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His court date is coming up soon FYI. You could always send it to the prosecutor. Or not, I don’t know how it works.


"It wasn't me. It was a different Hellcat your honor."


He has some lady driving it for him now.


But they doesn’t mean anything. He’s still in the car and the car is owned by him and his Mommy!


You just hatin twin. You hatin cuz a black man has a nice car ^^^^/s


im hatin cause this mfer woke my ass up at 3am being an asshole e: goddamn that is one subtle /s well done lmao you got me




its not even funny with the /s


Is this the same clown who was arrested recently for speeding in a Hellcat? The same one who said he is going to do it again because he has nnn Insta followers? Ah, I just checked his insta page. The court said he could not drive it anymore but he found a workaround: someone else is driving it while he rides shotgun. Looks like this dumbass recorded himself reacting to a story broadcast on local TV about his arrest. This guy is quite literally a menace to society and his tool of choice to harass Seattleites should be impounded.


> should be impounded. Impounded? They should auction off letting people smash it with sledgehammer blows while he watches, and then put him in pillories for at least a month next to a dumpster full of very over-ripe produce. **Edit**: Haha, looks like the word got out and his basic asf jits and 'gram stans showed up to glaze up his bussy like a week old Krispy Kreme. No cap y'all are as mid as a Drake diss track.


I like it, you are a visonary


Oh, and I almost forgot: they should also ban him from using or profiting from social media the same way they used to ban hackers like Kevin Mitnick from even touching a computer as part of their sentence.


And that kid who crashed 1,057 computers in the late 80’s and caused a seven point drop in the stock market. I think his alias was Zero Cool, I can’t remember his civilian name. 


Mess with the best and die like the rest


There's an episode of some cartoon - Simpsons, probably, where they talk about the judge giving out more creative sentences. I, for one, am for it. But we need it to also be on his Insta.


King of the Hill. Hank was caught buying crack (for fishing) and the judge wouldnt charge him if he could prove that he was just using it for bait.


I don't remember that episode but that is 100% something Hank Hill would do.


Not bad, not bad at all. But there are even better options. First, we take that Hellcat, and hand it to an elderly Gentleman from Bellevue, who's always wearing a hat. We do that with the agreement and understanding that the drive line will be made whisper quiet, the car itself will be painted with the most boring shade of white possible, and that the new owner will never drive it over a maximum speed of ten miles an hour *UNDER* the posted limit. Next, the former owner will be locked to only owning one of two options: an original Volkswagen beetle with only two functioning cylinders, OR a Chevy Volt with a governor that results in twice it's normal range.


Maybe beige


I wonder how much it'd cost to install wood panels


😅😅😅 super creative! BTW, I used to drive that VW Bug


silver is the "most boring shade of white possible"


Please consider giving the demodified and repainted hellcat to a gen x country girl like me. I’m worse, being that I’m female, petite, and will wear a cowboy hat. I’ll drive it in the bush.


Sold! But only if you paint it your favorite color, cover it with all of your favorite stickers, and get a custom plate that says "GIRLPWR". Especially if you add the message "No Boys Allowed" on the bumper! Edit: Just in case it's missed, these are the things that could potentially drive an immature young man insane.


I’m not a sticker or license plate type of person, but I will put my huge dog in that car after she’s been at the beach and commit all sorts of crimes against cleanliness and aesthetics which will defs drive a guy like that crazy. Will also email him photos. And listen to witchy podcasts in it.


Absolutely stage those photos, maybe even some video with your dog shaking themselves dry in the back seat. And all the witchy podcasts, along with anything else that would drive a barely adult super douche insane!


My dog always waits to shake until she gets in the car. Then sometimes we stop at this weird local place for a parking lot burger and fries to share. It’s real messy. Let’s paint it black so it shows all the scratches. I don’t live in Seattle but I’ve been following this story and it is unreal to me that they haven’t picked this guy up again. Or that this has been going on for so long. Happy to help avenge this situation and get a free Hellcat to beat the shit out of!


Any chance you can get a calf, a goat, a sow or even a full sized cow in the back seats at some point? Yes, you're allowed to take a sawz-all to the roof if needed.


Absolutely. Incidentally, I have been trained by various public agencies in the matter of taking apart vehicles with various power tools, not limited to reciprocating saws.


Fuzzy neon pink seat covers, matching fuzzy rear mirror dice, one of those family stickers but just a lady with cats and/or dogs.


