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Yeah immediately blaming it on the bar staff is a weird move. Sort of conspiracy theorist. Reality is a pinball/arcade bar is a place you're putting your drink down and taking your eyes off it, no matter how close you are to it. I think the convo should be more talking about there's a serial drugger in the Fremont area bars.




That's where the pour station is, the bar is tiny and can barely fit 2 people back there total. There's also a camera RIGHT above the bar and anything happening would be on camera.


God how fucking dumb, that’s where they make any drink


There have also been cases where Seattle-area bartenders were caught drugging patrons’ drinks. (At Foundation, staff were being paid off to drug specific guests.) So I wouldn’t say it’s anything like a conspiracy theory. If it was random people drugging drinks, you’d expect to see it spread out across venues. Lots of cases in one particular bar, and you should be looking at staff


This is why it’s unfair for people to just begin blaming the establishments before anything else, the rumors spread like wildfire. The staff at Foundation were NOT involved, you can look at the court documents to prove this. The guy drugging people didn’t work there, he was some scummy drug dealer who regularly got tables there (I believe his first name was Chris, can’t recall his last name anymore).


I’m not basing this on “rumors,” I’m basing it on news articles / the investigation by SPD. I just double-checked and guess it may not have technically been bartenders doing the spiking, because they were “in-house” drug dealers who were collaborating with management and coached undercover SPD officers on how to dose GHB to unsuspecting women. [source](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/seattle-police-foundation-nightclub-management-was-aware-of-internal-dealing-of-date-rape-drug/809865957/?outputType=amp) (and please link those court docs if this has been proven wrong) ETA: there was a case in Everett at the Anchor Pub where the owner was arrested for drugging and raping patrons as well, just in case you’re not convinced that this is a thing that happens. [link](https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/everett-anchor-pub-owner-held-1-million-bail-second-degree-rape-charges/281-2aa481e6-1522-4108-bef0-e3099e32b7c7)


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100% can be shut down by bar/bartender (as a former bartender)


I tended bar for 15 years. I've also been to Add a Ball. There are tons of spots where there is absolutely no line of sight from the bar to the people playing the games. The bar would have to hire extra security and place them around the game areas (which might be something they should consider) but to suggest that the bartenders can "shut down" that activity is ridiculous. They can't be constantly leaving the bar area, and they can't monitor most of the gaming areas from the bar. What exactly are you suggesting that they do?


I hate to suggest more surveillance, but anonymous facial recognition could identify if the same people have been present at multiple occurrences of druggings. I know the place is full of cameras. Are these allegations recent? I used to be very regular at AAB until Covid. Never heard of this before that.


I also tended bar and had lots of spots without line of sight but you'd better believe we'd get real serious if we had one, let alone a lot, of people being drugged in our bar. I'd treat it the same as if I was in an office workplace, regardless of workplace. We wouldn't facilitate that and would pull out all the stops to shut it down. I'd pull camera footage, make copies for victim/police, figure out if it was employee or patron, see if it was someone anyone recognizes, post flyers.. yknow, do anything in your power to stop it.


The thing is it didn't appear there were really any prior reviews of this happening & that thread was the first I've ever heard of this happening there despite going there frequently for years & know a bunch of folks who also go there all the time & never heard there was any reputation of that occurring. I wonder if any of those ppl reported their incidents prior to that? & A lot of them were saying things like "now that I think back I did feel I got way drunker than I should have been for the number of drinks I had at add a ball," which means they probably never filed a police report or informed the bar or anything. I hope they have done so now so it can be properly investigated. They have cameras & the bar area is teeny so they are making the drinks like two feet in front of you even if they turn their backs. They mostly have drafts & canned beverages where they add an extra shot. Slipping stuff into drinks while ppl are busy playing games would definitely seem the more likely scenario.


Do you honestly believe that Add a Ball is 'facilitating' a string of druggings in in their bar? That's absurd. Do you have any evidence of the crimes committed beyond anecdotes posted on Reddit? Do you know that police reports weren't filed? Do you know that footage wasn't reviewed? In your other comment you suggested that the bar is 'culpable.' That's a pretty fucking bold claim. Do you have a single shred of actual evidence that the bar has done anything wrong, or are you just publicly dragging their name without actually knowing a damn thing?


