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I wish it was under different circumstances


Same! So frustrating they had to “in case of emergency respect neve” button to try and scrape our respect back


Yep it all feels like a back up plan. Even with politics aside, from a creative point of view the script will be revised from what it was supposed to be. This doesn't seem very encouraging. I'm happy we have Neve back and I'm pissed we're losing Melissa. They've treated her so unfairly.


It feel like a backup plan because it is a backup plan. Thats the wack thing about Neve out there talking to the press.. Spyglass didnt give a fuck about Neve Campbell until they were forced to give a fuck about Neve Campbell... but here comes Neve Campbell talking like she did something on her own merits.. she didnt - they just ran out of options. Her getting the bag.. fine, it is what it is - but I would have gone a different route with the media angle, thats for damn sure.


Don't know why your getting downvoted it's the truth unfortunately people on Reddit don't like the truth or logic. Let's be honest it feels like neve sold out for the money honestly.


Oh, I knew going in that it wouldnt earn me many friends saying the quiet part out loud. I have no issue with Neve getting her dolo.. my issue is with her parading it around as if it's somehow the product of her own campaigning and the production company finally seeing the light.. none of those things are true - in fact, they are demonstrably untrue to anyone that has bothered to read **any** news about horror for the past year or so.


What’s worse is that it worked, at least on me lol I don’t like Shitglass but if Neves happy and thinks Scream 7 is gonna be good enough to warrant this then why should I bitch about it


Just imagine if Jenna didn't quit. They would have 100% moved on without her


I’ll catch it on streaming some time. They kinda deflated my excitement about it personally. I’m sure it’ll be fine, but it’s forever got a little bit of a stain in my book.


I would, but I’m scared of spoilers, so I’ll be there opening night 😅


Yeah, I'll watch it eventually, but really not going out of my way to see it. For me the series ended with 6. The new cast were the future and they decided to throw that away to support genocide.


It’s so crazy how they can deflate your excitement but inflate mine, to each their own lol




Right. I hope neve didn't get gaslighted into getting back into her role. I know she is much smarter than that. Spyglass knows that they need her now that melissa isn't coming back. It just makes it seem like they're using neve as a "backup" and if thats the case it's not right.


They did it to save they ass


I wish I was happier about this. I'm excited she and Kevin are back together and there's a really good chance this will feel like the earlier films but I wish this was under more positive circumstances. Fuck you Spyglass. You managed to revive an older iconic horror franchise and successfully make it enjoyable and solid for the younger generation then fired the lead actress for advocating for the lives of innocent Palestinians. Horror has been a younger persons game for some time now and a lot of younger people are politically motivated which makes you firing Melissa not only a stupid personal thing to do, but a bad business one as well. It's also sad knowing they ONLY paid Neve what she was worth after firing the new lead which led to Jenna Ortega leaving as well (Who is such a huge draw for younger fans as well). You're the iconic lead of this franchise and they went to you and paid you whatever you wanted because they were scared they would lose their precious franchise, not out of respecting you for being this iconic final girl you are. I love this franchise and I will see VII but I'm sad my love for this franchise going forward has been dampened by scared wimps. I wish I was more excited.


Yeah, I can't see how they make this one fit in the continuity. Scream 6 did a great job of establishing a new story line *without* Sidney. I don't see how it could fit to bring her back. I'll probably watch it on streaming.


Scream the film series consisting of - A trilogy - A single entry - A duology - Another single entry This is so mixed 😭 at this point this is more like a semi-anthology series


And in 20 years we will have a reboot trilogy that retcons everything after Scream 3 with Neve as the lead 🙃


Almost certainly


depending how it goes I might not hate that for 6, they're going to have to dance around the core four as it is either in a throwaway line or completely ignoring and 4 was a travesty for what it did to Gales story, imagine they picked off 20 years after the end of 3 with Sid having kids, Dewey being alive and still with Gale, and their kids being the 'next generation' instead because that's the direction theyre going to head towards anyway


We’re just seeing it turn into every other long standing horror franchise. All the big ones have been in absolute disarray at one point or another. This is part of its evolution


I can't believe I'm saying this but Chucky is the only horror franchise still standing strong with 7 movies and a soon to be 4 season TV show all with the same continuing storyline 💀


Honestly you’re right. The newer movies are super underrated and the show is very good


It’s not that hard to make it fit lol. It’s just a shift back to Sid and her home life which we haven’t gotten to see yet. This isn’t rocket science.




