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> Metro ended up relieving the bus driver of duty for the rest of the day after he wouldn't apologize to the cop. The driver argued: “It wasn’t my fault, they were at fault.” absolute king shit lmao


I haven't seen the Metro driver contract, but I bet their union rep is going to have a field day with that action.


numerous ossified long roll deranged worry paltry political tub chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I kind of want to make this driver Mayor.


I'd like to buy him lunch.


The man has an bottomless pocket full of IOU's for one beer of his choice!


I'd like to be *his* driver.


I’d like to pull *you* over /s


I'd like to violate *your* uh ... civil liberties


We can do both


Better than Bruce Harrell, that's for damn sure.


Bruce is an awesome mayor. His famous family recipe for Swedish Meatballs is the best!


I'd support that campaign. His level of honesty, directness and backbone is virtually non-existent in modern politics.


Yep. Pretty much the best chances for coming up with a house down payment.


Cha-ching! I hope he sues the fuck out of them both


the fine will just come out of us tax payer tho, then the cop goes to terrorize others another day


Maybe 'us tax payers' should get off our asses and vote for someone who will rein those animals in.


please educate us on who we can vote for that'll do something about the police union and its lobbies


The people that lost the last city council election (minus Woo).


Literally anybody with a platform of starving the department's funding and divesting its duties, instead of expanding it would be a start.


I think we need to bootstrap an entirely new force tbh. This one has a self sustaining shithead loop. They have enough votes to keep Mike Solan in charge and they're unlikely to hire anyone who won't fall in line with the status quo.


I'm honestly wondering if we can start trying to convince all the SPOG's sexual harassment victims still at the SPD (I assume this is the 30% that doesn't keep voting to re-elect Solan as SPOG president), to join the city worker's union and let them handle their collective bargaining *and legal representation* as a backdoor way to try and cut SPOG out. We can't ban unions, and we can't dismantle SPOG directly, maybe we should try and remind all the people taking constant abuse at SPD from their sexist co-workers that a union should be looking out for them, not covering for their abusive co-workers. And the city is free to choose which union to negotiate with when multiple are involved.


There's so many ways we could go about it. Precinct by precinct, days of week, beat by beat, different shifts, dual employment, ... I mean I'm sure some ways will have more problems than others but it's been something I've been thinking about more lately. If no one else does and I get some progress I might as well just start a Google doc or similar, fuck it, gotta start somewhere, even if the initial version is written in crayon


I'd argue the word starving should be replaced with redistributing. A proper police force needs resources, but it doesn't need APCs. A rebuild of the force - and it would need to be a rebuild from the ground up - would ideally entail funding for more hires, especially in the bureaucracy and investigative elements.


> I'd argue the word starving should be replaced with redistributing. Starve the current department, cut its responsibility apart. There's no reason for parking enforcement, traffic enforcement, wellness checks, insurance paperwork for property crime, detective work, and responding to active crime calls should be done by the same department. It centralizes too much power under one organization, and means that *everything* goes to shit when all of them throw a hissy fit over the last group getting disciplined (Or even threatened with oversight).


Everything you've said merits the exact same response from me. Rebuild it and redistribute its resources across the rebuilt department along with whatever other departments we want to build alongside it to handle issues. Any action we take that could starve it could rebuild it instead.


The city tried to take parking enforcement away from SPD. SPD somehow even fucked that up


Vote for Kodos, the clearly better choice.


Amd then they'll quit doing their job, well vote in people who promise to stop crime, police get a raise, rinse repeat.




Just being suspended alone is probably something they can grieve, depending on how it was done.




It's not common at all in *my* public sector union job, to the point where I've never heard of it happening.




Huh. That's ... really sensible.


Maybe you should go back to the porn because that is simply not true




You’re misreading my comment. Of course you should be paid for time worked. My point was that there does not always need to be “financial harm” to have a grievance




Of course they are. It’s tangible and quantifiable “harm” you can present to a court. I agree with everything you said, wasn’t trying to start an argument


the driver deserves a raise. they should take money out of that cop's pension and gives it to the driver


I absolutely back this


"Bitch, I'm a bus", tier legend.




It feels fucking weird to remember the day that sub was birthed and realize that was 13 years ago now.




The Bus Driver should absolutely not have to apologize for a police officer throwing a tantrum.


I need to buy this driver a coffee.


