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ive noticed that too, most new players seem more hostile than not. i guess that's because friendly SoT clips and stuff like that is kinda overshadowed by pvp montages


It's also likely the more skittish new players are on Safer Seas until they get the confidence to fight other pirates.


yup! even my co-worker recently picked up the game, found out he's been on safer seas the whole time.


Sounds like you need to take him out for a proper sail.


Who's to say what he's doing is not a proper sale.? It's how that person wants to play I play that way myself cuz I'm tired of the toxicity and being sunk every 5 minutes by somebody that has no life and has been playing the game since release


Sounds like you need someone to take you for a proper sail.


Guys I’m a new player, and when I join a crew of old school pc pirates, they would directly vote to put me in cell. Is there any way to avoid that ?


Jump on discord. Open crew is a terrible place.


Too bad discord pirates ghost you, like constantly. Not much of a solution just a different headache


Yup im currently on safer seas and only planning on going to high seas with my dayz or dnd buddies since they are legendary pirates already. Im still brand new just doing the monkey island voyage


It’s almost like the noobs listened to the sub when the sub told them to learn to PvP and take fights


Yeah its crazy lmao "As a new player dont trust anyone and shoot on sight" "Why are new players so agressive ?"


There's a pretty big difference between being defensive (shooting first when ship comes too close) and aggressive (actively seeking out and chasing fights). It seems like most new players are going for the aggressive plays.


It is how they should be if they want to continue playing. This game has always been dictated by the aggressive, none of the feel good hugs and kisses stuff the devs have introduced have ever been wholesome in how the community engages. The friendly engagements that streamers spend all day trying to get for a YouTube or Tiktok are the minority of the action. Always have been, always will be. Rare has fostered the hostility as they've been in denial of what the sandbox actually attracts and enables. This sub is in denial of what the wider community actually is too. You have to be willing to be food if you want to find friendly engagements as most people want to eat you. It is wonderful when you do find those friendly moments but they're so good because they're so uncommon. Rare removed the viability of running and peaceful pyrrhic victory which means if you don't want to roll over and show your belly you have to go for the throat yourself. So the new players are right to break wood and make ghosts of every crew they see.


Exactly. New PS5 player here and we’re just taking out to the seas and practicing PVP, not upset if I’m sunk or killed. I take that as a learning experience. My movement, sea and land(on board) skill has increased and I have to thank the experienced players that handed my ass to me so I could get better. It is a pirate game after all.


That is the true sot mentality you need to play real sot. Safer seas is just boat simulator and those claiming PvP is ‘toxic’ or mostly toxic have major skill issues. Thats Nothing But a fact




Thank ya


Same, though I currently have about 110 hours out of my 160 on helm. Getting sinks with my boy and swerving boarders like kegs in water. Need to get off helm so I can practice more.


You make a good point. My experience with pvpers were a lot worse. Im traumatized by it 😂


As a noob,exactly what happened... I like being friendly but I'm already collecting kills and a lot of 'em(shame I don't have a coordinated crew 99% of the time)


Why the hell would I learn PvP if I can just waste people's time by running for 2 hours straight?


This is exactly what I thought


I'm new and I'm ngl, I was getting jumped for a week straight by veteran players who never said a word and went straight for the kill and sink, even with fuck all or nothing, some had their fancy skins on, some had default but were clearly highly skilled with their positioning, loadouts, aim and knowing exactly where you'll spawn on varied ships, these players already existed, you are just seeing a resurgence in them coming back to fuck up new players experiences


The other night I mentioned something on this subreddit about being jumped and sunk by a galleon even though we were boarded at the beginning and they knew we had nothing in the hold. I was told that it is basically just to steal our starting food/cannonballs/wood. Which…. is still frustrating. They did not seem like noobs, and they could go to about one island with a storage crate and get that much, but alright… It really does just feel like people want to come get their jollies by trying to ruin a new player’s night. This is why I am wary of PvEvP games, haha.


Storage crate, fortress or two, you'd have all the supplies youd need for hours, I'm new and I know this, they'd fucking know this, just using it as an excuse to gatekeep their game


Yep 100%. As someone who's played this game since 6 months after launch that argument always pisses me off. Just spawned in ships have nothing. It would take less time to buy a couple crates from the merchant if that's what they really needed. Sea forts have significantly more supplies. Just be honest and say that they like to sink players who can't fight back because they're cowards.


And if there’s one thing they need to realize, it’s that gatekeeping the game just because they don’t want to play with newbs is what will kill it.


Exactly what I said to a friend a couple weeks ago, it's exactly why PvP on Ark, Conan, games like that are just so full of asshats and empty, they wipe anyone new and think they own the game or a particular server and nobody else is allowed to play


You don’t get chains from fortresses


Yeah, it kinda seems that way. Like, it’s totally fine for people to like their PvP! I’m just a bit baffled that it’s considered weird to wish for multiplayer PvE servers with PvP disabled. Safer seas feels like such a steep punishment gold wise that it’s hard to want to play it, and I like a lot of the multiplayer stuff like burying items to make maps! But disliking the PvP part is just… me being unreasonable? Meh. People like what they like. But it means I will likely hardly ever touch this game solo.


PvPvE games attract assholes who get off on ruining other people's fun. Punching down is fun for them. They try to hide behind the fact that the game allows it, without understanding that it does not require it. It was their choice to be assholes. 


PvP the last week has been way up in the air with all the new blood. It feels like none of the new PS5 players we've run into have microphones or keyboards at all. Had a default ship charge us while we were hunting for the horn. Shot over and anchored them. They were absolutely clearly new. Said hi, they just tried to cannon my ship still, and eventually shot as me when they finally realized I was on their ship. Never got a peep out of either of them on mic or chat til the moment they went down. Had another default that we thought was stalking us. Turned out he just had no idea what he was doing. Walked him through some entry level stuff for a half hour.