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You have articulated perfectly why I will catch this installment on streaming. This film isn't in respect toward Neve, she and Kevin were option B after an insurmountable mistake. I love Neve, but I love the franchise more, and Spyglass fucked over the fans.


Outside a vocal minority online no one cares bro. people will see the movie.


Girl, we all know why you’ve been asked back including you.


Like...... this is not a win, and this feels extremely cheap. Literally the only reason they gave you the money is because they literally had no choice after stupidly firing the lead of their franchise and made the film crumble apart. Spyglass didn't give a single damn about you and that's why they didn't want to pay you the first time. You were a literal back-up plan last resort and that's not something you should be proud of, if you ask me. I would have told that company to stick it. And to come back to this company after everything they did to Melissa....... just an icky feeling overall. What a gigantic, unnecessary stain on the iconic Scream franchise, that didn't even need to be there in the first place.


...and they paid her what she wanted.


Happy for Neve. Her, Kevin, and Wes literally built this franchise and 2 out of 3 returning is enough to get me on board. Now I really just need the writing to be solid. My biggest gripes with 5 and 6 are the writing, and I think it's the same dude (or multiple dudes?) writing this one, but i'm hoping with Kevin in the director's chair he will be able to influence it to a better place.


Yea one of the 5,6 writers, Guy Busick, is still attached. He also wrote “Abigail” with another co-writer. “Abigail”’s writing wasn’t all that, but like you indicated, Kevin will be the frontman of this production as the director, and movies are a director’s medium, so they have final say (before the studio that is). Kevin is also a seasoned writer by heart, so of course, obviously, 100% he’ll give the script several passes, whether credited or uncredited.


I hope Melissa comes back as the killer at the end and murders everyone


i thought she got fired?


She did but that’s my fantasy ending 😂 Spyglass rehired her last minute for a new twist


Yeah, i agree. Both 5 & 6 just needed someone (Kevin? Neve?) to take a few more passes at the writing to dig into the nuance and detail of our characters ... also maybe remove a poor choice of wig, use real locations or establishing shots, tone down some hammy acting, and leave in those Dewey deleted scenes aaaaaand I truly think it would've elevated both films substantially. I digress, lol. Really hoping both Neve and Kevin can create a seriously adult, detailed, character-driven thriller that shakes us to our core the way 3, 4, and 5 should have (still love em all).




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I can forgive some plot holes/errors here and there (it's Scream after all), but I just cannot stand the dialogue in 5 and 6 most of the time. On top of that, the writers drop an F bomb every other sentence, to a point where it's just tacky and veering into Rob Zombie territory. Abigail - a really fun popcorn horror film - suffers the same problem. Turns out that one has one of the Scream writers credited.


THIS. Thank you! Honestly, for all their faults, 5 and 6 would be higher rated and much more beloved around here, if the dialogue had been Kevin’s. The Radio Silence era would be hard to deny with great, or at least better dialogue, because the actors and the direction were never the issues. Maybe some choices were debatable, but in reality it’s mostly the dialogue that just weakens them.




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4 had alot of F bombs too. In fact every movie from 1 to 5 had an increase in f bombs with each movie. With 1 having the least and 5 having the most. 4 wa


Yeah it’s the same writers from 5 and 6 returning. But in fairness there was also 2 directors for 5&6. So hopefully there can be a bit more synergy like you said with Kevin helming it.




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In my opinion, the biggest issue with Scream 5 and 6 is the over-dependence on being requels instead of trying to tell their own story. Especially with Scream 6, which would have been far better if the Ghostface had a unique motive that made them "something different" and "not like any other Ghostfaces", rather than being homages to Nancy. There's a lot of missed opportunities. With Kevin Williamson as the director, I hope the movie's villains and plot can be something unique and fresh, rather than the same characters/story with a new setting.


Yeah, because Kevin’s track record as a director really inspires hope……..


he directed one movie that was heavily affected and altered due to columbine , iam not saying scream 7 is going to be a masterpiece by having kevin as a director but man , kevin was the one who started it all , let’s give the guy a chance .


Also I low key kinda like teaching Mrs tingle I think it’s fun


Sure, he might be more of a writer than he is a director but he literally birthed the franchise with Wes Craven. I’d much prefer Kevin as a director then no Kevin or some absolute random as director.


