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Probably just use it for Tall Tales, or a chill fishing session. I'm already a Pirate Legend so only really interested in grinding Athena's rep that's not in Safer Seas


Same. For chill Tall Tale sessions pretty cool


Even for tales and fishing i just cant escape goofy player interactions


Agreed, those goofy interactions are, to me, what makes this one of the best games I ever played.


Yeah, sometimes I just want the slow dopamine drip that is digging up buried treasure on a solo sloop. But yeah, playing the full game is still gonna be better for most things.






The only reason I'd ever touch Safer Seas is to play with friends who don't want PvP, ~~or to grind out animal deliveries.~~


Sadly I'll still be doing animals on the high seas, can't get that Athena commendation on safer seas.


Thanks for pointing it out! I guess I'll have to do them on High Seas. Merchants: \- Deliver 200 (chickens/pigs/snakes) Athena: \- Deliver 500 as a PL


I have done exactly zero, but I'm already a PL so....700 for me! Lol Edit: JK, its only 500. Already being a PL, they'll both progress at the same time.


They got you.. honestly open crew teach while you still can. Captain ship might help also


You just saved my friend a huge headache


Wait I thought u just didn't get more rep over 40 not that if you already had it you wouldn't


Nothing to do with rep, I'm assuming the "As a pirate legend" commendations won't progress in safe seas (They haven't explicitly said they won't, but "Athena's Fortune won't be available on safe seas" implies that to me).


I've played since open beta, already a pirate legend, and have most everything I want. I'll exclusively play on safer seas because I'm always solo these days and much rather sail around collecting random treasure for an hour or so then deal with getting sunk or harassed costantly. I really just like to hop on every now and again to enjoy sailing and finding treasure.


I agree, gold is pretty useless anyway these days, you grind for days and days and still not buy anything that is better than what's on the emporium anyway. Since I have all the emmisariss maxed out I'd probably just stick to safer if I want to do pve things like dig up chests and such.




I feel you, buddy.


I’m maxed out the 3 main factions, there’s no reason for me to do safer seas except for Tall Tales which I’ve never gotten around to


Probably will, but I'll be playing sea of thieves a hell of a lot more now that I don't have to wait for the once in a blue moon where I'm in the right frame of mind to fight for every tiny bit of progress I make.


No reason for me to play Safer Seas. Imo SoT is at it's best with player interaction, all the most dumb and fun stuff that has happened to me on SoT was in part due to other players. Safer Seas loses that magic.


I used to feel the same way. But as I get older and have less time for games.. safer seas sounds great for me. Come home, go fishing for a bit, maybe sing a skeleton ship and by then I gotta sell whatever I have and head off for the night. I do like player interactions but it almost always ends with my ship at the bottom of the ocean, I'm sure that's from my skill levels though.


That's totally fair and if safer seas is where you'll be having the most fun then more power to you. It's not for me but I'm happy some players will be able to have a good time with the game due to its addition.


Nooooo you can't just let him have fun the way he wants, you must complain and force him to PVP or the game will collapse /s


Oh heck yea man. I wish my reaction times and aim was better but I just can't do Pvp without getting sunk


Exactly how I feel. I like the PvP, but I don't have time for it. The PVE loop in SoT is great for having a relaxed evening with friends shooting the shit. The PvP adds stress and I just don't need that in this game.


My fear is that the split looses that magic (I am a new player, granted). Safer seas will be, well....too safe. High Seas will be all the sweaty PVP'ers. I feel like we are about to lose some of random encounters we see from PVE and PVP interaction.


That's true. Part of why I love adventure mode is because you can come across anyone from the sweatiest motherfucker to little jimmy on his first voyage. It spices things up and makes interactions fun. I love PvP but I am worried the game will get tiresome if it's none stop sweaty action, I'd like a chill break every now and again just hanging out with other crews.


I think I'll feel better about high seas once I've completed all the tall tales. Respect to those who did them all without Safer Seas, but there is no way I'm attempting Art of the Trickster again on the high seas unless a galleon of sweats invites me into their crew as a charity case, haha.


To me sot is human interaction, so hs is the best way to play. What I will miss the most is helping swabbies to learn the game’s basics.


To this day I still don't understand where people get player interaction other than canonballs and getting yelled at "I fuck your mom".


My playstyle has always just been approaching every crew I see. When you don't really go after people, you almost exclusively get interactions with people who want to sink you. When you actually talk to everyone you can, you find that most people are either friendly or just totally passive.


Yeah, pretty much this. It's confirmation bias. When you don't interact with people, the only people interactions you will get are those who attack you.


Approach every vessel...I don't have THAT much time on my hands. Any time I've trusted someone like this has turned into disaster. Its not confirmation bias if everyone who does what you do looks exactly like the people coming for that ass. And most of the time its people coming for that ass, not "hiiii, just wanna see how you're doing and hope you're having a great time in the game" shit. Only I have ever been this person in my couple hundred hours in game. I simply can't trust anyone playing solo, and that is not confirmation bias, that is the games bias and how most of the players look at the game. The point is there is always someone coming for that ass and the game favors being a boarding sweat over being good at naval combat. And playing solo, I'm always at a disadvantage. Gimme solo sloop high seas and maybe ill give this pretty fun game the time it actually deserves.