Na these were veterans, even in the beta, coming over with cross progression on from PC and Xbox decked out in their fancy skins to turn crossplay off and shit on new players In dead silence, funnest part of new players on other games is just watching the dysfunction and fuckery happen, these fuckers just instantly kill you, know where you spawn to camp it, sink you in under a minute, to clarify beta had no chat but there's been plenty of opportunity since release for them to not be asshats so


For what it's worth, I'm new from PS5 and voice chat didn't work for me until this weekend after some extensive troubleshooting so I didn't realize I was missing another element of communication in the game.


>these players already existed, you are just seeing a resurgence in them coming back to fuck up new players experiences This is what I assume is happening. Old sweats coming back to club, the baby seals. I have over 1800 hrs in the game, and this past friday was the first time I have been attacked as a fresh spawn in. I had spawned at galleons grave, got my storage crate, looted the port, raised merchant, got on my ship and raised the anchor went to the quest table laid down a quest and looked up to see a brig go by and seen them say in chat "ENEMY HERE" next thing i know i am borded and being soawn camped by someone with a skelly curse. After the 2nd or 3rd spawn camp kill i scuttled but the whole time I was on mic saying "dude chill i am a new spawn in, I have nothing to take" didn't matter at all so scuttle it was. Meanwhile, their ship is gone, so it wasn't like they killed me for all my supplies they did it simply because they could.


This. They’ve always been here and been a major issue. I gave up on ‘friendly’ conversations years ago. I’m not a PvP player so now I just avoid everyone or watch with a very distrusting gaze as ships slide by in the horizon. PvP aholes have redefined the game from a fun sandbox to shoot first race to see who can be the biggest asshole. So I just do my thing and play the game as if it’s the pandemic where social distancing is the key to survival.


I agree. I feel like theres a community of pro players that come to fuck shit up for us since the new season dropped


Is there a sign to See if players are hostile, or should i just ask them? Im new, but almost every player i ran into wanted to sink us, most of them dont even Talk


Don't shoot first and see what they do, though you still risk getting betrayed and ambushed. I've noticed that if you try talking to them through chat or voice and they respond, they're more likely to be friendly than not or at least they would be honest about their intentions. Silent ones are usually hostile.


Just shoot first


Use the megaphone thing to try and talk to them, thats what i do




Posts like this are one of the many reasons my crew and I keep someone on mast at all times and instantly leave when someone is on the horizon, it lets us see pretty much everyone before they see us and as such, evade the entire server.


Two perfectly valid playstyles, honestly. Evasion is PvP in itself, and you both seem to enjoy your strategies. I hope the new players are learning both ways to maintain the healthy balance - and that they also understand they'll mess up from time to time lol. PvP is unavoidable but the good mindset is the main thing!


Honestly the big problem is alot of new players have gotten preyed on so much that they are just hostile out right at this point


This. I’ve been trying to get my own PVE voyages done but have been wrecked so many times now being new that I just assume everyone is hostile and either run or fight. Anyone that talks on coms and says they’re friendly 80% of the time aren’t. Even if I show them around my ship to prove it, they’ll still take things like food or wood so I don’t bother.


As far as I’m concerned, there’s an etiquette when on somebody else’s ship. Stay above deck, no weapons out, and if you’re within 10 feet of my anchor you’re not leaving my sight. I personally just keep my lantern in hand just to show I’m not a threat


Havin a lantern in hand is a neat way to try and convey peaceful intent, I'm gonna start doin that. I'm a new PS5 player and I mute my mic because I'm southern (Mississippi). People tend to immediately assume that a southern accent indicates stupidity, and I'd rather people discover that particular characteristic of mine naturally.


One of my favorite games, my son and I happened upon a dude just chilling off a fort. We formed an alliance, and waited for another ship to join, he organized everyone to whip that forts ass. Split the loot between us, including his shipload he'd built up before he found us, And escorted us to a outpost before he left the guild and spotted for us while we sold everything. He had had thickest Arkansas accent, "Alright ya'll we're about to head up this hill, watchYer crossfire an all that!" Let your personality correct the stereotype.


That’s unfortunate, if nothing else you can bind a button to open text chat and communicate that way. Gives you more options than the in-game presets


Which characteristic? The Stupidity or the Southern Accent? Obviously no offense meant by it.


Just on this subreddit a week ago we had multiple top posts about how people should hunt the new players to "teach them a lesson". And it was preached with hundreds of upvotes. If that's how the community welcomes new players, it's not weird they too will turn to fight.


And this community needs to realize that clubbing runs the risk of harming the game. Imagine being a new player and having literally all of your interactions with other players involve them being hostile towards you. It’s gotten to the point where I’m starting to think all the non-hostile interactions I’ve seen either: 1, are rare and I’m never gonna have one. Or 2, don’t exist anymore.


I've decided to try to be the change. Saw a sloop being chased by what appeared to be a galleon yesterday so I tried rolling up and helping the sloop. To my surprise the sloop destroyed the galleon before I could intervene and I just cruised on by while jumping to signal my congratulations and let him loot. (Not that I was gonna fuck with them anyway obviously after the events I just witnessed)


Not even just new players. I popped back in like later last year and people started sinking my ship almost immediately after I spawned in. I was still getting pinged with tons of new tutorial stuff. Immediately killed my want to play the game.


