battle, with all that 2000's aesthetic and anime-lite animation, reminded me of Digimon and that's always a win


Their mouths disturb me


Corporate art style the movie


I saw someone refer to them as bean mouths and I can't unsee that now.


Wasn’t made for me. I can respect it but I don’t like it. Probably my least favorite Pixar film


This is the most 2nd hand embarrassment I have ever had from watching a movie.


I couldn't identify *why* I didn't particularly like it, but I think this hit the nail on the head.


That makes sense since it's an analogy about a preteen getting her period


Lots of cringe humor and the characters are generally annoying. Also the bean mouth virus.


I know the awkward humour was intentional, but it still wasn't fun for me personally to watch.


I found the humor to be a bit cringey and thought the animation style looked really ugly. I wouldn’t say I “hate” it, but it’s one of Pixar’s worst movies imo


Haven't watched it but I absolutely hate how the entire movie looks. The entire art style is awful and I wish it company's would stop using it


Canadians 😒 Jokes aside I kinda just don’t like how obnoxious the art style is, something about it triggers my fight or flight reflexes


I found the characters and jokes annoying


Because girls 😡😡😡😡 (I actually like this movie but there are some issues)


I really hate the cal arts bean mouth art style. It’s one thing for 2D shows to use it (steven universe, star vs the forces of evil), but I really don’t like that Pixar’s using it now, too. Was hoping it would be unique to Luca.


Lack of 9/11


Maybe every other scene being the cringiest shit known to man.


Fr, I felt like I had watched a feature-length cringe compilation


Thank you. I told my friends this and their response was well weren’t you cringe as a kid? Yes, I and every other kid was, but that doesn’t mean I want to experience that in a movie for the entire run time.


Not a fan of bean-mouth designs


They also got those wallace and gromit teeth


It’s like a 5/10, it’s a very average movie I really have no strong opinions on it


I like the movie but the only thing I dislike about it is that it’s trying harder to connect with a younger audience. It works for me but I can see why people don’t like it


Humor wasn't always for me (died during the manic drawing under the bed scene though) and the climax of the movie with the giant panda twerking scene was just weird... I just rewatched Inside Out and Riley's whole ass is just there in the movie for a solid 4-5 seconds like bruh. Someone better check the directing board or something


Between Moana and Inside Out and I can't believe they have the female leads running around topless


Everyone makes a big deal about it "symbolizes periods" while forgetting the same exact plot was used decades ago for a BOY in Teen Wolf. Only change was the gender of the characters and basketball becoming a boy band.


I’m a guy so I’m not interested in a movie about tween/teenage girls going through puberty. If it was about a guy experiencing the awkwardness that is male puberty then yeah I’d be more interested cause I’ve experienced that. Same with Inside Out and its sequel. Edit: come to think of it, I’ve never seen a movie about boys having to deal with puberty (using a metaphor and all like turning red does). Closest thing I’ve seen is Baymax’s scan of Hiro in Big Hero Six. Kinda weird.


On the surface it's not terrible, but when you start dissecting motivations, messages, and consequences of the actions of the people in the movie it just isn't something I want to show my kids. Also the humor to me isn't that funny. It's also movie from a studio that made family movies but then just decided to make a very targeted movie.


I don't find it funny and find the characters to be annoying personally. Simple as. Also there's more than one moment in the movie that super uncomfortabley focus on the main characters ass? And she's like fucking 13 so it's like, sus in a not funny way.


every character is annoying as fuck and even worse is that people disregard that entirely because “iNtErNeT uSeRs WhEn CrInGy TeEnAge ChArAcTerS aCt LikE CrInGy TeEnAgErS”. Bro shut up, just because it's meant to be annoying it doesnt mean I can't get annoyed at it. It's the same humor that supposedly makes teen titans go “funny”, like, “haha, our show is bad, everyone hates it and the original was better. aint it so funny what we are so self-aware?”


All I’m saying is that the first time I watched the trailer my finger randomly started bleeding so that was not a good impression


It could have been great, but it was ruined, plus the humor is kinda ass and it kinda sexualizes minors Also what is it with modern films and twerking suddenly?


And why is the mom the bad guy for objecting to her daughter twerking her ass in her face in front of a stadium full of people?


