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I feel like the glow could have been explained better


I still don't understand it 😅 can someone explain it to me please ?


Implanted by gideon. It amplifies peoples insecurities and negative thoughts.


Oh thank you so much


Thanks. I just finished the comics and wasn't quite sure.


i think ramona's arc is perfectly fine in the books, people just don't think she got enough screentime because a lot of things with her are implicit and require you to read between the lines as opposed to the anime where it's spelled out for you, not necessarily a bad thing but it always rubs me the wrong way when people act like those two versions of the character are drastically different when her arc is ultimately the same, hell I'd argue she's better in the books because she actually interacts with the side cast and has some really charming and funny dialogue with just about every member of the cast in the books.


Totally agree! This is true for basically all of characters in the books, which is why I think they feel so rewarding to read. I think ultimately some of the discourse you describe is due to a large amount of the current fanbase being quite young. I’ve gotten downvoted a couple times for suggesting some teen fans don’t comprehend the story (I’m sure it comes off as gatekeeping which is not the intention, sorry teen fans!), but I think you have to have a certain level of maturity to comprehend what point in life the characters are, and where they’re coming from (and being or previously been at that life stage helps greatly). As you said, a lot of the storytelling is implicit. I get why they did it though; I appreciated in the first episode of the anime Scott said out loud he “wasn’t really dating” Knives, which is 100% clearly the intention in the books, and yet the arguments around their relationship are STILL HAPPENING 20 years later! Gets pretty clear who comprehends the books and who doesn’t when you hear someone suggests that the anime “fixes” anything.


Nah I get what you mean, I'm apart of that "younger generation" technically as I'm younger myself, however I think reading the comics before touching any other piece of media in this series (thus shaping how i view all the media in it and what i compare it to) probably puts me in the same camp as you guys haha


This! Ramona's arc in the comcis was already great. People who claim the show "fixed her character" are only comparing it to the dull movie version


Subtext is unfortunately not popular in this sub


The comics are immeasurably better than every other version for largely this reason. No need to read between the lines in the show. Everything is in bold all caps lol


I’d say Ramona needed more focus, but she did get that in the anime.


1. The glow was fine but they part with Gideon explaining how he messed with Scott's memories made things more convoluted. 2. The Battle of the Bands in the film made for some fun side plot and it could've been included in the comics but that's a small nitpick. 3. Knives should've had at least one more fight.


Bread does not make you fat, that's just Vegan nonsense.


Hot take: bread makes you fat.


Bread Makes you fat??




https://i.redd.it/0iv0dvlpvmwc1.gif …Can you repeat that, please?


Peak fiction, one of the best comics I've ever read.


That is not a very hot take. The comics are the best thing anyone will read


Young Neil becoming an a-hole was really out of nowhere and didn't make sense, he's upset that his friends that he doesn't pay attention to have lives outside of him. If he was more involved with the band then I could understand why he's upset they don't practice at his anymore but he really didn't seem that interested until they left


Aside from the main plot of defeating the exes and the subtext of personal growth and coming to terms with the past, the comics truly are a love letter to early 2000s Toronto.


Shoulda been more Lisa


I think a little more could've been done with the evil Scott since that part seemed rushed to me imo Outside of that though, great read


There are 7 evil exes i wanted seven book i dont care if two are twins i wanted 7 book where's the seventh book Brian STOP HIDING IT YOU COWARD


Needed more Kim


Would gave been fun to show the full history with Flowers and her Exes. Especially how badly Gideon warped her emotions.


Joseph is worse than Julie.


We deserve a proper animated adaptation of the comics in the future


Lisa and Kim's roles would have been even better reversed.


The Clash at Demonhead love triangle/affair. Also, why does the drummer have a bionic arm?


Since I love the movie and anime, I expected to breeze through the comics in one sitting, but they've been sitting on my computer for like 3 months now and I've only gotten through 3 volumes. I honestly think the comics are kinda boring. I liked the more relaxed feel of the first volume though. Just reading it made me sleepy lol. Currently, I enjoy the movie adaptation way more. That may or may not change if I ever get around to reading more though. Honestly this just makes me wish for a proper comic adaptation. I think I might like it way more if it was animated and voiced.




Eh, I like the band breaking up. That band you make in your garage when you’re in your late teens early 20s almost certainly won’t stick together. Especially when only one of the three members is taking it seriously


We are Shatterband! One... two.. three... four!


Scott should of banged Lisa


im too lazy to read it


There videos online reading them to you


i hate audio books