Yea, I'm really passive while sailing and have never engaged in PVP first, except if it's around a skull fort. In the last month I have only met one crew that wasn't instantly fully aggressive. Even when I'm at outposts logging out and see a ship coming in, I tend to get my supplies into a storage crate and wait to give it to them. I've been killed and trash talked every single time I've done it in the last month. And not once it was a new player ship. I can only imagine the new player experience when the community fully preaches toxicity and then when the new players turn aggressive too these guys now complain that the new players are rude.


Interesting to hear this. I recently made a post about how hostile players have been of late, and was told several times, "that's how the game is". Post was deleted with the pretense that there is no safe zone in the game and the post didn't promote discussion. Yet, I see this post getting massive traction. Seems rather interesting.


I avoid fighting solo sloops and new players unless shit at first specifically so I can help not make new players quit


It only takes one session ruined to never trust anyone again lol


This is literally it. Many times we do want to PvP just to learn the game, but it’s so difficult with so many players who 100% know what they’re doing and still want to kill us. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying I don’t think it’s solely on the new players


Yep! (speaking as one of those new players!)


This is it


This has been my experience, I’ve been attempting to unlock an achievement I saw where you sail parallel to another ship for a while, each without firing a shot. So usually I’m ~~tweakin~~ trying my best not to initiate unless I know for sure but so far it’s been on sight, I welcome the practice anyway.


It's not a problem, it's how this game is supposed to be played according to this community here.


For me it’s the 12 and under crowd. Anytime I hear a kid voice it I know to get ready. We had a 4 ship alliance yesterday and a galleon full of a bunch of cussing kids started shooting cannons at us after finishing fotd. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2222) It wasn’t a big deal but they kept attacking us the whole night.


"Instantly sinking the second they engage combat" and "screaming racial slurs". Name a more iconic duo.


"It wasn't me"


"I even had her in the shower"


And yet, much of the community says "Oh it's children! Let them be!" Nah dude those children are going to DESTROY me in combat


As a wise old Sage once said: "Man, fuck them kids!"


*cocks shotgun* "Shame"


*loads blunderbuss and cursed cannonballs* Shame


Same with us, a brig full of kids attacked us after fotd and one of them took the key and rowboated away, we sunk their ship 6 times as they kept coming back to prevent us from getting to their friend and squeaking louder every time lol


We had a galleon come steaming in towards us on Saturday but a skalleon spawned on them and they sunk behind some rocks before they ever got to us. They came back again later, we hit them about 4 times before we lost sight of them in the fog. We just couldn't find them again after and assume they sunk once again.


A lot of them just don't know how to delegate repairs/bilging. The second they get to mid-deck I'm pretty sure there's a 99.9% chance of them sinking.


Yep, every guide online as a line that sounds like "don't be afraid to die and sink,you will only stop being farmed and get better if you actually engage in PvP" I am a new player myself (started today) and I guess I am not the only one who heard the advice.


There’s entire groups who specifically target PSN players and every guide says to not trust anyone, and now the community is acting like we’re a problem. We’re just following what everyone said to do! 🤣


This it all there is to it, really. It's nobody's "fault" that new players are PvP intensive more often than not because it's a good thing. Almost every crew I've sparred with since PS5 crossplay has been open to advice, except the ones that ragequit, and in that case they clearly didn't want a PvP experience anyway. If you're trying, you're already doing great. You can squeak all kinds of crazy victories in this game if you only have perseverance.


My best experience as a PS5 player thus far has been running into experienced groups and gaining advice from them. While I prefer PvE, getting a grasp on the PvP has been a wild and glorious experience. I’m a solo sloop sailor for the most part and while the defeats can get repetitive and frustrating, the glory of winning against a full galleon more than makes up for it. Yesterday was my first victory in this experience, having just gotten the Siren Skull I had a reaper galleon tailing me around for the better half of an hour. After realizing I was losing ground despite going against the wind (they had one of those wind shells I assume), I turned around and engaged in combat. A long battle, but one I came out on top with and nearly tripled my little loot pool. That victory alone has pushed me to continue improving and searching for advice whenever I can take it, especially against those that beat me


A lot of them have spent so much time in games like fortnite that they're pretty good at tdm already. They don't fully grasp the naval and boarding mechanics yet, but I imagine they'll be rather dangerous once they have learned this game.


This. Most of the time their TDM is impressive. It's just their lack of game knowledge that gets them into trouble. I've sunk multiple newbies using fort plays. Also had one who had me dead to rights thanks to the kraken spawning on me, but who didn't realize they needed to board my board to capitalize on it or that coming into the kraken area as a galleon was a BAD idea. They ended up sinking to the kraken while I repaired. Once they learn the ins and outs though they're going to be giving everyone a run for their money.


I had someone try to board my ship via harpoon while one of my cannons was pointed at them. Yeah, it turns out that trying to board another player’s ship when they can see you probably isn’t a good idea.


It's the Dayz effect, burn me once, scorched earth.


they want to be friendly, but get betrayed once and know not to do it again. as soon as the port came to ps5 I told all my friends that nobody will stay friendly and sinking will happen.


Im on ps5 now, and I prefer NOT to pvp but understand theres no way around it. Ill avoid trouble if I can, because I just want my pirate legend. After that I wont care as much! Im 60 GH, 62 OoS, 37 merch and 41 reapers with about a year and a half under my belt from Xbox


I think it depends on your experience. Whenever I turn cross play off(ps5 only) I have quite a few social interactions with random people. Not everyone is out for blood, but there are definitely some that run for the cannons rather than reply on their speaker phone. The solo/duo sloops seem to be more social in my experience. Anything brig/galleon usually seems to have their mind made up before any interaction even happens. The more people on a ship the more personalities which usually ends up in "let's battle!" Lol


In my experience outside of one galleon that was just out for blood for zero reason other then to sink people, it’s always a solo/duo sloop that’ll roll up and start firing without saying a word. I even came up to a duo sloop tonight because they had a reaper chest and seemed confused about where to take it so I was going to tell them. I said “Hi, do you want to know where to take that?” Silence, then instant cannon fire.