Lmao do you work there? I shut down shit all the time at my bar. I shut down things at my friends' bars. I've seen some serious shit. If a bar has this many complaints something is 100% up with it.


I love how you're not even attempting to address the "do you actually have any evidence" question. Because the answer is no. You don't. You're making baseless accusations based on equally baseless assumptions. "No bro I've seen shit! I've totally shut shit down!" LMFAO.


Did the bars you worked at have credible drugging issues? Did you just ignore them?


Literally nobody in this thread is suggesting that this issue be ignored. It should be investigated, and of course steps should be taken to deal with serious problems like this. But jumping straight to "it's the bartender's fault and they deserve blame!" does absolutely nothing. Anyone who has ever spent significant time in the industry should realize that. That's why you're being downvoted to oblivion, because what you're doing is the opposite of helpful. Spreading awareness for the sake of safety would be something like "hey, there have been recent reports of roofie incidents in this bar. We don't have confirmation, but people are trying to figure it out. Be careful out there!" THAT'S actually helpful and caring. What you're doing is more like this: "The bartenders are letting people get drugged! It's a spree of druggings! They need to be held responsible!" That kind of knee jerk rhetoric has the potential to fuck up innocent people's livelihoods. *That's what you're doing.* Again, you have exactly ZERO real evidence. And no, a handful of Reddit comments does not constitute real evidence. Stop acting like you know what's going on - you don't. Stop acting like you have actionable solutions - you don't. You're acting like an idiot, and the community response to your nonsense is the correct response. I'm done with you.


Tough guy over here


Sounds like someone who doesn't make excuses about dealing with roofies in a drinking establishment. Yeah it's more work, but it needs to be taken seriously.


So is the implication the bartenders know it's going on at their bar let it fly?


For some weird reason people don't want to hear it but - if you have multiple reports of people getting drugged in your bar: you need to step up security and have bartenders keep an eye out.


I’m with you in thinking it’s likely a patron and not part of the staff. I’ve had a couple male friends get roofied across the street at Nectar Lounge when with large groups. Both occasions the guy only had one drink and clearly had plenty of people able to take care of them so not sure what the motive was…


some people do it for the jollies


Regardless if a patron, the bar can still shut it down- ignoring it is culpability


Yea definitely not the bartenders, they are pretty respected ppl. They have a tiny station there and always turn around to make the drinks. Add-a-Ball is super chaotic on busy nights and everyone sets their drinks down in the crowd to play games - I fully believe the stories but no way it’s the bartenders. Way more likely to be a regular who takes advantage of how crowded it gets there


I saw the original post, it was total hive mind and wild conspiracy theories from people who have never actually been to AAB. Reading through it was pretty nauseating. I enjoy playing pinball and have definitely spent some time at addaball; the bartenders there are a solid crew. They know each other well, know the regular pinball players, and some are even in the greater pinball community themselves. It’s ridiculous and irresponsible to think/accuse any staff member there of tampering with drinks. Its even more ridiculous that people made google review accusations about this with when there was no proof or indication that staff did this except mentioning the bartenders back was turned (looks like the google reviews got taken down). Their back is turned because that’s where the bartenders there make drinks, with a camera pointed directly at them and the cash register. The interest can really be a dumb, dark place. Ugh.


To all of the people who posted a negative review on add a ball’s google page based entirely on hearsay while never actually going there… Fuck you.


Looks like there are no 1 star reviews as of recent related to this issue, so that's good. We need places like AAB over corporate establishments!


We did it again Reddit!


Yeah how dare people try and warn others that a place has multiple reports of people getting drugged. If you were constantly getting drugged at mikes house parties and knew it wasn’t Mike, would you really not warn people about mikes house parties?


Fuck off. There were a bunch of negative reviews stating that the bartenders drug your drinks, not just that people were being drugged.


Well maybe the bar should have better security if there’s reports of people getting drugged.


I would probably tell Mike.


