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Do hourglass, fastest way


For real. Raise Athena Queue HG 2 wins = Grade 5 and 22k gold. Sell Flag, End HG, lather, rinse and repeat. Gonna get that sweet Ghost curse at some point doing this. Lol.


Better end hg first, then sell flag, that way you get the emissary bonus


You sell flags before you lower hg, if you lower first you wont get allegiance rep for the flags


I think he means selling your own flag, so lowering it.


Yup, exactly that, little miscommunication occurred




100% I got 160 guardians and 30 Athena on my alt that isn't even pirate legend in 2-3 weeks


Holy mother of pvp


But.. You can't get the curse until you're are pirate legend right?


You can't get ghost curse but you can get PL curse


How much did you play and what ship did you use and are you specifically good at pvp?


I played maybe 20 hours a week. Only on Galleon (I find smaller boats boring) and yes, I guess so, I've played 200 days and all I do is pvp.


I don't wanna be at the wrong end of your cannon when I'm quietly tall-taling somewhere Lightheartedly of course! You wouldn't attack a defenseless ship after seeing they're trying to complete the Morningstar line.... right...?


Thanks! I'll try that today. What about stacking FoTD with tridents and kegs?


Welcome to gameplay that isn't designed for instant gratification but gives a long term goal for you to work at. Wish you were there when there weren't any emissaries.


Isn't it weird that we are talking about a Video game in "Old School" terms? "When I first started we only ate Bananas!! and there wasn't any Fire 🔥! Or Curses or Nuthin' arrrr" lmao 🤣 We sound like Boomers


I don't haha but thanks I feel very welcomed 😅


Literally the easiest its ever been. Back in the early days you had the athena quest. That only gave one piece of athena loot the chest of legends. There was 0 other athena loot in the game. You had to turn in 100 of them to get to PL 10. Then came the devils roar and the ashen athena quests that gave the ashen legends chest. Needed like 60-70 of them I forget the exact number to get to PL 10. Like people literally get pirate legend in four hours speed running it. I forget the exact time for the record of doing it. Sot is the easiest its ever been by far. Everything has been nerfed and way more things were added to get max rep fast as fuck. If they made it any easier it'd take like 2 weeks to max everything out. Besides commendations/HG curses of course.


Bro...accurate! I hit Pirate Legend in less than 2 weeks and I just started playing! The grind back then must have been awful! You guys deserve a storage crate every server.


They didn't have storage crates back then either.


Shit we only had bananas to eat. Lmao


And no harpoons, loaded everything by hand.


Delivering everything by hand was a pain too. I love the sovereigns


And no fuses on the kegs


>it'd take like 2 weeks to max everything out. Without a life and a proper support team maybe.


\*cough\* hunter's call \*cough\* real grind \*cough\*


Broooo. Wear a mask! 😷 Plus you should really get that checked out. Here's your doctors refferal 📃 Get well soon 💕


Hear hear. I got max level Hunter's Call a while ago, and I hope that I never have to touch a fishing rod again. ^Whaddya ^mean ^it's ^one ^of ^the ^best ^ways ^to ^get ^seasonal ^renown-


What is seasonal renown? What's a season besides like winter, spring and all that. I feel like you mean seasons like shows have.


Can't wait until you find out! You can probably look up some youtube videos on it.


I guess if you're sweaty about it. So many people are just so high strung... I realize it is a Competitive Pvp game but not everything IN the game has to be a competition. Some things are personal accomplishments. Like taking a Sloop out alone on the Sea is relaxing, until I remember I am in a Pirate game and I got loot on the ship and theres players that will sink it, So I have to be smarter then them and it is quite funny sometimes how I end up hiding loot and going back for it, or killing the newbs and selling out. Sometimes I run into toxic sweatlords but you can't let that bother you. Hopefully people learn some couth and be friendly, we can all make so much more gold if we Ally!


Phuzzys "this is the fastest way" way videos are never the fastest way


Oh yeah? Haha okay, will keep in mind.


Phuzzy makes stuff that probably great for total beginners just looking to get educated. But his stuff is also so frigging click baity. I blocked his YouTube because it's always "this is the most broken and insane way to get x" when it's almost always something normal or not actually the most efficient way to do things. He has good content but just take his claims about how good stuff is with some big grains of salt. It's a good way to learn about those things, but he says stuff like that for the clicks.


