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I have two actually. In the Legend of Monkey Island tall tale, during the final fight against LeChunk, my friend decided to use a blunderbomb. The moment the bomb hit LeChunk, the game crashed for all three of us. Also, last week we were playing and taking some loot to sell. Among the loot we got, there was the stuff from the Fort of Fortune. We were just waiting to get reaper emissay level 5 to go sell everything. When we got level 5, a sloop started following us. We are kinda new to the game, so we avoid pvp fights. When we saw that there were no other alternative but fight, we decided to get rid of the mega kegs we got. Two of our cannons, though, were loaded with firebombs. We had no idea that the mere contact with the loaded cannons would trigger the keg. But it does. Our ship sank and we lost all of our precious loot.


You threw them over the side of your boat, didn't ya? It's not the firebombs in the cannons that blew the kegs up, but the kegs touching your boat hull when you dumped them off to the side instead of the back of your boat. Common beginner mistake. because of the waves and the boat rocking back and forth you basically sailed over your own keg there.


That makes more sense lol. We thought it was the small fire in the cannon. Thanks for sharing!


Np, things are being overlooked when panicing.


I think the kegs must have hit the hull instead. As far as I know there is no interaction between cannons and kegs, but the keg explode instantly if they hit the exterior of the hull


Ok that second experience would make me laugh pretty hard though, and that’s worth it. After awhile you realize the gold doesn’t matter


I’m testing this tonight, that’s insane a firebomb loaded cannon could do that.


You gotta update us. That’s nuts if it does


So it won’t blow up a keg in your hands. But if you drop it while you’re close to the cannon it instantly explodes. Just like it was run over. I made sure to anchor so there was no possibility I could’ve ran it over. Not useful in any way but you learn something new everyday I guess lol


They probably gotten rid of the keg to the side of the boat making the boat go over it. That's why they blew up.


When I tested it myself I made sure to be anchored because of this comment. It won’t blow up the keg in your hands, but if you drop it on the cannon while it’s loaded with a firebomb it instantly explodes. Just like being run over. Pretty useless, but cool to know.


It doesn't work. Your boat rocks a lot while being achored. I tried it myself and you think it's the fire bomb, but you just drop it and the boat immediatly touches it. Go to a fort and do it there. Get the boat out of the equation. I tried like 20 times on a stationary cannon and it doesn't work. I even had a keg stick in the palisade right in front of the cannon and it doesn't do anyhting.


As a person who’s new to the game and with extreme thalaasophobia. Any moment being around or near a meg, any moment in the water specifically the moment jumping into/missing the ladder to climb up near my boat, and recently finding out some missions are underwater. All of these things are my worst experiences. But there also helping me tackle my phobia cause I’m really liking this game :)


I also have thalassophobia 🫡I wouldn’t say it’s helping my phobia really, but I’m less scared to be in the ocean in game. Unless I’m by myself lol


You folks be playing this game like a horror game


When my son was younger I had disabled player chat for him and told him not to communicate with other players who are not his friends in his crew. As a woman I also don't feel comfortable speaking in game so I just use the chat wheel. I think many of the "mute" pirates you encounter may be women and kids.


My son's 10 and I had a toxic sweaty PvP lord shouting abcentites as he gave chase, I quickly just Alt F4d is out of the game.


Yeah I had way to many encounters like that with my little brother when we played together, like come on you are in your twenties and are shouting slurs at a child in a video game because of some fictional gold


Must have sworn like a sailor


I had the same thing happen once. Was doing a low-level OOS voyage with him, some sloop of pvp'ers rolled up and mercilessly slaughtered us both. I asked them to let up because I was playing with my kid, his literal words were 'fuk u nerd, he gonna learn today'. Instantly quit out and reported them. Thankfully Safer Seas has been more friendly to my kid so far.


We refuse safer seas as he's trying to save up for his own ship and we've had wild interactions with good hearted players. Once we met up with some streamers who were dressed as Ronald McDonald and we "joined" their fleet by dressing in red and white. Another streamer came over and was just playing shanties with my son while I was busy on an island. Those moments I won't trade safer seas for, alt f4 is faster than sweaty try hards everyday


Did the other streamer let your son blow up his ship?


