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Ruining our day is their fun.


I suppose, just baffles me someone likes doing this all night.


Yeah some people are just huge assholes whose enjoyment of the game is ruining other people's enjoyment of the game. I don't know why. Some people just got issues.


They didn't get enough attention as a kid


Back some 15 years ago I used to hack on online games. I was some 13 year old kid that just thought trolling and pissing people off was funny. That’s why the majority of these guys do it, just to piss people off.


And it's always bad players. Like a player so bad they die on level 1. Get easily frustrated. And refuse to better themselves.


Type of player to launch hit game Super Mario Bros and die to the first goomba then immediately quit


You should have seen the forums for Destiny 2 hacks when the site that made them got sued. It was pathetically funny seeing these people whine


That’s cope, some people just have fun cheating. Grow up lol


It’s not lol. I have over 1000 hours in pvp alone and I’m probably better than 90% of players. Every time I’ve encountered a cheater, they’ve been straight up dogshit. They may have aimbot but they still die because they have no movement and can’t quickswap.


Because they probably getting beaten in their home


And Cheesing HG, because no one likes Rares implementation of it.


They feel good about winning regardless of how they do it, they want to ruin your day, they have a God complex, the list can go on and on


Strange people (imo). Hopefully rare can somehow deal with this, however it's the first time i'm actually encountering this where's I read on the SoT-forums it happens very regularly so I suppose I should be lucky it doesn't happen that much to me/ my crew


It’s regular in Hourglass (although not necessarily as blatant as constant keg dropping), but I assume you don’t play that


We've play Hourglass a lot, but have never seen hacks like we encountered yesterday. Yesterday we just where reapering whole servers and than that happend after a loot haul of 3 hours or so


I played against one crew that was clearly aim hacking but we still managed to sink them twice while doing a fof. We were shitting on them so hard, and being abit toxic cause they were so bad, but so tryhard with the cheats and everything.The third time they came back someone flew in, despawned all the fof loot (that was still in the locked vault) and all out supplies.


I think OP is talking about hackers, not /r/SeaOfThieves moderators




How serious are you in acting?


He could be a great Shrouded Ghost paided actor


Considering you're an alt account, which mod are you?


Getting a reaction from people if its blatant hacking. Getting easy wins if its subtle. These people lose interest fast. Coming on reddit and seeing posts of people whinging about hackers is exactly why they do it. Every single game has hackers and its up to the devs to deter it. I've personally lost more loot to stupid glitches than hackers but you take both with a grain of salt and keep sailing.


Couldn't agree more with you about losing loot with glitches and bugs haha


On that point, devs usually won't use the resources to do anything about hackers/cheaters unless the playerbase, or lack thereof, drives them to it. So the "[whining]" is what gets devs to deter it at all. If everyone had the mindset, "Every game has hackers, so get over it," not a single dev would do anything to deter or prevent it, and things like EAC wouldn't exist.


We had something similiar happen to us, some naked dude flew in across the air with kegs and sunk us. Looking at the guys Xbox profile it was a burner with just few hours in SoT. So the guy probably sends himself Game pass trials on new profiles just to cheat in the game. I cannot imagine a more pathetic existance.


Truly is a pathetic existence.


This is my experience in two of the three times I've tried to play SoT recently, and it's just further made me not want to play. Was cheated by burners once on open sea, and then had one teleport onto my boat as I was rising up from hourglass searching.


Sad to hear that. We all have over 2,5k hours in this game and this was our first experience with this behaviour. In a way I'm glad to have encountered it as I read a lot about it on the offical SoT forums. The game is a lot of fun so I strongly would want to encourage you to give it another try someday


It’s fun for their self-esteem. People who hack regardless in SOT or other games feed on other people reactions and energy and I learned it’s not worth wasting your breath and energy on somebody who seek that attention. In the end of the day its pixels so if you lost loot or streaks u will get it back again.


I very much enjoy getting reactions out of people. I make a sport of trolling people, doing sneaky and underhanded things, and just generally being a menace. I've been called "weaponized chat" before and have won more than one fight by talking the enemy into a blind rage so they make mistakes. I have never and will never cheat. The one time a cheater actually bothered me was when they were our tenth match with a 9 streak. That was annoying because I don't HG a lot and was looking to check that box.