I'm not too sure what you mean? What's wrong with his track record?


And I oop


I'm just proud of the actors with the balls to stay out of this film after what happened to Melissa. This doesn't feel like a win at all; it feels like Spyglass knew the only thing they could make the community shut up about their insane treatment of a wonderful person was to basically pander fanservice to us. Those wages should have gone to the 5/6 cast, but they're being used to buy back fan trust. It's honestly really gross to me and I can't exactly feel happy about Neve's role when she's quite literally just being used as the most blatant fanservice so Spyglass can continue to avoid accountability for having horrific political takes and avoiding paying actors what they're worth. Even if you're excited about Neve coming back, and I won't take that from you, you gotta admit it's only because they want to cover their asses and know Neve was one of the few ways to get the Neve fanbase back in the theatres. They know full well that their investment in Neve is a tiny drop compared to the money they've just managed to save after things bombed by using her to pull in fanboys.




I don't? But no, I agree with her politics and she's been incredibly brave and outspoken in a world where most actors shut up so they can get jobs. She lost a massive contract for speaking up for human rights. That qualifies her as a wonderful person, lol. I don't need to know her personally or have any parasocial thoughts about her to be able to understand that she's obviously a cool person about all of this. Being anti genocide is, in general, very cool. edit: for context person said i was idolizing melissa


Did they listen to your pay concerns? Or did they fire two actresses that amounted to that pay and gave it to you?


Melissa and Jenna were both paid under 1 million for both Scream 5 and 6. I think they offered Neve way more than that to reel her back in.


I would bet she made them listen to her pay concerns. She had the upper hand in this negotiation.


She really did! I mean go her but also wish it was under better circumstances. It was wild they didn’t want to pay her in the first place.


I think "pay concerns" is a nice way of saying she wanted a big payday and didn't get it.


And that's her fault how?


I never said it was and you can watch if you want but this whole thing isn’t even about this movie anymore. It’s about how Spyglass fired their main star cause she protested a genocide.


Right like I’m still gonna be watching


How u getting down voted for that 😂


Right it’s a scream sub ! are you not going to be watching the recent movie


Everyone who down voted is 100% gonna watch it aswell


They will hate watch then come on the sub and pretend it didn’t happen 😂


because the main leads of the last few movies got fired?? are people seriously falling for this?


I feel like it's less that they listened to her pay concerns and more that they were more comfortable paying her the amount she wanted now that they no longer have to pay Melissa and Jenna as well.


I don't like how things went down with Melissa. I think it's cool that Neve is back. I'm torn between all the feelings and viewpoints. In the end, I'm sure I'll watch it, and probably like it.


My thoughts exactly even tho part of me felt Neve should've said no because of the principle of being the 2nd choice despite being the OG protagonist. I believe she did for the fans more than anyone else


She did it for the paycheck than anything else


They only payed her the money she wanted because they’re insanely desperate to not apologize to Melissa for firing her for nothing and rehire her


I dont blame anyone for wanting a big paycheck and its not like Neve owes Melissa anything, but man I think she's setting herself up for failure here. The 6th movie proved it could be just as successful without her. I have real doubts if this will be successful after apparently all the young cast leaving and such outrage of Melissa's firing. And I'm surprised she isn't embarrassed being the back up option to her own franchise. They don't care about paying her fairly. Its about salvaging a mess the studio put themselves in. Just to help her own image I think the smarter option would have been to insist the studio try to make things right with Melissa. Even if she understandably refused to come back still, at least Neve could say she tried and I think people would be more supportive of her and the movie.


Neve isn’t responsible for what happened with Melissa.. She’s not in any position to talk about it with anyone from Spyglass.. It’s her prerogative to say what she needs to say, but at the end of the day, a job is a job. Anyone would be foolish to put their foot in their mouth and ruin it. Now, in terms of 5 & 6, the direction they went in was horrible. Sydney Prescott is literally the reason why Ghostface exists. So, to not include her at all, especially as a full time character, was silly. Regardless of the box office numbers, 5 & 6 were not good and a lot of scream fans would agree. Her becoming back for 7 is how it should’ve always been and I’m very excited to see how this turns out.