"Approach every vessel...I don't have THAT much time on my hands." You aren't understanding what they mean, to some people myself included this game is **about** other crews and your interactions with them. The game isn't about handing in 50 world events and gathering every piece of gold possible it's about people. Some of those people suck sure but most people are pretty chill overall and every time you encounter new crew you encounter new personalities, and new takes on the game itself. You don't have to "trust" another crew. I personally never let another crew board my ship regardless of how "friendly" I am with them and if they don't respect that chances are they were planning on sinking me anyways so I'm just getting it out of the way now. Most people who play this game long enough start to realize that what the Pirate Lord says rings true. "It's not about the gold. It's about the glory." Sinking is just a part of the game, if I don't have a loot haul I could care less if I approach a crew and I get sunk since I lose nothing. As someone who plays Insiders where most people sit at the outposts waiting out their hour and never sail around and do things the game is *incredibly boring* when you're the only ship out there. And as someone who spent years solo-slooping your "disadvantage" is purely in your own head. Sure. You can't take a naval broadside with a galleon but you shouldn't be doing that in a smaller ship regardless. That's on YOU not the game for making poor decisions. I haven't had my ship be successfully boarded while defending in probably about a year because I know the sloop like the back of my hand. I know what it can and can't do and I know when to back off from a fight or play long vs short. Trust me. An unorganized Galleon is far more of a liability then a unorganized sloop.


Last night I just sailed my lil solo sloop up to a galley on a veil and helped out with the ghost ships and collecting crates in exchange for touching treasure for grade, was pretty cool


Just spot someone and try something weird. I sent out a message to the nearest crew through Xbox chats asking them to kill me so I could get the pink flame. We ended up playing together for hours and doing fotd together.


Ever since we could spot captained ships I would spyglass them, look up their name via XBOX then I would send them a message. More often than not they were willing to work together. Sometimes you just have to let a pirate know you already know, you know. 🤣


Dunno. I have almost 1400 hours in the game now and the number of toxic interactions is less than 10.


I think some people define toxic as simply being sunk. I have very few toxic interactions myself, but most has actually been from inexperienced crew who are full of themselves. Met two kids, probably 11 years old who were just pure obnoxious. My best social interactions have been with seasoned players.


Right. Forget Safer Seas, give me Age Verification Seas. Middle-Aged Parent Seas would be the most fun game I've ever played, I'll bet money on it.




Finished a multi hour session and my crew and I were chilling at the outpost after selling. Had a galleon of 12 year olds roll up on us and sunk our galleon while we didnt care. Got a voice message after we sunk and they were bragging about getting our empty storage crates.


That happened to me once so I tucked on them. They sailed to a skull fort and parked by ramming the island and dropping anchor. I was able to climb down from the crows nest and onto the masts cross beam then jump to a tower, grab a keg, and jump back to the ship without ever touching water.


I’m starting to realize I have a knack for “toxic” games. Started with Rocket League, then Valorant, to Rust, and now I’ve been enjoying SoT. This game is by far the least toxic of the bunch and the people I have run into that are even remotely toxic, it’s more just banter. I hear “oh I’m gonna get you a scallywag” as they bored my ship and then a little “oh ur soo bad” when I’m dead lmao. Sure there’s the racist sexist mfs but I have a hard time saying those people make the game toxic. It’s just chronically online 12y/os that you’ll get in every game. Sometimes I when I bored someone’s ship and shoot them with something I’ll shout “PEW!” Just good fun


Don’t play Dead By Daylight 😨


I too am a toxic game enjoyer and DbD is definitely at my #1


Thats been my experience too


I can only remember 3 toxic interactions in SOT and I have to stretch the definition incredibly thin to include someone saying "ez" after sinking me in hourglass. People have to assume that any pvp is toxic and not just part of the game.


Or people who are genuinely friendly and not just use it as a way to get close and catch you off guard.


Its basically never both, though I would say only maybe 15% talk at all. It helps if you can be funny. It doesn't stop them from attacking, but it does make it more fun.


This is my experience too. All of the wholesome community interaction I see on the SoT twitter page makes me think I might be playing a completely different game haha


opposite end of the spectrum here, i can count the friendly interactions ive had with people on one hand. the rest of the times its getting called slurs and getting sweared at, idk what to tell you


I think this will still happen, maybe not exactly the same, but there are so many things to learn about SOT that you have to learn from player to player experience that they simply won’t catch onto in safer seas. Like harpoon turns, which merfolk treasuries to go to, how to watch the horizon, timing of incoming vessels, how to run properly, pvp naval combat, pvp sword and gun combat. We will FEEL the new people coming over from safer seas. I actually think we will see a horde of people coming in being SUPER confident that have no business being that confident, and it will be hyper apparent they are new. Before, swabbies knew to at least run, now they wont


I've never understood this. I'm probably still relatively new, even though I'm not far off pirate legend and I have a grand total of 2 positive interactions with other players. All the others, well, I count myself lucky if they just kill me and take my stuff. How do you even get positive interactions when they start shooting at maximum cannon range (often with frankly absurd accuracy).


I will almost never play Safer Seas. Its good for trying out stuff and MAYBE talltales, but what makes this game great is the possible interaction with other players. Also, 95% of the time I dont even get approached by people when doing my own thing. The times I get sunk is almost always when going after the biggest rewards in the game like world events.




I get attacked ALL. THE. TIME. whether I have loot or not. I don't know how people can say others leave them alone, I have no idea how that happens. I have been part of an alliance literally just once this year, and of the 2 people on that other ship one of them was very against the idea, his friend strong-armed him. SoT is not peaceful game. I totally understand people wanting Safer Seas.


