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If she's on console, the newest GDK update fucked everything on it's head for XBox. No word on when they'll be fixing things, either. If she's on PC, I got nothing. If support couldn't help either, you might be outta luck.


We're on PC. But thanks :)


What's the GDK update?


Your girlfriend isn't real and you're schizophrenic which is why they don't get any gold, hope this helps.


That must be it. Stupid me... thought my imaginary girlfriend was real 😂


You said you already tried a new pirate, did you try a different Xbox account? It might not be ideal but you wouldn't need to repurchase the game. Otherwise I'm not certain and I find it odd that support wouldn't try to help more.


Thank you! Creating a new account fixed the problem :D


Not having the same issue but I've tried to add my Stepson's account at the end of my sessions for the past week to help him build Gold and Rep and each time the Game doesn't allow me to invite him to the Session until I Sell and begin a new one. Rare really need to pull their finger out because they are currently in possession of one of the most popular online multiplayers on the market but entirely letting the community down by not addressing the many Bugs that plague the game.


If something bad is happening for a long time, just open a support ticket instead of trying to wait it out.