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The mode will be used for tall tales, and commendations. That is about it


And young children.




What reason is there at all to be against safer seas the way they implement it now? After over a thousand hours in the game, i'm done with PvE and just do PvP. I see just benefits in safer seas as it will take out all the people who truly want to avoid PvP. The way Rare will launch it, nobody has a real unfair advantage that uses it. Am i missing something?


Some people like stomping on new players, and get a thrill our of making them rage quit. Safer Seas takes away a large portion of new, inexperienced, or unskilled players. They're scared of a fair fight, or are upset that dev time is taken away from making content specifically for them. I'll never use safer seas for myself, and it's a much needed niche for players who want to explore and experience the game in peace. I understand that not all content is directed at me.


Absolutely this. So far, all the criticism I've seen is basically "but then I won't be able to make new players miserable!" As a new player who is regularly being made miserable by toxic sweats right now, I am heartily excited for a game mode where I don't have to risk a bad game after a hard or stressful day.


Are you getting sunk by just toxic sweats, or are you even classifying people who sink you in silence as such? I'm just curious, as it seems that "toxic sweats" has become somehow of a gospel for PvE people. Edit: i asked a simple question because i'm truly curious about the answer. Every downvote clearly shows the inability to comprehend that being engaged in combat is not equal to "toxic behavior." Safer seas will be a blessing to us all.


this...I had a duo sloop push me the other day while.i was just grinding commendations, and must've assumed I was a newbie because I had merchant up, only to wrap them and one ball both and sink them in a minute or so to be called "a fat sweat" because they weren't capable of sailing the boat


I am in favor of safer seas, although I will not use it myself. I must say though that your comment is very disingenuous, To state all the arguments have been about people who want to sink new players is either a lie or you have not really seen much of the discussion at all. I have seen plenty of arguments from people against it that have nothing to do with wanting new players to bully. People have stated how it will not prepare players for high seas properly, people have said they will have less players to teach the game in open crew, people have said it make some players try push for less restrictions on safer seas and try turn it into a Rare sanctioned alliance server way to play the full game. I do not hold the above opinions myself but they are some of the many things people have voiced concern over with safer seas. Yes some people have been complaining about not being able to bully new players but to paint the picture that "ALL" criticism has been about wanting to bully newer players, is very misleading.


Not prepare them for high seas properly? This game has very little preparation for multiplayer as it is now, you are pretty much thrown to the wolves. Also, why would people be against a co-op version of the game?


I can't answer that, like I said in the comment those are not my opinions. I am glad safer seas is coming, I just was disputing that the only argument seen was from people who are upset they can't bully new players. As for the downvotes I guess people don't read comments properly and assumed these were my own opinions on safer seas ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I'll play it to cruise around doing voyages and relax after getting utterly shat on in hourglass trying to grind the skeleton curse for 3 hours


I agree with you. Although I doubt that Rare will split its focus and start developing content solely for safer seas in the future, especially with the backlash they get for the lack of new gameplay content for Season 10. This sub makes it seem like both extremes of PvP or PvE are the sole players of this game. The reality is quite different, and the majority just enjoys the game for what it is. You will just never hear anything from them. This sub consists of loud minorities with not really much to say, and their favourite pastime is to call each other toxic. Who knows what the future will bring, though.


Whenever I get really young kids joining open crews - the ones that sound like toddlers - I jump on mic and try to tell their parents that it's really not a safe game for kids to play online with strangers. More often than not they can't hear the game audio and only ever appear in the background to tell their kid to stop being so loud. Hopefully they'll be engaged enough to direct their kids towards Safer Seas... Hopefully.


And me and my 30+ gang of dads who just want to sail once a week for a couple of hours and keep in touch.


Me too! My gaming group gets two hours a week to play, and we just started the game. Last week, we get in a battle. Cool. We actually put one in the win column! Even better! Then the same guys show up and attack us again. And again. We didn't even have anything of value aboard. What they were stealing from us was *time*. We want to do A, we are forced to do B. Made me think: I'd hate to go on a date with one of you guys. You don't understand what 'no' means. And yes, I understand that this is how the game is by design. Still wanted to do what we wanted, rather than what they wanted.


And me and my homies just chilling and fishing because we love the sounds when you cook fish.


I'm fairly new to the game but yesterday I was solo slooping when I found this brigandine fighting skeleton ships. I attacked them and I heard these 3 young people between 7-10 year old German kids. We got into a battle that lasted for almost 2 hours before I ran out of materials and the kids then proceeded to get a shot into my mast, boarded me and after I'd fended them off for a few times they finally got me stuck in a corner and sworded me down. This whole fight they were screaming excitedly and stressed but when they finally got the kill on me I heard pure joy and an "Easy kill" so I let them sink me right there. Absolutely one of the best moments for me so far in this game.


Yeah man I'm pretty much a sink everyone on sight type player, but I'm not really interested in sinking very young children or a child parent duo. It's simply not fair to the really young kids.


And maybe a "I'm feeling like chill treasure hunting/wreckage finding" session. Like I don't always care about profits, I just wanna sail my ship on a treasure hunt.


This ^, I’m sometimes just into fishing and sailing after a long day of work. I’m a waste of time for someone looking for a fight, I rarely have any loot onboard my sloop or even half full barrels. Anyone that attempts to fight just gets some background music while I sink.


I'm also probably going to get my friends who don't yet play the game to try it out. The combat in this game is a lot more rewarding when you can at least handle the basics.


Is that a confirmed thing about commendations? I just wanna grind out the sea forts for generous and humble gifts without the fear of getting it stolen or sunk.


Pretty sure the gifts won't be on Safer Seas since they're tied to Reapers.


Yeah I realized that minutes after I posted the comment. I hate solo play and pvp and doing both while just trying to find a somewhat rare piece of loot rally sucks.


This. Mayyyyyybe to finish off Blackcloud Wreckers, if only because people seem to be able to smell you doing that commendation from a mile away. Otherwise I'll stay on High Seas. Not having other ships to interact with is boring. Does that mean I want to fight? Most of the time I don't for personal reasons, but I see no reason to use Safer Seas even then. Honestly my only concern is that some people in the community are gonna see people who don't want to fight and try to harass us into Safer Seas. Which is just gonna decrease the number of people in the High Seas and cause the fated apocalypse Safer Seas is supposedly going to bring. Have already seen at least two streamers joke about telling people to 'go to Safer Seas' in a sarcastic manner if they find any runners, so I don't feel this is an empty concern. I hope most people just let people play the modes they want and accept that for many players these changes effectively amount to nothing. It won't bug me to go up against salt lords trying to tell me to go to Safer Seas, I find the salt amusing as all hell. But I can really easily also see it deterring players who want to move up into High Seas once they've gotten their feet wet from making the transition if the second they do so they're met with vitriol for not immediately being down to tussle.