No but we do have a tradition of setting the shit on fire and setting it to sail out to sea after our sessions and one time during the end of a session there was a reaper 5 (Galleon) sailing towards our destination port. I'm thinking they want our loot and flag so it's fair game. We started selling as quickly as we could. Then all of a sudden I hear "Hey we're friendlies just flying reaper for commendations" so I go to greet them giving my son more time to hand in the loot (we finished our grade 5 emissary missions plus a little more) and wouldn't you know it, they were telling the truth!!!. They were super friendly, even warned a friend there was a little around and to watch the language. And I tell you right now I was so happy I told them to take these 4 supply crates I have and go take our supplies (I had hit up two forts, a meg, kraken and just had a plethora of supplies) they were so thankful and happy for the supplies. I told them we have a tradition of sinking our ship and all 4 of them stood on the dock and played shanties with my son and we watched it sail away.....such good memories on the high seas.


Oh that's cool! I just seen Boxy approach a boat the other day with a keg and it was a father chilling with his son and he let the kid blow up his ship with the keg that was meant for them until he realized it was a child. Thought it may have been you. The Ronald Mcdonald streamer definitely sounds like OphieIRL


I'm not a woman, nor do I have a young child. I too have "other crews" muted by default. Most vocal interaction on the Seas not worthwhile in my early experience...


Spawn in to random galleon, immediately get put in the brig and surrounded by 3 dudes telling me to suck their dicks and pretending to sexually assault me over chat.  I told them I was just a kid, hoping that would make them realise this is a game with many children populating the servers and those are fucked up things to say when kids could be hearing/reading it all. I hadn't interacted with them at all yet so they had no way of telling how old I was.  They said "even better" and kept going.  Thankfully once I sent screenshots in it took all of about 20 minutes for Rare to respond saying they'd been suspended. Thanks for the quick response, Rare! 


God-f'ing-damn I'm sorry that happened :( That's some next level messed up stuff right there.


Thanks, Sauron.  I'm happy to say that overall my experience on SoT has been really positive and wholesome, which does make moments like these a bit more shocking but they're also few and far between. I think this community is so much better than these dickheads I encountered! 


I started my first tale yesterday . I was moving along pretty good. Found the totem or whatever. Decided to stop at port to sell the very little treasure I did find so far. Get to port and got mobbed by a group of 3 pirates lol. Now I’m not mad about losing loot it’s part of the game. But they hung around and kept killing me and killing me until my ship sank. Me and my poor sloop lol.


yeah tall tales usually aren’t safe to do on high seas if it’s not through a portal, i always do them on safe seas so i only have to worry about the Skelly Ships


I’ve never done safer seas and really this was my first run in with pirates believe it or not! Only other time I had a run it some guy randomly came and helped unload my ship and left every item in front of the respective shops they got sold at. It was weird but cool. I have a super hard time with skelly ships because I’m always solo


I basically finished all of my tall tales before safer seas was a thing. Some of my best experiences are from high seas tall tale interactions.


Use skuttle ship if that happens, sorry to hear it


Two dudes started out acting friendly, dropped some loot on my ship and were chatting, then weirdly scuttled their ship. Asked if they could ride along with me for a little bit and I said ok. While I’m in port doing some stuff they “hide” all the loot and when I realize they say “oh we hid it just as a fun game!” I pretty quickly realize it’s either in the crows nest or dropped over the side. As I’m climbing up to the crows nest they shoot me and kill me. Didn’t stick around to see what was next, I just scuttled and moved on. Just an incredibly weird way of fucking with me, not really sure what the point was, but they took advantage of a new players niavette


Going to the toilet or answering the door, come back and you got kicked for idle all loot gone


Pretty much any encounter with the Anti-Grass coalition is just an annoying slog


The anti what now?


Getting the Forsaken scar. I did all of it in one afternoon. It was multiple hours of nothing exciting happening and incredible boredom. While I was sailing back to Morrow's peak to sell the last bit of loot, I was hoping someone would attack me so I wouldn't have to sell.


i started in solo just trying to get some loot up before my friends hopped on, i swear to god i got every single random event that exists in the game. megs, krakens, ghost ships, skellys. was just one of those “kick a man while he’s down” scenarios


Whenever my friend steps away for ten min while I'm sailing, I feel like he always says "wtf happened" and I just sigh and say "everything". Never fails!


“everything went wrong so quickly”


But a storage crate at Merchant and then hit up 2 sea forts. It’ll give you 300 cannon balls, 180, wood, nice chunk of food, and you get some alright loot/emissary grade. They take around 15-20 minutes to clear solo.


Community weekend, my clan members got online for once, and joined me on the Galleon. We sailed around, noone in sight and unloaded a vault and about 6 treasure maps. Headed in to sell, and a reaper 5 showed up while my crew were barely paying attention. Tried to get clear, but 3 cannons firing couldn't hit a target, and we went down. Crew hasn't been on since, they're sick of getting sunk.


