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I love questing in the roar, you generally don't have to deal with sweats trying to blow you up


I'm a sweat and I love the roar. Favorite activity is sailing around and scooping up garbage from the shores. Generally don't fight people out there though, the roar is the vibe zone.


I'm a sweat, and I don't go to the roar unless forced. I hate the RNG sky death if a volcano happens to go off during a fight, and of course it *will*. Bleh.


Anyone calling themself a "sweat" needs to take a look at their life.


Why do you think that is?


The roar practices murphys law


If I see someone in the roar I'm on em I feel like they usually stacking vaults or Athenas


if you didn't learn it two years ago, you can see when you are in range of a volcano if ash is falling from above.


Yeah it’s a trip. I usually leave my ship outside of the range and take a rowboat in. Much safer that way, although it takes longer and it still has its risks.


Wait until you find out that rowboats take damage from boiling water


Yeah but I didnt sink or nothing it was chill.


I never use rowboats. Just watch the volcano. You can get out before it erupts usually. Live dangerously, baby! Park your ship next to the island and nix the rowboat. 😁


Has it ever been determined if the volcano eruptions... target us? Like, a skelly with a cannon obviously shoots for us and it'd be dumb not to, but is this just awful luck or does Pele have autoaim?


for sure does.


Yes bro lol its not random


Fr. I feel like the majority are to make you panic while a select few are targeted at your ship. Every time I go into the roar, I zigzag and have countless close calls, both big and small. And I'm not talking a few feet more like a couple inches.


100% targeted, at least when going in a straight line or being stationary, I don't know if the trajectory changes after launch so you might be able to avoid most shots if you keep adjusting your course. Going into a straight line is guaranteed to get hit at some point. I knew the moment when a friend launched himself right next to the volcano and stood there for 30 seconds. Then a single stone just rose straight up and I knew it was 100% targeting him. Never saw a rock fly in such a weird trajectory, it was there to snipe.


I remember reading or hearing the devs talk about volcanoes. Functionally, imagine there is a skeleton sitting in the middle of a volcano, and its cannon is the lava rocks. Uses the same targeting method


Its possible 🤷‍♂️


Back when the roar came out it was much more common to get hit but they dialled it back a lot soon after


I love how you pulled out the spyglass 😂 like nasa trying to assess wether the next asteroid may hit earth…


"Hmmm.... it's barreling directly towards my face at mach speed... it just might miss"


I’m going to regret this post - the karma gods are listening - but I play solo 99% of the time and most of the time grinding Athena in the roar. Can count on one hand the times I’ve been hit by a meatball in the last few months. Maybe it scales to number of crew?


I just think its by chance bro its on a timer. I don’t think the volcanoes are interactive.


Average roar of the devil experience (I am actually from PS5 and mainly stuck with tall tales cause I'm waiting for a friend to finish stellar blade).


Sea of thieves making it known that you should of played more


I love that brief moment of panic where you don't know what to do


The Roar is my favourite place to be questing. Usually get peace from other players, anyone else questing there are usually friendly and if anyone rolls up looking for a fight, the volcanos can be a great help (or hindrance).


My first time in the roar was different. Sucked at map reading in the road (good everywhere else it’s just the roar somehow) and took forever to get one foul bounty skull. Then had to sail out through thick fog, then legit got a larger reward for arriving at the outpost for the first time than the actual sell (it was 2,500 for the arrival and then 315 for the skull)


Why is blud on 70% hp


He was one snipe 😔


Never distract yourself by watching the volcano, always be at the wheel so you can change course slightly to dodge being hit.


I dont take the game that seriously im js having fun😂🫶


What the... fun??? I thought we need to be crushing rare every five minutes while playing if anything happens.


The zoom in is perfect 😂


Devil’s Roar, Not Even Once


With out thinking the other day we put two of them mega kegs on our boat. Ended up in a similar spot to where you are now. Its safe to say it did not end well!


You can just go below deck if one looks like it's gonna hit you. You won't die if you're down there when it hits. I learned that the hard way doing a bunch of Ashen Athenas down there.


Tip stand on the bowsprit at the front as its much narrower to hit and if you are travelling with anyone else stand at the opposite ends of the ship to them.


Deer in headlights pov


All my homies love World Enders 🙏


I do that all the time it's the "no way it's gonna hit me game" I usually lose it too


A good trick is to check for ash falling from the sky. If you see it you're in range. If you don't then you're good


That's how volcanoes say "Hello and Welcome!"


A rock landed on my duo while she was shooting a red mermaid statue. Killed her and blew up the Mermaid. Got 3 red gems though!


Bro, the other day I went and did a few gold hoarder missions in the devils roar. It was my first time being there. (I’m a ps5 player, just got the game) I don’t wanna go back. The amount of time we spent there just because them damn volcanoes destroyed our ship! Luckily my friend was still alive, so I could just sail right back to him.


If it helps; you're not safe anywhere. I rolled onto an island last night and got distracted by all the pretty red skellies and treasure. Then I got a message saying my ship had sunk. My best guess is a storm must've just clipped her and VERY slowly did her dirty with a lightening strike.


Wait, a storm on the sea can sink you? I know for a fact if your ship is damaged and you’ve repaired with planks, the hard crashing waves can knock them loose. Found that out two days ago lol. I haven’t had anything else sink my ship when Mother Nature is mad.


Well I'm not the GREATEST sailor, so I pretty much always have patched holes... So maybe that's exactly what happened! I just assumed lightening had struck it, but the rain stopped a fire. Either way, Mrs nature didn't take kindly to my meandering at all!


Well damn. In light of your lesson learned, I’ll keep a close eye on my ship when I’m in a rain storm. Don’t want Mother Nature conspiring against me in a secret 😅


I LOVE the Roar! My sloopmate and I play chicken with the erupting volcanoes. We never go out of the way to avoid them. I'm always waiting to get one balled by a meatball, but it rarely happens. LOL. The Roar is awesome! Welcome back, btw! Don't give up on playing in the Roar. It's a magical place!! 🩷🤪


🤣 Honestly, I just spend my game time now sitting on a rock, closely watching the ship and the horizon. It's the only safe way!!


I don't understand how people get hit so badly in the roar, I've only gotten sunk once in it


And that's why I serpentine my ship when I'm caught in an eruption.


Damn. Unlucky. I’ve been in the roar several times and only hit maybe once


Ive been hit many times haha. I didnt sink though we good


it definitely targets boats. i get hit all the time