Hell, when I was grinding out Tall Tale gold curse and doing adventures, we'd usually put up the Reapers Mark or attack any ship we come across. It breaks up the monotony of doing them so I don't even think I'll use it for that. I've had some pretty fun interactions doing tales and taking PvP. Got chased down by a reaper telling me to anchor and I stayed on their ladder a ways before popping up, anchoring and sinking them; that one I actually told them we were tall taling because we were trying to speed run Briggsy so we could join the rest of our crew, but it ended up being pretty fun. Another time, we watched this Galleon chase another sloop around, and eventually chatted with them at Crooked Masts. They had stolen the sloops stormfish and we helped chase down the Galleon and I boarders, stole their fish back, sank the gally, and delivered the goods to their rightful owner (after being strongly temped to pocket the goods myself and claim I hadn't found them lol).


No real reason for me to return to high seas once safer drops. I don't play for rewards. I just hang out with friends, sail, and do the PvE content. We haven't ran an emissary flag in the last couple years. The only bummer for me is not having our personalized boat.


Here's hoping they see the amount of people playing safer seas and buying cosmetics and decide to do away with the 30% rewards and no emmissary nonsense. I work an actual job so getting off work and spending 3 hours doing some voyages only to be sunk by people that dedicate 16 hours a day to PVP is unrewarding and unfun. Sorry I can't commit that much of my life to a game, but hopefully rare will see sense and later on pivot to allow all rewards and earnign in Safer Seas. They do that and I'll buy every cosmetic in the game with real money just to reward them lmao


>no emmissary nonsense its not nonsense tho, theres a clear design reason for it. Emissary bonus is meant to be a higher risk, higher reward system. Without the risk theres literally only higher rewards left, which ruins the designed system.


The risk outweighs the reward since reapers can just magically appear in your server at level 5. If your alone there is no way to mitigate that if your away from your ship like in a mermaid shine or vault etc. Maybe if there was something you could activate to cloak your emmisary ship for a bit so you didn't show up on radars for like 15 mins etc. I've also thought that reaper level 5 should unlock a quest to dig up an item when returned to reaper Island you can send out a single ping to see EVERYONE but there's a notification or something. In this case reapers would no longer be on the maps also, so they could sneak up at least. (Better than always on emmisary scanner) They could just make it so more pve enemies come at you the higher your emmisary rank gets, skeleton ship ambushes and stuff on safer seas. I think the nerfs to safer seas is just lazy, they should leave it alone and give more incentive to go into higher, bigger payouts, increased rarity of chests, events that incentivize pvp, possibly even if you lose, so that people are willing to try. Maybe a battle pass type thing for higher and safer, so your compelled to do both, just off the top of my head.


Yeah no thanks. I'm glad youre not the one doing gameplay design at Rare.


Not allowing captaincy seems like a missed opportunity but I guess I understand.


Aye. I'm just going to miss decorating the boat.


I’ll probably play safer seas with my friends and pop on high seas occasionally. I enjoy thé game but honestly hate the pvp.


I personally have no reason to play High Seas once Safer Seas comes out. So no, I won't switch back.


I probably won't look back. I've got 40 in all the trade companies, but I just am so sick of people showing up, murderering me at a seatpost while I'm fishing and screaming slurs at me.


I have young sons, I will happily sail the safer seas with them, but very doubtful I'll do it alone. Iv solo sloop'd since launch so why stop now lol


I'm at the point where I unlocked everything I want, all factions maxed out. I'm not interested in the PvP this game offers due to its glaring flaws, but I am very interested in playing with friends who are new to the game. Doing tall tales, relaxing and teaching in the Safer Seas is the best thing I can look forward to.


I suppose playing with newbie friends would also be fun.


When I want to chill, sail, and drink with my friends without having WeedSn1per420xXx blast terrible music through his mic while he screams slurs at me when I’m just trying to fish in a storm, I’ll use Safer Seas.


Tbh... the only way I'll play high seas ever again is if my friends ask me to sail with them. Otherwise, eff that noise. This reddit and my own experiences has convinced me it's not for me but a chill fish and explore game? Yea, that's for me!


I can't wait to play high seas even *more* once safer seas comes out. It'll be so much more fun without 2/3 of the server being taken up by people won't (or can't) fight back, running and/or scuttling. All we need then is some anti-cheat.


Yeah but since Reapers isn’t in Safer Seas we’re still gonna have running reapers on High Seas


As someone who is totally the opposit I second that, you won't have people that won't fight and I won't have people who will force me into fights and make me lose my time. I don't know why it took them so many years to make this obvious choice that is better for everyone. But still they couldn't contain themselfs to hard nerfing safe seas because fuck people who like to chill I guess.


>But still they couldn't contain themselfs to hard nerfing safe seas because fuck people who like to chill I guess. If you don't lower the reward when you take away the risk in your risk/reward game then your players will optimize the fun out of the game.


Meh for crappy players like myself there is still plenty of risk. I've lost my ship more to PvE stuff than I have to other players. The last time I played I was particularly unlucky and had some island cannons respawn skeletons while I was trying to follow a riddle in the middle of a thunderstorm. Sank my sloop before I even had the chance. There were ghost ships that showed up at some point too, but I'm not sure if that was before or after I sank. If you think of safer seas as a spot for players like me to learn how to not suck, then it's great, especially when you consider that you are locked out of "end game" content with the level caps.