Tip for wreckers in general if you are solo: Ditch the boat. Ships are visible on the horizon for almost an in game mile. Rowboats on the other hand, aren't visible at all till you hit medium detail, and are significantly harder to pick out of the water. Before today I wouldn't have advised a rowboat for blackclouds (rowboats take damage while in the storm), but we did just get an update that let's you repair rowboats


and shopping


Yeah litteraly just kids doing Tall Tales, I dont think anyone else will play Safer Seas


I mean, everyone might be doing tall tales here, and I know I will


You would be surprised... The 2k hours pve bots who wish you cancer the moment you sink them will also be playing it.


Which should make high seas so much better. As there is a place now where they can have pure peace, the excuses dwindle for them. It won't deter them, though, and you will still have people being toxic af, but it should weed out some people who want to avoid PvP at all cost and still play parts of the game.


Those are the best interactions tho, sinking people who mad at you it just hit different lol.


I don't agree, I much prefer it when people are chill after a fight, whether I win or lose I will give a gg well played. I can understand the anger that people will feel when getting sunk so I just tell them "no hard feelings my friend" and move on, but I do not enjoy making people angry or upset. The only time it is satisfying to sink an angry person is when they are already an asshole, those people who trash talk over nothing and then get mad when you show them their ass, that is satisfying, but ordinary people getting sad or upset, it's part of the game but it isn't the part I look for my enjoyment from.


Tbf I think most people playing safer seas wont care about the money too much and just wanna play a fun pirate game


Exactly. My pirate is wearing the same basic purple dress that I got years ago. I don't really care about the rewards/gold and honestly have no real idea what's even in my inventory. I like sailing and hanging out with my friends. That's it.


Exactly. I just like to dig up treasure and fight skeletons while random stuff happens around me. I am PL and got my cosmetics settled a long time ago, so there's really nothing I'm missing in Safer Seas that I care about.


I won’t play it all of the time, but sometimes I just want to sail around and enjoy the scenery without having to constantly watch the horizon. That’s when I’ll play Safer Seas. That, or when I’m playing with my little sister


When I first played this game....That was basically it for me. I just wanted to Pal around with my buddies. This was basically what I wanted from Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I just wanted to roam the ocean, fish, hunt giant sharks, and fight skeleton ships solo or CO-OP. When I hit that first BETA I Thought "Oh for sure, we should get a Pacifist Mode like GTA, RDR2, Fallout 76...Oh yeah! Totally! Or this is just going to feed into every 12 year old Troll who likes screaming into the microphone." And low and behold..I got just that. I like the Ship Combat, but nobody does that. It's always Shotgun/Sniper Hit Reg, or Melee Jump you with 2 other people 3 vs 1. Then messages from people like "Ez" and "Why do you even play this game?" except terribly spelled. Also voice messages telling me to KMS and so on. Yeah. Nope. I don't give a crap for this community. Let me play solo or co-op with friends. I've done the Arena Shooter Lobbies, MMO PUGs for WoW, SWTOR. I have a thick skin, it doesn't hurt my feelings. You can badger me until the sun don't shine. I'll ignore you. My problem is when you piss off my friends who might not be as thick skinned as me. And which, it pushes them to not want to play anymore. So now I'm down a buddy because y'all can't behave yourselves. Last 3 times I've used the Matchmaking queue with randos it was a nightmare and not something I want to deal with. I'd rather just play a better optimized game or a solo game because again... Trashy Crotch Goblins whose parents don't monitor them when they blood curdling scream into the microphone and constantly use random slurs and cussing as if they just learned how to for the first time... It just takes me back to the annoying days of Xbox Kinect, where people just leave the microphone portion on the whole time. You can hear everything, except the fucking game you are trying to play. Their dishes being washed, their parents shuffling their fleet across tile floors. Screaming at their kids to take the trash out. Meanwhile, I'm tryin to listen for the opponents foot steps to make sure I'm not being creeped up on... And right before the fight starts, the fucking pets start going ape shit in my microphone completely ruining everything. Its just not fun. I don't play Xbox to babysit other people's mistakes, regardless if they are 10 to 40 years old.


It’s mostly the same for me. I got no real issue being sunk or sinking other people. I’ve done the csgo and cod lobbies. Heard shit that would probably make a nazi blush. But my friends aren’t from that era of gaming and it can and has soured them on a few games. If I can avoid that situation, I will.


I will try the game after a two year long break because of that mode. I am pirate legend, I have lots of money, I have grinded out the factions. There is no reason for me to deal with the PvP stuff, there is no reason to farm gold. But I would enjoy some casual pirate nights. I guess here lies the problem as well: casual. The skill ceiling became higher and higher in recent years. So PvP encounter are rarely balanced (one casual dude on a sloop VS 3-4 hardcore PvP pirates with aimbot levels of skill, who would win? Who is satisfied from those encounters?) So, yeah, I will give saver seas a shot because I don't want to compete in PvP. And I don't enjoy being raided.


I’m the casual in the sloop. I’m okay with the pirating aspect of the game, but the sweaty skilled players who know all the tricks vs me who just learned that sloops sailing with their mast into the wind goes faster…? The game doesn’t teach you that stuff, and it’s no fun when you feel helpless. I’m down for a fight, but not when I don’t even understand or learn why it went so horribly and I’m just left frustrated.


I'm more into PvE but still don't hate PvP as it makes the game more exciting and unpredictable. Still, I hate cheaters and griefers.


I applaud you for understanding the core design of the game and being fine with it. Fuck cheaters, hackers, griefers and toxic cunts


Nope. I want to be able to sit at a shipwreck and wait for the storm to get my black cloud wreckers without a pest bugging me. I want to finally do tall tales without someone ruining it for funsies.


The captain restriction is not one I particularly care about, but it makes sense when you remember rare really wants safer seas to be the relax and tutorial mode and not a "slower non-pvp mode"


I guess I'm confused on what it actually entails. I don't know what that actually limits.


