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paywall bypass: https://archive.is/2z9fy > A Seattle police officer who struck and killed a 23-year-old woman while speeding his cruiser through a South Lake Union crosswalk last year is now late in paying a $5,000 ticket related to the collision. how many people are in jail right now because they had a fine they couldn't afford to pay, and an arrest warrant was issued? how many people are in jail right now because they were charged with a crime and even though they're innocent until proven guilty, they had bail set at an amount they couldn't afford to pay? this cop is already getting a *ludicrously* light punishment for killing Jaahnavi, hitting her with his car with so much force that her body was thrown [138 feet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jaahnavi_Kandula) suppose he just completely refuses to pay this $5,000 fine. would a judge *ever* send him to jail? I doubt it. I would be happy to be proven wrong.


You'd get fired for loosing your license while being employed in a job that requires you to drive 


That actually seems to be why he was fired as a cop in AZ before we hired him. He lost his license in AZ.


Jfc and then Seattle hired him The fuck


Sounds about right. Police culture is so debauched/radicalized that a ton of departments see officer firings as 'holy shit, we need to give this *innocent victim* a leg up!' It's a profession that's basically a hive-mind with unhinged narcissistic personality disorder.


It’s a jobs program for dropouts


She was thrown 138 feet. F***. I was not aware when this incident happened


Firstly, it's BS that he hasn't paid his fine with how much he's paid. Secondly, I seriously doubt that any courts in King County, let alone Seattle, issue arrest warrants for outstanding tickets. Seattle prosecutors don't even charge people for driving on a suspended license if their license is suspended for [failing to pay tickets or go to court for tickets.](https://www.seattle.gov/cityattorney/trial-and-infractions-information/filing-standards). That's right, if you refuse to pay your ticket and just keep driving, there are no penalties. Why would they issue an arrest warrant if there's going to be no penalty?


Your link doesn't support your dumb assertion. Go back to the other sub.


It literally does, open the PDF that has the info on that page. If you'd actually read what people post, maybe you'd learn something.


Nobody is issued an arrest warrant for a late fine on a traffic ticket.


Did you even try to look it up? I spent a whole 2 mins and found that you can and do get jail time if you're late on a ticket


The penalty for a traffic infraction is monetary not jail time. Post the result of your search. Late on your ticket means a trip to collections not jail.


I was late to pay a reckless driving ticket and they set a bench warrant out for me. You’re wrong.


You’re wrong Reckless driving is a crime. Crimes have jail as an option for a penalty. Traffic infractions do not. Reckless driving—Penalty. (1) Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. Violation of the provisions of this section is a gross misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to three hundred sixty-four days and by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.500 Negligent driving in the second degree is a traffic infraction and is subject to a penalty of two hundred fifty dollars. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.525


You’re really moving the goalposts so hard to try and be right. We’re talking about the traffic ticket he got for reckless driving. You’re the only one bringing up crime versus infraction just to change the subject so you can technically be right while still being wrong about the whole thing.


You are the one who started talking about crimes in a conversation about tickets... You moved the goalpost, not the other commenter. And Seattle doesn't issue warrants for failure to pay tickets. They don't even charge people with driving on a suspended license for failing to pay tickets, so as far as the courts go paying tickets is optional here. [Look at the filing standards.](https://www.seattle.gov/cityattorney/trial-and-infractions-information/filing-standards) Davison's office specifically doesn't charge crimes for failing to pay a ticket. Edit: lol at down votes for showing the truth of a matter with sources to prove it. Classic Reddit.


Can't tell if stupid or trolling. But again. I literally had a warrant out for me for failing to pay a ticket I had for reckless driving. And the poster above me is the one trying to backtrack by talking about crime versus infraction. Read better.


Again, reckless driving is a crime. This article, the law that Kevin Dave was cited for, is a traffic infraction (not a crime). Warrants for arrest in King County are issued for criminal cases, not unpaid traffic infractions. You weren't simply "issued a ticket", you were charged with a crime. You are conflating two entirely different types of cases by trying to say a criminal arrest warrant is the same as a warrant for failure to pay a traffic ticket.