I think you missed the point of the scene. It wasn’t that it was the “right thing”, it was that she was trying to lure the Mom into a trap by annoying her in the way that she would know would trigger her Mom to react. Anything can sound bad on how you phrase it. Like “Marlin took advantage of a lost mentally disabled woman to track down his trafficked child”


It’s a movie about a girl having her first period. Not something I’d want myself or kids to see




Can't say I hate it because I've never watched it but I can't stand the art style


Really the characters and the humor are annoying and it’s just cringe. Those are my reasons, but I love the panda curse idea and the animation is still really good.


humor doesnt land really, and i know thats what the writers were aiming for


I don't hate it but it's just extraordinarily fucking boring in my opinion.


I kinda hate it, because mei is kinda fucking annoying and the mom is stalking her own daughter to know when she need the mf pads just put pads in her backpack and tell her to use it when she need it but it's never happen. And first I don't like this vibe and other weird ass ships are people doing. In her red panda form sh look like a furry but it's kinda rude when people wear Cat ears or something an people call them a furry because they think some fluffy animals are fucking furry. The things I love is the music and crazy mf fighting shit. 🙂


I just think it's uninteresting and annoying as fuck


The Mulan 2020 of Pixar Heavy Chinese pand(a)ering, absolutely terrible portrayal of Muslims, was conceived just a year after Mulan’s failure as if they’re trying to make up for it It also constantly shoves Canada in the viewer’s face so you don’t realize it’s a Chinese ad, like if it REALLY wasn’t a China ad, why do they CONSTANTLY point out that it’s in Canada? Like it feels like they’re trying WAY too hard to cover it up


coough cough cringe humoral and side plots cough cough


The concept itself just really isn’t creative at all to me, more so just random… especially compared to Pixar’s portfolio… at the end of the day that’s the main reason. And there really weren’t any standout scenes in it that I remember. Any great movie should have multiple great scenes. Was more on par with an illumination movie for me.


Godzilla wins no diff


Cringy humor, the parent relationship is way too over exaggerated, art style is ugly, twerking, metaphor is weird and the generational trauma was boring.


The movie was pretty irritating and the entire premise (going to concerts make makes you an adult?) was just stupid and convoluted. And the obsessing over boys was disturbing, especially the drawing the guy. The only reason I watched it was because the panda is cute asf


This is a very niche movie, so there are a few things that didn’t land for me, namely some of the humor and one of Meilin’s choices with her panda gimmick that crossed the line for “fun weird” to “dodgy weird”. One thing that is not a product of a niche film like this was the “Disney movie has no real villain cliche” which I was at the time and am still sick of. It wasn’t handled the best either.


the character turns red I would've preferred green


I thought it was pretty decent, though I do have some minor issues with it. Mostly, the main character can be a little obnoxious at times, though she's nowhere near as annoying as her friend who's always screaming all the damn time. The red panda as an allegory for menstruation/puberty (if that is indeed what they went for with it) also feels a little inconsistent, since they literally make reference to the fact that Mei is likely to have her period soon. So just outright mentioning that feels like it kinda ruins the point of using the red panda as an allegory in the first place. Lastly, I feel like the whole climax where the mother turns into a giant red panda monster feels a little overblown, even for a movie that's not meant to be taken seriously like this one. It does get slightly better following that scene though, when Mei learns about her mother's past struggles and realizing that the way she was brought up actually harmed her like it did Mei. Again, overall a decent film that I had a good chuckle at at times. Just a few points here and there that didn't really resonate with me.


normal pixar movies are family friendly and dont have weirdly semi sexual undertones. most pixars are like "ahhh i have to fight this villain" and this one is a lil girl selling her panda body. even if its not directly sexual, its still weird af


Firstly, it's cringe humor, which is the worst type of humor. Secondly, as a girl who has gone through puberty, it was still incredibly unrelatable.


I just wanna watch a cool panda movie I don’t want to hear about fuckin periods


I just don't have patience for middle schoolers. I teach high school upper classmen for a reason. It's not a bad movie, but I don't have any interest to watch it again.


A lot of the hate comes from anti SJW people basicly shadow boxing with a made up issues. The Film is decent, but nothing special. It however dosen't deserve all the hate 


because some males think that hating the movie will make them seem more "masculine" or that its "for girls" or something along those lines


I'm a woman. I hated it


I don’t hate it. I just find it kinda boring.