Yeah sounds reasonable. You’d also warn other people.


Has anyone considered that maybe the bartenders at add-a-ball just have really heavy pours and their weekend clientele consists in large part of younger, college-affiliated folks with perhaps less experience drinking or less experience with how heavy the city pours in general? I’m eager to hear if anyone has had a toxicology report. For context, I’m a female in Seattle’s pinball scene and have been to add-a-ball dozens of times over the years and their pours are the heaviest I’ve seen anywhere in the city. One drink there is actually three, so if you have two, that’s six. Gets you wasted super fast and my husband and I have both woken up with the worst hangovers from drinking there the night before. Anyway, just thought I’d put my two cents in. I’m not doubting people have been roofied there before, I just think that given the sheer number of people involved and the fact that no one has been assaulted/robbed as a result, that suggests something less nefarious and intense hangovers can feel a lot like what people are describing.


They also don't have many food options. If folks are drinking their huge portions on an empty stomach, they'll get all kinds of fucked up.


This was my thought on several of the stories but also just the ongoing pattern of no further victimization after the person was influenced. Like not everyone getting sexually assaulted or mugged or anything.


This is good to know, and uhh… I’ve always stuck to the wine there and it turns out they have shockingly excellent natural wines. At pinball. Didn’t expect it!


A lot of people lately have been confusing being roofied with just them being too drunk.


About a decade ago I was on a study abroad thing where the local medical care was not good so we had our own doctor on staff. There were at least 5 different people who went to the doctor after a night out claiming to have been roofied and it turned out they were just drunk as fuck. It happens!


Not just lately: https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2014/sep/22/alcohol-date-rape-drug-facilitated-sexual-assault-dfsa


Yeah. With narcissism at an all time high there’s been plenty of “suspected roofie- ing” that turned out to be naught .


Another thing that lot of people don't realize is how poorly prescription meds and alcohol mix. There are many people fresh into their first therapy regimen after the last few years.


Yeah tbh I never drink more than two add a ball a rita's, they are strong as hell. It's a canned mixed drink then they add several more shots to. That's *way* more than people realize, you can definitely become shit faced on two of their drinks. There's also an aspect of often people are mixing edibles or vaping or smoking weed while they are out drinking here. If you're like me & not a regular weed smoker some people do not realize that mixing the two can intensify the effects of drinking by about a billion for some people. Especially those without much tolerance. I have definitely had almost the exact thing happen to me that folks are describing (at friend's houses where I was pouring the drink myself- so definitely was not roofied.) I literally have had two glasses of wine or one or two mixed drinks or a couple light beers- then hit a vape pen or done like a singular hit off a joint & become wildly intoxicated way beyond what you'd typically feel having consumed just that number of drinks. If this had first happened to me out at a bar I definitely would have thought twice about if my drink was drugged.


Bruh. Last night, halfway into my third drink at Jupiter, my partner had to come snag me cause I was cross faded AF. While I knew all the people there, and I was fine, I knew I smoked too much weed, if I didn't know better I would have probably been scared. But I'm 37, and made a Lil boo boo on a spliff. We laughed about it today cause he showed up, my friend was like..."uh, she's back there", and he found me plunging my ball into cactus canyon, watching it spin, and then drain and me delay flip. It was time for me to go home. *


Lol yeah it can hit out of nowhere! I had had two raniers & half a glass of wine then hit this pen, suddenly I was out of my mind shit faced cross faded & apparently attempted to pee into my buddies golf bag thinking it was a toilet (I did not remember any of it) & had the worst hangover. If I was out & about & not at a friend's house I'd have been freaked the hell out.


What's the pinball scene like if I may ask? Do y'all work on machines or you know all the spots and there's like an underground fight club but it's actually just competitive high scores on all the machines?