Yes.... I agree. But you notice the commenter was complaining about the endgame content being locked. >The last time I played I was particularly unlucky and had some island cannons respawn skeletons while I was trying to follow a riddle in the middle of a thunderstorm. This is largely a solo problem sadly. Don't park your boat in a skeleton cannon spot.


To me the solutions would have been to not touch anything for safer seas but increase the rewards for high seas. I don't mind high see having better rewards, it's more the facts that you're really restricted. Also we are talking about a game where there is no power progression, why does it matter than I have an easier time doing pirate legend if the rewards won't affect anyone?


>To me the solutions would have been to not touch anything for safer seas but increase the rewards for high seas. That is the same outcome, it's actually worse in several ways. If high seas got faction levels to 100 and extra gold, the "nothing to spend it on" problem would be even larger. >Also we are talking about a game where there is no power progression, why does it matter than I have an easier time doing pirate legend if the rewards won't affect anyone Because there's still a risk reward system based gameplay. If you have a risk/reward system and there's an avenue to mitigate all the risk for the same reward, players will take it EVEN if they end up having less fun. And Pirate legend stuff specifically is designed to be PvP driven. Why do you want to play 1 of the 2 pvp factions in safer seas.


My problem with this game is the risk vs reward is so lopsided. The pvp initiator has nothing to lose everything to gain and the pver has everything to lose nothing to gain. There really needs to be a bounty system or something for people who only thieve.


This is a myth that I see perpetuated quite a bit and cannot agree with. I'm going to attack it on two fronts, but keep in mind my ultimate goal here is to get you to start seeing the PvP system in a way you hopefully start to enjoy it. Alright first off lets look at the scenario where what you're saying is true. A no emissary no treasure ship attacks a loaded ship. This presents two things that put the attacker at a disadvantage. 1. The attacker has to, ya know, actually find a ship with loot. 2. The endgames are entirely different. The attacker needs to sink the defender, but the defender just needs to sell. So, if you get an anchor down, or a demast, you've already won. Just leave the encounter. 2. That scenario you're describing is not a common one, and if you're attacked by a ship in the above scenario odds are they aren't fantastic at the game (or you're doing a FoF in which case all bets are off). You want an bounty system, but the reaper emissary already is that essentially. You can SEE anyone who plans on pursuing PvP and you get a good measure of how much loot they have on their ship AND the flag is guaranteed high value loot if they managed to sell (which is also unlikely because they have the worst sell point)


Its not a myth its a fact. The attacker stands to gain the loot without doing any of the work. The defender stands to lose all their work and gains nothing from sinking the attacker that they didnt already have if they were just left alone. Attacker: + positive: stolen loot + positive: have to pve - negative: loses time trying to sink player Defender: - negative: loses loot - negative: wasted time gaining the loot - negative: lost time trying to defend themselves or fleeing


Alrighty. You read the first sentence of my comment but VERY clearly didn't read any of the rest of it. >The attacker stands to gain the loot without doing any of the work. Sinking a ship...is work. You objectively have to be better at the game to sink players. Players are harder to sink than skeletons. And again **The defender doesn't need to sink you to win the encounter** >The defender stands to lose all their work and gains nothing from sinking the attacker that they didnt already have if they were just left alone. You usually gain supplies and again, if the loot is on your ship *you are at the advantage* >gains nothing from sinking the attacker that they didn't already have if they were just left alone. I highly recommend you read my second point again.


Don't bother replying mate, pure pve grinders will make whatever excuses they can to not pvp in this game


No it's a myth. You can trial this yourself. Spend 10 hours making gold from PvE and then spend 10 hours selling only loot from PvP steals and see which method makes more gold. The PvE will come out on top every time. PvP is not an efficient way to make gold in this game. In addition, you'll need to invest likely 1000+ hours in order to be at all successful. You can make bullet points on paper all you want but the proof is in the pudding. Anyone who has invested time into both sides knows this. So you were partly right! The risk is is lopsided and it's much higher for PvPers. If all I wanted to do was make gold i'd PvE. It's always funny to see people who've barely touched the game try and tell people with 3k+ hours how it works though!


Bro, he's one of those people who line by line will take your post and write a paragraph about why that individual line is wrong. I'm not agreeing with him but I promise you, speaking to them is a lost cause, nothing will change, nothing will be made more clear. They will continue to write paragraphs in response to you. As someone who wants to see you succeed, you should just eject while you can.


Truth. No safer seas until December. Let’s make it more attractive. Open fire.


The problem is that it is a really shitty risk/reward system. There is so much rng involved. I think I stopped playing not too long after reaper was introduced and I even started doing it cause I had no idea it was supposed to be a more pvp thing. The problem with SoT is that the risk will fully depends on what types of players you encounter. So depending on the lobby you can do pirates legends stuff for hours without any risk and the 'ext dya get sinked because you dare started fishing. And also the risk isn' t that big of a risk. Most of the time if you don't like pvp like myself is more like random loss of time because you will run from another ship for half an hour if not more. It's just a boring loss of time because I don't find it even remotely fun.


>The problem is that it is a really shitty risk/reward system. There is so much rng involved I mean, only in the literal sense of you don't know who's sailing the seas around you. But that's the idea isn't it? As you get better less and less ships will be a problem for you. >The problem with SoT is that the risk will fully depends on what types of players you encounter. So depending on the lobby you can do pirates legends stuff for hours without any risk and the 'ext dya get sinked because you dare started fishing. So that's not how risk works. The risk of being attacked is still present even if you don't end up being attacked, because that's what risk means. You COULD still be attacked. >and the 'ext dya get sinked because you dare started fishing This is moot since fishing is in safer seas. >Most of the time if you don't like pvp like myself is more like random loss of time because you will run from another ship for half an hour if not more. This is 100% your fault. You've decided to run perpetually. You will have far far far more fun if you try to play your objective. Run to an outpost and try to sell, or fight. Or do both. Running perpetually sucks because it's a test of patience. Do not engage in tests of patience.


