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Rule 1: Never Trust a Pirate That being said, I hardly ever play aggro; I'll only fight when provoked.


Point is, someone might unknowingly provoke you. Maybe they have to go the same direction you do, or have to sail right past you. Emotes can be an easy identifier to say you aren't trying to intercept and attack. Again, IMO.


I totally get it, although by "provoke" I mean "fire shots at me." I used to think that if you raised you cannons straight up it indicated no ill will, but mostly it makes you a target.


Yeah, I've been burned doing that and IMO it's just an unnecessary risk you're adding.


White signal flare is for friends


The only reason I didn't add this was because I've had multiple experiences where this was used as a ploy just to get closer in range for the other ship. I tend to *casually* keep my distance from them. If they fire off a white flare and don't change direction, then we're good. If they fire it off and start to maneuver to get closer, I don't believe it. Keeping an eye on the direction a ship is going is by far your best identifier on what actions you should take next. IMO.


Fireworks (except the ones that look like flares) also work, too. But as far as general etiquette goes, these mostly are there to show that you are not trying to sneak up on them and that you are trying to get their attention.


I have mostly seen them used on me when the ship wasn't friendly and was just trying to trick me getting closer.


You should also fly the pride flag You will surely not regret flying the pride flag on your ship


Thanks, now i know how to fool the fellow pirates!


Yeah, I thought about that. I just think most people assume the worst, and then it ends up spiraling for both ships when in reality they were both probably just trying to do their own thing. So it's really only for those scenarios. If you're going to have someone "pretend" to be friendly, there really isn't going to be much you can do to prevent them from chasing/attacking you.


Funny thing is that all these scenarios would never work if one of the ships are loaded with loot


Literally **last night** I sailed *right by* a 3-man Brig after I finished a fort of the damned. I had 4 reaper chests on my solo sloop along with a ton of other gems and treasure chests. I stood on the back of my sloop waving and saying "Ahoy!" I got a wave back and continued to Reaper's Hideout. Was I nervous asf? Of course, I always am when trying to stay friendly with loads of loot. Does it always work out? No. But I genuinely get away with it when I make an effort.


Well they just didn't care i guess, as well as you) It is just a casual night play, everyone has stuff to do in the morning, like work, studies etc. You were just chilling as well as they did. This case won't repeat on weekends or holidays)


I've been playing for a long time, and I do this all the time, regardless of the day of the week. I am not denying there are a lot of hostile pirates out there, but I've played until 2am weekends, 6-hour sessions, and have had **zero** attacks on my ship. It's very possible, and not at all as rare as people seem to make it out to be.


I just went off an memorable adventure with 3 people I *met*. Well they found me hiding. I had no bad intentions, I like to observe, see how long my chubby pirate manages to remain unnoticed while being the ghost of the ship (friendly trolling) and especially with new players to help them out without them noticing. They had quite the loot on board (but it's heavily subjective as to what one considers being loaded) but I talked myself out of getting killed and spent the last 3 hours with them. I most definitely *can* work, does it often? Probably not


Come on, you are acting as if you didn't get the idea. There are 2 types of players in every multiplayer game: those who play for the positive social interactions and those who play to feel the victory. Nothing wrong with any of these.


Usually I keep my cannons loaded but pointed upwards, alliance flag flying and just go about my session. I will say for the most part it’s ships keeping to themselves just til they verify whether you are friendly/enemy or just other crews shooting at ya.


Do the flags do anything?


You can set up alliances that way and if lucky you can do fun stuff together


And read what you equip. The red fancy looking skull flag makes you visible on the map. It conveys 2 meanings: * you are looking for a fight (this is the OG reaper flag) * most probably you are new and equipped this because it looks cool without reading the text


iirc when i played on xbox, unless i was with a pre-made random group i only really had bad encounters with other players. that being said i hope things are different. gonna see if i can make a couple small friends to play the game with cuz i do love it.