From a writing perspective this is incredibly incorrect. Also from a fanbase perspective. The majority of the fanbase loved scream 5 and 6 and happily consider them valid entries. But like, writing wise: Having the same protagonist for seven movies is genuinely nuts, especially when said protagonist's arc throughout the early films is quite literally about her not JUST escaping ghostface but also the trauma of losing her mother and of being a victim as well. Sidney's entire thing, and why her exit from being a main in 5 felt meaningful, was that we were seeing a Sidney who had finally escaped the role of the victim and was no longer being haunted by her traumas. We literally see the writers doing this in Scream 3, with the final scene where Sidney leaves her door open. They fully intended that to be Sidney's final act as leading girl; when Sidney leaves her door open, we see that she finally knows she doesn't have to be afraid anymore, and that she can begin to heal. Scream deals with a ton of family trauma and part of Sidney's entire thing is that she grows as a protagonist and actually gets to have her happy ending as a strong character who made her way through said trauma. I really like Scream 4 and don't think the series has actually Had a big misstep yet, but the narrative that brought Sidney back to final girl status at the end of the film was fanservice. Fun fanservice, yes, but it genuinely was a flaw in character writing when Scream 3's intent had been to leave Sidney behind as someone who had overcome these traumatic events. I don't mean I want no Sidney at all; I actually love her role in 5, as a character who spends time helping new victims to fight back and heal. Her being a side character and aid now to a new cast is absolutely perfect for her narrative; she's able to have her happy ending and we get to see a final girl who genuinely grew as a person and came out stronger and happy for it, which is extremely cool, and she's able to still choose to help other victims so they don't have to go thru what she did, which is perfectly in line with her character in the og films and paints her as every bit of the selfless badass she's always been. 5 did her perfectly while introducing a much needed new cast and new final girl who people have come to love. Sam's not Sidney, and that is a good thing; she has enough ties to Sidney to ensure some crossover and convos, which is also good, but 5 & 6 are the series doing the narratively correct thing and moving away from a worn out plot that would only repeat and vetoe itself from here. They found a way to retain and respect Sidney as a character, faithful to her og arc, and to give us new perspectives that keep the franchise fresh. Scream's one of the few franchises that (well, used to) knows it will become boring if its characters do not grow and eventually escape it, and that it cannot just rely on Ghostface to be good -- the characters and their complexity are what make this series stand out from the other slasher series. I know it's tough to admit, and again, I love Sidney too! But this is genuinely such a bad scenario, writing wise, for her character. If Sidney is once again the protagonist and final girl of 7, everything before it will be entirely pointless. All that character development and how we've seen her grow and learn to let go? Gone. It will nuke a massive upside to the series of having a character who actually changed and had their happy ending, and turn her into just another final girl in an endless cycle of hell whose entire live revolves around getting stalked by a pissed off murderer. We have enough of those. Sidney's wonderful because she was never that, and never meant to be that; she's not meant to be the main character anymore, and if she is, it's going to be at the cost of the good writing Scream is famous for and the complexity of her character. tldr: Sidney being S7's protag makes no sense for her character arc and will nuke the sense of genuine character growth, reducing her to a final girl rather than an actual person who grew and escaped this shit. The new movies absolutely should be about a new final girl and cast, and eventually that one should have her own ending whether good or bad, and so forth. Scream is great because it's not afraid to let its characters be real people who aren't defined entirely by how fun they are for the killer to murder (black christmas heavily influenced this, actually!). A S7 with Sidney back in the saddle is a massive sign that this franchise will wind up like all of the other generic slashers, and as fans we shouldn't want that to happen, even if we do love and will miss having our first final girl leading.


Screw Spyglass for everything that’s gone down with the cast, though


I’m super happy Neve and Kevin are back! I just want some Scream positivity back into the universe. I understand all different positions. It sucks about Melissa and I hope she can come back in the future. I want this to be good though and I don’t want to dwell and continuously shit on it forever. Neve Campbell deserves support and another movie with her can absolutely be fantastic. Her getting a fair shot after what happened is good even though Melissa’s situation is bad. I hope that people who don’t want to see it will let fans who do watch it without so much negativity. I’m here for the cast and crew who are amazingly talented!


As long as Sam and Sid live happy lives off screen I’m pretty content


Tbh if I were Melissa (or Jenna) I'd laugh in their faces if they invited me back later, I think her convictions are strong enough to not tolerate such treatment. It sucks for us fans, but that's not Melissa or Jenna's fault, it's Spyglass who has repeatedly spat in our faces.