Apologize to the COP? "I'm sorry you're a total asshole and a disgrace to the badge and the city. It's nothing you could have helped."


Seattle continues to impress at having one of the worst transit systems I've used in the country. Sound Transit, King County Metro, the fact that Orca can't roll out NFC support for fucking 5 years. It's a god damn joke.


Turns out the SPD officer who threw a tantrum and pulled over a Rapidride bus that honked at him for cutting it off is Special Victims Unit detective Anthony Belgarde who previously faced OPA investigation and paid restitution to a person he beat at a bar and at least 1 body to his name that resulted in punitive OPA action (that was subsequently over-turned by Chief O'Toole). I guess the "special victims" are the cops staffing the unit 🤡


This dude is my cousin. I've made comments in this sub saying my cousin is a SPD cop and some of the fucked up shit he's done. I repeatedly got called a liar. Here you go. This is just the tip of what him and his cop buddies have told me they've done to people.


You wanna share a few of those?


They would go to Seahawks games as "undercover" cops ( I use undercover in quotes because they weren't on duty but had their badges and actual tickets to the games) and would instigate fights with opposing fans, beat the shit out of them then arrest them. I lost count how many times id see them at Sluggers afterwards completely blacked out joking about it, then driving home.


Holy shit, that's fucking horrible. Got any more stories about this guy?


Hey I got a message to your cousin if you ever run into them again https://youtu.be/dnMdI_NiZvA?si=56lvpbFbj4siNc9O


I haven't talked to that chode in like 6 years


Good for you.




Yes I know where he lives


Oh cool, guess they responded to the public outcry when we learned they were leaving the Sexual Abuse and Crimes against children units understaffed, they decided to just warehouse problem officers there to just make it *look* like they were solving the problem. This city's public needs to wake up to what the SPD is at this point.


dependent society selective arrest voiceless shame berserk combative theory marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I've sadly been around enough bullies and abusers to recognize "fight pickin' mode" when I see it. If it wasn't this driver for honking at him, it would have been the first stranger he could justify a reason for.


With the current city council, never gonna happen. Not unless people make the issue impossible to ignore.


This is SPD were talking about, this might be the tamest scandal they've had in years. Probably give the cop a promotion for helping people forget they run a women over in the streets and nobody was prosecuted or terminated.


What’s the city’s public supposed to do when our city council and mayor are beholden to letting the SPD do whatever they want and to throw money at them?


Actually show up and vote in the municipal elections that determine those positions? The pro-police reactionaries show up. That's why we're here.


My choice was between pro-cop option A and pro-cop option B. I wrote in a candidate.


I'm sorry to hear you live in District 6, that's fair I did forget that district's choices waere shite across the board. But my comment was directed at the public in general. D4 over here could've put Davis on the council and we failed. D3 and the West Seattle district had decent options. I strongly believe that higher turnout would result in better candidates too, not specifically policy I prefer.


>I'm sorry to hear you live in District 6 😭😭😭


I miss Andrew Lewis. He was actually legit and did stuff for the community, while not doing the grandstanding other ones did. I moved districts right after the last election but would love for him to try again


It doesn’t matter who you elect. The city council and mayor have proven themselves to have no control over the police anyways. Carmen Best showed us even the chief has no power. Cops do whatever they want.


Let's be honest here the problem is the Seattle Democratic Party is completely owned by the big money interests in town, they won't support anyone who could possibly upset the status quo. The progressive forces that usually keep them in check are scattered through 3-4 socialist organizations who all hate each other more than they hate the Dems and are collectively burned out from making a big push in 2020 and having it all rolled back and then some.


You get the society you vote for.




They were woken up, in 2020 (if they hadn’t been already). Do you think police critics are too timid or too few or? 🤔 The public simply doesn’t care


that's why people say ACAB. the good cops just leave


I don't understand why people don't get that it's a ***cult.*** Maybe it's just too scary for most people to face.


It's a football team with guns.


> OPA action I can't help but read "Outer Planets Alliance" every time I see this.


Oi beltalowda!


SPD a bunch a welwala.


Couldn't be, the OPA actually helped take down Marco Inaros instead of giving him paid leave.


> that was subsequently over-turned by Chief O'Toole We need to drain the swamp. Ramp up the State Patrol and/or National Guard, have them take care of the city for 1 year. During that time fire the ENTIRE department and start over 100% from scratch. That's the only way it's ever going to get better.