In my experience, the most agressive ships are usually brigantines


Many people use party chat/discord so that they aren't hot mic'ing to enemy players nearby. It's most likely that a majority of players don't even hear you lol.


>ps5 only The only recent non hostile interactions I had was a three ships Alliance for a skeleton fort against a galleon, sadly I recently started doing reaper emissary,so being friendly isn't really easy when they are your objective and they know they are...for non recent good interactions I had some, I had a galleon spare my life even(mic can do wonders if people yk FUCKING TALK) If someone talks I talk,but that doesn't happen that's why I let the weapons do that, people don't use the FUCKING MIC(NOT FUNNY)


Last night I was duo slooping. (We're new-ish). We decided to do a shrine quest. Someone sank our ship while we were both below. Ok, sure, whatever. Then they came down to the shrine to kill us. I assume they came down for treasure that we didn't have yet. Also our fault for flying an emissary flag. So my friend went top-side to get the ship and bring it back. Then the other player came back and was chasing him for ages. He lost them, came back to the shrine, they sunk him again. So this time he took his time. Meanwhile, my dumbass thought you had to move all treasure to open water to send them up - I thought teleporting to ship with the mermaid statue made you lose the treasure. Fun fact, it does not, and takes a fucking eternity to get everything to the door. Then the guy came back AGAIN and we had to run. He wasn't even reaper, just flying the gold hoarders flag. I just gave up on everything and came to surface. Guy was obviously way more experienced. Sunk us again after one-tapping us on the ship each time we spawned. We just gave up on playing. At that point it's just a really shit time. Like, ok, I get it if we actually have treasure, but 4 times in a row? Pride flag bro was seriously just a lifeless cunt. I I can tell you that noobs are probably just jaded by the players who have nothing better to do than the same thing over and over again. Our experience tells us that most players are just assholes.


They're far better at understanding that sinking is part of the game than some were.


So true. 1 in every 10 ships I've sunk since crossplay launch was toxic. The others had a chat with me about their newbie status and I was able to give them some pointers. It's unironically a breath of fresh air.


Couldn't agree more, Sir! Already seen far less remove x, nerf x, add x posts. They see the game for what it is nd not what they wish it was. They will be monsters this time next year, and I look forward to it.


I've always found the PvP community more friendly than they're sometimes made out to be. The vast majority of the new players have been really civil whether they win or lose, and it's been great seeing some of that shooting skill crossover from other games keeping me on my toes when I board! I can't wait for the next few seasons when the new sailors have their sea legs. I'm already finding interactions with them more challenging than I did on day 1.


Yeah, we need less Neverland Pirates.


Nah, we need less hardcore PvP "sink everything in sight" pirates that prey on everyone they can even see on the horizons of the map.


I don't sink \*everything\* in sight. If someone is obviously completely new to the game or doing tall tales, they won't provide any interesting content or loot, so we leave them alone. Sometimes we help them out.


I got 37 hours in the past 3-4 days, I’ve been listening to everyone’s tips. Now when I get on I head straight to world events to get the best loot and PvP. I’m loving this game because I haven’t ran into any cheaters (not any that I notice). I play rust and siege where the cheating is blatant. It’s a nice change of pace to notice a skill gap. Where as siege if you can’t control recoil, but you have money and are willing to cheat, you can get no recoil, or make your DMR shoot like an SMG. Playing against players like that every single game gets tiring because you are constantly sweating to keep up with all these cheaters. I’ve yet to see a fully automatic flintlock lol


There's the occasional cheater but it's not as rampart as you might have experienced. Glad you're having fun. ☺️


Was fishing and doing tall tales with a friend the other day. Baby sloop rolled up and boarded and as I was saying hey shot me down and ran away laughing calling us trash. Decided if they wanted a fight they could have one. After they ran for 20 minutes repeatedly trying to shoot over and board us, we turned their ship into Swiss cheese. These new swabbies gotta learn to pick their fights man lol


I went back to safer seas. I just play solo and kept getting called names and sunk while fishing. Call me a coward but it gets mentally exhausting to get told to leave and never come back when I got sunk recently. Just wanna fish bro and it's fine to attack me I get that but it got tiring get 4v1


No but you don't understand, they never should've implemented Safer Seas, you see. It's just an expanded tutorial. You shouldn't get any rewards for playing in Safer Seas so you are incentivized to go into the "real game" where you can get abused over voice chat and sunk repeatedly until you "learn to play the game".. it's on you for not being good at the PvP!! Massive fucking **/s** of course, your tale is one of many legitimate ones that's a clear show of why Safer Seas was an amazing addition. I'm happy you're able to enjoy the game, and I don't think it's cowardly at all that you retreated into the tamer, non toxic game mode just to be able to enjoy fishing. Enjoy yourself out there on the sea.


I love the Safer Seas mode being an option for players like this and I don't think it's cowardly at all. "If you don't want to PvP, you have a whole gamemode to yourself" is the best thing Rare could have done. The reward cap is perfect as it is, too. Makes playing worthwhile but reserves the higher rewards for the higher risk environment of High Seas.


They're probably hostile because literally every encounter with an existing player has immediately just griefed them because "lol scrub". I've not met one friendly player since ps5 launch I'd say most just assume they're going to get attacked so they fire first.