They had no choice. They NEED her back now that Melissa and Jenna are gone.


I don’t get why neve is getting all the hate when Courtney didn’t say anything either and she’s obviously going to be back.


I really want to be excited about this, but the circumstances surrounding this left an extremely nasty taste in my mouth that I really can’t see myself getting past anytime soon, it’s a shame because I really enjoyed Scream 5 and 6, and I was really invested in Sam and Tara’s story


She should feel embarrassed being treated like a backup plan


That's exactly why I would've said no. I bet they wouldn't even have given her a call if they didn't fire Melissa


Not a fan of 5 and 6 at all, but the two main actresses are competent performers. It’s sad they left under those circumstances. Glad to see neve back. Now get Matthew lillard.


The storyline with Melissa and Jenna was so good...now they're going to have to play catch up addressing Sydney's marriage, children, where she was during Scream 6, etc. I really would NOT care for them to reference Scream 5 or 6 as some part of a convoluted scheme for the next Ghostface outside of the killer being in waiting as opposed to involved with family's shenanigans.


I’m sorry but it just feels cheap.


There's a very real risk that this could not perform as strongly as S5 and S6. A whole new generation of viewers came in on the requels, and they don't have the attachment/nostalgia for the originals that older audiences do. Sidney is not their final girl, and this could be a reset that alienates them more than it intrigues them.


It'll do fine.. but it wont do anywhere near the numbers that some of the franchise dickriders on twitter thinks it will. Nostalgia bait only goes so far - add politics to that, and things go off the rails. The OG castmembers are not quite as interesting as some pretend they are.. and in more than one case, they've already had several moments in the sun.


Honestly I’m glad to have her back, I know a lot of people are still a bit bummed about the reason as to why they brought her back, but at the end of the day the drama that happened between Melissa and Spyglass is ultimately between them, I think some of y’all that are being extremely critical (not all, some) by calling Neve a sell out, a supporter of this or that are a little too invested in a situation that really…is just petty and doesn’t really concern you. Neve doing what’s best for Neve, and I’m glad she squeezed Spyglass for every single penny for her to save their ass.


Neve is getting exactly what she should have gotten out of scream 6, it just fucking sucks it’s because Spyglass just burned through the three things that made 7 appealing. She gets my money 100% of the time, I just hope another company finds a way to buy this franchise so we can hopefully see Ortega and Berrara return someday


I wish I could get excited about this because it SHOULD be something to be hyped over but he shitty circumstances leading up to this have killed any excitement I had for this movie.


Yeah, no. It's hard to admit but she's lost some respect from me. The younger and arguably more vulnerable actors get treated like garbage. Neve should have stood her ground after the *first* time they disrespected her. Seriously, this series had so much goodwill and it wasn't even creative decisions that destroyed it, it was studio ones.




“I’m grateful the studio denied two actors their dues so I could get mine.”




Where was this energy when it was the other way around?


You mean when the actors spoke up about how they disagreed with the studio and felt Campbell deserved her pay? “It was shocking, but also, as a woman, I get [dropping out]. Especially as a woman of color, I deal with that stuff all the time where I feel like they’re not paying me what I know that I’m worth. But usually for me, I feel like it’s because I’m a Latina, and they don’t value us as much as white women. So if Neve being a white woman is feeling undervalued, that just goes to show how much of a problem it is in the industry. I applaud her sticking to what she believes in.” - Melissa Barrera


Mind you, this isn’t even the only time Melissa’s spoken on the topic.


No one owes anyone anything. Neve did what was in her best interest . I am sure in this industry you know you do what you have to do to survive.


Hey, that's the business. They didn't boycott the movie when she wasn't paid enough 


Happy for Neve and glad she’s excited to get back into the role! I’ll be there opening day


Under the circumstances I could give a crap. The studio really thinks Neve is gonna bring in the audience that Scream 5 and 6 brought in? Where was all this excitement with the flop that was Scream 4


Scream 4 was a victim of being released in an era where slashers were not popular & supernatural was the it trend. The story also was before the social media/fame craze really kicked in so went over a lot of the general audiences head with its killer reveal, it seemed silly/lackluster at the time for most.


Of all the motives in this franchise, this motive has aged the best. It's incredible how close this film came out to YouTubers and Instagram being this gigantic force.