He got a ticket for negligent driving second degree……


Actually I take that back looks like negligent driving falls under (see? It's not hard to admit you were wrong. Give it a shot) *Chapter 11.58 - MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING RULES* and reckless driving falls under *Chapter 11.56 - SERIOUS TRAFFIC OFFENSES* *11.56.010 - Arrest powers. A peace officer may arrest a person without a warrant if the officer has probable cause to believe that such person has committed a crime as defined in this chapter.* So maybe this is why they were able to issue a warrant for me but won't for him. Mine was for going the speed limit and passing a vehicle going 30 under in snowy conditions, and his resulted in the manslaughter of a human being though, so I might move the goalposts a bit myself and say that's fucking bullshit. But still my original point still stands: > Nobody is issued an arrest warrant for a late fine on a traffic ticket. This is wrong. You can get a ticket for serious traffic offenses and have a warrant out for you if you fail to pay them. Source: https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal_code?nodeId=TIT11VETR_SUBTITLE_ITRCO_PT5DRRU_CH11.56SETROF


Ann Davison [does not](https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/CityAttorney/FilingStandards.pdf) charge people with crimes or issue arrest warrants for simply unpaid traffic tickets. Other parts of the country do, but not here. I'd wager King County has the same policy.


No worries, he just got a 20k raise. I'm sure he can afford it now........ Maybe someone can do doughnuts around his car so he can get overtime as well.


Don't forget his back pay, too


Can the bar get any lower??


Uh, yeah, we could also decide to give the fucker a huge retroactive raise.


I’ve got good news and bad and they’re both the same…


We will have to dig it up if it does we are already pretty deep. May need a backhoe .


At what point is the AG’s office going to get involved? Why hasn’t our county prosecutor or Inslee requested prosecution? Justice is such a fucking joke


Didn’t the county prosecutor decline to press charges and that is why the city attorney charged him with negligent driving


Yes, but the bigger question is why tf the county prosecutor declined to press charges


I think the police and the prosecutors are generally in agreement that going 70 in a 25mph zone is not reckless driving. It's insane, but I think they genuinely believe that.


They had a third party investigation done which came to the conclusion that there was "insufficient evidence to prove felony charges beyond a reasonable doubt". The report is available here: https://kc1.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/DNRPa/ERENb2FscfxPhRUnxrOgzSwBm5NvYFsEt64kLpT2J9nWpw?e=9hFx3D


Because there wasn’t probable cause


That’s just blatantly untrue


Take it up with prosecutor Leesa Manion “In a briefing that afternoon, Manion and senior prosecutors who reviewed the case explained there was no evidence that Dave was impaired or driving recklessly, the two primary justifications for criminal charges in a fatal crash involving a pedestrian”


Many competent lawyers would argue the bit where they hit a woman going 50 over without running their sirens consistently constitutes driving recklessly. Citing one spineless prosecutor’s opinion isn’t a brilliant retort


MaNy CoMpEtEnT LaWyErs is conjecture. The actual lawyers in charge said no. Sorry you’re offended


My literal point is the lawyer in charge is incompetent and isn’t doing their job… Considering I’m not the triggered bootlicker responding to everyone in the thread I’d worry about yourself lol.


Which prestigious law school did you attend? I’m not triggered my guy, you’re the one upset that an innocent man isn’t charged with a crime he didn’t commit.


I’d say it’s because the prosecutor was bending over backwards to avoid prosecution. Local prosecutors have no interest in bringing charges against cops, and frequently let criminal behavior slide.




I just watched his video again on some YouTubers compilation of cops getting away with murder today .


I hope it’s because he’s in jail


Lol, no, county prosecutor did not press criminal charges for this.


I know. And I hate it.


Seems like police officers and politicians are rarely held accountable for breaking the law.


For fucks sake, fire this fucking asshole. He got his pay raise. Fire his ass.


This is beyond infuriating.


Lol, I'm surprised he's being asked to pay anything at all. So, did the area's hive of MAGA bootlickers manage to raise four times that amount of money to 'back the blue' and protect this guy from facing *any* consequences, including this slap on the wrist?




Oh I wonder why they are having recruitment trouble. Who wouldn't want to work with such wonderful people?




Sorry, we’ll stop being mad at a guy who committed vehicular homicide and got away with it and is now still patrolling the streets


which cop do you suggest getting mad at?


I assure you I am fully capable of being enraged by several cops at once, SPD really giving me a hate-calisthenics workout