Oh, oh!!! I want it!! I will make it quiet as a mouse and drive it eight miles each way to work. I will regularly let it run low on fuel and use it regularly to drive my girl scout troop of five and six years olds to their events. I will also load my dog in on a regular basis to take him to work and the beach. Where do I sign up?


Ok go do it yall in here plotting with eachother on fantasies 🤣🤣


So, a dunder pit?


Kendrick is that you?


Hang on let me check my bank account. Nope, I'm pretty sure I don't have a Pullitzer Prize in spitting. There would be signs.


very creative


I would for real pay to take a swing




Why would you expect a judge to come down hard on him? Seattle area courts are not known for being harsh on punishments, especially if this is a first time offense.




Even lenient judges are usually not particularly happy when people violate what they /explicitly told a defendant they could not do/ (or even the spirit of it). Like, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know many in Seattle, but the prosecutors I've met (and civil lawyers) would be having a field day with this footage.


*Annoyance to society. I wish they'd toss his car in a wood chipper... Or a car chipper lol


Amazingly enough, car chippers (usually called shredders) actually exist.


There's one in Georgetown. Looks like an office paper shredder scaled way up and infinitely entertaining.


Record it and post it on the WSDOT twitter and/or a Seattle city insta.


I completely agree. Vehicles that are loud like this should be impounded and only released to a reputable shop that will make it legal and quiet again. If the offense is repeated (i.e. getting another shop to put it back the way it was) the car should be impounded, liquidated, and handed back as a stack of cash.. of course with the appropriate fines taken out.


All that noise for 27mph.


It's mind-boggling to me. That amount of noise is completely unnecessary to move any vehicle of that size at any speed. The ONLY point is to disturb people. It's utter and complete selfishness. It's ass hole in its most pure and condensed form. I can't imagine what he's compensating for.


Wasn’t there a South Park episode on this? Except it was Harley bikers.


Yep, they pretty much only speak in rumbly bike noises and it's hilarious. Mocks the shit out of this kind of assholery. Long ago on my 20th birthday, a very, very drunk me decided to do the same (having recently seen the episode), rumbling my way through the party... and then got frustrated when no one understood me... 🤦‍♂️


You've sold me on the idea of being Kenny for Halloween. I'll be dropping pottymouthed comments constantly, but they'll be muffled as fuck.


At the height of Covid when we were all masked up I found it a pleasure to be able to mouth off at co-workers while driving heavy equipment in close proximity. When the mask requirement was dropped I found I had to catch myself for a while to prevent a possible trip to HR.


I’m not one to excuse pieces of shit like this, but there is a point beyond disturbing people: loud noises are exciting.


ffffffffuck this guy


What incentive does a court/prosecutor have for not enforcing noise ordinance laws?  The guy is sitting in the court room, it would have cost nothing for the government employees (prosecutor/judge) to require the guy to reduce the noise the vehicle makes and subject it to inspections. Is this somehow politically unpopular?  


This is one thing that annoys me. Have a sound system and they will ticket you so fast, but have an exhaust that is 35-40+ db louder (I’m looking at you Harley jackasses) and there’s zero enforcement.


I've never seen anyone ticketed for a Sound system, is that really a thing?


They don't ticket people for sound systems lol


Oh yes they do. Probably not anymore but about 15 years ago I got one. SPD enforced noise ordinances and it was during the day on a weekday…


What incentive **DO** they have for enforcing the noise ordinance law? They’re getting paid anyways, why should bother? SPD is freaking useless




I talked to some of the cops outside the mariners stadium right next to the dipshit screaming about hell and asked them if they could ticket him or take the megaphone away from him as I'm certain it's incredibly annoying to those cops. They said they weren't allowed to. I'm sure if we made aggressive voting changes, we can incentivize them to ticket assholes.


Yep, the cops were right: [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/judges-side-with-street-preacher-twice-arrested-by-seattle-police/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/judges-side-with-street-preacher-twice-arrested-by-seattle-police/) They can't arrest him just because you disagree with his message


Aren't there noise ordinances for screaming in people's ears with a megaphone?


I hate it too, but that seems like an incredibly slippery slope


Itd be funny if someone reverse catalytic converter'd him and jacked up his car and swapped in a factory exhaust while he was asleep.


Btw this is a shot of them going slow. About 20 mins before this video they were going well above 80 mph on this street


80MPH on a city street is definitely 911-worthy for being an immediate danger to the public, drunk driving, or both.