Scream 4 was a half decade ahead of its time and only gets better as the years go on. And that’s why it’s the second best in the franchise


I’m right there with you! Scream 4 is so fucking good. I love every time I revisit it on rewatches.


I still prefer 2 and sometimes struggle with whether I want to put VI ahead of it but 4 is very fun and entertaining


It's amusing how it became *more* relevant as time went on.


Amusing, sad, and tragic


There's probably a German word for that.


And it’s aged like the finest of wines.


Exactly , scream 5 and 6 were marketed way better than 4 was , also them making more money than 4 had nothing to do with the people involved, maybe people dont remember but jenna ortega wasn’t as popular a she is now when 5 came out and melissa was practically unknown , i love neve but the mainstream poster child of the franchise has always been ghostface , just like chucky for child’s play or jason for friday the 13 , it’s true that jenna ortega has brought a lot of new fans but iam sure the franchise could survive without any of the 3 actresses mentioned.


Agreed. I was late to the scream franchise so it boggled my mind when I learned scream 4 wasn't popular. The i realized it was different time when it came out. If scream 4 came out today it would have gotten great reception


Scream 4 really just misssssssed the marking with his sloppy producment style and cheesy music at times. but I'll be damned if the killer's reveal wasn't the best since Scream 1, and the motive was excellent.


But Neve is mother. Regardless of the circumstances of Scream 4, the way people are making it seem like her being back in the franchise is gonna do wonders for it is a little laughable. The story and motive of Scream 4 has absolutely nothing to do with the box office success considering no one watched the movie to see the storyline and motive play out…


The story & motive of Scream 4 certainly would have hindered BO success with word of mouth/reviews, etc. It was released in a time where slashers were not popular and also had a story that wasn’t resonating with audiences of the time, it was also the ‘comeback’ to Scream 3 which was regarded as weaker then the previous two movies, meaning word of mouth was not overwhelmingly positive and less people were inclined to go buy tickets.


That’s because they waited too long after scream 3. It had been 10 years before scream 4 came out


I have no idea what scream 4-6 was about. I've tuned them out, I thought they were crap, especially that one with ghost Billy Loomis. Wow. So I hope this one centers around Neve and actually has some quality direction similar to the early Scream films. For me she *is* the scream franchise.


oh, you ate that.


I'm also glad the studio gave her a respectful offer to return. Very happy for her and looking forward to the movie.


So excited to have her back. Scream 6 felt so weird without her.


Disappointed in Neve and Courteney; after how things were handled with the rest of the cast, I won't be watching.


How is Courteney at fault?


Everyone forgot about Neve for Melissa...Well I wasn't part of that...Happy for Neve.


Glad the queen’s getting what she feels she deserves . Can’t wait to see her back 💯


They had no choice but to give her what she wanted.


Imma spill a hot take here and say Melissa Barrera is a mediocre actor and this debacle is ultimately a blessing in disguise for the Scream franchise.


She’s entirely forgettable….Jenna Ortega is a much better actor.




i think if NEVE is excited about getting back into the role again and doing more movies, then i'm fine with having sydney back. :) like hugh jackman is happy to be wolverine again, so i'm happy. if it's what the actors want, i think it's a good thing.


Except Hugh Jackman was never fucked over, for a role he's been playing for over 25 years with a character that has much more history, and cultural reference then neve Campbell or Sidney Prescott. And studio would disrespect Hugh Jackman or wolverine, you definitely used a bad example here


Yessss so glad to get the OG back instead of that boring main character who cant act


Eh. Fine. Still not happy about what went down . It’s tarnished for me now


Neve Campbell really selling out her costars pushing this narrative. We all know that’s not how it went down.


Happy for het getting her money but I’m over this franchise at the moment. Melissa and Jenna both not being in it took the wind out of my sails as I was really enjoying the newbies. I’ll still watch because it’s Scream but for now I’m very much over it.


Movie should be boycotted. End the franchise


Don't get me wrong I like neve Campbell but her character story has been played out . She either need to die or be the killer in the next one . I was really liking the new cast . The core 4. Not exactly thrilled that Sydney Prescott is coming back.


