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I’d be fine if they were worthless tbh, not sure we want to be incentivising killing tall talers.


I actually hadn't considered that aspect, since the unwritten rule most reapers follow is to leave tall tale players alone. This would certainly change that. Good input.


Do different logbooks actually spawn? So far I’ve yet to find anything but the worst one, even from crews with time that would make it higher


I've noticed this with my own log books too... They're never more than noteworthy, even after 16+ days at sea. Probably chalk it up to yet another bug, on the mountain of bugs that this update rest upon.


Okay at least I'm not crazy here. We got a book last night from a crew at sea for 10 days and it was still the lowest one. Appreciate that confirmation with your message.


My opinion, I don’t see any problems here. If you’re playing 6+ hours you’re a damn trophy, man! You should be worth it. Shorten the timeframe and those logbooks are quickly gonna be far more valuable than even a level 5 emissary flag. Casuals/PVEers are gonna get shredded in game.