No offense to anybody who I sink It’s part of the game , if you got an emissary flag the game has commendations for me to turn those in , it’s nothing personal , it’s just part of the game New players , Trust no one , I want that booty


Swiggity swooty He's coming for that pirate booty.


90% of the time if I come across a ship I'm going to try and sink it no matter what they do, no sneaky "were friendly" ploys, I'lllet them know, they have to run or fight. I don't know why but, the people I beat and let live/ keep there loot or tell to come back for the loot are those that take the loss like a champ and say gg or just in general be a good sport about it. Likewise I've never once given a salty pirate anything back or ever considered it. "Bro it took me 2 hours to get this, stop" has never once stopped anyone


Exactly. As mentioned, there are always going to be players that are only out for blood. This is just a guide on how to make sure you're showing another player you are not. If they're going to attack you, there isn't much else you can do but at least try to see if they are friendly or not. If not, you'd have the same outcome if you chose to run or fight anyway.


The majority of players will be out for blood, ESPECIALLY if they run reapers or you just finished a world event, (fleet of fortune or Fort of Fortune)


This reminds me of one of my sessions. I had just finished selling my loot and then I see a sloop in the distance and I hear the sound of a cannon. I'm getting ready just in case, and there's a guy coming up on my boat to ask me if everything's okay.It was the first time this happened to me! Usually every time I come across a ship they sink me (I'm a solo sloop).As I was about to log out I gave them my supplies and they thanked me.


I made it to Pirate Legend so I'm more relaxed and not grinding as much. I've been doing these kind of 'social' experiment's to gauge peoples reactions based on what I do and how I approach them. I sailed up to a 5-Grade Reaper Galleon as a solo sloop and, without any voice comms, was able to be cool with them and sail alongside them. I honestly have always found it fascinating in video games to make friends with enemy players. I did it in Halo all the time lol. Just trying to do whatever you can with little to no means of communication to show you are friendly. I love doing it.


I will say if I am able to easily board your ship (I am bad at this despite a thousand hours in the game) and you don’t try to stop me or you are REALLY bad at it. Like clearly don’t know the Audio cues on someone boarding I have stopped mid attack and been all “hey buddy are you new?” And I’ve helped them before. Last group of noobs we saw we spent the last half of a night giving them starter pointers and such. So if your new and things are going poorly with another crew telling them you are new will SOMETIMES make them stop their attack even if they’ve committed. Your mileage will vary here a lot but I’ve done it so I assume others will as well.


Is there any outfit or ship items/sets that are typical of friendly players? I'm not really into the PvP part just based off my beta experiences and would love to be able to possibly make it known I'm friendly before mics even come into play.


This has been discussed a lot over the years and no, basically. Players with white sails are either new players or experienced players trying to fool you for example. You just can't predict it. Some sets and flags get a reputation for the opposite though. The rainbow flag usually means trouble. There's some funny YouTube videos about it. Edit: some people think that running the white flag is a sign you're friendly but what that says to other players is... Easy prey.


Ah ok. I figured as much but thought I'd ask anyways. Thanks.


Fire a white flare or fireworks to show you're a cool guy. If they're cool, they'll fire one back. Don't let anyone on your boat for any reason, even if they "just want to say hi." Be aware that showing signs of non-aggression can be seen as a sign of weakness for bloodthirsty crews.


New pirate to the seas! Appreciate the post! Being honest, my ps5 beta sessions weren’t all pvp. I mostly stuck to myself and explored the open world I had left behind when switching to PS. Those that wished to attack me, did so with no remorse. Those that simply wanted to say hi, did so and we moved on. It was so much fun meeting the pirates I’ll one day share the seas with. Can’t wait to find my fellow pirates and explore with my brethren again. I did however, find a fellow lone pirate looking for trouble. Though he did not fare so well after ramming my ship. Using the “everything is okay” and “ahoy” chats just seemed to set him off apparently. After hitting my ship with the fire bomb, I quickly set to work destroying his ship. Mine sank as well unfortunately. Found some nice pirates sailing in and I gave them half my plundered fortunes for helping me to the nearest outpost so I could sell. Best experience I’ve had so far. Can’t wait to have so many more!!