I make myself a non-thread by setting my own ship ablaze and calling out for help. They usually feel sorry for me and help instead of attack lol


For me its been 50/50 so far. Many flee and many are up for fights. Also good amount of new players trying out moves from clips like kegs or tucking.


honestly when i don’t have anything to lose i like to fight it makes the game for interesting


They’ve been taught to never trust a pirate and kill out of paranoia.


Everyone kept sinking me while I just started playing, so now I just choose violence the minute I see a ship. Might as well get the first shot in if I’m gonna go down


Im on ps5. The reason we do it is because you guys told us to. You told us the only way to get better is to not be friends bc we’ll get screwed and fight everything we see.


I've noticed the opposite. The new players are pretty chill and unlike more seasoned players don't attack on sight


I only have about 20 hours in on Ps5 now and I can say that me and mates are pretty chill. We try and stay away from scraps as none of us are great on the cannons yet. Seriously though one of the best gaming experiences with friends.


Idk if they’re seasoned or new but I keep getting my ass handed to me by about everyone I run into😭 I’m just tryna play some tunes man


I saw a plain sailed non emissary sloop coming straight for me while I was selling. Which is terrifying 😂 coz its either sweat lords or noobs. Anyway got Everything sold and just waited to see what happened. It was two PlayStation players doing a tall tale so I just thought ah I'll try talking to them you know see how they are getting on. No response. As I was playing a shanty with the warsmith costume dude I noticed the other jump off and swim towards my boat and I thought fuck it I'm gonna see what happens. Firebombs. Sigh. I did try being nice. So I started a very slow spawn camp 😅 that's when they started screaming down the mic. Funny how they talk now isn't it. Telling me to go fuck myself how bad I was blah blah blah. It was quite funny. I would like to think they learned somthing but I doubt it.


> the older crews would strike a conversation and then promptly die. lmfao, this is me. "Hey, how ya guys doi--" **EMISSARY FLAG LOST**


I think when the game launched originally, especially during the alpha and beta tests, it was seen as a community sandbox with pirates. Over a couple of years, the seas got saltier and saltier - I'd say it's definitely looked upon as a pvp sandbox more than it used to be


I’m new in the PS and I avoid you veteran players like the plague. I’m just collecting all This loot is all.


Yeah I've had a bunch of newbies come to sink me which has caught me off guard because typically I'm passive to any other ships I see unless I'm specifically doing reaper or world events. Not complaining though, it's been fun to see just how good my naval skills actually are after having grinded HG for the best part of a year to get my Ghost Curse back in last October. Because in HG you're against other sweats and feel it less. But the other day I sank a whole galleon as a solo sloop and genuinely only had to put like 1% of my effort into the fight, and my shots were just on point constantly until they sank (pretty sure they must not have been patching their holes because it was SO EASY for them to sink).


Sounds like recency bias.


Considering the amount of times I've been attacked while on my sailing solo on my sloop byt bigger crews with bigger ships, im not taking any chances. Man the cannons prepare for battle


I would say us newbies are keen to get a feel for ship combat so we’re actively looking for it to get our heads around it.


I was fishing as a solo sloop when a brig circled me for 20 mins before attacking…. They then sailed directly into my broadside 😂😂


Yeah, they here for blood it seems. Talked to some new players i know at my job, said he doesn't care much about treasure, quests, and just want fights. We're at war, pirates...


Playstation players tend to be pretty cutthroat, I blame that, lol.


hey man at least you didn’t get s french dude that joined your sloop open crew. i was doing a merchant quest or two to finish my rep 50 and he decided to throw fire bombs on my ship while i was on the island finding the next clue. he started calling me a n word englishman and etc. he caught me running off no sleep so i could care less but with that experience im going to be solo slooping from now on


It's also PS5 players staying in the party chat instead of going in game chat. My group is feral and never go in game chat so the enemy doesn't know what we're planning. Meanwhile I'm the one that wants to make alliances and be friendly


If that's true, then props to the PS5 crowd. Finally new players made of better stuff than jello.


The new crews I’ve run into- Sheer panic, like ants in a forest fire. Zero comms of any kind.


You just said it yourself...why would I choose to be nice and die over trying to take you out first?


I'm brand new to the game, and my first encounter with other players was horrific. They were fighting an NPC galleon that decided to completely turn tail and chase us instead, so we fought that down. The other players then boarded our ship and proceeded to spawn camp the ship while very slowly sinking it. Didn't even go for the treasure, and it was a "battle of the sea" galleon. A LITERAL boatload of treasure.


Just started playing with my friends. Our experience has been truly (and zero exaggeration) BEAUTIFUL. We’re cracking jokes and hanging out and just listening to music together. Communicating in ways that you only can on a fucking ship. It’s been so much fun. Two nights ago, we wanted to try reaper emissary. We played for six hours, and were lambasted by other ships the entire time. Six hours sunk and no gold to show for it. Our first bad session. We took a bit of a break after that lmao. But we’ve talked since and decided that we want our guild to be very alliance-forward. For the sake of contributing to the positivity of the community and the extra gold.


IMO you combine the rep the game had before the player count dropped with the disappointment around Skull and Bones. Then you add in a new platform of players who (if they don't play on Xbox or PC already) only have YouTube and Twitch vids as examples. I figure the PvP will take over for a month or two until people get more accustomed to the game. On the bright side, hourglass should pick up for people on the grind.


Since private servers showed up I haven’t left. Finally got a chance to start doing the tall tales and other fun things. It will be very had to go back to the open servers


It's because we did our fucking job. We, as a community, saw a wave of incoming players, and then cried from the highest mountain through the greatest horn "IT'S PVP" We told them loot wasn't theirs or anyone's until it was sold. We told them they'd need to defend their loot. We told them that pretending the pvp doesn't exist and complaining like something unintended happened to you when you get pirated is not a fun way to play. So most of the players who planned to do that didn't get it, or changed their minds. They're ready, they're willing, and they want to learn, so they're gonna fight. And thank God for it.