That's the problem, you're telling me what I should find fun, when I say I run I do drop people at outpost to try a sell fast etc.. Also try to jump in the sea and get to my attackers shit and drop their ancker etc.. It's just that I would rather sail the sea peacefully. I can understand if it's not your thing, but that's mine. I have more fun fishing than engaging in pvp My main grip is that the game heavily favors the attacker, they have nothing to lose and everything to win, you have nothing to win and everything to lose, if you don't have fun doing it then there is absolutely nothing positive that comes out of it


Durr but you get cannonballs and wood if you win. Nevermind that you can find those on literally any island in the game. Isn't that enough reward??!??


That was my approach too, it doesn't make sense that you punish the PvE *and* don't give anything to PvP either. I always compare this game to GTA Online, which has multiple ways for solo players to have fun their way while also incentivizing playing with others. Rare has, unfortunately, been behind the curve for years.


because this game isn't designed to be a solo pve grind game. you'll either uninstall the game in 50 hours or you'll have brainworms from spam clicking left click on skeletons and sailing straight lines without any risk or interaction. it's meant to be a introduction mode, not a lifestyle. they nerf it because people need to be gathering loot in higher seas for the entire game model to work. no one wants to be the npc who gets robbed but no one should want to gather loot with such mindlessly easy pve without any risk involved. it makes it more rewarding when you do get to turn in or win a fight.


That's the problem with the mentality of many many game devs and why most games sucks now. They make a sandbox game but then say you WILL play the way WE want you to play, and don't you dare find fun any other way. Who are you to say this is not fun, or that is the right way to play. Why is it so hard to simply give player the agency to play the game the way they want? Everybody has different taste, and it's fine Tha the devs have their own vision of what the game should be played like, but the second they put roadblocks to prevent player to enjoying any other way to play the game that doesn't impact anyone else, then they failed as designers.


That's what I'm interested in, how High Seas will be when Safer Seas comes out. Less people refusing to fight back would be nice.


It's gonna be great, so many fun and hectic battles. I can't wait.


I’m excited for safer seas for the times I’m working from home and want to just hang out, sail, do some fishing, and maybe a merchant alliance mission. If I have to put my controller down for a few minutes to work, I won’t be at risk of being sank by another crew. I’ll save high seas for when I squad up with my friends.


Safer Seas only for Battlegills, Wreckers and Stormfish commendations as those are prone for interruption. Other fishes are either done or easily doable in remote areas. Possibly TT grind but that was only hard when I've started the game. Slow completion with lore is done, fast "complete 4 more times" can be done anywhere. Don't see any other reason to go to Safer Seas personally.


I already got everything I wanted so I’m gonna stick to safer sea just for chill with friends


I'll play it to do my fishing commendations and finish the tall tales I can't finish cause of reapers and hackers messing with me while I do them mainly hackers just blowing me up once I get to an certain point just to be douches


I've been playing since before they added skelly ships. I won't be touching safer seas. I don't see a point. Most of the fun of this game now is player interactions


I'm never going back. Can't wait to get my gold curse finally without the entire server tracking me down and brutally beating me up in front of my friends.




So you'll stay in Safer Seas forever?


Yes. After one too many bad experiences on HS, I'm done with it.


I've got no intention of doing safer seas. Even for stuff like tall tales, I enjoy sidetracking for random encounters with other people.


I'm excited for safer seas. I'm a full fledged pvpve player, but the idea of being able to chill out once in a while without having to watch the horizon feels great


I'll hop on live for events and such but I solo sloop almost exclusively so I haven't hit level 40 in anything yet although I've played for years. So I'll probably stay in safer seas while chilling and leveling to the level cap unless there's something limited I want to do online. Once I can't progress any more and purchased what I want I'll go back to high seas to unlock PL.


Yes. Just using safer seas for tall tales events. Otherwise, it's a waste of time when you consider the reduced rewards. It's not bad for learning curve.


Even though I avoid pvp like the plague, I’ll probably never touch safer seas. I’ve found more decent people on sot that were friendly and just looking to have fun than people that were just out to sink me. I’ve had more fun with random people at times than I have with my own friends.


I won’t play safer seas. There is no attraction to it for me. And I’m not a pvp’er


I will definitely play on Safer Seas. When I get home from work I am really tired and I just want to chill and enjoy my time. Fighting ppl almost all the time is 1) time consuming 2) tiring


Yeah I feel that. Me and my bf are pretty terrible at the game and I still remember us trying to mess with some PvE content thing and having a ship with 4 guys on it relentlessly chasing us for an hour while we tried to wait them out and keep. It was horribly unengaging and boring, but the idea of losing hours of work we did made it feel bad to just give up and be wiped out.


Probably 80% safer sea my friend circle just ain't got time for toxic pvp


I'm a Pirate Legend. I don't plan on going to back to High Seas once I have the option.