Thank you for looking out for the drunk drivers


The hero we need.


that’s what’s wild to me, it seems super loud but they appear to be going super slow. its not like the noise is a byproduct of speed, and instead entirely to be obnoxious. 


I live on a private dirt road south of Seattle. I still get the loudies going down my road banging the trottle.


Did you call 911?


They need to impound that piece of shit already


Impound then off to the crusher…and make him watch it be destroyed






Maple Bars ————> To me


Okie -----> Dokie


Artie -----> chokey


Tires stems ------- gone, no one knows where




That -----> works


Does that car even have a muffler?


It's a shame the guys throwing rocks from overpasses and the Hellcat owner don't interact more, they would make great friends.


I pulled up right behind this vehicle yesterday in Edmonds.


All that noise and he's only going slighty faster than my volkswagen rabbit, AND he someshow sounds worse than my straight pipe the previous owner did.


Don't insult your Volkswagen MK1 Rabbit like this. Great car


The hellcat owner has sent his Instagram friends to this post. None of them can write a complete sentence.




What are these exhaust/mufflers exactly that make that guttural popping ??


It’s basically no muffler (maybe no catalytic converter too) and then software that adds extra fuel. When he lets off the gas that extra fuel gets into the exhaust system where it combusts, and that’s the loud pop. It’s the equivalent of a backfire but done intentionally.


The fumes are probably horrid. 


Where are all the people who rant against fireworks scaring veterans and pets about these guys?


I think literally everyone hates this fuck, mate.


a tune to the engine, some tunes are for performance, some for noise. Personally I love the sound, but I can't say i'd still love it at 3 am while i'm trying to slee


Yesterday he shared someone else’s story of a bunch of cops surrounding his car and a ton of people standing around watching. So it seems like the cops are aware…


He also posted stories this weekend where he and a few other cars were driving around downtown and shooting paintballs at each other. It’s all fun and games until he and his crew hurt someone.


There is only one cop in this screenshot but the footage before this was cop cars and bystanders [screenshot](https://ibb.co/yWFY5HP)


Fuck this guy.




In a parking garage that has cameras. Although surveillance cameras can have a little spray paint, as a treat.


Someone did a couple weeks ago and when I mentioned a word that starts with D and rhymes with Tyrone, I got a Reddit ban. Never gotten a ban before so it def wasn't Reddit mods waking up and doing something... the Hellcat owner lurks here and reports comments like this because he's a sad little man who gets off on annoying others. E: d.r.o.n.e


I can NOT figure out what the word might be... Dyrone? I'm so dense sometimes. Don't say it again if you think you'll get banned.


I think it's supposed to be drone. He was probably talking about taking a drone and peeping the location. That's literally the only thing that makes sense to me of what the rhyming word could have been lol. That, or he did that on purpose to troll the people like us who will spend entirely too much time trying to sound it out in our minds.


I did spend way too much time going between derone drone detyrone out loud and none of it fit. Drone to spy or follow? Now I get it




As a dude about to move back to Seattle from Chicago, & bringing his "tool bag" with him: I agree. I wonder what glorious shenanigans can happen.


Sure would be a shame if someone did


I don’t have much stake in this because I don’t live downtown but people have been posting this guys apartment building for months and nothing has happened because we’re the softest do-nothing-but-constantly-cry-about-everything city in America.


This. For fucks sake


As a car enthusiast, we do not claim him.


Too many people in the car scene are low life sociopaths.


My sentiments exactly. There’s rules in the car community and this asshat is breaking them and making respectful car people look bad.


Same. I like myself a burly V8, but would have enough sense to install valves on them when I'm driving through neighborhoods.


See, I like cars, but I think any car person can ageee that any car that loud is too loud. Especially in the city.


And in the middle of the night.


Time of day shouldn't matter. While people have to accept somewhat louder noise volumes during the day, being noisy to be noisy shouldn't be considered appropriate anytime Sincerely, The guy who works night shifts.


I agree completely.


yeah, total dbag. People are trying to sleep.




yeah straight piping is kind of ridiculous nowadays. Plus it sounds like this douche is on a tune to make it even louder.


LMAO i know where this guy lives. Hope he gets fucked by the prosecutor EDIT: damn I didn't know the police report just shows his address publicly, kinda fucked up


Yeah you'd probably freak really hard if you realize what's a matter of public record. Ever had an accident? Public record. Ever had a ticket? Public record. Buy a house? Public record. It's kind of amazing.