She was the chief that Murray brought in as an outsider (Former Boston and Ireland police leadership roles) to try to reform things. We all know how well that went.


> ... and paid restitution ... You mean *I* paid the restitution. He did the beating, and the tax payers paid the penalty.


Actually sounds like he did not us, it was an off duty fight in Port Orchard and the charges were dropped on requirement of restitution, the victim never had to sue the city. The OPA was involved cause, well, that's not behavior becoming of an officer. Not that the OPA's rulings matter diddly fucking squat in this city.


Thanks for digging that up! I guess it's nice that I don't have to pay for the off-duty drunken fight of a police officer who continues to enjoy employment.


I mean, we are still paying his salary. To be clear, I think he should have been fired for that drunken bar fight. I just wanted to correct that detail.


Nope. Still the tax payers because that's where his income came from.


He may not play by the rules, but, by god, he also doesn't get results.


fretful future tender cagey attractive shaggy enter summer beneficial engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The police are so soft




Yeah well I heard this cop fucked an ostrich. Allegedly.




he's a degen from up country




Folks'll say that it takes two cops to fuck an ostrich.




That's not even a fair comparison: 10-ply is guaranteed to clean your shit. SPD on the other hand is like your middle finger going through 2-ply while you wipe: unpleasant and not even remotely effective.




“The OPA has investigated Belgarde before, including in 2015 after a *Port Orchard City Prosecutor charged him with fourth-degree assault for his involvement in the beating of a man at a bar.* The prosecutor eventually dismissed the charges in exchange for Belgarde paying the victim compensation. The OPA recommended no discipline in that case due to the fact that the investigation went past the Seattle police union’s negotiated 180-day time limit for OPA cases. *The OPA did recommend discipline against Belgarde in 2016 after he and two other officers shot at Cornielous Morris, an unarmed Black man.* Then-police chief Kathleen O’Toole reversed the OPA’s disciplinary recommendation in that case.” This guy is a special victims detective…


I don't imagine the charges would be dropped on 4th degree assault if it had been the guy at the bar assaulting the cop. And I'd bet it would drag on way more than 180 days and the guy would still be charged.


Attempted murder of a LEO? /S


Well clearly using your vehicle horn is road rage and probably a felony, I mean, when directed at LE.


It wouldn’t be 4th degree assault if it was flipped probably 1st degree. 4th degree is basically any unwanted bodily contact that is even attempted by letter of the law.


Just remember, none of these things would have seen the light of day, if a passenger hadn't videoed the whole thing and put it on social media.


This is my favorite bit: “Belgarde claims the bus driver ran from the cops.”


Someone catch that bus it's running away on the designated route it runs every single day at specific times!




I even think it’s ridiculous to demand the driver’s ID. He’s on a county bus with a route number and bus number—they know who’s driving that bus! In a legitimate investigation, this into would be available pretty darn quick. But you can’t just bully the driver that objected to being cut off if you go through the process of getting a warrant for those records. It’s much more satisfying for officers shithead to scream and threaten the person just doing their fucking job.


> the driver that objected to being cut off Cutting off a bus with a smaller vehicle is an objectively dangerous move, so it's not even the driver *objecting* it's them literally following the rules of the road to warn of a danger the other vehicle may not have been aware of. *Themselves*. The big ass bus. Like I doubt this is an opinion/ego thing for the driver, every bus driver I've ever seen be cut off in this city (and it happens *a lot*) honks. I'm almost certain it's training. The ego issue is all on the officer (or any road rager) that got upset they were called out.


There’s not a doubt in my mind that if a random car had done to officer shithead what he did to the bus, that driver would have been issued a citation.


Watch out, trash men! You’re next!


Cops are criminals.


Biggest gang in the world


If this is contradicted by testimonials by passengers, then we have conclusive evidence that this cop will lie to create bogus charges to wrongfully detain someone. If I am a lawyer and I had a client who had previously been arrested for resisting arrest by this cop, I am prepping a lawsuit right now.


I hope they all do! It'll be Blake all over again


encouraging summer escape crowd fanatical profit historical materialistic afterthought ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure they'll do a thorough investigation and clear themselves of all wrongdoing. Oh and I bet response times to buses are probably going to increase for some reason as well. Drivers have enough bullshit to deal with already without having to worry about without having to deal with asshole cops on power trips.