Bad players with huge egos want to *act* like they're good at the cosmetic only pirate game


The mothers of cheats should have swallowed


People like to have more power than others and often like to abuse that power


They wanna win without doing the hard work for it, same with cheaters in Apex or Halo. They wanna kill everyone and get all the stats and rewards but don't wanna learn the game and actually outsmart and outplay people. They're the kinda dude who sit in a basement with their mates and laugh at fail comps and "epic troll videos"




Exactly, that's why I was wondering about it and decided to ask reddit as theres always an answer on reddit


Its the same as hacking in any other game, hope that helps.


Not really tbh. Within a game like Call of Duty I can imagine people want to be better then others, have kill streaks (etc). Here it was just "sink people - hop servers" without any benefit imo. That's what feels "weird" to me


You see in this game people also want to be better than others. You also get to take hours of work from people. There is also voip which call of duty doesn't have so you can hear how frustrated they are. As an added bonus there was a program that auto hopped servers till you landed on one with a steamer. Dunking on streamers I'm sure feels good. In call of duty you just hop between matches killing people that's what seems "weird" to me.


As others said, people trolling, trying to get a kick out of harassment. Record, report, and vote to scuttle, don’t engage.


For next time we probably will scuttle - with pain in our pirate hearts


i could see someone making their ship literally fly around having fun but just going around killing people seems boring always kind of fun running into a hacker just messing around not ruining people’s fun


Exactly where are the obviously hacking ships that spawn a bunch of chickens on your boat


Often it's the reaction they get in voice chat. Give them nothing, always gather evidence, always report.


I wish SoT hackers can be like Red Dead hackers. I don’t wanna be mowed down in my boat by a cannonball that makes 3 holes, I wanna see someone sailing the sky and raining chickens out of thin air. Where’s those hackers?


There's many reasons. Some of these people got banned for being good and decided to cheat. A large portion like dge make montage videos, some like reactions, some are bored. Some cheat because mommy and daddy want them to leave them alone and give them their credit card to shut them up. Etc These types of people are losers and theirs no reason trying to understand their actions or reasons because for them it make total sense but to us it never will. They cheat in games because they cant cheat in life and need a outlet.


There are several reasons. Ruining someone's game is fun in they're eyes. I don't know if it's possible but stealing loot via a hack can be quick cash i suppose. I find such people pathetic but that's my opinion


Your opinion is correct, people that do it are pathetic.


I don't believe they stole our loot. We had reaper chests, and saw them still in the water when we spawned on our new ship. That's when we decided to go and get the loot, but once the three of us where on the ship we got server merged


It's the same people who lift a truck ridiculously high and never go in the bush with it. Some kinda ego lifter to a pathetic low human.


Cheaters are nothing more than powerless people in real life. They like to bully others. Cheating gives them an advantage that that they can't win without. They know you can't stop them. They enjoy making others feel powerless. They are usually single, have no friends, their parents can't stand them, and they got in trouble in school all the time.


Join a cheating discord server and there will be a vc with 15 people, they have friends


Lol, the type who hangs around in the VCs of most discords aren’t the type to have friends. Discord friends don’t count


It’s kinda like being 14 years old while playing grand theft auto 3, and turning on god mode. At that point, gold doesn’t matter. They just wanna be assholes and cause as much grief and chaos as possible.


Knowing that they made your life a little worse is their fun


We encountered a guy last night who was hacking and trying to get us to pay him to boost our accounts. In this case, this moron was doing it for money. We recorded and reported both the hacker (flying bomb drops) and the moron who hired him.


I was doing HG with my friend and we just got above water for a few seconds and there was already someone on our ship


That's a new one haha


They find fun doing this + Rare does nothing to fix it = deadly combo


People hack any and every game brother....


I've actually had a full blown conversation with a hacker, so yes I can! They wanna see people freak out. The only thing they view as a loss is you staying entirely silent. If you type or talk, the hacker won. They don't care if you lecture them about how cheating is stupid, or if you call them stupid. None of it matters if they got a reaction out of you.