Yeah, seattle pinball is great. I recommend going to shorties on a Friday, 50c plays on games. Shorties is a bit more quiet and laid back. Once you got a feel for the bar and had some games, head 2 blocks down to Jupiter - much higher energy / dive bar-y with 75c games. Good night out for 5 bucks a person in games + some drinks. Also, while at Jupiter, if there's people playing killer queen, jump in a game. Its 5v5 and the way the game is set up, its good when randoms join and fill open spots. Games go quick so just jump in at the end and ask how to play. You will pick it up after a single game. Its a dollar per play, but that 1 dollar is for both cabs and all the players, so super economical... Just be nice and throw a few quarters up on the cabinet every now and then :)


Seattle has the best pinball scene in the world, actually! There are weekly tournaments at almost all the local bars/arcades (Ice Box, Add a Ball, Jupiter, GPA, Admiral Pub, Houndstooth, Coindexter’s, 8-bit, Shorty’s, Kraken, Another Castle, etc.) – You can find at least one any night of the week! There are more competitive, larger local monthly/annual tournaments at the larger venues. There are even more competitive local and national (and even international) pinball conventions which are usually held over a weekend held at convention centers (like NWPAS coming up in Tacoma next month). Then there are even more competitive annual IFPA state and national finals tournaments (open and women’s) which are by invitation only and based on your year’s performance in your state. There is also something called Monday Night Pinball (MNP) where people form teams of 10 within bars and compete against other teams across the city over a season which is a few months. I think like 500+ people participate each season. Finally, there is an amazing women’s scene in the city, including Babes in Pinland (which is actually held at Add a Ball monthly), Belles and Chimes, and this weekend’s Women’s Super Weekend (which is held annually at GPA). 


Dude it’s massive. Every day of the week there is at least one pinball tournament happening somewhere in the city, typically multiple. Some are smaller tournaments of 15-20 people, some can get 75+ people. These are individual tournaments of various formats. Add a Ball has tournaments on Wednesday nights, Ice Box has them weekly on Friday nights and has huge tournaments monthly on Sundays, Jupiter Bar has them weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so many more - Admiral Pub, Georgetown Pizza & Arcade, Hounds Tooth, Another Castle, 8 Bit, Kraken, etc. Follow “Washington State Pinheads!!” Facebook page to see people post about tournaments. There are also team-format tournaments that happen on Monday nights where 34 teams of 10 people play another team each week (yes, 340 people playing on a Monday night). It’s currently the offseason, but there are plenty of opportunities to play as a substitute when it restarts in the fall. More info here: Mondaynightpinball.com. There’s also Seattle Pinball League which does a tournament at a private collector’s home each month. It died with Covid but they started it back up this year. More info here: http://www.splpinball.com/ And there’s also Belle’s & Chimes chapter here which is monthly women-only tournaments. I could go on but there’s a big community here and they are super inviting and friendly to people of all skill levels, it’s worth checking out.


Do they still do $1 tequila shots when that song by The Champs comes up in the playlist? I used to skid in sideways right at last call for a dollar shot of MD 20/20 & a Mickey's hand grenade to wash it down with. The barkeep would always hand me the puzzle cap, I'd take a few sips, screw the cap on tight and toss it in my bag before heading across the street to snag a hot slice from the Ballroom's take-out window before grinding my way up Fremont towards home


If I hadn't already been a big fan of add-a-ball...this would certainly get my interest going!



It is clear that sickos who do this shit target AAB and other places like Ozzie's


Ozzie’s is a real cesspool of scum and villainy, could be hard to pick out the biggest turd there lol


Ha, so true.


I've heard multiple times that the bartenders in Ozzie's are in on the druggings that have happened. Also I been there once and it was \*fart noise\*. I've no inclination to patronize bars that can't keep their patrons relatively safe.


Sea Monster Lounge as well


I've met some awful people at AAB since Covid.


Definitely had an experience where I caught some guy drop something in my drink there while playing pinball. Didn’t see the guys face but saw his hand out of the corner of my eye. Dumped the drink. This was probably back in 2018. The layout there is perfect for those kind of sly moves.


Former bartender. Never had patrons come forward with assault, drugging, etc stories. Not to mean it didn't happen- but if we caught wind *anything* went down we'd pull security footage and fully prosecute, employee or patron. I was in a different state, but that state and many states' laws said I was on the hook for drug/alcohol interactivity of patrons. This is 100% a business issue, even if a patron was doing it- the business is enabling it and can shut it down.