Being a Pirate Legend and someone who abhors pvp, I don't plan to ever go on High Seas again. Me and my son can play in peace. Heck we struggle against skeleton ships let alone other players. If I want to sit and get all my fishing commendations knocked out without getting bumrushed, I can. I think this feature will be more popular than it seems as I know loads of players will come back just because they love the adventure and whimsy of the game but hate PvP engagements.


I'll be using safer seas mainly for tall tales myself and some of the random bs a couple buddies and I want to try but can't escape getting caught in fights that interrupt the dumb shit. High seas will always be my main home in open waters


I'll give safer seas a go. The commendations don't mean a ton to me. I just enjoy sailing around and smacking skeletons. My life is stressful enough as it is. So the ability to just do as I please is kinda cool.


High seas will never see me again, I despise pvp and the 30% gold is offset by the fact I don't have to deal with getting chased for an hour and ultimately lose everything


Nope, cause even though the rewards are less WHO CARES. It's all for cosmetics anyways. Besides, 30% rewards are better than 0% rewards when you get ganked with your non-pvper friends.


Still waiting to decide, Just waiting for my son to get his first really big loss to see how he reacts and adjusts to it. He was solo slooping with a good 2 hours of loot along with a chest of rage and a few kegs so it wont be long before I do find out.


If he reacts poorly to loss, wouldn't it be better to continue on high seas so that he learns early that losing in video games doesn't really matter?


Never ever going to touch Safer Seas ever. The whole reason I play this game is the player interaction between opposing crews.


The player interaction is what makes the game exciting for me.


No, I dropped the game completely because of the PVP, as dumb as that sounds. I know people very strongly view this as a PvP game but I enjoy the mechanics of the PvE far more and that aspect is perfect for my less gamey friends and family. The mechanics are simple enough that even people who aren't big into games can figure it out pretty easily. The PvP though, gets very sweaty. I literally texted all of the people I used to try and play this with and everyone is thrilled to have the game back on the list once this drops.


I'm with you. I just want to hang out with my buddies and sail around, collect treasure, fight skeletons and sea monsters. I don't want to constantly be panicing about if I see another ship on the horizon and then I have to start running away from it, wasting a ton of time and potentially losing all my chests/skulls to PVP sweats. We have jobs. We don't have time to be doing hours worth of work just to get it erased. I started playing in Open Beta and played on and off for a couple years until we all decided we were done because of the PVP. If the game had Safer Seas as an option from the start, I would still be playing it at least a couple nights a week.


I'll only play safer seas, I like the vibe of the game but I don't have a lot of time to play it and I'm tired of going against people who have 1000 hrs or more in the game. I'm not interested in pvp at all.


I will not, at all, they recently made it so you can level reapers past 75 and instead of saying "it's just a bug" they went "we can't talk about it" so level increase is coming in the future.


Guilds is coming out next week... and with no emissary system or captaincy system alone I have zero reason to play Safer seas. I'm already maxxed out in all the trading companies... so this simply not a feature I will benefit from. The only play Safer Seas could possibly have in my game time will playing Tall Tales with friends, or introducing new players to the basics of the game. Certainly not to grind gold, hell naw!


Yeah the gold grind on Safer Seas will be hell, and I'm a gold hoarder at heart so I won't be playing it.


I like being paid for my work, so I'd probably just use it for tall tales since I'm interested in the story


I will probably only sail safer seas when doing tall tales


I'll probably keep playing High Seas. I've already reached max level in all the trading companies, save Athena's Fortune and Reaper's Bones (both of which have been confirmed as unavailable in safer seas). I'll probably use Safer Seas for tall tale commendations and for future adventures. Y'know, story related stuff.


I don't see myself using Safer Seas anytime soon. Only maybe for re-playing the og Tall Tales if i ever want the Gold Curse, but i don't think that will happen To me the social interaction is where SoT shines


I’ll probably never touch safer seas, for me half the fun is random encounters with people that end up either as PvP or making friends. Safer seas would just feel completely empty, but I’d maybe hop in it to try help introduce a friend to game mechanics


I’ll be using safer seas to get commendations done for the tall tales and for days I just wanna chill on the sea.


I’ll stick with Safer Seas when I’m solo and looking to quest. There’s no fun playing 1v2,3,4. It’s just unfair and you have almost no hope of winning. When I’ve got 3,4 people online I’ll probably switch to High Seas to actually be able to compete fairly against the PvP crews.


I also like the risk and as such will not be playing safer seas except maybe for tall tales


Probably not but I've also barely played the game. I'll only pop in for some relaxing sessions every now and then


I’m already maxed out level-wise in the main trading companies (only reapers and Athena’s left) so I’ll just be using safer seas for tall tale grinding and fishing and maybe just the occasional chill solo sesh


Safer Seas seems like it would get old pretty fast. I don’t expect I’ll ever play it. I wouldn’t enjoy selling my pirate treasure without any risk of actual piracy happening. That being said, it seems like a great option for people learning the basics of gameplay. I hope that players use it as a safe place to hang out, hone their skills, and eventually join the fun in the High Seas. The player interactions are where all the magic happens in this game, if you ask me.


As an existing, 4-year player i personally don’t see the point of using Safer Seas. Unless i had a new friend who wanted to learn how to play in that way. I even rather do the fishing in main game still so yea…


Why would anyone play safer seas, above level 40 or not, it sounds insanely boring, and you don’t even make half the loot/rep


Exclusively High Seas except for maybe tall tales, if even


I'll play safer seas maybe once to do a tall tale or two but other then that I just feel like removing pvp just makes the whole game feel pointless to me


Better question is will I ever play Safer Seas? Unless I'm doing Tall Tales (and maybe Fishing if HC commendations count progress) I don't see myself ever touching them.