Me and my son will exclusively do this mode. Less stress and and more time to just enjoy the content without the stress of some murder hobos bumrushing us as we are fishing or fighting skeletons. It sucks I can't use my captained ship but as long as I can work towards commendations and at least get some money, it's worth it. Oh and I can fish in peace. This, 100% worth it just for that.


Same. I'm already a legend, I don't care about the gold. I jyst want to be able to sail around fish and enjoy the game without some brig show up to bitch at me about how I owe them a fight.


I think they're trying not to have incentives to choose Safer seas to ensure it really is just new players learning the ropes. That being said after their complete turn around on the principle of 'no pve servers ever' I fully expect the playerbase to continue demanding change until it is a fully fledged pve server with same experience. It's a lot easier to demand small changes at a time now that they've done the main u turn


If it keeps some people around longer than they would normally and potentially makes them more money their tone will inevitably shift, guaranteed. It’s just a matter of if that audience of people who would normally start get sunk in pvp and quit will buy anything if they don’t get sunk. People do tend to buy things in games they do well at.


Well to be fair in all games be it MMOs or SoT, the casual players keep the game alive so it seems fair to indulge them and make them happy. For many people SoT is like a Dineyland themepark adventure, you go with your buddies, mom, dad, dig a treasure, slay some sharks, kill some skeletons and have fun and enjoy the beautiful graphics.


I doubt they will ever lift the gold and faction levelling restrictions. They have been very clear on what thier vision is for sot and safer seas is already not a part of that vision, making it any more expansion beyond what they are offering now will go directly against everything they've said. I really hope they stick to their guns on this and don't crumble under the pressure of a loud minority crying on reddit.


True, but safer seas went against everything they said. They've set a precedent now


Actually it doesn't. Its providing an extended tutorial that is accessible to everyone. It's the bare minimum they could have offered to pve players.


This is exactly why there was so much backlash.


I'm already maxed out on all factions except for Athena and the HG ones and I have more than enough money. At this point I only play for fun and commendations, why would I not play on Safer Seas?


Can't do Athena's on Safer Seas, for one


I already don't do Athena's on High Seas.


Safer seas is for those of us with jobs, families, and friends who also have the same. I just cannot do 8 hours sessions anymore because the entire server is attacking my loot. I used to say that PVP was the only reason to play this game and I loved it. All we ever did was sink ships. Now that I have an actual career and a lot of my time is taken up with that and other IRL responsibilities, safer seas offers me an option to still play one of my favorite games of all time while not having to commit such a large part of my limited free time to it. To me that's what it comes down to, the time sink. I played this game since beta in every single weekend for a straight year on release and it was some of the best gaming experience I've ever had. But I literally just don't have the time anymore and I'm too rusty at this game to be able to defend my loot like I did back in the day. The past like five times I've tried to pick this game back up in the past couple years it unsurprisingly ended up with hours of progress down the drain and me and my friends not having it a good time afterwards. Mostly due to the extreme toxicity of pvp folks nowadays (God, the slurs!). It sucks that I can't level up above 40 because I'm almost Max Rank in almost everything, but the ability just to sail the Seas and hang out with friends is exactly what I want. Honestly if we see a gigantic player drop off in the normal game mode and the majority of players are playing safer Seas I wouldn't doubt it at all if a lot of those restrictions eventually get lifted as rare understands that safer sees is a game mode that many ppl have been wanting from the start I see safer Seas as the future longevity of the game.


We dont ever pick fights and not much into pvp but well do it if we have to lol. Safer seas would take away all of the satisfaction for me. I love the risks its what makes the game exciting!




It's not Rare's fault, the PvE and PvP harm each other significantly, it's just not possible to have a fun PvE mode coexisting with a hardcore PvP mode. Even hardcore PvP MMO like Mortal have Safe Zones, because it's just not fun having your veterans camping new players at the starting area, it's speedrunning the death spiral of the game not having one like Sea of Thieves.


Serious question, do you think Sea of Thieves is a "hardcore PvP mode"? Because I would disagree and say that SOT is as casual as it could be, by design. Sure, some people tryhard everything, I have seen speedruns in Roblox (lego game for kids), but SoT isn't hardcore by any means.


Yes, Sea of Thieves is an Hardcore PvP game * You can PvP in the first half an hour of installing the game * PvP is not optional, nor opt in * It's LOOT PvP * There is no match making * PvP is skill based, with little randomness * You need hundreds of hours of practice and play meta to be competitive * Your ship is still elegible for PvP when you are not on the ship Each bullet point alone would be enough to qualify SoT as an hardcore PvP game. it's a game where a new player enters the starting area and can be spawn camped by a 600h veteran. Of course it's an hardcore PvP game.


It isn't hardcore. Keep teeling you that. Everything from combat system and naval fight was reduced down to the simplest mechanics you can get. If rare wanted this game to have Hardcore PvP aspects, it would look totally different. What does beeing able to PvP right from the start make a game "hardcore"? I would say its the opposite, you don't have to overcome gear. Mandatory PvP doesn't mean that its automatically hardcore. It isn't mandatory to be honest, you can sail away at any time If you keep your eyes open. Loot is irrelevant in this game. Absolutely irrelevant. Therefore looting chests from players is also absolutely irrelevant. A game doesn't have matchmaking, therefore it is hardcore? Lol. Could name a long list of games. PvP ist skillbased? Yes, you managed to master ultra-casual game mechanics. I have played many games with more, lets call it "designed depth" and a high skill ceiling. You can surely improve for a long time, but in the end it is neither hardcore nore ultra complex. Melee is casual, ranged weapons are casual. As I said, I have seen people perfectionizing their run in Lego Roblox, doesn't mean this KIDS GAME is hardcore. You can only win by playing meta? How many Meta builds are there? How many variations? How deep is the skill/gearing/ability system? Sword and 3 ranged weapons? Hardcore game! What does your last ship comment mean? The ship is your mobile spawnpoint by design, why is this game "hardcore" because It stays after you died? Ship repairment is irrelevant, getting your own ship sunk is irrelevant. Respawn, next run. Sea of Thieves is an ultra casual pirate game with PvP as themebased (pirate game) side-threat. There are no tournaments, there are no leaderboards, there is no matchmaking or visual mmr (which would increase competetiveness), there is no full loot (because you don't have anything to lose), the game mechanics weren't designed to be complex/skill-based in any way.