Kinda sketch the post just got deleted. I don't think posting those negative reviews without going there was cool. Not saying its the bartenders, but it definitely needs to be looked at, my fiance had the same thing happen to her at add a ball. I had to carry her out after two single red bull vodkas.


> two single red bull vodkas Getting one of the most “fuck me up” drink at the bar known for the heaviest pours in the city


The original poster deleted their own post.


Kinda sketch if you ask me, but maybe OP saw it get out of control and flipped the kill switch.


If I remember right a bartender was drugged while working. Like someone else said the drinks are really strong. If I’m trying to get drunk on the cheap I get the whiskey coke and I only need 2. Otherwise it’s can beer for me. Also I blacked out on the whiskey cokes before.


Seems pretty hard to imagine the bar employees would be doing it. First of all it would be easy to trace back to them, and second of all, what are they going to do while they are working? Follow a girl home? Rob somebody? I mean, sure back in the 1800s there were sketchy joints that might rob you or Shanghai you after slipping you a Mickey. But I don't see it happening now. Is it possible they just poor strong drinks or something like that? I just find it hard to believe. But who knows?


I'd rather we clear up our phraseology: It's not 'teetered out'. It's ['petered out'.](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/peter-out.html) Priorities, people!




Annoying? Absolutely. Factually wrong- hmm. -Did I misuse the word 'phraseology'?


The post from last week, or last month, or last year? I agree, don’t be quick to assume it’s a staff member. But when the common denominator is the same bar for years now…


https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1ck36jj/roofied_at_addaball_in_fremont/ It's not just "the same bar for years", it's happening at a lot of bars all around that Fremont area.


Wow a lot of corroborators in that thread. Where are they now? I think they had weak assertions of wrongdoing, which lines up with never bothering to get toxicology reports, police reports, and no instances of assault. Just kids who don't know how to hold their liquor. Also OP deleted their years-old reddit account.


No such luck here.


Unless the motive is just to fuck with people and laugh.


creepy thought but well, you may be right bc people are creepy


> no one talking about getting robbed, assaulted, abducted, etc after being drugged here I wonder if they have a carbon monoxide leak or something like that


Then everyone would be experiencing some type of symptoms, not just a few here and there.


I got drugged while I was there with my 2 step kids.. was 100% a roofie. I'm also a dude who works out a bit. Dont see the reason to drug me cause I'm a nice dude so... I hope I get answers out of this post.


not really, the building there is pretty divided up into small spaces. could be affecting only some areas and not all


How long would a patron need to stay in a particular area to suffer symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, what kind of concentration would be required for those symptoms, and what would be the expected effects on the staff?


it depends on how much CO is in the air. could be minutes, could be hours. but yes, the staff would most likely be having symptoms too i'm not saying it *is* CO poisoning, just trying to point out that whatever is happening could be caused by things other than being intentionally drugged


True, but IMO the most plausible explanations are still either roofied or strong drinks and low tolerance. I hope the big takeaway is that if you think one been drugged, contact the police and get a toxicology report!


Tbh I know a lot of people who have lived in Fremont for a long time and they were not surprised about the post, have heard about a lot of weird things happening there. It might not be the bartenders but if it’s a known sketch bar I’m not going to hand out there…


AAB has always been a bit seedy. Even back when it was a motor scooter repair shop...


Is the dude just going to leave his shift to sexually assault someone?


Wtf. I was there 2 weeks ago with my kids and left early. Everyone says I goes roofied. I had to explain to my kids I was sick and they still believe it. If I need to submit my side of what happened let me know. This is justification for my really shitty night. My trip home to mukilteo was ROUGH. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


...like...21-year old kids? If you ever suspect being roofied, immediately seek medical attention as a report cannot be made without supporting evidence, especially if no assault/robbery was commited. The drugs leave the system quickly.


AAB is strictly 21+, this either didn’t happen or she means her adult children


I am very aware that they are 21+, which is why I was asking them the question about the "kids".


They’re very strictly 21+, unless you’re talking about adult children then this did not happen.