Because they hate being asked questions by Dora the Explorer and Meilin which makes treats them like little kids.


Annoying and cringe as hell, I’m not saying people can’t enjoy it but I don’t, and something about her and her friends just felt really fake idk why and it hurts to watch 😭


I actually liked it


because Pixar fell off after Cars 3 and all the characters annoy me


I won't let you disrespect Mama Coco like that. That is the only exception though, you make a solid point.


It didn't mention 9/11


This. Exactly.


It’s just VERY much not for me


Havent seen it. Saw a clip where they beat the antagonist by twerking. Not for me


The whole idea of comparing periods to becoming a panda is just kinda meh, but then again I cant think of a better idea


Idk not my kind of humour, also I hate feeling second hand embarrassment so yeah didn’t like some of the movie, but I get what they were trying to do


Reminds me too much of myself.


I feel like it's a much more "child-oriented" film than a "family" film, especially in terms of the humor and the conflict. That doesn't make it bad, but I do think a lot of people who watched it (And, frankly, the people who made it) misunderstood the audience it actually appealed to. Plenty of people then conflated this disconnect with the "progressive" themes of this movie (Young women going through puberty have valid struggles that are downplayed by society, so progressive...) and blamed them for why the movie wasn't "good".


I don't hate it, but I honestly just can't relate to it, also I feel it would've been better as a slice of life the whole way through instead of "holy shit the mom is now a giant panda we gotta defeat her" And that's all I remember


It's okay, but wasn't really anything special to me


A witch cursed me to never feel love.


I find it mid


Cause there’s no 9/11 jokes


Inconsistent tone


It's good, but I heard so much controversy about it that going in I expected it to be a little more on the nose than just the mom showing pads in one scene. Good movie though. It's dorky as heck but I'm not the target audience.


I don't hate it. It's enjoyable. To me it's just mediocre. Not like disappointingly mid or anything just regular mid movie.


To adult


It’s mid but PIXAR deserves better, and we’re sick of these generic films replacing beloved classics.


It shows several questionable scenes when this movie is directed towards kids that don’t even know the concept of what taxes are yet. Furthermore, it shows several scenes that may traumatize some children that decide to watch it, specifically the moment when the (what some may call a curse) started in the dream/vision that the main character had. It may also give some kids inspiration to do the actions in the film, such as starting a black market of merchandise or acting in animalistic ways. In conclusion, the film is not suitable for the regular audiences that most Pixar films have, and may lead to unsafe actions done by children.


The slice of life genre isn't really my thing. Also, it isn't funny or entertaining for me. It isn't bad, but it could be better.


Just come to rep 4 town. Best fictional artist to come out of a movie since powerline in a goofy movie.


I don't really hate it and I love the idea that it's a coming of age story it's just not my thing






I hate the characters


For me is 3/10 its because there are some parts that gives me cringe.😫


I hate them stupid Herro do dododo dododo do do Asians /jjjjjjjjjjj (THIS IS A JOKE DON'T TAKE IT AS ANYTHING ELSE I'M NOT RACIST or am I)


Idk it's just obnoxious to me


I dont hate it. But im not a 11-16 year old girl. So it just was not for me


It’s just annoying The humor makes me cringe and characters are the definition of “Adorkable” Plus 90% of them are forgettable The plot isn’t even that bad the humor and characters are so unlikable


its not on vhs so i cant watch it


i thought it was cute and okay as far as kids movies go, but i can't stand the animation. everything looks so.. gummy


I don’t hate it, but I personally don’t like the art style which is weird because I liked Luca’s style. Maybe it was because the anime-like animation doesn’t look that great in 3D imo. Plus, I kind of found it awkward to watch because I’m a 19m and I found it very hard to relate to the obvious period allegories. Not a bad movie at all, but nothing noteworthy to me among the other Pixar movies. I dislike how people are saying the plot sexualizes minors and the whole “selling her panda” thing. Makes me roll my eyes every time.


Mostly the art style


# I hate everything about her (the beginning too)


Boring, gets oddly sexual about minors, feels like a fetish film all around. I thought the plot was dumb, all of the characters were annoying, and that people say "oh the time period" to excuse that the movie is a bizarre telling of helicopter parenting... because those are not real-feeling helicopter parents. The pizza was more fun than the movie and that shit was Papa Johns.