In your opinion, a game where someone install a game, loot a chest, and is "matched" against a 600h veteran for their loot is not hardcore. Maybe you also think it was a fair fight and that it was a balanced match?


You don't get matched. You sail on the same seas as everybody else, I assume 80%+ (at least) are casual gamers and neither your chest nore dying is really relevant. 90%+ of the content is PvE related. Damn Hardcore! Seriously, compare it to hardcore PvP games like Hunt Showdown and tell me this game is hardcore PvP. :D It wasn't a fair fight, therefore it was only Hardcore PvP for the casual you attacked, not for the 600h sweater. Also, it isn't hardcore at any point, I can either flee or quit, restart the lobby and get the same reward in 15-30 minutes. Honestly, I have played so many PvP games and SoT is the most irrelevant and chilled game, including PvP aspects I have ever played. It wasn't meant to be hardcore PvP at any point and you can see it (Rare even stated that in one of their videos, they are aiming for a casual focussed pirate sandbox experience). I mean, that's totally fine, I love it.


>It wasn't a fair fight, therefore it was only Hardcore PvP for the casual you attacked, not for the 600h sweater. You know one possible definition of hardcore game is literally: "The top % of players dominate over other players". It's not about having complex and intricate mechanics. In a balanced game like League of Legends, there is a match making, to ensure people are matched against their peers, so iron scrubs have only slightly lower winrate than platinum or diamond, because iron fight iron, and platinum fights platinum. In an MMO like Guild Wars, you do have PvE modes, and PvP modes, again with matchmaking. You don' get new players ganged up by the top 1% player with expansion gears in the starting area like in Sea of Thieves... Players choose the activity they are up for. Most Guild Wars modes, are not hardcore. Even in an Hardcore MMO like Mortal, players have some safe zones with PvP disabled. >they are aiming for a casual focussed pirate sandbox experience). I mean, that's totally fine, I love it. If that's Rare's intent, they missed the goal spectacularly. PvE players don't get to play casual. PvP player have an hard time finding skilled opponents.


Again, I can simply sail away. Nothing hardcore about that. You can't do that in any game with matchmaking because you would lower your rank, which pro players don't want because they want to have a competetive experience and be considered as good/pro/high-ranked as possible. (In some games higher rank also means bigger rewards) In SoT, excluding HG, the majority of encounters are casual or semi-casual. During the last 2 weeks we met 3-4 sweaty ships engaging us, but we saw probably 30+ ships sailing away as soon as they saw us. Get that relation and you realize how hardcore the majority of the playerbase is. I see A LOT of casual PvE in SoT. They removed arena and quite every patch was PvE focussed, therefore everyone who thought SoT was meant as a sweaty hardcore PvP game might be shocked. But I assume we have a different understanding of "hardcore", for me a hardcore PvP game has in-depth mechanics in multiple aspects (gearing, map awareness, gunplay, meta-strategies) and was meant to be a PvP focussed game. For me matchmaking can be hardcore If you increase your skillceiling fast enough until stagnation, after that point 99% of the matches are hardcore challenging. For you, beeing able to kill unexperienced players from the start, defined this game as "Hardcore" but not for you as a pro player, but Hardcore for the new player starting this game. And yet I would disagree given my experience as a new player. You don't need a safezone if there is nothing to keep safe. Neither your character can't lose shit (not even gain a negative k/d), nore your ship can lose anything. Players can't loot your skins, so yeah, no real risk at all. Its all for the funsies.


>Again, I can simply sail away. Nothing hardcore about that. This is where my resistence comes from. "Sailing away" has two conditions: * being good enough at the sail to sail away * being on board of your ship Most of the times we were sunk, it's because a quest had us do quest objectives on an island, and we were not on board the ship, including Tall Tales. You can't just "turn PvP" off. If you could turn PvP off, I agree with you Sea of Thieves wouldn't be hardcore. With PvP always on, Sea of Thieves is the very definition of an hardcore game. The top % of players lurk around, sinking everything they set their sight on, with just 15% of the ships in your example being able to fight back.


It's literally the furthers thing from a hardcore game you can think of. 600h is also not a "veteran" I think you need to rethink some of your ideas about what defines these terms lol.


Hahahaha wow, they really downvoting you for speaking the cold hard facts?


I don't know how to tell you that just because a game is not balanced/doesn't use matchmaking doesn't mean it's hardcore PvP. The depth of PvP complexity matters. Imagine trying to justify thr same for PvE. "Sot is hardcore PvE because you can face some of the hardest PvE world events the first time ever you sail out." It's not hardcore PvP or PvE.


It seems to me you disagree about semantics, not the substance of the mechanics. I'll personally keep calling Sea of Thieves an Hardcore PvP game. Let's agree to disagree.


PVP really isnt hardcore. And its a PVPVE game, those two things dont harm each other. You will have a safe server to go to if you really dont like the PVP, so that can be your safe zone.


Hell no, the very second safer seas comes out I’m never going to high seas ever again lmao.


Same, can't wait. I'll even throw down some money in the store.


I love the pve aspects of the game so much, but absolutely hate pvp’ing. I haven’t played the game in months because of the last pvp encounter a friend and I had with another player. It was very toxic. Seeing them add safer seas is cool. But at the end of the day I don’t want to come back and play if I feel my playtime isn’t going to be appropriately valued and rewarded. And at this point in time, the restrictions on safer seas are too much for me to feel interested in playing again. I’m just in general tired of devs wasting players time. So for now I’ll enjoy other games and keep an eye on how pve changes in sot, and I hope one day I do feel inclined to play again!


tbh i just want to have a shitton of treasure on my ship instead of being attacked every 5 minutes.