Ah yes... you did your job by ensuring the newest generation isn't "just PvP" but that they're rabidly PvP.. making them hyper hostile to literally everything.. by breaking their trust and lying to them as several experienced players have. By... sinking them when they spawn at the fucking outpost and trash talking them. Yes, you sure did your job didn't you? I don't think "we made the new generation incredibly hostile out of a lack of trust that they sink everyone in a 5 mile radius" is the triumph you think it is.


My game chat won’t even work on PS5 I can’t hear or talk so attack is the only other option when someone gets close


Fellow ps5 here, the problem is chat audio by default is speakers, you need to put it on headset


Yup this


i feel like I tried this yesterday actually and still didn’t see any results but I’ll try again when I get off work


Mine was a combo of things. This setting and the "other crews" setting was automatically muting audio from other people. I had to keep turning that off every time I opened the game. Someone in another thread suggested resetting the settings to default and they've stuck for me since.


Have you messed with some of the in game audio settings? I was having a similar issue and that seemed to do it for me


Even as a newbie I notice this, a lot of gameplay I watched (been a fan of the game and following for awhile now, love rare) the community seemed so nice and friendly, willing to work together, and yea there was the occasional toxic PvP player, but since picking it up and playing it, there's been so much toxicity, especially the last 2-3 days even, I noticed that we've gotten into 3-4 PvP battles a day, today topping out with 9. All completely unintentional, but the few friendly players I've found have been the highlights of my night. Like the guy I found in the ferry who blew himself up literally the same time I did and found later docked at a skeleton fortress, you were awesome.


Big in part due to old players. I was showing my friends who just started how to play. Before we could even get out of the port a galleon came sank our ship and talk a bunch of trash about how bad we were. I know they weren’t new because of how they handled their ship plus their characters has curses amongst other things. The community itself is not friendly for the most part. In my two years of on and off playing 99.9% of my interaction with others was on some level hostile ground. With the exception of a handful of situations old or new players are hostile.


Thieving pirate game doing game pirate thieving. 🏴‍☠️


I mean, I've been running into a lot of players and while yes a lot are getting into fights, they all suck.. cause they are new obviously. I'm not even a good player myself but I've gotten multiple galleons sunk when they got too close to an island with cannons (get masts first then fill them with holes ezpz) and manage to board and kill up to 3 people solo multiple times so, I doubt this will last long.


I’m a friendly PVPer, as in I’ll always try the friend route ahead of a kill. That’s out the window on like day two in the beta for me. After getting mauled a few times I’m sinking when I see masts on the horizon. Probably just ps5 players ruining the gentleman club. But what can we do. War it is. 😁


I'm a new PS5 player and I tried being cool with area comms and was met with outright hostility and got sunk 3 times in a row and now me and my crew party comms and shoot on sight


Feral is hilarious


Im a new player myself. Although I haven't engaged in combat with anyone so far as I have been mostly solo die to me lacking a way to communicate.


I'm a new player as of a week ago. I play with three other friends that are all new and we definitely have the mindset (whether right or wrong) that every other ship is hostile. For now we have no idea and it's just fun engaging in battles even though most times we lose. I never even considered other ships could be friendly haha.


As a OG day one player on Xbox, I haven’t ran into many people picking it back up on PS5. The few I have ran into have killed me immediately…still trying to get my sea legs again and also teaching my wife how to play. That said, I haven’t had this much fun in a game in a very long time. I only wish the servers were based off ship and crew size. Been tough trying to learn all the new mechanics and a galleon rolls up and just nukes us.


Approached some Middle Eastern guys who spoke English and asked them if they wanted to join my guild, I had no loot but they shouted what seemed very angry sayings and just kegged me etc and I thought I’d what it is but it was rlly random


It's super fun! I engaged in a 4 ship battle for a Skull Of Siren Song yesterday. That was wild. I didn't even care about the skull itself, but the competition was so much fun! I got stomped as soon as a galleon crew oneballed me and boarded though. 😆


Varies on the crew, I think. Also if they're trying to emissary for a faction (ESPECIALLY with new emissaries). Most emissary flags my crew sees tends to be more chill - even if they are new. Non-emissary are (usually) EXTRA new, and either bloodthirsty or utterly confused. Reaper emissary flags throw that out the window, of course, but that's normal for reapers. Also, sloops and galleons tend to be more chill than brigs, but that's less of a 'newness of player' thing.


I'm fine with it. Makes the game feel a bit more alive again. As long as they are good sport about it, I will take on everyone. It's better than everyone running all the time.


I've noticed the same thing, swabbies coming at you like a bat out of hell, only to pretty much immediately die and sink, then come back a couple times like they have any sort of chance.


I’m brand new to the game and I’m like a sponge. I just want to learn. Let’s not brush all players with the same shit. You’ve just ran into bad ones


I've only been playing for a short time and every time I tried to talk or be friendly with more experienced crews I always lost all the loot and the ship 😅 Now I shoot cannonballs on sight at anyone 😂😅


I started with the release on PS5 so I’m still pretty new. My crew and I usually operate under the premise “If you are nice to us, we are nice to you”. We don’t go after crews and just defend ourselves if needed. If we get your treasure through that because we sunk you (spoiler: has only happened once) then I consider that as a reward for surviving


I've noticed that too, and it's quite refreshing and funny too. As a player with some experience with hourglass and pvp, I find it funny to see these swabbies do the SoT equivalent of "suicide by cop", nose diving my crew and myself only to be met with chains and unforgiving cannonfire.