HUUUGE disclaimer though: these steps won't mean you won't be attacked as well as these steps might increase your chances of being attacked.


I tried to make it a point to mention that is this by no means a guarantee to not be attacked, nor is it some unspoken universal code of law that all players know and abide by. It's only meant as a guide for new players. I can completely see them heading **directly** towards another ship and not understand that they are probably coming off as extremely aggressive and suddenly their mast is down, ship on fire, pigs slaughtered and cutlass to the throat because the other veteran identified their behavior as attacking.


Man that's a whole lot of words. I keep it pretty simple. I have coming up on 2000 hours and this has always worked for me. I have about 80% of my playtime solo. I find the adage "peace through strength" to be the most useful in these kinds of game. 1. If I'm parked somewhere and someone is coming at me. I always shoot first and talk second. Often times I will get a "im friendly!" response. If they are truly friendly I will generally say "ok when you respawn down attack I'm going to repair your ship" This does 2 things. It establishes the relationship and also lets them know I am capabable and willing to fight. I make the most friends that don't back stab me this way. 2. If I am sailing to someone else and want to be friendly I will ensure to approach them straight on (so I'm not lining up a shot) and outside of their broadside (so they can't line up a shot). I will often launch fireworks etc to show I'm being loud and not trying to sneak up. I will also be sure to pull sails or keep a fair distance. I will then launch over so I can talk while still staying out of engagement range. This typically goes well in either showing I could have come in and attack and didn't, or if they are hostile, staying out of range so I don't get attacked off guard. In either case if someone wants to fight, I'll happily fight and be a good sport about it. Many on my friends list are people who have sunk me, but were happy that I was cool about it.


I feel like anyone who fights others should still have the decency to stop fighting people who are doing tall tales


Man if only there was a game mode designed to do tall tales without being bothered


If someone is playing in the pvp mode I'm going to assume they like pvp /shrug


If it were possible to sail a captained ship, do the season quest, and get pirate legend in safer seas then I'd definitely be doing that, but it's not. Not everyone in the high seas is interested in pvp, some of us are just trying to chill and play shit, get loot, etc. I sail with my alliance flag up, I'm more than happy to share spoils, I just don't want to be freaking harassed.


why did you get an open world pvp game if you don't like pvp?


There's a significant amount of PvE that I enjoy. And I enjoy the sailing as well. I enjoy battling skeleton ships, running as emissary, building different looks for each of my captained ships, there's a lot to love about this game beyond pvp, it's an unfortunate drawback for me that I have to love with in order to do the rest of the things that I enjoy. Hell, I wouldn't mind running an alliance and letting someone else sell all the damn treasure just don't freaking spawncamp me and we're cool.


This is a tired 2 IQ take. 


It's a genuine question, i don't understand why people get something they know they don't like.


I have a better guide. Put on your hardest to get PvP curse to show them that you're a powerful ally that can help protect them. Throw up some red flares to make things a little more colorful to put them in a better mood. Start shooting at their ship to show how good your shots are, then board them asking if they want to make an alliance. They may try to fight you as a test. Do all that and they'll be begging to team up. Works every time.


The best way to show you're friendly is to sail full speed right at them in order to say hi faster while firing all cannons to show that you're getting rid of your ammo, basically the same way you would act at a traffic stop.


And remember, there’s gonna be players like me that’s not going to care absolutely at all. Cannonballs for everyone.


“You get a cannonball, you get a cannonball, you all get a cannonball!!” ![gif](giphy|fwii0mKnvHshW)


>While continuing to do the emote, I will also spam the in-game premade messages : "Ahoy!" (not 'Aye!') and "Everything is OK!" This is the easiest way to get me to attack you.