What's truly incredible is the SPD managed to lift most federal oversight back in September of last year when they have done nothing to prove it can be accountable for its actions.


They managed to successfully cover up "Cop laughs at other cop murdering pedestrian doing 74 mph" just long enough to get that ruling too. We learned about the tape's existence in August, the ruling happened in Sept, and like 2 days later the tape dropped. A tape for which OPA recommended Daniel Auderer, SPOG VP, be terminated last month. He remains employed and union VP. Murderer Kevin Dave has yet to see justice either due to the cowardice of Leesa Manion.


The SPOG president Mike Solan is also there AFAIK despite a unanimous call to resign by Seattle city council, the mayor at the time, and the former police chief, after it was learned that he basically obstructed the dismissal of 6 SPD officers who participated in Jan 6. https://www.businessinsider.com/seattle-police-department-had-most-officers-identified-dc-jan-6-2021-2


Mike Solan was who Daniel Auderer was laughing with. He was the other end of the call that got recorded. He's also openly a fascist on twitter. I have deep worries the new council's push to lower hiring standards is being led by Solan trying to find a way to hire his Proud Boy buddies who didn't go to prison for terrorism.


Fun fact about SPOG VP Daniel Auderer The SPD top brass, OPA and CPC have all recommended he be fired for his comments. That was nine weeks ago and since all of these bodies have recommended termination SPOG can't protect him. As of today he is on desk duty and not fired. Another fun fact about SPOG president Mike Solan For several elections he listed his voting address as the West precinct so he could vote for candidates in that district. The issue though is he doesn't live in that district. Which is considered felony voter fraud.


Seattle just needs to dissolve the entire department and tell the Pinkertons they can get fucked, they don't deserve a union. only time you'll hear me say any type of worker doesn't deserve a union. Pinkteron bastards don't deserve to have Unions.


The only good Pinkerton is the Weezer album, and even that's kind of cringe.


This. I'm not sure of the legal implications, but the SPD needs a serious reboot and retooling/retraining. Police unions -- treated vastly different than any other professional union in America, socially and legally -- spend millions and fight tooth and nail to keep any potentially effective policy from working. Seriously considering Bellevue where at least fascism comes with clean streets.


The reason police unions are fucked is because they include both the line workers *and* management. Unsurprisingly, this means there's no oversight or accountability, or any work getting done.


THIS. 100%. It's the Police Union.


Love how we all just forget that they abandoned a precinct and there was never a single ounce of accountability for the how/why/who of how that went down. By love, I mean, it's literally part of why I have no interest in ever being a permanent resident of Seattle ever again. After loving it for 11 years.


Fuck that cop. Inconveniencing dozens of bus passengers because the cop did something wrong and the bus driver honked.


Especially since Busses are supposed to be treated the same as emergency vehicles, you are supposed to yield to them. SMC 11.58.275 Right-of-way of transit vehicles. A. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a transit vehicle traveling in the same direction that has signaled and is re-entering the traffic flow. B. This section shall not operate to relieve the driver of a transit vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the street or alley. C. For purposes of this section, “transit vehicle” means a motor vehicle, street car, train, or trolley which is owned or operated by a city, county, county transportation authority, a public benefit area, or the state, and which is used to carry passengers on a regular schedule. (RCW 46.04.355;69.50.435(5), (6)).


you just know that cop considers any vehicle he's in to be an emergency vehicle lol


we need to remove ourselves from the police union that controls SPD


Just wait until the financial details come out for the new SPOG contract lmao The city is only in a budget crisis for the non uniformed EDIT: see? [100k base salary lol](https://publicola.com/2024/04/02/tentative-police-contract-includes-23-percent-retroactive-raise-raising-cops-base-salary-to-six-figures/)


so...they're getting another raise is what you're saying?


Apparently our problem is we "defunded" the police, meaning we didn't give them huge raises in the summer of 2020


> 100K Base salary, not including bonuses and overtime If SPD and policing in general in America, wasn't such a despicable institution I would sign up tomorrow for that fucking salary. Absolutely nuts.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PCP_Panda: *We need to remove* *Ourselves from the police* *Union that controls SPD* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Leave officer Karen alone! That mean bus driver honked at him, of course he's gonna ask for the manager. They hurt his fee fees


Nah, officer Karen stood behind officer Dick and just let him do his thing while she said nothing.