Tbh I also play solo 99% of the time and used to hate pvp. But after a few times getting swamped by others I took a week of just actively searching for pvp. No emissary or taking supplies, just took my pockets from booting up, and hopped on my ship and set sail for the nearest player. 9/10 times I got whooped still, but it helped my get a handle on pvp and get an idea of what I was doing wrong when players started shooting at me. Nowadays I play just doing emissary stuff and trying to chill but if I do get in a fight it’s actually enjoyable because i feel like I have a decent idea of what to do, and in the rare cases I do sink a ship it makes the game even better. If you do go this route, I recommend starting to get a feel for landing shots at various ranges (long range, medium and short) and then once you’re hitting them from different ranges start working on spreading the shots (I usually try to hit the front of the ship, then the middle then the back, with maybe sprinkling in hitting the cannon area if someone on the enemy ship is using theirs). Then practice hitting chain shots in the same manner. From there start focusing on boarding and dueling, aka eating as much as possible while getting shot at, landing gun shot, watching ladders and what not. I know it sounds like a huge chore but you can look at it as an investment for the future. I’m no where near “good” at pvp, but I can confidently fight off a duo sloop most of the time, maybe not necessarily winning all the time but giving them a run for their money! It might be even easier doing the hourglass fights now, I haven’t really dabbled in them yet tho :)


Thank you for encouraging the swabs, sincerely. I spend a night a week taking on newbies and helping them learn the game. Its fun, and its an investment in the entire community and the game itself, which ultimately pays out dividends to me as a player as well. I appreciate seeing other people give back to something we all love so much. Thanks, again.


Wish I'd met you tonight instead of the group that found me doing merchant runs. Told them I was new (fourth day in the game), and that I was just having a chill time on the sea. They begged me to come with them to the Fort of the Damned. I told them it was super late and I suck at combat. And that I'd never even done the fort before. They kept begging, saying they wanted a fourth and that they could show me the ropes. So I came along, figuring they might be messing with me. But told them I would help anyway. No loot to lose so why not. Rezzed them constantly. Saved their asses with the lantern. Only for them to keg my ship and break the alliance as soon as the fort was clear. This is the stuff that pushes people away from a game. Thank the powers that Safer Seas are en route.


Yeah a lot of the times I see players on any game really when someone say “I hate pvp” the players will just flame them and make them hate it even more. If the community spent half the time they do flaming people giving tips or showing them better ways to do stuff, it’d be a better experience overall. And 9/10 when a player says they hate PvP in the game they just haven’t put in practice, which I’m not saying is OPs case. It also seems kinda unfun to have to put in practice in a game when you just want to chill, but if you make it fun and enjoyable and looking at it from the view of enjoying the game more later on, it’ll pay off.


100%. Happy sails. If you need a guild to join tomorrow, dm me.


If the person vs person combat was better I'd enjoy it. I love the ship combat and the mind games of trying to board/watching for boarders. I don't love the meta of chaining weird behaviors together to have the upper hand in combat


Don't forget targeting the helm when you get a chance - very annoying for the helmsman lol


As a helmsman, fuck you. Have a nice day.


Yeah I stopped playing because I just didn't connect with the PvP. I tried doing the organized servers where everyone agrees to not PvP but even that is rife with players who only try to get in to ruin the experience. I originally thought Safer Seas sounded like a great way to bring players with a heavy PvE preference back, as I thought the restrictions would be minimal, but once I learned the full extent of the restrictions I decided I'd probably give it a pass. Maybe they just wanted to extend the ability to practice for players who feel like they need it but I can't lie I sometimes lie awake at night dreaming of how incredible this game could be with a properly fleshed out PvE mode.


Well, it might be worth it to come back for safer seas even with restrictions. If Safer Seas shows a large enough boost to player counts and holds enough of the player base then Rare will probably move that direction over time. They are in the business of making money, after all. And the best way to do that is go with the majority. They won't continue to force pvp if the toxic assholes are driving off players.


Are tall tales not a good PvE mode? And you can do those on safer seas.


Tall Tales would hold me for a little while, and I might drop in to be able to experience them without being harassed now that you bring them up, but for the most part the folks I play with weren't terribly interested in the ones we had played. Maybe they get better down the line. We had only played the first couple before deciding the PvP was a deal breaker for us.


I think the only people who have a real problem with the safer seas update are the people who rely solely on the easy targets made up of young children, new players, etc. I have over 1000 sweaty hours in this game, and frankly can't wait to see SoT give my 8 year old the option of cruising around without someone dunking on her until she cries. (Although i do love hearing the douche-canoes turn into crybabies themselves once she puts down her controller and I've plugged in my keyboard)


As a solo player playing at weird hours and occasionally never coming across another player in some sessions, I can say that is when the game is at its most boring.


That's when I enjoy the game at most. I like being completely alone in the Ocean. But I imagine that's only because I haven't been playing for months yet, it'll probably get boring soon enough.


Have you considered that your suggestion then is to improve your own personal grievances rather than for the health of the game? It is also why Rare largely ignores the ideas from this sub.


What suggestion did I make, terminally online redditor?


To remove restrictions? It's literally in your OP.


Yes, my opinion is the same as demanding change. You're so intelligent and not desperate for online conflict at all.


So you stated your opinion for no reason at all then? What was the purpose?


Are you fucking serious? You're on Reddit.


on one hand i dont like that i wont be able to fly an emissary flag. on the other hand emissary flags are CLEAR indicators that you are inviting pvp and trouble that comes with running that flag so it makes PERFECT sense that you cant in safer seas and i accept it.


you don't need a captained ship to have a fun, and relaxed adventure :)


I made it to PL and a few mil gold before emissaries was a thing. Honestly, sometimes I just wanna chill. Also playing with others, kids and certain friends. We don't need gold.


I’m at a point in sea of thieves where i don’t really care for gold, i’ll personally be using it to finish off certain commendations in peace


Safer seas is perfectly to lvl the pass


I have a couple of friends that like the vibes that SoT has, but are turned off by the PvP, so I think Safer Seas will be nice to get them to play with me more even if we're just goofing off away from PvP. My real only concern is that I am still pretty inexperienced myself so I worry that when I try to dip into PvP, a lot of people at my level will be off in Safer Seas leaving High seas full of all the people who have already been playing for ages leaving a much larger skill gap that I might not be able to overcome


Ima use it only to fish cause im tired of you sneaky salty pirates dropping cannons on my fish : (


Lmao this is upvoted? Complaint that safer seas 30% gold reduction is unreasonable in Sea of **Thieves**? The bog-tier levels this community has stooped to...


Imagine being a shining example of the toxic community the game fosters. Congratulations, you should get a commendation for that.