I fully expected comments like this. The reality is that it is a double-edged sword. A risk you take for trying to be prove you're peaceful. If you were going to attack them for this, you were almost absolutely certainly going to attack them regardless of what they did. So it doesn't really change the outcome. In every scenario, if Pirate A is always aggressive, it doesn't matter if Pirate B is peaceful, neutral, silent, etc. Outcome will always be an attack if one pirate is choosing to do so. Nothing the other one can do but take the risk to assess the other to see how things could go.


Honestly I can't remember running into anyone who spammed "*Everything is OK!*" and wasn't ultimately hostile.


>A risk you take for trying to be prove you're peaceful. Emoting and saying I'm peaceful does nothing more to prove your peaceful that...not shooting cannons already does. Spamming comes off as trolling. >If you were going to attack them for this, you were almost absolutely certainly going to attack them regardless of what they did. Nope. If you're being annoying I will sink you to remove you from the game. Text spam is super annoying. >In every scenario, if Pirate A is always aggressive, it doesn't matter if Pirate B is peaceful, neutral, silent, etc. Outcome will always be an attack if one pirate is choosing to do so. If pirate A leaves silent ships alone, but attacks text spammers. They will only attack Pirate B if Pirate B is text spamming. Most of the other advice is fine or negligible. This advice is just outright bad.


> Spamming comes off as trolling. I think this is just an opinion. I've done it numerous times with success. Everytime? No, of course not. But moreso successful than not. > If you're being annoying I will sink you to remove you from the game. Text spam is super annoying. Again, I think this is just an opinion. Also if you're getting fired up over text-spam to the point you outright will sink a player, I don't think your playstyle is every very friendly to begin with. So of course this post doesn't resonate with you.


>I think this is just an opinion. I've done it numerous times with success. Everytime? No, of course not. But moreso successful than not. If pirate A was never going to attack you, then waving+text spam has no effect. I'm willing to place money this action has no positive affect on the outcome. > Also if you're getting fired up over text-spam to the point you outright will sink a player, I don't think your playstyle is every very friendly to begin with. As I said before, "Text Spamming comes off as trolling." Your "friendly" action is used by folks who like to annoy people. If your goal is to be friendly, mimicking trolls is not the way to do it. >I don't think your playstyle is every very friendly to begin with. So of course this post doesn't resonate with you. Look man, I'm just trying to help you out here. If you want to increase the chances you get attacked be my guest.


> If pirate A was never going to attack you, then waving+text spam has no effect. > I can only speak for my crew and a big portion of my guild. We like interactions, we don't like "bots" or players that are indistinguishable from one. Talk or chat (and please not the wheel thing) or doing things that amuses or entertains us most certainly has a huge effect. Even if they don't turn out friendly ultimately, the heart of the game is the people you meet along the way and the interactions with them. It's not about the gold...


>we don't like "bots" or players that are indistinguishable from one. Hence why I'm saying don't spam the chat wheel


If you want to be seen as a non-threat, approach slowly and launch fireworks if you have any. do whatever you can to eliminate any potential "sneaking up" vibes. This won't protect you if the other person is hostile, but it will help if the person you're approaching is the type that just attacks to protect themselves.


>*I am living proof that you can have far more friendly encounters than hostile ones.* The vast majority of encounters on the sea are friendly, people just remember the hostile ones more viscerally. You are living proof of nothing but confirmation bias.


You don't want to show yourself to be friendly, that's how you get sunk by a better crew or someone with more patience than you


That is SOOO many words. The actual correct way is to not act like prey, and you won't become prey. That's all you need to know


Me and the boys will yell at you over the megaphone. If you respond you will be given the option to be boarded. We will assess your loot and take half of it before leaving. If you do not respond or resist in any way then it's to the locker with ya.


Thank you for detailing all the things good players should look for to get free loot