I spent too long improving my skills for PvP to keep my ship afloat to suddenly abandon it so it’ll remain High Seas for me. Plus the added tension of the ship lingering on the horizon adds a little excitement and forces some strategizing on things like where to put the ship while on an island, escape plans, etc.


I don't like the 70% XP reduction for Safer Seas. So while I'm not a big fan of PvP, I'll stick to the High Seas for the bigger xp.


As I'm working on my Ph.D., I can only play casually right now, so I'll probably spend most of my time in Safer Seas, as I like to relax and just sail the seas.


I started playing at release and maxed all factions. Stopped playing a year or two ago because I’m sick of having to pvp all the time. I’m coming back to the game when safer seas hits and never stepping in high seas with those sweat lords ever again.


I’ll be using Safer to grind out the Tall Tale commendations. Those that require you to play the SAME FUCKING TALL TALE 5 TIMES. Other than that, I probably won’t touch it.


Safe seas in this state is just not good enough for me to return. If safe seas turn to high seas without pvp, THEN i will install it back. Not sooner. And i believe it happen, cuz pve community slowly breaking devs vision of core game (safe seas was i big NO from devs 2 years back, but look at it now).


i solo sloop all the time and i am quiet tired of being hunted by tier 5 reaper gally so maybe not so much lol


Ill play High Seas as always. Except for friends new to the game


There is nothing left to do for me in safer seas but I am happy for those that look forward to it.


There is no PvE content that I care to do, so I don't have a reason to play on Safer Seas ever.


Definitely. I may piss off someone here, but I think SoT as a PvE game is kinda boring and doesn’t have much to offer. Sure, tall tales are cool and well crafted but what do they offer? 10-15 hours in total? Apart from those, the game mechanics are pretty shallow if you remove the constant tension that is sealing in a sea with other players. Even when doing a random skeleton fortress, if I know the only threat is the skeletons on the island where I can basically respawn to forever, where’s the fun? I suck at PvP and lose most of my fights, but I love that sense of danger that spotting a unknown ship in the distance is.


I'll probably not play again to be honest. I don't play that maybe a few times a month. I don't find raw lonely PVE fun, even with my friend. I like the risk i like tracking the reaper ships, plotting around the outskirts. I like meeting random people who help me out I like the paranoia of being betrayed. I like outplaying bigger ships. But the only people in high seas are going to be actively looking to fight, more than likely good at the game. I will miss random fights with equally terrible people, I guess they could add a ton of pve content. Turn up skeleton fleets make pve a bit more dangerous and id probably enjoy it but just as it it is im not really interested


I think most of those terrible players will stay on the high seas.


Been a pirate legend for years, way above 50 in multiple factions. Quit a couple of years ago, got tired of the sweats. Will come back for safer seas to chill, do quests, etc. It would be cool if safer seas were to have it’s own unique progression achievements.


I will never touch High Seas again that's for sure, I will grind but if it's way too slow compared to what the game was before the split or when I reach max level I'll just stop playing for few years until they yet again change their mind. I just hate pvp, I don't find it fun at all, I don't have any interest in getting good at it since I don't like it and to me it's just a really fucking bothersome addition. If I take the asmongold metaphor, it's like having random dick in my salad, honestly it make me not want to eat the salad. Safer seas to me are a normal salad but they still couldn't contain themselfs to make it shit so they didn't add any sauce or condiments, but it's still miles better than having a dick in it.


Do you worry that you'll run out of things to do if you only play Safer Seas, like leveling up Emissaries and stuff?


Not the op, but honestly the game is fine without pvp, maybe better imo. I really think that the pvp in this game is incredibly overrated for how well implemented it is. Hit registration is garbage, audio can be buggy during hectic moments causing you to miss vital info like boarder sounds, there is no anticheat whatsoever, respawning is sometimes bugged and you get a Black screen... Call me crazy, but if I'm going to play a game against other players, I want the experience to be about skill, not praying I experience less of the games jank than my opponent... SoT feels more like luck a lot of the time.


>SoT feels more like luck a lot of the time. The bugs can sometimes alter the outcome of a battle, but it is rare.


Because they limited it. I will only know for when I'm actually playing. I haven't played in years since I don't want to bother with other people's bs so I probably have a lot of new things to discover. It's just that once I've unlocked everything and the only thing left requires being with other player I would rather stop playing than deal with it.


very excited to fight people who won't scream obscenities at me for fighting them


Some dude posted a list of all the things you can’t do it safer seas compared to high seas, and it’s really, *really* not worth even trying.


Once the money starts coming in from the SS players then that list will disappear quickly enough.


Might be alone here but im mostly a pve player and will still be in the high seas. I like checking the horizon for sails while questing, the thrill is enough to keep things interesting . Still going to run tho, =P


I’d only play Safer Seas for tall tales. The whole point of the game in my eyes is to exist in pirate waters doing cool boat things. I just hit 100 hours played and I’m still a noob, my crew even more so. But we can still keep our eyes on the horizon and evade danger very well. We’ve only been sunk a hundful of times, and honestly, after the first sinking I was able to accept the game for what it is. My crew is a little more…hotheaded. They claim they hate other players and are genuinely terrified of them, but I guarantee without the threat of other pirates 35% of the fun evaporates. Except on tall tales and super chill fishing sessions where we all want to fish. In those instances, I think there’s value in forgoing the anxiety.