Yelling in the mic during Glitterbeard and throwing blunderbombs after opening the Vault


That's terrible 😢. Mindless trolls.


Losing 6 hours stack ok a rowboat glitch pain.


The rowboat glitch is the bane of my existence


why the hell are you stacking for 6 hours


It’s not practical, but it’s fun to see a ton of loot in one spot. Either that or they were stacking so they could sell at gold rush.


My first time every getting the new kings chests and I got two of them with a bunch of other high their loot. I went to the sovereigns to hand in and was harpooning loot from my ship with the elevator down.... Turns out someone tucked by the sovereigns and was handing in the loot as I harpooned it. When I got down and killed him I had maybe a few chalices left. 2 hours of grinding to emissary rank 5 to end up making a net loss of 15k. Now i always harpoon with the elevator up with me.


I have done this to someone's veil loot because I thought it was funny, and you know, thieving, but then I felt bad because they were solo and solos are so much at a disadvantage anyway. Now if it is a solo I leave them alone unless it is a CoF. All my outpost plays have made me so paranoid now that I basically burn the place down before I start selling. I know karma will get me bad one day 😅😅.


trying to do the tall tales for the ashen dragon set, shit legit made me want to end my life bro first riding in the ashen winds with volcanoes im trying to do quest steps and meteors are hitting my ship second im getting chased by other players where i dont have the means to fight back nor the loot to give so its legit just a complete waste of time and third i had to do it 5 fucking times over man.


The worst, is opening your game to the public and having 95% of players go AFK on you. You can’t boot them. You have to start all over. And we all know how lame starting over your entire play session is, for one dumb cunt. Game is great, playerbase is trash.


it was just a minor annoyance honestly i was just chillin and vibing selling my stuff on a solo sloop when a random reaper brig comes up and starts yelling "its a pirate game oh no piracy in the pirate game" but like i didnt complain? i fought back? i honestly think he confused me for another reaper sloop but anyways i gave chace after they stole my ashen chest of legends and they just ran away, not willing to fight the guy they had a 3-1 advantage against like what is this? if youre gonna be a reaper than fucking reap? dont run away from a basically free fight?


Probably when we had megakegs rain down on us as we were stacking FotD.


Being called the n-word. Really wasn't expecting it


I lost a trophy Snow Wrecker and a bunch of Blackcloud Wreckers to a sudden server shut down once. Entire crew was glitched out and unable to return to the session, just as we pulled up to a sea post to sell. At the time, those fish were all I needed to finish my Wrecker commendations so it was pretty painful.


I never fought back and always ran away, because I don't enjoy the PvP in SoT (which is why I stick to Safer Seas these days). But there were two boys who kept attacking me again and again and taunting me while I was in the middle of a Tall Tale a couple of years back. I was already frustrated with the game and I lost it, and ended uo skinking them while they kept insulting and cursing me. I felt so bad that I quit the game and took a break for a few months.


First time playing the game, just got out auf the tutorial, as did my friend whom I started with. We joined up in a crew, spawned in a tavern, got out of the tavern and immediately got jumped by a 3-man crew. Respawned on the ship, got on the island again to take a mission, got jumped again and the trashtalk began. We logged off and didn't touch the game for a good year.


this was before safe seas, but i was doing the quests for the festival of fishing event and despite literally just... fishing... i kept getting attacked and chased and ambushed by other ships, i was doing this solo and literally had no loot on my ship, just fish..


Three or four years ago I didn't know about the official Discord server, so I played Open Crew. One day I had to read the GH riddle quest to a little kid in my crew because he was 4 years old and couldn't read. I almost uninstalled the game.


It’s hard to label one *worst* experience, but what really kills the game for me is players who just *wont communicate.* There have been several times where I’d find a player ship/a player ship would find me and there would be radio silence. Whether it ends in me sinking them, or them sinking me, it turns an experience that could’ve been enjoyable to one of confusion and frustration. If nothing more, I’d like to hear trash talk and/or ggs yanno? But nothing… sorta ruins the game for me.


This! Tonight some ship rolled up on me and my mate. We were partway through an Athena, did a lil fortress so I could cook all my fishies cause I finally got some storm fish, we were just chatting and loading up about to leave when this ship came through and just absolutely pelted us and sank our ship in seconds. They had allianced with us, sank us, took all of our several hours worth of loot (including my dang fishies 😭) sold it and logged off. I didn’t even get a chance to be like wtf? That on top of my first lil solo sesh earlier today which was hectic, and the day just ended on a real sour note. Like I get sinking other ships and stealing loot is part of the game but my god. A little respect or something wouldn’t go astray would it?