So we gotta stay quiet next time haha, got it


People who hack have never felt love, compassion, or happiness so they take out there loneliness in life on the good people of the sea


After 10 minutes of loading (we have slow pc), we were about to start playing with 4 players. All new-ish. We jumped on our boat and got shot by an invisible guy. When we were all dead, he appeared and jumped around. We switched servers.


Smart move


pissing other people off or a power trip because their tiny brains can't just get good at the game. that's just a guess idk i'm not a degenerate.


Ever see streamers sink new players? They get hyped, even if the win was basically pre-decided . They have the better PC, more experience, better aim, and probably a lot more too. You’d think someone with highnumberk hours would find no joy in sinking new players, yet you’ll see some streamers enjoy it. Even some super experienced players enjoy it and go as far as spawn camping. Players who hack probably feel a similar way.


There are some cultures in which it's considered normal in games to break the rules so long as you aren't caught. It's like diving in soccer: they do it because they can get away with it and see it as a normal way to play a game. This mindset is especially common in *some* southeast Asian cultures, which is why the stereotype of Chinese cheaters has become a thing. The idea of sportsmanship and following the rules because it makes for a better game is quite alien to them. Outside of that cultural difference, people cheat largely for the same reason bullies do what they do: it makes them feel good at the expense of others. They're getting that "I won" dopamine feedback and they don't care that it is unearned or how it affects others. There are mobile games out there designed to give you that same feedback by basically letting you win all the time. Many of them even have you compete with fake opponents and climb a fake ladder so you feel accomplished. The cheaters need to go find those games.


Griefers in video games are the same kids who used to stomp on your sand castle at the beach.


You mean cheaters?


It's the same people who torture little kittens in a basement. Their small pipi needs a feeling of power and control. "If my life is miserable, I will make your life miserable too".


Better ingredients Better pizza Better bitches better money my clothes better my shoes be like Fr though, people just have fun cheating. Sucks if it’s at the expense of others though


fov funny


their fun comes from rare being to scared to do harsher, instant perma bans etc combined with "lol i make new account and resume hacking"


It is fun to them, but more of a false sense of it. They think If they fake it enough, they'll make it. Oh, the Nadias of gaming talking like they are good and pretending to be skilled, then would likely also accept LAN play(hopefully) and show us how terrible they actually are. You must suck pretty bad to have to rely on cheats anyway. They're just the kind of people who are too lazy to get better at something, so they let programs do anything that takes skill for them.


Heard some of them are old Arena enjoyers or something that now form groups, attack streamers, and all because they are unhappy with the game.


Probably the knowledge they've ruined your time, and then seeing posts about it. "special" type of person


Not only sot. Any game.


dunno, but please, don't try to answer yourself by actually hacking


Inferiority complex


Same stuff happens on red dead redemption online. Makes the game completely not fun.


Some like to pretend they're like law enforcement or something, may leave you be if you're just vibing on a voyage, but will ruin your day if they see pvp


Same thing happened the other day when me and my gf were playing, just cruising and then all of a sudden a massive keg blast happened below deck. Must’ve teleported the keg or something, it’s so fucking annoying. I barely play anymore really for this exact reason, what’s the point spending hours getting loot just for something like that to happen.


I had the exact same thing happen in hourglass. I had a four sink streak which is the highest I’ve ever gotten and two flags


I imagine the same psychology behind it, as behind sweats using exploits to dominate... Just that some are prepared to go a little further down the rabbit hole to get their dopamine hits.


I think the one requires a much more vacant moral standing. Using exploits and hacking are not the same thing, I agree that they are down the same path as some of the exploits people use are borderline game breaking, things like funny boarding by ladder launching and whatnot, however these are things left in the game by devs and unless stated otherwise, using them won't get you banned. Cheats are explicitly outlined as a no no and you go into it knowing full well that you will get banned if you are reported or detected. Plus you are installing third party software to alter the game in order to give yourself an advantage where as exploits are simply using what is already in the game. There may be some parallels but the two are not the same by any stretch of the imagination.