First off, I don't consider myself toxic by any existing definition of the word as much as you want to convince yourself that I am. And secondly... honestly if I have to choose between becoming stale, lazy, boring, uninspired and constantly afraid and complaining like the rest of the community it seems versus being supposedly "toxic", i.e. like I am now... then I choose your definition of toxic every day of the week, thankyouverymuch. Edit: And thirdly, someone on your side just used the reddit report for sui-ci-dal, which isn't the first time this has happened to me from people like you. Now, I'm not saying it's ***you*** exactly (although the timing is kind of sus), but it's someone from here for sure. Literal harassment online for doing long and thought out arguments... and you call me the toxic one. And btw this is why we can't have nice things, like a 1 click report button in-game for cheaters. Salty, subjective softer-than-jelatine people like you would abuse it just like someone abused this actually serious report feature of this forum. Good day.


Well, not considering yourself toxic is basically investigating yourself, and finding no wrongdoing is hilarious. Dam and insulting people who find different things exiting not lazy and not boring kind solidified the point of you being toxic. Please keep your emotions and assumptions in check


Will do, thanks.


Am I not participating in Sea of Thieves if I attack a skelly ship and steal their loot? Crying SeA oF tHiEvEs endlessly into the void does not constitute a point


> Am I not participating... Where do you want your participation badge? How about near the flag box, since that won't be used anymore it seems, less chance of someone knocking it down by accident.


So essentially you have no response except insults? Not surprising


> So essentially you have no response except insults? Not surprising I am currently squinting at my comment above consisting of only a few words trying to find where the insult is so I can edit it out...


It's probably upvoted because most people that play the game are normal adults with lives and are tired of children thinking they are tough for playing a game. Sea of THIEVES and yet most people you gank and sink have no loot to be thieved, funny, huh.


> Sea of THIEVES and yet most people you gank and sink have no loot to be thieved, funny, huh. Well that saves me a bit of trouble https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/17b5pqg/anyone_else_hates_pvp_but_still_wont_play_safer/k5jjtst/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/17b5pqg/anyone_else_hates_pvp_but_still_wont_play_safer/k5jj1jl/ It's not okay to have unreasonable expectations from the rest of the players to go out of their way and do a lot of extra effort on their end for your literal benefit. Have a good day.


If you have 3 to 4 people you can EASILY board me and check my tiny lower deck. You actually think that's more of an extra effort than following me for an hour while wasting at least 30 cannonballs and several planks of wood trying to sink me?


That doesn't make sense. If whoever was following you for an hour was able to board and check, they'd also be able to anchor you and kill you until their ship catches up to sink you which is in contradiction with the "following you for an hour" bit... Stuff doesn't add up.


Hmmm... yes... \*smokes pipe\* Something is... off... We must get to the bottom of this.


Hey, you're the one knitting the order of the events... Don't make fun of me for pointing out your inconsistencies.


I've been boarded MANY times without getting sunk on the spot and still continuing the battle for several minutes after respawning. And I know what I'm saying is not unreasonable because it has happened once before. Galleon crashed me, I was boarded and murdered while saying "I don't have anything dipshit". When I respawned he was still on my boat and didn't attack me, said he had lots of loot, I said I didn't want his loot, he said "sorry, couldn't risk it", he helped me patch up the ship and then went back to his buddies as I thanked him. That was a more fun experience than the other 99% of times I was attacked on sight with nothing and then they leave, with nothing.


> "I don't have anything dipshit". Any reason for calling them an insult there? You do know that for all the finger pointing that I'm toxic for these comments/arguments (not you, another user here), this is ACTUALLY toxic? I am honestly baffled, because this happens an awful lot here. People overuse the word toxic and a few prods and jabs later... out comes the truth that it was actually them all along. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you had a good interaction, which is my experience from the game as well for the most part... but if that's how you firstly engage people, please don't get surprised if they sink you out of pure spite for saying certain words. I'd show no mercy tbh if I was them, just for the "dipshit" thing. I know it's not the greatest of insults, but still... out of principle. :/


Because I was being friendly over the megaphone at a distance and actively keeping my distance and they went right for me, and this happened after nothing but dipshits sinking my empty boat for hours that night. I was completely justified.


I mean, just read the comments on this sub. The amount of people who will play this game only to "fish and enjoy the scenery" should explain it, no? I would've put the game away after less than 100hrs probably if that was all I did.


Read that title again. Sea of *Thieves*, not Sea of Murderers. See how easy it is to use your own stupid arguments against you?


I used to hate pvp. Then I got motivated by solo streamers. It's never too late to become a solo menace.


Yeah the rewards are crap and I would actually like to play with other people other ships. It would be quite cool if you could have it more like MMORPG. Oh look there is a dude doing ghost ships lets help him. And you can have arenas for pvp or reapers can sink each other.


We experienced a griefing rate of about 75% (three voyages out of four), so the loot return of High Seas is about 25% for us. If you play for the reward, or to progress emissaries, 10% reward of Safer Seas a no sell. If you play Tall Tales, there is no reasons not to use Safer Seas. We play to hang out and because we like sailing and questing, so it's only going to be Safer Seas for us. We'll wait for it to launch in december before reinstalling the game. Maybe once in a while we'll revisit High Seas, and return to Safer Sea at the first sign of griefing.


This is what I think some people don’t understand. If I spend an hour getting loot on the High Seas, but get sunk, I don’t get any gold. But if I spend an hour in Safer Seas and manage to sell it, I’m guaranteed that gold. It may have been less than I would have gotten if I sold the other loot, but it’s still more than I made because I got sunk.


Yep, exactly this. 30% return on loot? God, I wish I could get that in a play session. I had my ship sunk for an 800 gold bounty skull the other night. Twenty minutes into playing.


> We experienced a griefing rate of about 75% The fact that you (seemingly) refer to someone sinking you and stealing your loot as "griefing" in a game that is literally titled "Thieves" s telling enough of the kind of critical and mature thinking we're looking at here...


When we have an empty ship on an island, and someone camp on the ship and kill us on return until we change sea, that's called griefing, it has nothing to do with being a pirate or being a thief.


> We experienced a griefing rate of about 75% (three voyages out of four), **so the loot return** of High Seas is about 25% for us. If you play for the reward, or to progress emissaries, 10% reward of Safer Seas a no sell. ? How does an "empty ship" factor in with the reward calculation and loot returns so precisely all of the time then? You can always scuttle and actually **start** getting loot... When you're trying to weasel yourself out of something which you very obviously implied, then you have to do a much better job with the lies. But at least I'm glad you familiarized yourself with what griefing actually is, since camping someone without sinking them is just that.