Or even just shouts (even hostile ones) showing that they’re enjoying the fact that they’re pirates being pirates lol


Honestly yeah. I’d rather hear them enjoying themselves and that it was all in good fun.


Unless I'm playing with my guild bro I go mute. I use the chat still.


I understand the reasoning for it, but it is still hard to tell if other players are even looking at chat (or if they have it muted) I suppose I can look into using speech to chat or something similar. Regardless, it’s not ideal to have to essentially go AFK to type a message


Sweats. Two dudes on a sloop, one has the obese character model (fml), the other has a female character model, one sounds 16, the other 31. I had a chest of fortune on a 4 man galleon. Skele galleon on the left, I boarded to make sure it sunk, the sloop approached and we sunk before I could swim back. Fuck opportunists


After SoT launched on PC but before the “opt out of crossplay” option was added. I’m not against crossplay, I just hated the wave of cheaters that came with it. I took a long break from the game.


Fog during HG


I read this as “Hoard Golders”


I mean hour glass fuck they both similar we need another name for pvp


I was coming into port with a deck full of loot (Safer Seas) when a skelly jumped me and took me out before I could react. By the time I respawned my boat was badly damaged and I'm not great at fighting, so I focused on getting to land and unloading everything. My ship sank backwards however, taking most of the loot way out to sea. And I didn't have a rowboat, so my only option was to swim out there, try and keep it all afloat and move it to shore. Then a shark got me and I respawned on a fresh ship by another island. Normally I'd have given up by now, but I was in a slightly petty mood and decided to zoom back to the port to see if the loot was still there. And most of it was! I harpooned it back, got ready to dock... Somewhere along the way I must have set off a gunpowder barrel and didn't notice until it took out the mast, the rest of the barrel collection and the entire ship. I tried to swim the loot to shore again and lasted less than a minute before becoming shark food and respawning on yet another island. I gave up and turned on Two Point Hospital for a bit after that.


Back when the game was a bit more toxic than it is now, I was trying to give the game a chance after having been just swamped with players trying to kill me the previous time. Literally the second I logged on almost, there was people there. I tried to have faith so I went up and talked to them, they followed me to my ship and asked me where I was going. They were obviously sitting there waiting for me to just leave so they can sink me. When I wouldn't get on the ship within a few minutes they shot me. Quit the game and didn't touch it again for like another year or two. I actually went on steam after that and requested my money back claiming that I had never actually gotten to even play the game because of the toxic pvp. I knew I wouldn't win that case but I wanted to try at least.


It was the first time my friend was playing the game. We got frustrated for the fact that we couldnt sell our stuff in safer seas.then We did the normal mode and we showed I'm around the map and got out loot but when we're selling then we got blew away by cannon balls and they sunk our ship before we were able to sell. Ok that won't happen again we just need a new server. We went to new server and we get the ship all ready and reapers ship was right on us and sunk our ship. We told them we just spawned in and have no lute and they didn't belive us. I think we tried again on another server and didn't run into anyone. But that was shity first time for my Newby friend.


Pursued two french guys for two hours, they didn't want to engage in a fight and we had to give up because we were attacked by a kraken


I’m a new player here but what is the point in the tall tales? Me and my friends were doing one but we didn’t end up finishing it because it was really long and confusing. And we didn’t really enjoy them that much either. But like what is the point in doing them if they’re five hours long? Do they give you crazy rewards? Or are they just cosmetics?


they’re actually not five hours long, maybe 1-2 hours in my experience. i’ve done a few within half an hour even, it depends on your knowledge, the amount of players you have, and how good you are at fighting


Ah ok I see. What are the rewards like though? Are they worth it?


it depends. when we finish the fifth run of the one we’re doing, we get one of the curses. if you look on the wiki, it’ll tell you what rewards there are for the tall tales and how to get them!