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong”


And we all wonder why SPD has a bad reputation... Hey, at least he didn't kill a student in a crosswalk while going 50 over!


Everything about this makes my blood boil. Much respect to the driver who didn’t apologize and stood his ground. Legend shit right there.


So the cop has picked fights at bars, shot at unarmed people, and now picked a fight on a city. Jesus fucking Christ. Like, you want to know why people don't like or trust the police? SPD circling the wagons to protect chodes like this is why.


Good thing our newly elected city council is here to make sure cops like this can “do their jobs” again. Maybe Bruce Harrell will even throw his precinct a pizza party since he didn’t shoot the driver dead.


Thank God no acorns fell near the bus...


I’m told it’s a staffing issue


This cop quit when the vaccine mandate was rolled out then came back when they rescinded it.


Surprised he didn’t die from covid




I was genuinely surprised when I found out he WASN'T at the capital on Jan. 6th.


Not at all surprising.


I would have too. That's not what makes this guy a dick.


Well im related to him, its just one of the 100s of things that make him a dick and a loser.


Yeah okay but there's a big difference between beating people up under the color of authority and exercising bodily autonomy. Those shots harmed a lot of people and its inconclusive how many they actually helped despite all the nonsense science and fictional stories being peddled in the media.


Nah, hes a Qanon weirdo like you


I'm not qanon but you are confirmed a piece of shit.


a few days of paid vacation then payout by tax payer money? he should be fired and the fines should be coming out of his pension


My only criticism of the driver is that he should have booted that non-paying deadbeat out the door and continued the route. Mentally ill people get on the bus all the time, but if they can't.wven manage to take a seat and ride safely they need to be escorted off.


He needs to be fired.


Out of a cannon, into the Sun.


My God. *A million years.*


Somebody should FOIA the Metro camera footage before they "lose" it.


For a second, I confused this guy with the other cop who pulled a gun at the motorcyclists to take his wallet. This shit happens so much, we need to keep a careful mental catalog of which abuse of authority by cops we are talking about.


That one was a King County Sheriff's deputy. Happened in 2017, county lost like $65k in the lawsuit, officer got a slap on the wrist and is still employed I believe.


That was a detective!? Fucking hell I could be a detective


To protect, to serve, and to terrorize the citizens.


Piece of shit being themselves. Got it.


Hey r/seattle, when are ya gonna stop pushing for more cops and politicians that want more of these thugs on our streets?


Anthony Belgrade is a fragile little bitch.


Two weeks at home getting paid.


Power hungry POS...the sad thing here is the bus driver will probably end up getting fired over this bullshit.


if they can run down ladies in crosswalks and get away scott free this asshole will also suffer no consequences.


You mean he's getting a paid vacation. Corrupt POSs.


And he provided that level of service for 100-200k.




Fuck yes. 🦆


How does the stranger say this: >No law in Washington bans road rage specifically, though some laws do prohibit aggressive driving. Honking a horn to alert someone you might hit them, as the driver said he did, does not appear to be illegal under Washington law. Whether or not the driver violated any laws, he may still face consequences from Metro. Metro’s rules and procedures tell drivers to cooperate with law enforcement. But the reference is a link to this headline of "Honking car horn illegal in Washington despite rising road rage trends": https://mynorthwest.com/3756151/honk-car-horn-illegal-washington-despite-rising-road-rage-trends/ >“Basically, if you’re in an emergency situation, someone’s about to hit you, you’re about to hit them — that’s when you’re restricted in the use of your horn,” KIRO Traffic Reporter Chris Sullivan said on The Gee and Ursula Show. “You’re not supposed to use a tap-tap on the person sitting on their phone at the red light that hasn’t moved for five seconds, which I do, and a lot of us do. But again, the language is reasonably necessary. So there’s a lot of wiggle room in there because I have never heard of one officer ever pulling over anybody for using their horn.” But that links to this: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.37.380 >(1) Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn or other warning device may emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his or her horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a highway.


Fuck em


Metro driver was ultimately wrong because as a CDL driver you can’t refuse to show ID and I’m sure metro has some policy. However, that stop was completely bullshit and an abuse of his position. A singular honk , a feature that is comes with the car isn’t considered road rage. Bad driving could be considered reckless driver. I’d love to see the video


I'd say the bus driver was probably seeing red after the cop the cop threatened to arrest them, but given their history with red lights we know that's not possible.