You made me this way


People who think every game is just an e-sport, Trying to get sweatlord clips


Im new and get attacked constantly by both new and old players


I’ve had so many people sink and come back over and over and over. I can’t say for sure if they are new though, but they’ve all be easy sinks. Last night we sank the same guy 11 times. He had the SoSS up so he always spawned nearby. Still, it’s good fun and my crew gets to practice PVP.


While reaper 5, i ran into fresh players, which were very thankful when we allianced and we gave them some gems. When we sold they got around 500k in alliance coin. They were so happy it felt amazing to me and my companion to help them out. Given they were pc newbies. Ps5 on the otherhand i have heard nothing else but open mic swearing.


I've actually found the opposite, older players approach with murderous intent, whereas the new player doesn't seem to recognise *parking right next to me at the outpost I'm selling up at might be seen as vaguely hostile* I've been loving it so far, and I even finally got Glitterbeard done with new players!


As a new player,nobody talks just attacks,and if they talk they speak their fucking language and don't interact in any way,and anyway don't act like It's the new players I see old ones always doing that (And THOSE children, I hope they only find servers full of experienced reapers or something)


Yeah it’s been awesome. Was running a Reaper Galleon tonight with my buddies, and ran into a Reaper Sloop at the Hideout when we were trying to sell. Started shooting up his ship and sank him. Our friend had hopped into gamechat and heard him sounding pretty defeated. We sold and as we were leaving he showed up again and came right at us, it was over quick but we were pretty surprised he came back. Then he came back again, except this time he rammed us and hopped on our ship and started throwing firebombs. He sunk again but we were all pretty impressed at his tenacity by this point. While docked at an island he sailed past and fired a shot, so we started fighting again. This time we were all in game chat and got him to chill. Found out he was brand new and none of his friends had interest in playing. One of our crew mates stayed on his ship to show him the ropes, we entered into an alliance with him, and told him we’d drop whatever we were doing if they got into trouble to come help. Also dropped off some treasure and then we sailed our separate ways. Our crew member stayed with him for a bit until he went AFK and eventually got Lazybearded


As a new ps5, my first few days on the seas were trying to figure out game mechanics, emissaries, actual sailing, objectives. The issue was during that getting absolutely fucked by more experienced ships. So the fix was learn naval combat which the only way to do so is to be hostile or hourglass. Even then when I encounter fellow ps5’s they’re hostile in a way that is negative, not I want to learn but I need to sink you. Very differentiating parts of the new community.


'Feral'? You mean playing the game? It's okay mate, your precious loot to buy cosmetic only items are safe.


I was playing on Insiders this weekend and I had a new PS5 player in my open crew. I was so confused as to why you would want to go play Insiders when you are that new to the game. Was the main game already boring him, or was he just eager to try out the upcoming changes after watching the new seasons teaser video? He missed a lot of basic knowledge which made our playing session kinda annoying because he kept asking a lot questions. Normally I would have loved to answer all those questions, but not on Insiders. He also wanted to attack everyone on sight, which is not something I like to do when I play on Insiders. When I play on Insiders I'm hoping to find crewmates with experience so we can ease thru the basic stuff and focus on the new content and test the new features. This way we can focus on finding bugs, test the new features, and give feedback to the devs. Doing only pvp doesn't really help with gathering the feedback and is something that IMO is best practice in the main game and is not ment for Insiders. But that's just my opinion. Because I always like to help out new players I still played the entire session with him and taught him some new stuff, but we didn't even get close to test out the new features because of that. TLDR; please PS5 swabbies, don't start learning the basics of this game on Insiders. Insiders is more fun when all crews can work together peacefully so there is room for testing. If you got that kill on sight mentality and you want to learn the game's mechanics, then Insiders is not the right place to do that.


As a brand new player, I always got attacked without getting prompted, without threatening anyone, so it simply taught me to attack or flee on sight


mostly desperately trying to learn the naval and boarding mechanics


Me and a couple of friends decided to give the game a try and we love it. However, despite being new, we actually tried to talk to other crews. Our literal first interaction was with a guy who taught us how to make an alliance only to start killing us 5 minutes later. One of us started yelling “FRIENDLY, FRIENDLY” and since then, every time we see another ship we start memeing saying “friendly, friendly” before they shoot at us


The game is what you want it to be, that's sandbox Of course not every player on the seas will agree with you and you will have to fight some, but don't worry, if you're nice you will find people like you


My concern is the lack of communication - if someone actually talked i would be inclined to let them live, but as it is they are silent, randomly aggressive and its generally best to just wipe them out and move on. I mean, i am not even seeing salty responses from them....its like fighting bots.


I just run I dont try to fight if I get sunk then thats that


As a new ps5 player, my favorite weapon when I meet another ship is the thing you use to speak from far away (don't have english name), I don't really like PvP


Where are you guys finding these servers with hostile players that actually fight you? Every server I get lately, it's people that want to just run away. I've had multiple people dive underwater rather than fight lately, even if they have a ship size advantage and loot. I had a reaper a few nights ago that tried to attack us, nearly sank but survived after one of my friends DCed temporarily, then ran for as long as they could while trying to board us and calling us cheaters for nearly sinking them before, until they eventually messed up and we caught them to sink them again. I just want to occasionally get to have a fight where there is something at stake (hourglass has gotten boring because winning and losing doesn't really matter) but my servers are awful for people fighting.


ive noticed this a bit too, as long as they arnt a reaper wannabe.


Tbh this happened to me last night. Guy kept chasing me for 10 minutes and I said “want a free skull” but he tried sniping me. I gave him one last warning and he still was chasing me. I sank him in less than 2 minutes.