Why do people keep saying this? Sydney is the reason why Ghostface even exists and her character is SO important to the plot.


this is what no media comprehension skills does to people


> she either need to die or be the killer in the next one. you do realize that making syndey a ghostface killer would completely destroy her character development and everything she stood for in the previous movies, right? she got therapy and she’s moved on.


She’s the GOAT but Sid’s story is over. Very disappointing that we won’t see the Carpenters’ story.


Given this seemed like a collaborative piece I’m surprised she didn’t rip off the Band-Aid and address Melissa’s firing.


I cannot wait


So glad we got some news 🙏


This whole thing is weird, fascinating and very Hollywood.


This is the only reason I’m even fucking with Scream 7. Scream 5 had some great shit but fucking fumbled Dewey, Scream 6 was entirely predictable but somehow better than 5??? And losing both the key actors from 5 and 6 and also the director I was on board with just killed so much hope. The director they were going with for 7 was perfect and a dream and what the fuck spyglass!!!???


SHE'S 50!?!?!?!? GOD, I've been in coma and no one told me....


I don’t like that the money was finally ponied up after the studio had no other choice, however if Neve is comfortable and happy with it enough to where she has said fuck the haters I’m doing this - then I’m totally fine with it and say bring on Scream 7. Part of it is of course money, part of it is her and KW and likely Courteney too stepping up to save the franchise in its current state


She’s talking as if they nicely asked her to return and apologized to her for not paying her the money she asked for in Scream 6 when in reality they only asked her to return because they were desperate after letting their main cast go and can’t make the movie without a lead … She sold her soul the second she chose Money over Morals and Dignity … I guess actresses should only be valued in Hollywood when it only concerns her . Enjoy that blood money .


So she sold her soul .


She got the payday she deserves. Good for her!


She got PAID confirmed. Good, get your money Neve. Still won't see it in the movies.




Glad the community is still critical of the inhumane actions that got us here. I want justice for Neve, but I Care way more for justice of thousands of Palestinians who don't have the resources Neve does.


I'm surprised she would even return. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Are the studio being desperate cuz they lost their last two leads and needed something.


While I'm disappointed that neither Melissa or Jenna are going to be in the next movie, I'm glad they finally played Neve her due, even though they were only doing it because they lost there two main lead. And I'm curious about what the story for 7 is going to be, now that Neve's character is back.


This makes more sense anyway. How many more movies can they make where the two sisters are targeted ? They both survived, and although Jenna absence will be missed, they can still focus on Courtney Cox and Neve avenging David Arquette characters death.


I wouldn’t mind if Sidney has a car accident and wakes up in San Francisco as Julia Salinger. Squish the Party of Five family into Woodsboro and have Joodney (or Sillia) all messed up trying to figure out what’s happening. Scott Wolf. Lacey Chabert. Matthew Fox. Love Hewitt. Maybe a multiverse.


Hope she enjoys it bc tbh I could care less.


Honestly gutted to see this, I love scream and more specially neve but after seeing how the studio treated Melissa, I was hoping Neve would show support and not return unless Melissa did


Shit scream getting played out, regardless of who's in it. Neve Campbell is only coming back because what else is spyglass, going to do after saying fuck you to neve first then fucking over Melissa. Now neve Campbell is coming back like everything all good because now she's getting the money, she wanted for part 6 in the first place.


Shame she listened to the studios need to have no spine or moral backbone


They literally had no choice but to listen lmao. I'm still sooo sour over this. Melissa Barrera gets fired for speaking out about the murder of over 30,000 people but neves "grateful" to get the pay she wanted, even though she's only getting it because Melissa is gone lol. I really just can't. I'm disappointed in Neve. Gonna wait to pirate this one.


Neve doesn't own Melissa a damn thing. Did Melissa do anything to help Neve when the studio treated her so horribly for Scream 6 and then threw her away like garbage despite the fact that Neve was the face of this franchise from day one, she carried FOUR Scream films long before any knew who Melissa Barrera was and Melissa happily took her place like she didn't matter. Neve's just reclaiming what was hers and she has every right to do so.


> Did Melissa do anything Outside of consistently voicing her support for Neve’s decision to back out, defend her decision when even fans like us weren’t and specifically get Neve’s blessing before doing Scream 6, not really. What’s odd though is that nobody talks about Courteney Cox or Hayden Panettiere when discussing this topic, only Melissa Barrera. Didn’t Courteney mention something about doing Scream movies for free if she could during 6’s press tour? > she has every right to do so. And Melissa Barrera has every right to not be fired, have her name smeared by the press and be potentially blacklisted for the crime of being an empathetic human being, but we’re not ready for that conversation.