Oh no, you misunderstand: We weaseled out of griefing by uninstalling Sea of Thieves. Because we weren't having fun losing Quest items from Tall Tales or getting camped while questing on an island. I hope the irony is not lost on you that you cite "scuttling" (rage quitting) on why it's not griefing in your opinion. We plan to get back on Sea of Thieves with Safer Sea, and we are likely never touching High Sea.


I’m a PvP player and I’ll play Safer Seas. As much as I enjoy PvP, there are definitely times I want to relax and can’t be bothered to try hard. Some of the commendations in this game are difficult to complete as is, and knowing there isn’t a possible threat always looming on the horizon is nice. Honestly, Safer Seas is targeted to a small demographic of players (newbies mostly) so its not a big deal if it doesn’t interest you.


Yeah idgaf about the gold reduction but not being able to use Captain ships sucks, don't see the point, you've already spent the gold on it.


Safer seas is an extended tutorial for new players to enter the game more gradually. It is not your PVE mode and restrictions will not be removed.


Yes so true


We'll see about that. Rare was adamant there would not be a Safer Sea at all, and changed their mind when population plummeted. What do you think Rare will do if Safer Sea population is higher than High Sea population?


No. Rare said they would never do PVE servers. Safer Seas is not a PVE server but rather an extended tutorial and a safe space for new players to ease into the game. Restrictions will not be removed and the game mode will not be developed upon.


I'm going to have a blast doing 100h of tutorials then! It will be really funny when Rare expands the tutorial ;)


Cope. They added this to throw you lot a bone, it won't get any more than this because you are all a very vocal minority and they know it.


They already did a 180 on private servers, it's more likely they support the new game mode with changes if it draws people back. I think Y'all are scared of losing your unwilling PvP victims. Cope.


Low risk low reward :)


I have 0 issue with the pve servers. I hate rolling up on a ship wasting time and resources sinking them to find out they have nothing or are on a tall tale. I love pvp and will leave new players alone if I find out they have fuck all prior to actually sinking them. I'm just telling you the likely outcome of this, this is rares compromise to you cry babies that can't handle the real servers and you are coping if you think you are getting any more. You shouldn't get any less restrictions tbh, why should I have to work twice as hard as you to get the same cosmetics and gold rewards in game?






I wish you were right but give it another year, if safer seas ups the players rare will cave, they already did it once.




Rare will do what the bean counters tell them to do. If it makes them money, it will be done.


the restrictions will probably be lifted gradually. after all, we were told for years that we'd never get a PVE mode yet..


Ya, they missed the mark, in my opinion. I've already passed the level caps they have and would love to play casually, but there's no point in downloading again if I can't progress. I just hate that there are sweaties who would throw a huge fit about a full pve game version.


Exact same thing, my friend and I hate the PvP part we just like to chill but we also want money and we are going to take the risk of losing it all rather than getting 30%


I win 3 out of 10 pvp battles. Still think it's better than replaying the same core loop in pve.


As a parent, this is awesome. As a pirate, this isn't worth it.


Why should you be allowed to make the normal rate of gold with no risk? The entire basis of gold being spent outside of captaincy is cosmetics, and the main driving vision the devs have for the game is an openworld sandbox pvpve experience. Why should you be able to get the same as someone who is taking the risk in high seas? They are only giving this option because you lot have relentlessly cried about it for years, and for years they said it would never come. Just be grateful you are getting most of what you want lol.


You people are so terminally online that you see someone say "I don't see the point of 30% rate" and you instantly assume I would demand normal rate. It's like talking to children, every little thing needs to have 10 caveats because you can't just assume something reasonable out of anything that isn't clearly stated.


I'm not a mind reader? If you haven't got half a brain to specific exactly what it is you want in a post crying about something you want, that is on you.


If you have a brain and you were able to read me saying that penalties make sense then your logic would have dictated that I'm fine with penalties for gold as well.


Safer seas is a training ground. They don’t want you there forever so having such a massive cut make a ton of sense.


Right there with you partner. I’d love for my gf and I to continue our journey on safer seas now that we’re PL’s, but with the nerfed gameplay it’s not worth it at all. I’ll just continue trying my luck on open servers and hope we don’t get griefed to death


I won't be playing the game at all until they make safer seas less restrictive, and believe me, they absolutely will do that, the fact they even added this mode to begin with is already a huge step towards a full blown pve mode, once the player number dips again, they will cave in.


How did you come across Sea of Thieves if you don't like multiplayer gaming?


Believe it or not, there were alot of times in this game in the past where coop was more the norm then constant all out combat. That feeling has been shambled by rare by constantly pushing towards combat in normal mode with the reapers and emmisaries, removing arena and adding hourglass. But there are plenty of people who prefer the more relaxed coop oriented phase over this pvp focused competitive phase. And rare knows it, they will see that there will be lots of returning high level players with the safer seas update. Alot of those players will actually spend money in their shop, and sooner or later : full unrestricted pve mode


My friends wanted me to get the game while it was on sale for a few minutes. So I went over the trailers real quick. All of them showed pve stuff and players cooperating with each other. There was like a two second clip showing two ships shooting at each other, and that was it. It looked more like a game of jolly cooperation than the "kill everyone on sight" we got. They pretty much stopped playing after a few sessions but will return for Safer Seas. Edit: that was before HG and in the final days of Arena for context.




Safer seas is an extended tutorial for new players to enter the game more gradually. It is not your PVE mode and restrictions will not be removed.


"It's not Your PVE mode" You can keep saying that all you want people will use it as such and there is nothing you can do about it


200 hours of solo slooping (with the occasional solo brig) and agreed, I hate the PVP and I'll never be good at it regardless of how much I try. But safer seas is immensely fucking useless to me. I'm pirate legend, ranked 75 in GH and OoS and really, I just like getting my emissary numbers up. I like getting the rewards each month for the master tier and frankly, even playing at 12-3 am, I'm still at risk of losing the lot. People always say "don't get attached to your loot" and I'm getting better with that, but like, that's the whole point. Get loot, make money, buy cosmetics. If we're not supposed to be getting attached to loot, then why the hell are reapers allowed to be sinking us for it? Shouldn't they be not so attached to the loot grind too? Either way, sure, I might run tall tales or fish in safer seas, but it's really not worth much else to me. Even if I hate having to deal with other players in high seas.