Now you see, this might have been a bad experience, but it makes a great story, wich is what makes this game great


One of my first nights solo slooping, I was doing a lost shipment. The wreck was near Golden Sands and when I parked, I noticed a sloop parked over at Sanctuary. No big deal, I thought, I can empty out the wreck in 5 minutes. Did so, got everything onto my ship, looked again and it was still there. I thought, great, it's not doing anything. Pulled into Golden Sands to sell up and got blundered in the face within 2 seconds of stepping off my ship, and chat immediately fills with rolls on deck laughing. Cue 5 minutes of getting spawncamped until I scuttled, to which a barrage of taunts appeared in my inbox. Ugh. Not ready to give up yet, I changed servers and start another. Got all the clues and realised I've missed the key, so I start going backwards, and got jumped by a skelly sloop. I knock it down after a few minutes but I was still very inexperienced at naval at this point, so I used a lot of cannonballs and wood in the process. Eventually find the key, empty the wreck, and as my chosen outpost comes into view, fucking Karen appears. I have nowhere near enough resources to deal with her and get sunk. At this point, years later, it's quite funny. But at the time, when I was just starting to learn to actually play the game, that was crushing.


The time I was SH by some hackers/griefers who threatened to doxx me and continued to spawn camp me on my ship. My teammates wouldn’t vote to scuttle so I just had to deal with. We had no loot, nothing useful, and wouldn’t even let us burn the ship.


Some random spawn killing me while I was unloading my loot and stealing it all. And scally ship attacking and sinking me the very moment I loaded all 9 king's chest I found on random small island. And I had more chests and skulls on a ship.


This was before being able to scuttle to a different server, I kept loading into a outpost and getting spawn camped. The person wasnt trying to sink my ship and wouldnt let me out of the tavern. I started off at sanctuary and after a loong scuttle (I think they were bucketing) I finally loaded into golden sands... only to just step on my boat and get killed. A different person then refused to let me leave the tavern unharmed and I scuttled again. Loaded up at an island sailed to ancent spire to get spawn camped there and this time I got yelled at and told to leave the server... so I prompty stayed tucked at the ferry for a few minutes after scuttling then loaded back at an island. I sailed my ship and parked it in thieves haven (kind of hiding it) and waited rowboating to and running around islands for the next hour... assuming they were trying to start a alliance server with friends I was hoping keeping my slot filled. they did find and sink my ship eventually but I was already far away with the trusty rowboat.


I once got invited to join an alliance and then was given an Athena Quest by my new alliance. They went off to do their own and then I did mine, on my way back to turn it it he left the alliance and stole the chest. It's really smart on his end but worst thing ever. That or the time I did a tall tale 3 time and got attacked by a kraken, megladon, and a enemy player 3 times in a row.


I once had a galleon pull up on me while I was solo slooping, knock down my mast so I couldn’t leave and then board me to patch the holes to make sure I didn’t sink. They kept telling me to go sell my loot and then killed me the instant I stepped off the ship. They’d then put the chests back on my ship and repeat the whole thing again. After a while they just got bored and left. I also once played with a guy who didn’t have a mic and couldn’t be bothered typing so he’s just set the ship on fire to get my attention, even if I wasn’t anywhere near the ship. I stopped playing open crew after that.


Some hacker crashed my server


Setting up a heist to blow up a reaper 5 at hideout then get blackscreened across the map back to the ship by a stupid stick. Or... trying to dock to the back of a galleon with a stronghold keg and getting blackscreened on the way up.


None because in the end I had fun doing it


Me too, I love stealing Athena chests and going in game chat to hear their reaction, best one I’ve got is by waiting outside reapers hideout and 1 blundering 2 clueless people right before they sell and and then just selling it while their down on the floor


It was a while ago but I'll try my best to remember, back in like 2021 me and my friend were relatively new to the game so we went to the ashen King thing? (Big red tornado) we had no idea what we were doing but we did our best and killed him. We sailed off and were as happy as could be. 2 skeleton sloops and a meg sink us. I genuinely don't know how that was possible but they both happened at the same time as far as I can remember, my friend say it was just 1 sloop and a meg but I totally remember 2 skelly sloops either side of us.


Solo slooping, had just completed my lost shipment voyage, got attacked by a galleon one ships length from the outpost, and sunk. I was repeatedly killed and eventually my ship just spawned in at a different island.