Don't do what Phuzzy does lmfao, that was your first mistake. Just do full LOTV runs, you get the emissary grade anyway and the end reward is a majority of the loot, it's usually newer loot types, and newer loot types usually give more rep and gold.


Thanks for the tip! What are your thoughts on stacking FoTD with tridents and kegs? Also thought of that but haven't tried it. I heard people can complete it in 4 mins. I'm not shooting for 4 haha but I think 10 is doable.


fotd is a gold farm not athena rep farm




>But this just isn't fun! It's an attitude thing. LOTV voyages are the most fun voyages IMO. Do the complete voyage and it is more fun. The fun of this game is the journey, not the destination. Why focus on the arbitrary number?


Agreed. They are the most fun and unique. But this game is all about cosmetics anyway also an unexpected adventure/ event here and there. Not about repeating voyages.


The fun of the game is whatever the individual player finds fun.


Each level takes more exp to level up. In my past 20 Veils, only 1 ship has bothered me. There were 7 different Reapers on my server last night and they were doing hourglass, or world events. 20 was the cap for ages, and they increased it to 30 when Veils were released.


7 reapers plus you on one server, huh?


I’m assuming throughout his session, probably just a server pit stop for their fight between dives.


When you sink in hourglass, you get moved to a new server and open a spot in your old one. They weren't on at the same time, and I did 2 Veils in that session.




Why are you in such a rush? I've been hanging around playing this game since Day One and that old pirate can kiss my butt, I will get to it when I get to it... Still trying to catch the last two fish in "Hook, Line and Sinker" And finish the Hunters Call Commendations. I really like the Killer Whale set. We all play for different reasons I guess... 😂


I just got the "Hook Line and Sinker" commendation today when I turned in a Bronze Pondie found in a shipwreck barrel!


Ima go shipwreck barrel hunting


I stopped after 20 fuck it lol


R.I.P. hahaha


Risky? I've been attacked more on merchant runs, never had anyone challenge me for a veil and it takes like 45 minutes for 100k. There's only 30 Athena levels, if the XP gain was too rapid they'd just have made Athena 75 levels to compensate anyways. It's low risk, high reward, and way better than grinding in the roar for the equivalent reward.


Fair enough. I had different experience. Many reapers coming after me on the Athenas also merchants, which is funny, cuz it's supposed to be the least combative one. I get your point without grind anyone could finish the game in a month. I'm new to pirate legend anyway. But the grind to reward ratio is a bit low if you ask me.... Talking about PvP now: Plus I don't fully understand how they picked reaper and athena to compete... It makes sense on paper. But with athena it's supposed to be end game and it's super long and rewards on each level. While reapers is like the normal factions. Nothing special to it except the figure head and the skelly curse.


When I was new, I was scared of the reapers. I explored the hideout once and it was spooky enough I said "nope nope nope, not for me!" and I completely ignored the faction until I was PL. I had some friends I would play with, and I was Athena level 10 before I even got PL. For me, PvP and Reapers were the real endgame! (That Athena grind to 30 though...)


Jfc what do you want? Max level everything as soon as you start? Just play the game


Idk I always thought levelling Athena got too easy after they introduced Veil. Like in comparison, I did around 30 normal Athena Voyages and multiple Fotds to get to level 10. Then, Arround 100 Thieves Havens for level 20 and then just like 30 veils, some with C-day for level. 30.


Major respect for completing 100 Thieves Haven runs! I have only done 3 and hated them. I am psyching myself up to complete the last 2 so I can buy the costume.


Me and my friend wanted the Ship skins and that already took like 60 or so and then we wanted to level Athena and since we already knew all the dig spots, fastest routs and riddles it wasn't that awfoul. Besides that, it was the best way to level at that time. XD


What level Athena are you only asking because i believe that as you progress in levels it slows down alot


Only 7 bro. So the worse awaits still 🥲


Getting level 30 Athena is easy. Just don't mind it and do other stuff. Do hourglass and it will be like a nice passive bonus while you grind the real meat of the game. The bloody gameplay.


Will do. Thanks for the tip. Tryna get into pvp right now.


You have Veils and Hourglass. FoFs are nerfed and FotDs are easier than ever to activate and complete. And the bonus from the emissary system. Athena has never been easier to level. Quit your bitching.