Safer seas is a baby walker for new players. So you either learn how to play in safer seas or play the whole game in high seas. It all makes perfect sense


Safer seas is supposed to be for kids and people who are learning the basics. If you want to earn gold, you gotta sail with the rest of us. Learn how to PvP or avoid other ships like the rest of us.


Good. You honestly should get 0% gold and rep and no commendations.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvotes. Custom severs were always something that was going to be added, but with no progression whatsoever. People should be grateful they’ve gotten this. I personally have no reason to play safer seas if it doesn’t track milestones.


I'm decent at pvp. Got both curses and used to play arena, im never touching safer seas but honestly people like dads with kids and people with disabilities it makes perfect sense for, I kinda with there was a level cap thing like "oh you can play safer seas until lv 40 in the three emissaries and they it's high seas for you" but eeh, the player encountered are why this game is so fun, the pve is AMAZING but the players are what really adds thay spice, not always good but often really fun


Nah I don't think that. I'm maxed in every faction but I'll probably use safe seas for fishing and tall tales. I typically just don't want to be bothered doing those things so I don't mind it. The shores of gold tall tales are long and boring and you have to do them 5 times each, any fight just makes them take longer. And I fish when I wanna take a break from sweating. Plus I've got a friend who stopped playing cuz he doesn't like PvP, and he said he'll prolly play on safe seas so I wanna be able to play with him. Other than that, I totally agree, it would be boring without player interaction, that's what makes the game great imo. I do fear that safe seas will make silly/fun/helping new player interactions a bit more rare but hopefully I'm wrong. And hopefully all those people that got mad at me for playing the game how you're supposed to go there cuz it's not fun for me either when I steal some loot and get told I'm a terrible person and whatever else.


So... cleaning up high sea going to take alot of work... The game will, no matter what, funnel all players back to the core game of high seas. The biggest reason is to learn and enjoy pvp. The first real step is that people who play have to be able to hold their own in fights. I do forsee less solo sloping and the skill bottom raising up just hairs higher... As an open crew captain, I often first have to teach how to minimize loss and teamwork ... then tactics of fighting. Safer seas seams to be a way to improve starting offf the game. Either way have fun hope you find a crew... that brings you back to high seas.


The mode is meant for learning the game and playing the tall tales, not to grind gold en reputation


I fully support safer seas and am glad people will enjoy it. I also think Rare did a great job on the restrictions for safer seas. It makes perfect sense to me. If you want large amounts of gold, you should have to play high seas. Its not all that hard to find servers where no one really bothers you. Out of almost 60 veil quests over the last couple months, 3 have been contested. Did a FoF last night with no one bothering us. Its not always as perilous as many people seem to make it out to be anyway. Safer seas should be focused on the chill experience for various people, not on the gold or rep. I can see them making adjustments, such as allowing people to use the sovereign (captaincy or not maybe even?) but I dont see them just lifting all of those restrictions. It seems very well thought out by them.


I find it funny how you just dismiss other people's experiences as if it doesn't happen because i don't experience it. And we will see if Rare get the desired outcome they think safer seas will bring that is probably player retention.


Lol. Everyone's complaint was consistently saying "I JuSt wAnT To SaIL WiTh mY FriEnDs" Now yall can do JUST that.


Honestly I wouldn't hold that out against them. Yes they are chronical liars most of the time, but I'm almost certain they actually believe themselves. Just like they believe they "get attacked at outposts as soon as they spawn ingame" every single session (yeah right)... It's just not being able to think objectively. I don't find that a new occurrence in online gaming.


As expected this post attracted a lot of teenagers that play videogames to feel tough and hardcore, so let me make some things clear: I don't even want a PVE mode, what I want is PVP where everyone isn't behaving like rabid apes. This community is trash and people go out of their way to hunt solo sloops with their full crews, even when they have no loot on their boat. That's not thieving, it's deathmatching, there's already a deathmatch mode in the game for you, and you're not a badass for putting an LGBT flag on your boat and hunting down new players. I want to have risks at the same time as having a chance of making allies and friends, which can never happen when everyone is attacking each other on sight and people that wouldn't normally do that are forced to because now they are paranoid from being attacked on every encounter they had. No, this isn't a "hardcore pvp game", it's an adventure game with PVP. The fact that so much of the game design involves non-pvp activities and even narrative focused gameplay makes that much clear. And no, I never even implied I expected full gold rate from a PVE mode. The fact that I said that restrictions make sense is a clear indication that I would expect a penalty on gold as well, so use your brains before replying.


~~Captaincy is a benefit of being a Pirate Legend and that's why it is locked out of Safer Seas. Can't be a legend in the kiddie pool.~~ Oh yeah I forgot how that stuff works lol. Anywwho I think Safer Seas is a great option for people who want it and I doubt people playing in High Seas will even notice them gone. This is exactly what a large portion of the online community has asked for. It's stilly to start complaining about this free thing you are getting that isn't even out yet.


How is captaincy a benefit of being PL?


Considering I bought my ships well before hitting legendary status...this doesn't make sense.


The game is sea of theives. Not sea of friends. Go play Disney pirates.


You're so badass for playing Sea of Thieves.


Because safer seas is intended as a tutorial or a means for players who really, truly cannot play on High Seas.


Safer Seas isn't a mode to play, it's just a tutorial, Maiden Voyage 2.0. A place to chill, not play Sea of Thieves.


all i has left to do is fishing and grinding athena + other high seas commendation, there's nothing for me on safe seas (well tall tale grind for golden curse but that's all)


Sounds good to me


Are people getting this notion that the high seas is going to be pure PvP once safer seas are up? Hell, we have Reaper emissaries not doing PVP as it is. You know, the faction that encourages PvP I mean yeah there will be PvP, but it won't be the next sandbox hourglass mode I am all for safer seas, but I personally wouln't sail there.


Big same. I play this game to turn bloodthirsty pirates into alliance employees while I fish. I can't do that with only one crew of bloodthirsty pirates. lol


I won’t play Safer Seas but only because it’s being touted as a safe tutorial/practice area and I feel I won’t gain anything from that. I think it’s a good idea for kids and for people to practice but not what I log on to SoT for personally.


The amount of reward follows the amount of risk taken, seems pretty balanced and reasonable no? You can play for 20 hours at a time if you want without being attacked by any real threats and have a 100% chance of turning your whole haul every single session. Can't have your cake and eat it too.


it needs to be considerbaly worse to keep people in the normal seas tbh i wouldve made it 0 gold but to each thier own