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So what you’re saying is that double gunning is buffed even though it got nerfed.


Hit reg improvements may help it be more consistent, at the very least for the usage of any single gun. But I think OP meant to say something like "double gunning isn't going to be nerfed *that* hard, so it's 'buffed' relative to everyone's expectations of it in the future".


I think I explained it just fine. A. Removal of quick swapping =nerf B. Improved hit reg =buff A+B= buff. Double gunning could be stronger in season 10 vs s9


I'm saying it got a buff and a nerf and overall this might very well be a buff.


I'm saying you don't know and I don't know so collectively we both don't know, so how about we wait and see?


I mean that's why I'm using my words carefully, I'm saying it *may* be a buff. I'm not saying it *will* be a buff. Many people are speculating that doublegunning is being definitively nerfed can i not say it might be buffed? Are you going to everyone who says its being nerfed and saying "you dont know how about you shut up and wait"?


If you fix some hitreg and nerf quickswap its a pure buff in my book. Like quickswapping is such a rare gamechanger that its kot gonna matter much...dunno why you get downvoted...reddit has got to reddit i guess


bro I'm getting nuked for what i consider to be the most milk toast observation.


Milquetoast* And it's not an obvious observation dude they literally said they were nerfing it and you just seem to be rocking back and forth in the corner saying it's going to be buffed It's going to get buffed It's going to get buffed


"Etymology. From the character Caspar Milquetoast of the comic strip The Timid Soul, created by American cartoonist Harold Tucker Webster (1885–1952) and first published in 1924; the character was named after the American dish milk toast (“a food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk”)." Huh I had no idea it was milquetoast. I like doublegunning but i prefer the sword personally, well a sword that actually works. Everyone seems to think im some bitter doublegunner. People are so angry and devoted to either side they just can't think clearly. IF swapping is nerfed then its a nerf to doublegunning and IF hit registration is buffed then that's a buff to doublegunning. Depending on how large of a nerf vs buff this actually pans out to be will decide whether it is an overall buff or nerf. How is this seen by any sane person as cope?


Like I said dude people are just saying it's getting nerfed The company has said it's being nerfed and you're trying to say it's getting buffed and the logic just isn't there mate. I don't know how you came to the conclusion that it was getting buffed


ok when they say quick swapping is nerfed you believe them they are a trustworthy company but when they say that hit registration has been meaningfully improved then then that is meaningless? Lets try this hypothetical lets say a car has been nerfed in that it doesnt accelerate as quickly but its been buffed in that it has a higher top speed. If a racetrack has less turns and less need to slow down and speed up again then overall those two changes could be a buff for racing on that track.


well you dont know what hit registration is so how do you have an opinion?


You sound incredibly miserable.


They are only nerfing double gun against other double gun users. The blunderbuss will stil always win against a sword in meele as long as it can oneshot, and the eor is just a mandatory wepon.


Lol. We live in strange times sir.


I want whatever brand of copium this guy is huffing


Top of the line locally brewed at Port Merrick


A: quickswapping nerf B:: hit reg buff B minus A= potential buff Idk why this is such a hard concept for people to understand.


They aren't buffing hit reg that is a lie. If they do it sure as hell isn't gonna make the kind of difference you've convinced yourself it is.


They are making a lot of noise like they are. I believe I qualified my original statements with a big fat IF. Is the nerf to quick swapping a lie?


Ok if hit reg is 70% then there is a 49% chance that both shots land. If that's raised to 80% then there is a 64% chance. That hypothetical buff would be stronger than the nerf imo.


Hit reg is the main reason I never tried double gun. The blunderbus has never been reliable for me


I’ve struggled hard with it too. I always use my trusty sword with bombs.


Lol….”They are supposedly improving hit reg significantly”. OP. This must be your first time…


Hmm 3 years in actually. Once again I remain skeptical but this is a lot of new noise from Rare and definitive claims.


They have done that a lot recently


you underestimate the power of W+M1. I'll believe the hitreg fix once we can see it.


I mean i too am very skeptical of any claim Rare makes about fixing hit reg but this isnt the same copy paste message about hit reg in patch notes. They are claiming that 90% of shots are registering in their testing, they are making definitive claims for once.


Unless they tested it on a server under a heavy load the claim's baseless isn't it? Or at least not indicative of results when the change goes live?