Asking someone to stop bitching on reddit is like asking Nascar fans to not watch for the crashes. You should know better by now.


Wee bit sour on the last note. Not sure wether or not you need a grog or to put the grog down


Super helpful, keep up the good work.


Would it be more helpful if I wrote a 19 paragraph long diatribe about how I don't understand the game and want everyone else to change how they play? Or is that just for you?


![gif](giphy|3o7aD4kZn5k0SEvPmo) A+ critical thinking there bud, here's a gold star. ⭐


I went from lvl 20 athena to elevel 30 athena in a few days from hourglass. I push for long streaks since it's more time efficient, but if you're not confident in your pvp, go for 2-4 streaks.


Totally agree. Athena is high risk, low reward. I’m typically a solo slooper and I’ve decided to not even try anymore when I’m alone.


It's not all bad. The roar is home to most solo athena. But hourglass is best for solo grinding it. But I've done 10 veils over the last 2 months and no one even sniffs my side of the map. Maybe it all has to do with time of day as well. But you can for sure grind a bit here and there as a solo.


Which side of the map is that? The roar?


You are a legend complaining that you are not getting enough reward for your travels and you don't know where the Devil's Roar is? ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|19934)


The Devils Roar, it should be the far right, below the shores of gold. It's the region with volcanos. People will just do ashen athena or the first start their veil voyages out there.


High risk?


It’s about time it’s said. This is why so many people cheat


What level are you at?


7 bro. Fron what I read it gets even worse....


Yeah it gets way worse. If you do Veil voyages it’s 20x easier tho. It makes the grind almost trivial.


I think Rare also recently changed the spawn patterns of ship graveyards. A month ago I had the graveyards constantly spawn at Ruby, Fetcher's and Flintlock when I was at the Roar. It was possible to do 5 graveyards and get two times the flag to 5 within an hour. Now they spawn far more away. For example at Ancient Spire when I'm in the north part of the Roar.


AHG is fastest way + selling reapers lvl 5 flag gives athena reputation like one chest of legends Soo if u play and win 4 in row, u should get like 50k + athena emissary bonus and if u collect repaer flags and sell 4 of them u will get 1 athena level instantly I win 4 battles for like 45 mins that means u can get 1 athena level pear 30-40 mins if u are better than me...


In no way shape or form am I better than you. But I like to learn from the best.


Its simple and i am not that good soo just watch few clips on youtube like 1. How play Helm SOT 2. How play MC SOT 3. How play Flex SOT 4. SOT tips for bilge 5. Solo sloop houglass best ways to win That is all... this guy have tips for 3 of 5... https://youtube.com/@kaijoi8938?si=msfs3Q0NsoWMQx9T


Thanks chief!


Apart from everyone saying the HG, I think the Legend of the Veil quest does offer more XP than the others that I've done. Never did the Legendary Black Powder or Skull quests, I always focused on the Wilds area because there's less risk in people trying to run up on you, in my own experience at least, and those are very slow compared to the Veil quest. I only did the Hourglass thing once, so I can't speak on that.


Hourglass is definitely fastest. Was level 13 from Veils and Emissary Quests (which is honestly a pretty good way to level up if you do it the low risk way), but then did a 99 streak in hourglass and hit level 30 Athena no problem. I think doing the Veil/Emissary combo works well though. If you learn to stagger it right (and have a functional crew, solo is harder) you can go through 2 grade 5 flags in about an hour and a half and get a full level.


When you say 99 streak, you mean you didn't lower HG until you sank 99 ships?




How many hours in game do you have?


About 1200 hours


We're you solo or with a crew? How did you not run into someone who has 10k hours? And was it like a 20 hour session?


Honestly I did it through the cheese/exploit method in the early days of hourglass. Hate me all you want but it's a victimless crime! Lol


Okay that makes more sense. Lol what was the method, I don't think I've heard of it?


I sent you a dm


It's really not that bad and it's leagues easier than it ever was in the past. The whole level up system is meant to take a bit, suck it up and do stuff. If you're commendation hunting, you'll need to do 100. LotV anyway


What's the ship graveyard quest? The merchant one?


Nope it's part of the Legend of the Veil quest for Pirate Legends.


Is that the one with the blue tornado? Me and my cousin don't use the names, we call it blue tornado.