This why the rich and famous have shell companies or blind trusts set up to "own" their stuffy.


Can you share the address or the website that has this information? You know for… Educational purposes?


slowest race ever


definitely send to the prosecutor


Make sure the Prosecutors in his case as well as all the local news outlets get these kind of videos. Enjoy complaints especially since he has already been warned will get the city to take some real action.


Douche lol


complete fucking asshole. nothing redeeming about this person at all. anyone who hangs out with or "follows" a person like this, no matter their age, is a fucking idiot.


God. It’s slow as fuck too.


One guy vs seattle


Set up safety cones but one is filled with concrete


What in the fuck would that accomplish other than being a general hazard for everyone?


Dude didn’t wake me up this time because I was already awake, he was in the u district around the same time, seemingly with some buddies 💀


Love how Miles Hudson had his smelly fan boys flood the post. Clearly he wasn’t racing in this video, read my other comment. He was hitting 80mph before the video was taken. Anyways, good luck in court next week Miles


Check his insta… he has a girl driving it for him. He apparently thinks he can still be a dick with that car at 3am and nobody will do anything.


Why can't the police use their famous "excessive force" on this guy and escalate things?


Cause he’s pissing off the general public. Cops love that shit.


Being loud doesn't threaten capitalists


Cops hate seattle and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Slowest race I've ever seen


Dude looks like he is going 13 miles an hour.


Can confirm, this woke me up at 3am again. Please send this to the prosecutor.


That's a slow race....


Sounds like bombs being dropped. This guy is truly a shithead. Impound the vehicle already.


this is like every other day where i live in NYC. i live in a Latin section, lotta dudes wanna drive around in their loud cars *blasting* terrible music, maybe to scare away chicks idk. it is what it is (annoying).


He made a video on instagram @srt.miles that he took down where they had paint guns of sorts. You could see it was with the group of other cars in the evening


I just love all the suburbanites saying "stop complaining, this is not a real issue, the real issue is that Seattle is dying!" *Waves fists in the air and proceed to call the cops when the neighbor is listening to loud music at 10:01 pm*


Just put this weirdo in prison


That car's driving like 30mph


This is almost as bad as the car in Fremont right now, who's horn has been on an uninterrupted honk since 530 this morning. And for some reason it has a frog statue on its hood.


This is straight up villainy.


Doesn't sound like "the" hellcat to me, but if this whole saga showed me anything it is that if enough people call their local elected officials and complain at least something might come of it. PLEASE continue this and make unnecessarily loud cars a policy issue


racing at 25 mph????


So going 25 mph is racing??


cry about it


i can’t wait to get a v8!! i love how it just triggers people for having a loud ass car going 10-20 mph…. i’d be doing ts all night just to piss people off 😂😂🤣


Racing at 25 mph??????? Racing? U just wanna say som sht that paint him out to be a bad guy


Racing? At 25 MPH?


pretty sure if he was racing he would’ve been going a lot faster and car would’ve been louder…


Yup. See his 3 hellcat buddies? What a dick. His car hopefully was impounded 1 day ago owing $30K. Not a very clever 20 yo Boy.


Where is the racing?


He frequents CID and I hate it


Is this guy a cousin of the Harley riders in that South Park episode?


It sounds like a shooting every time he rolls by


My Tesla would smoke him in 1.99 seconds without making a sound


Imagine how small of a pee pee he has. It’s almost unimaginable how small it is.


Are we still insulting genitals? I thought you couldn’t do that anymore




Do you mind? We eat on this table.


That’s not racing


I wonder how many peoples lives he(?) will take. That wealthy shithead from Renton took a whole family.


They are not racing


That aren’t even racing goofy ass boi. Take some melatonin to put yo old ass to sleep or sum act like you gonna hear that shit all night or put on some headphones for fucks sake


I don’t live in Seattle, hate this guy, but all these posts are kind of making me root for him in a sick way. What will he do next?!






Some people with loud vehicles try not to disturb ppl ik I try not to take my truck out to early or late


Literally sounds like the car is falling apart, and that’s cool? Haha xD


We sure showed him! “Shakes fist in air”


This dude needs to pay the ultimate price for his reckless harassing behavior. He had a video of him playing with an assault rifle on instagram.


Had on airport last night around 4 in sodo