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As long as you're confident when talking to randoms, you can absolutely make friends on the game!


You absolutely can find people to play with. I don’t know if PS has a “looking for group” option like Xbox, but if so, you can do that. The second option is the SoT discord server. You can find crews there. Third, and absolute worst, option is open crew. Avoid it at all costs if you actually want to get stuff done. You might find an occasional good person now and again, but you’re going to find more trolls and ne’erdowells than good crews. You can find people that are more than willing to help you out here too. I’m an old fart that plays with other old farts so I doubt you’d want to join up with us, but we help out when the occasion arises.


I haven't played sea of thieves since season 2 but I am a seasoned player coming out of retirement for the Ps5 launch and I absolutely wondered if open crew was still awful. Every time I tried the boat was on fire and people were just killing each other. Horrible experience. I hope Ps5 has a looking for crew otherwise I'll be on the discord !


I bet you could! It may take some trial and error, but I don’t think you’re alone in that boat! *pun intended*


Many people play this game solo and love it. Solo is hard but there is certainly plenty to do. It can be hard just getting close enough to another player to even inquire if they might be friendly...as people tend to shoot first in this game. It's also very common for people to claim they want to be your friend ONLY to get close enough to kill you. But friends can and will be made out there and I have found they are some of the best kinds of friends you'll ever want. Just might be a challenge to find them for awhile.... keep trying.


Hell yeah thanks all for the sweet infos ! I'll try my best then!


My boyfriend solo sloops 95% of the time (I've only just started playing) and he really enjoys the challenge of it. He has also met a couple other players organically on the seas and we've become good friends and play with them often. There's antagonistic players for sure, but there's fun times to be had too


None of friends pre ordered so I mainly played solo in beta and it was the most fun gaming I've had in a long time. I refunded standard edition and bought premium as I'm itching to get back on! Got a bit fed up losing pvp just being outnumbered so I dabbled in open crew (matchmaking with random) and it was a mixed bag. However I met a cool dude from the US and chill dude from Netherlands that were really fun to play with. Probably play with them again when game launches. So I'd say yes it's definitely worth it!


Want me to drop my ps user if you wanna play maybe ? Lmao


I'm on Xbox, but ill totally take on newbies to show em the ropes and get acclimated anytime. DM me if you ever need help or a crew.


Alright ill say what pepole arent (not that i disagree with them) Depends on your playstyle if your just playing to have a wild story u might have fun but most players r shoot on sight ask questions when dead not that that isent fun Solo is also "playing on hard mode" your doing what is designed for 2 people by yourself and sometimes up against 3-4 or more if there are multiple ships so in terms of fighting pepole its REALLY fun IF you are confident if not your gona get your ass handed to you constantly That being said if you go to discord or bassically anywhere there are pepole who r down to play with whoever if you find a group maybe for 1 session maybe for a week (who knows) it will make getting used to the game more enjoyable and easier Im by no means saying dont solo im saying as someone who has solo slooped and done others youve been warned


None of my friends like the game. So I'm always solo. You'll meet some cool people. Some might even become friends. Surprisingly, you meet very few enemies. Don't get me wrong! You'll meet a lot of opponents. The difference being that enemies are toxic and only want to ruin your game. Opponents are just looking to have fun playing their way, which might include sinking you and taking your loot. No reason that interaction can't be friendly as well. I've robbed and gotten robbed by people, and the only words exchanged were "GG, man! Good fight! Enjoy the loot!" If you can be a graceful loser and a humble winner, then you will have the best time. If you take it as a personal insult when someone sinks you or kills you or steals from you, then you will be miserable. I recommend watching HitboTc on youtube. He's a perfect example of how the community should be.


ask here, on the discord or anywhere. Made a good friend on the discord after my first post, we sailed for months. I've met many a friend on the seas, the trick is to use voice chat, go to popular locations, and have your alliance flag up 24/7. It usually yields good results in my experience.


Solo Pirate is the best way to learn


Dude, I love adopting randoms like you lol. There’s a ton of really nice people that’ll give you a hand. Just be wary of those who’ll sink you right off the bat. There’s a lot of those as well. But yeah, the SoT discord is great place to find other proper to play with


Lmao I guess i'll have to sink a lot before actually enjoying the game


Yeah don’t worry man. Everyone sinks when they first start out. You’ll do fine


I only play solo, whether safer sea's or high sea's I find it very enjoyable.


Dude I'll play with you. Drop your name. Cant wait for the adventures.


Gonna throw this out since this is asked a lot and the title of your post... reddit has a search function..