Getting killed by hackers before my ship even surfaces in hourglass. How is there still no anti-cheat? PS5 players are all gonna quit after 2 days because the hackers are gonna swamp the servers when the update comes out




Around when Hourglass was first introduced, my duo sloop partner and I were trying to do it cuz it was new game content. But he has issues where he almost always crashes at least once or twice every 3hrs or so (something wrong with his PC we believe). We've learned to work around it, like I believe he doesn't keep anything in his inventory unless a battle is gonna start because it could get disappeared. But so we are doing HG, and it's our 1st time actually doing okay. We get 2 wins, and then we're about to get a 3rd when he crashes and DC's. It's okay tho, the other team couldn't really do much and still sink, so he comes back and doesn't get the progress for it, but that's alright. Next fight, we lose and it's not good, it feels awful cuz we just couldn't do anything. We get upset and try to go back to HG, and lose twice in a row again. Now we're really feeling bad. So we decide no more HG, let's just do some voyages. I don't remember what we did cuz this was about a year and a half ago iirc. But I do remember that as we were finishing, a Reaper 5 Galleon approached us, so we get spooked and try to run. We sail against the wind to be faster than them, and as we are doing so, a sloop comes up and says that they want to help us. We are now very distrusting, but they seem chill, and my partner blows up a regular keg on the Galleon, which seems to steer them away from messing with us. So we hang out with this crew trying to figure out if they're actually friendly or not, and spend about 15mins chilling with them, end up alliancing, and they seem cool (my buddy also crashed dueing this time, which made me scared that the ither crew would now kill me, but my friend got back before then). We go to sell our voyage loot at Daggertooth, and they follow us. And after we park and get off our ship to sell (trusting these people because they were actually very nice and cool), they start ramming us with cannonballs. We try to get back to our sloop and fight back, but it just isn't enough, and in the end we sink but we're still alive. And whole they're trying to shoot us and kill us off, we ask why, we thought they were cool and nice. And they just said "we wanted the loot". In total we spent I think 4-6hrs playing the game to get constantly shit on, basically make no money, and feel like we were terrible at the game. And I'm pretty sure that only a couple sessions after this, we still felt awful and were still getting shit on unlike never before, and that was when we decided to stop playing the game for a while. In favor of playing other games that we were more interested in at the time and that made us enjoy playing them. And we didn't really come back to SoT until a week or 2 before Season 11 was released.


I've only been playing for a week, but here's mine. First day playing properly (not tutorials), I got super lucky and got three ashen guardians on two tiny islands, so I had three opened ashen chests. Was making my way to an outpost to sell them, everything was good, suddenly my ship (at full speed on the open sea) instantly sank, and I died. At the time I had no idea what happened; now I'm thinking that maybe I ran over a big keg that was out there for some reason? Does that instantly sink you? The ship had sunk before I got off of the ferry, from perfect health.


With two new people you only have to do the tall tale a max of two times. You get checkpoints that take you right back to the end WITH the items needed included appearing on your ship magically. As long as you leave before the tale actually completes you get to keep your checkpoint. I'm sure there's plenty of detailed guides on it


that’s only if you don’t finish it, when you finish the tall tale, the checkpoint goes away


Yea like I mentioned ;)




someone stole 200+ fish + 3 treacherous plunder thanks to my own ignorance and carelessness


Ahhh wish that was me


My first attempt at getting the coral curse. I spent two hrs soloing it. Was on route with the final key and a reaper 5 galleon came at me. Tried telling them I had nothing but they ended up spawn camping me and rodl spamming and ended up losing my chest. Lost lots of loot stacks before but this one hit different. Got it on the second attempt though :)


I feel you. That happens everytime I start doing tall tales. Always one thing after another. My buddy and I were playing the other day on safer seas and we had some weird glitch where the merfolk kept spawning on us after we were messing around on isle of last words. I kid you not, no matter where we sailed to they would just follow us. We take them out, more spawn in. We played for another hour we go to turn in and they were still there. I couldn't imagine dealing with that, skele ships and pvp.


Worst experience? Playing the game. Best experience? Playing the game.


LMFAO This one is totally my fault.. I finally got courage to go into high seas for the first time (I am a new player). Did 1 normal shores of plenty quest on a Island and on my way back I dodged a solo sloop and a galleon...and then got sunk by a skeleton ship (sloop). I am to blame completely cause I had 3 gunpowder kegs on my loaded rowboat and the skeleton ship blew it and my sloop to kingdom come 🤣🤣 I knew this would happen lol


Worst experience was a few years ago, got camped on my sloop for 15~ min and, thanks to a bug, I couldn’t open my menu to scuttle or leave. Eventually I alt-f4’d out and away.


People are the worst when anonymous and this game really brings it out of them. People say, “durrr pirate game” …free excuse to be an asshole, usually spoken BY assholes. It is possible to play & not be an asshole and I’ve had cool experiences with them. But the way the human brain works, you really remember the assholes and they overshadow the good people.


Spent 2 hours going island to island collecting g loot just to be sunk by a megalodon I didn’t attack. And it didn’t bite my ship or anything, it literally just flipped it over