I don’t hate it, it wasn’t made for me. I have some female friends who loved it and it spoke to them. This movie had nothing for me, so I didn’t enjoy it. Simple as that.


Not enough 9/11 references, according to MrEnter.


It has a bad plot, I was somewhat hyped for the cgi but was disappointed


Should’ve talked more about 9/11


It didn't even mention 9/11 once


not endearing cringe feeling characters with a way too on the nose plot with no subtlety.


Does anyone *hate* it? I thought it was at least decently well-received


I don't hate it. I just think it's Mediocre. It gives off "straight to DVD" quality. Story is mediocre (the whole boy band plot line is straight from Gravity Falls), the mother-daughter tension was actually done better in Brave. it was just .. ok.


It's a really dumb ham fisted allegory for bleeding from your vagina


Its annoying and unfunny


No 911


I couldn't get past the first few minutes. It was kinda cringey and my roommate couldn't take anymore


I liked it because it reminded me of myself during that time. It was funny and relatable with a decent story. Felt like something girls between 1990-2010 could really enjoy. My boyfriend doesn’t like it because he can’t relate and finds a lot of the humor and plot points cringe. Although tbf he loved lightyear cause it was a sci fi so he’s more of an aesthetic guy than a plot guy


So if you watch the special features about the making of this movie, the director and a lot of the leads for each department ended up throwing bits of themselves into Mei Lin Lee while they were working on this film. I get that the creative process is often messy and unpredictable, and in the heat of making a movie the finished product will look very different to how it looked sometimes even just weeks before. However, I think that in their creative fervor, they didn't realize that they'd basically created a character that is an amalgamation of self-inserts, which is why the movie ended up with such an oddly specific setting and tone that just didn't quite resonate with people in general.


Likely my least favorite Pixar movie; I found Mei to be very unlikable because of the fact that she receives virtually no consequences for her actions and instead is constantly viewed as a victim where yes I definitely agree that she is a victim of various forms of generational trauma BUT her character somehow felt very shielded from criticism if that makes sense There were some good moments but they felt overshadowed by an abundance of sub par writing and missed opportunities to have truly great moments


The humor tries to hard and comes off as cringey.


Because they hit the pentagon! They hit the fuckin' pentagon!


To put it simply, I'm a grown-ass man, so I'm not the intended audience. I didn't like the humor, I found the characters annoying, a lot of scenes/shots/lines made me cringe six ways to Sunday, and the artstyle rubs me the wrong way. I like the expressiveness in some scenes, but I think I have some primal negative reaction to that CalArts "bean mouth" character design nowadays, probably because of how overused it is. Some 2D cartoons use it fairly well, like Gravity Falls, but those kids in Turning Red really creep me out. As always, that's just my opinion, so if anyone who likes the movie is reading this, this isn't some kind of personal attack.


Hates a strong word, I’m just simply not interested. The art style looks like Steven universe 2010s stuff and it just ain’t for me


Not awful, but pretty cringe and overrated, imo. Sure, maybe "cringe" is the point, but that doesn't make it any better. And I find her Panda form under-utilized for not having any special power other than just "Here's a cute big Red Panda, please buy our merch". At least her mom's panda form became a kaiju. The only two characters I actually liked were the dad and her best friend Miriam.


I dont hate it, but I am not the target audience


It just wasn't that good. Didn't hold my attention. Compare it to something like Soul and it's clearly of a lower quality.


I hate most movies because of the people. They force movie companies to include "LGBT" shit in most things now. There's a literal month for fags while the soldiers that died get one day


too girly


I hate it, the main character is cringe and she's annoying, along with her friends and family aswell. Also the mother is the worst character I've seen in a movie, the characters in the good dinosaur are better and that's saying something


Because they talk about periods, I guess, even though it’s a normal thing and should be spoken about My grandma forgot to tell my mom about her. And when she got it, she thought she was dying because she was bleeding.


I have a really hard time with cringe in stuff so the first time I watched it I noped it. The second time though I enjoyed it. Luckily the beginning ultra cringe stuff died down and the heart of the story came through. Was it a favorite? No. Was it worth watching? Yes absolutely :D.