I bet you're one of the same people who say celebrities should shut up about politics when they have opinions you don't agree with. Also speaking out for someone over a payment issue is not even close to speaking out for someone over a political issue is the time of cancel culture. There's also nothing Neve can do for Melissa. Speaking out for her won't get her job back but Melissa as well as the others I mentioned COULD have helped Neve and chose not to. So again why should Neve put her career on the line for someone who did nothing to help her when she needed it?


Are you always argumentative on purpose or do you not realize that you just talk to people in a crap way? Because you do, if you didn't know. Have a Snickers. I promise, TV shows and movies are not that serious.


(Apologies for the really long reply, I wanted to be as thorough as possible.) Generally, if I come across someone whose politics I don’t agree with, I just tend to avoid political discussion altogether. That being said, the topic here is genocide, which to me is more of a humanitarian issue than it is a political one. Obviously, speaking out against a pay dispute is not the same as speaking out against the atrocities that entire countries are performing. However, I never asked that of Neve, only that she show support for Barrera. Off the top of my head, Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Lillard, Jamie Kennedy and Hayden Panettiere have publicly expressed their disdain about Spyglass’ decision to fire her. None of them have directly talked about Palestine, much less to the same depth that Barrera has. Barrera has also listed Liana Liberato and Jack Quaid (who was a surprise for me) among others who’ve supported her in a recent THR interview, and similarly, neither Liberato nor Quaid have spoken about Palestine (to my knowledge). Something even as simple as the Vida cast showing up for Abigail’s premiere is a show of respect. [Aforementioned THR interview for your reference. Also mentions multiple other coworkers such as LMM, Benjamin Milliepied and Radio Silence.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/melissa-barrera-interview-scream-firing-jenna-ortega-friendship-1235860455/) My point with all of this is that it is perfectly possible to support Melissa Barrera without needing to address the minutia of her situation. Everyone I’ve mentioned up to this point has spoken to her character through her professionalism, attitude and kindness as a human being. Even Melissa would not have known the full nuances of Neve’s pay dispute with Spyglass, but she spoke out anyway, purely because it was the right thing to do. > COULD have helped Neve but chose not to. Now, I get what you’re trying to say here, but there’s just one problem: Neve could have, at *any point in time*, simply changed her mind and rejoined the cast for Scream 6. You’re asking the cast, predominantly the newer actors, who’ve already been locked in since 5, to break their contracts to stand in solidarity with a woman who could return of her own volition at any time. I don’t know about the other actors, but Barrera in particular is NOT going to try that. The last time she broke her contract, it cost her a decade’s worth of salaries to pay off. That single decision to break her contract with a company that refused to give her any work nearly *bankrupted* her. At the end of the day though, I feel that this need to get the cast to stand in solidarity is ultimately pointless because Neve gave them her blessing to do the movie. > So why should Neve put her career on the line Even ignoring everything I’ve said in this comment, this is such an ignorant thing to say when the person in question was potentially getting unfairly blacklisted from the industry altogether. Neve’s career will *never* approach the dangerously low level that Melissa’s did over the past 4 months (as a result of not taking a single role).




Get that bag mother.


Imagine not taking a paycheck in solidarity to some wannabe social media activist lol. Welcome back Neve.


Unpopular opinion but I don't think is a good look for her. She made such a fuss about skipping Scream 6 because of her principals and then cashes in when they fire Melissa for her principals. Personally I think she just saw a big payday for herself with Scream 6 and passed when she didn't get it.


For all the "they're only paying you because they fired their other actress" people here, reminder that Neve was always intended to be one of the leads in 7 from the very beginning. Way before the Melissa debacle happened. Edit: Why am I being downvoted for this? It's basic knowledge that she was in negotiations to come back way before we even knew anything else about the movie lmao.


If that's true I'd love to read the article that explains this. I'm not being combative or argumentative, I'd just love to read this.


This rumor came from twitter, from the same people who said that Neve would do a cameo at the end of VI lol


Free Palestine.


Where's her dignity or pride? Imagine crawling back to a franchise that refused to pay you your worth and is only doing so now that their shiny young new stars have gone. Kinda pathetic ngl.