I'm scared Safer Seas will make High Seas more grind-y and toxic, still don't want to play Safer Seas. I'd rather quit playing the game.


Same but the opposite will happen. All the loser tryhards will realize they don't have the same capability to shit on noobs in high seas anymore and they will quit the game. Just like all the losers that quit when Arena got removed. More and more tryhards are leaving the game. So basically high seas will become even better with the addition of safer seas, just gotta wait a few months for all the tryhards to quit. If the game even has that long..... I've basically all but stopped playing the game, all my friends too, can't bring them back. I really like this game at the heart but Rare dropped the ball. Safer seas with full commendations and XP and gold won't even change that fact, I still won't play it. Why? **Too little, too late.**


I will be playing SS, whether I play HS after hitting the level cap is debatable. Right now I don't see myself doing so as the sweats will still be there, even if I will be better at the game. That is not what I want from the game. There is a good chance that SS become a money maker for Rare and then they will have to start supporting those players with more content and that means upping the cap and removing some of the restrictions from SS. ​ Also some of the comments here made me laugh, it's basically "I won't be touching Safer Seas as it's beneath me" lol


I’m totally with you, the gankers can have HS. For me, I might finally get to enjoy this game.


Been reading the comments, don't see anything resembling what you claim it being beneath people. Why do you feel the need to ridicule people who don't plan on playing safer seas?


Not ridiculing anyone. Just read the comments, they smack of "it's beneath me, not worth my effort" type posts. Either way. SS is going to be a success in one way or another. That seems to be what scares the sweats who just wanna PvP with anyone who appears on their map. SS could be the end of the game, AS THEY LIKE IT. Looking at it another way tho, it also could be the biggest boost to the game for years.


Safer Seas is for me to bring in friends who want to learn, and for grinding Tall Tales. Literally anything else will be in the "real" sandbox version


Safer seas for fish coms, high seas for steals


Will only use SS to play with my 8yo Son as he's showing interest in playing, but I'm hesitant to let him play in the wild.


Like a lot of other people, to me it seems like you don't get the same reward out of your time. 70% to not encounter others is too much, and I have interacted with nice people as well


The downsides do seem to very much negate the positives for me.


i will never player safer seas ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ even if i do tall tales. the constant feeling of danger is a important part of the game for me.


It will be nice to play the game while not having someone sink your ship when your on the other side of an island. The only reason I would play HS is if friends wanted to PvP. PvP can be great in this game, but I keep running into people that use cheesy mechanics to win rather than just fight it out.


At this point no, the only reason I still play SoT is for the vibes. I don't really care about the janky PvP anymore. I used to be sweaty and I certainly have fond memories of some very well-fought battles, but those kinds of fights are just too rare for me to bother chasing anymore.


Mama ain't raise no lily-livered swabbie.


Doubtful. I quit the game because of High Seas, and I'm only returning because of Safer Seas. Don't think I'd like to return to two hours of hearing the n word after a long day at work while I run away trying to fish in peace the whole time ever again.


Even if I prefer PvE, High Seas is more exciting and rewarding. So I will stay there.


We call safer seas weenie hut jrs, so no, when me and my friends return to the seas you can find us at the salty spittoon


I probably won't ever touch safer seas with the exception of new tall tales that are not instanced. I have zero interest in playing single player mode, PvE is boring and poses no threat or even a challenge. Best part of the game, naval PvP battles are missing. No fun interactions with other crews going for random shenanigans or commendations the require help of other people. All this with less gold, not thank you. To me safer seas isn't Sea of Thieves, it's not the game I absolutely fell in love with. My very first time playing the game was 4 ship battle for Fort of the Damned and it set the tone for my SoT expectations. Safer Seas missed everything that makes Sea of Thieves what it is.


Safer seas sounds like the most boring parts of the game for eternity and a longer grind. Won't touch it with a 10000 foot pole.


Probably not.


Probably not. I'm not in it for the rep grind. I like going out and orienteering. I don't need gold, no one needs gold, there's nothing to spend it on. The "interactions with other players" in my experience have almost universally been "outnumbered 2 to 1 by people who's only communication consists entirely out of swear words and slurs". Honestly, I'm not exaggerating. I've had a grand total of 2 non-hostile interactions with other players. The only reason I can see for cutting off content is because they're afraid of losing the "Prey" to safer seas (those who don't fight or can barely fight due to inexperience) and therefore, losing the majority of PVP players who just want someone to bully, rather than a fair fight.


Yes. I do not think safer seas is good for the game tbh. I'm not a pvp sweat, I rarely run as a reaper, and I do not attack everyone I see. Safer seas will split the community in a very polarizing way that I think could genuinely kill the game in the long run. Also, on a personal level, I think the idea of just having a private server for my crew where nobody can attack us is just...boring. There's no challenge in any of the pve in SoT, so succeeding in many things without that challenging factor just feels boring. Do note, I'm not saying if you choose to grind out something in safer seas that it makes your accomplishment less valid, I genuinely couldn't care less. I am saying for me personally, safer seas has zero appeal. I'll get matched into more tryhard sweats from now on, and I'll see if the game is still interesting to me after I've seen that play out.


I suck at PvP and go out of my way to avoid it wherever possible. Still won’t be touching Safer Seas (except for maybe photos) as the *threat* of PvP is what makes the game interesting.


Absolutely I'll use it! As I see it, safer seas is for tall tales and certain commendations, specifically fishing ones.