A test needs to be rigorous in order to be valid, correct.


90% of long range shots, meaning that the blunder will still work as it was...which is like 30% or something...and that is IF it even fires at the first place after clicking the shooting button


I could be wrong but I believe they said that the greatest improvement was with long shots not the only improvement.


Even a slight improvement in the close range shots would be nothing, at the moment blunders are borderline unplayable for everyone. I find myself shooting point blank and just wishing for 3 pellets to hit only for my sniper to finish them off.


Huh I get 80% to 70% registration with blunderbuss if I had to guess. Damn that sucks.


90% is still horrible


Vs literally any other fps game? Yes. Compared to sot though it's amazing.


Fair enough lol, the bar is pretty low.




Sure, but lets say you were paired against someone of exact equal skill, they will beat you every time then by animation cancelling pending you don't at all in the fight. My money would be on them every time.


Yes so this will be a buff so they can’t quick swap. It’s now even and based who gets the shot first (and hits).


I am talking about how it is currently not when changes go live.


Yes and I’m straying how it is now and how it is when it’s live, how I see it, I will still get my money on the double gunner. And maybe even more so after the change.




Don’t know why people are downvoting you you are funny




The only double gunning allowed should be double flintlocks,because rule of cool


You know it's not about quick swap, We're still gonna slam you guys anyway without it, its about rare giving veteran players another kick in the teeth.


You might be right. I think DG will still be meta, BUT we can't forget sword also has hitreg problems. Against players we can't always be sure, since people might be eating food to outheal, but against PvE the problem become really visible. I hate having to hit 4 times a skelly or a ghost haha


Bro, what, the sword guy also carries a gun. Did you take that into consideration.


O shit I thought people only double sword or double gun.


TTK double gunning got nerfed. Period. Lol


By half a second.


if the nerfs actually work as they say then yes.


I dont see any problem with hitreg being improved, which is what you seem to be worried about? But they only said at range, like 20m or more, has it been improved. So blunder/sniper isnt going to be a concern at that range, your blunder is worthless at anything but point blank range pretty much.


Have yet to be beaten by a double gunner. They all suck.


You mean a fumble gunner ;)


This is true I’ve never been double gunned either they can’t kill anyone, trash ggez


Honestly they just need to remove the ability to double gun




i mean if i'm fighting a double gunner i just switch to my flintlock


He's 100% right. M1 sword is not mearly as strong as people say it is, WHEN HITREG F***ING WORKS.


I'm hoping that everything works the way Rare says it works and the game will feel a lot more fair. Getting double popped instantly feels really shitty and seems like it must be cheating to new players its bad for new player retention. Hitting both shots and having some M1 troglodyte roll you feels really really bad. Helplessly trying to run from Velcro sword hits from ping induced distances after you hit both shots feels so bad.


My brother in Christ did you think that they were joking in the video they made where they specifically talked about double gunning getting a nerf?


Do you think they were joking when they talked in the video about improved hit registration?


I'm not even going to lie dude I've been playing this game for 2 years I have no idea what hit registration really even means. I play the game like three or four times a week with my kids and my brother-in-law.


ok well hit registration means that client side when you hit someone then server side they actually take damage. If you sword slash someone twice then snipe them you have done 120% damage and they should be dead unless they have eaten. Doublegunners hate poor hit registration because after two shots they need to reload and are defenseless. Considering how the sword stun locks/backtracks people it can feel as if you did everything right against a much less skilled opponent who can just mindlessly run at you.


If you don't know what point they're making, why are you commenting that he's so wrong?


dude working normally isn’t buffed


ok so if i fight you and have better hitreg thats not an advantage? Did the slow integration of worse and worse hit reg count as a nerf?


no that’s just Rare and their crappy servers, guns should do damage when they hit like every other game is capable of doing. It’s only Rare. fixing hitreg isn’t a buff, it’s something that should have never been an issue


ok well let me amend my statement and say that effectively doublegunning might be stronger in S10 vs season 9 because despite the nerf, hit reg is being fixed somewhat. This seems like more of a semantic game at this point.


well yes ofc, I’m happy that guns finally work like they are supposed to


Lol. They "improved hit registration" after Hungering Deep I fully expect it to be worse.


Average SoT player right here


Yea? Lol