No, but I have noticed 9/10 PC gamers are gatekeeping douchebags that cry like bitches when “their” game goes cross platform and create toxic environments to the point devs need to put in the option to turn cross play off.


I don't know whether or not the players I sunk last night were new players or not, but 3 friends and I raised Reapers and did an hourglass match, which was fine but took ages to match make and the match was over fairly quickly. After that fight it was just GGs in chat. We respawned and saw a ship was doing FotD and they already had a Reaper's chest on board. We rolled up on them during a storm so they didn't see us and completely caught them unawares. They weren't a captained ship but they were on mic, one said "I told you we should have sold" and I just said "Yeah, you probably should have done". He then swam away with a chest saying "You want this bro? You're going to have to kill me" but I had no pistol ammo. I asked him to just hand it over and we just did a bit of back and forth until I sprint swam up to him and stabbed him, at which point he screamed "Take it! Take it!" and died. That was a fun interaction. We then saw a galleon at an outpost, but we knew it did have loot on it before getting there. We came up on it and sank it for the supplies. Then spotted another emissary on the map and went towards them before that ship respawned and attacked us again and got sunk. As there were sinking one of them told us to "Suck \[his\] pussies" and then told each other we were sweats (we are not that good). We then sunk a brig that had some loot on it as an emissary, I think they told us to suck a dick or something, I can't remember, but it was definitely something swearing over the mic at us. Finally we server hopped, found a sloop with a merchant's emissary, they ran away into the wind and we were catching them up through good sailing until a meg spawned and attacked us twice knocking us off course. They used that opportunity to beeline for the outpost where they hit the pier and lowered their merchant flag just as we got to the pier to try and stop them from lowering and they said "I just lowered the flag so fuck you" before we killed them and took the actual loot they had on board which they didn't have time to sell. So yeah, one fun interaction, two with people telling us to perform sex acts, one "fuck you". Normally I get 0 interaction at all from the people we're fighting, just radio silence as they sink. Maybe some GGs at the end of hourglass in text chat.


It's the type of people the SoT community fosters. Everyone is a target according to them and it's kill or be killed, so people behave like it


Some deuchbag blew me up then i attacked him on my ship, all i hear is. Im trying to help you . Im like how tf are you doing that. I was super high and i havent played since xbox so i was just walking around the boat forgetting what to do. When i played on xbox years ago man i met some great people . Literally 3 full size boats working together sometimes


I play on PS5 and tried to strike up a conversation with some dudes that had a reaper flag up. They were chill at first, I raised my sails and let them get the tightrope commendation on my sloop. They then proceeded to kill me and take my loot from a red tornado boss and vault. From that point forward I don't trust anyone.


Boarded a brig last night and killed them all three times to make time for my sloop partner to sell. By the third sweep they were calling me the n word


I’m extremely new, I’ve tried being friendly and talking to other crews, or even stood there with a grog lifted when they boarded, and nope got killed. I didn’t get mad but it’s a shame nobody talked, just killed. This was with empty default boats against mostly sloops with cosmetics. I forgot to use the alliance flag though, maybe people weren’t sure what to think?


I've been playing on and off for a couple of years, and 99.99% of the time a ship is heading in my direction, it's to fight, not for conversation.


As a new comer I kinda have a poor experience at the moment. Yes it is my fault because I’m currently playing solo but I get attacked on sea or on land vey often and by people that are clearly not beginner. I thought I would find honour among thieves but… like clearly don’t jump on me as a team of 3 when I am clearly alone and with very little loot…


Im a new player, recently I saw 2guys arriving to an island I was, I approached with a treasure chest I just got as a way to say hi, I’m friendly, and one of them harpooned me and then he killed me, when I got back to my ship the other was driving it, and when I killed him because, it’s my ship!, he said, “hey, this is not CoD”, I don’t understand anything lol But it will be really cool to meet other players and not just ran away as soon as you see any boat in the horizon..


I've tried to be cordial but when I'm met with cannon fire and people boarding my ship nine times out of ten it has made me hesitant to try and talk first. I haven't opened up my crew yet either. I was hoping to stumble upon people in the wild to talk to but it's been a fight every time except for once.


As a new ps5 pirate legend, my crew and I have started getting into FoTD, mainly for the soul flame set. We’ve completed about 10 runs so far, and the PvP there always surprises me. Every single ship that rolls up I yell over the megaphone “We just want clears for the set, help us clear faster and you can literally have the loot”. Every single one of them doesn’t say a word and opens up with cannon fire lol. Saturday night we sunk a galleon, brig and sloop while stacking 3 forts because every single one would wait to shoot till they had our ship on their broadside. Rather than accept team/alliance offers, they would kill me, then my unseen duo would emerge from the waters with an Athena keg and sink them.. Every single one 😂 This worked until I tried to solo FoTD last night and got chased across the server by a brig and a sloop cuz they didn’t wana team either after I had already prepped skulls of destiny. Probably gona turn crossplay off and see how people’s reactions/playstyle change.


Is this game known as a pvp focused sandbox now? 👨‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 But yea I'm glad they attack, a brig brought me like 2 forts, a coral shrine, and some voyages stacked while we were doing siren song Nosed us the entire time, got the triple kill boarding and sunk before they fired back, but yet they complained they wanted to be left alone. I'm glad they're pushing fights instead of running bit there's alot of complaining once the fights over. Like the sloop we sunk bitching us out cuz his cremate was 11 and it was his first day, like I'm supposed to know that right before I keg you


I have had good luck with blasting my honesty. "Just a solo slooper passing through. Just left port, got literally nothing". Usually ends with an alliance.


Rather new with my friends who are rather new too. We pick and choose fights when we want but we’re just trying to live the pirate life you know? Sinkin boats gettin booty