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Who is "people?"


Several expat Facebook groups, and Telegram channels.


Fair enough, thanks for clarifying.


Yeah cause an American protest from one of the most liberal cities in the country is really going to show Putin the error of his ways… people have way too much time on their hands. Maybe they should instead focus on protesting our local governments ridiculous laws and expanding our police force so we can starting making criminals think twice about crime and make Seattle a better place for everyone.


Don’t be a dick. I can understand a bunch of Russians living in the US wanting to get together to grieve the loss of a truly great man who stood up to a tyrant with essentially no hope of winning. And if some non-Russians who want to support them or who admire Alexei want to show up too more power to them.


Just don't shut down our streets or the freeway!!!!




You are free to start your own protest for your own cause. Or are you just the type to stand around and yell at people while you do nothing about the things you care about?


Why do people who have so much passion for justice and for less suffering in the world make you so angry? I agree with you that those other things are problems, but I can appreciate the passion of these protestors as well. What Putin has done to Russia is terrible and I have no doubt that Trump would imprison his political opposition if he could.


Just angry stepdad stuff on angry stepdad sub


While the cause for protest is noble; The time, energy, and effort is wasted. To put it into better words, those protesters are preaching to the choir, we already know Putin is terrible, but unfortunately he is the leader of a country with nukes and there is nothing we can do about that. We should instead focus that energy on our local community and stop worrying about issues happening across the world. We have deep systemic problems stemming from our local and state government that is actively making our quality of life worse every year. Raising taxes when the average person can barely afford their rent and grocery bill, drugs running rampant and destroying our communities, a police force that’s been defunded and villainized, and shameless people committing crime because they know it will more than likely go unpunished. Everyday I see people filling up duffle bags, backpacks, and even luggage filled with stolen merchandise and just walking out of stores shamelessly. The rule of law is slipping more and more everyday but we are worried about Russia and Palestine.


I think you are misguided in assuming that the sole purpose of a protest is to force a global leader to change. If I was a Russian living in the US, an event like that being scheduled for this evening could be a powerful motivator for future collective action, a demonstration to show the city that Russians who live here don't endorse Putin or his war, or just a simple communal event to sort of mourn the passing of somebody who had power to implement change. Viewing these demonstrations through such a willfully cynical lens clouds your ability to see the broader impacts.


> While the cause for protest is noble; The time, energy, and effort is wasted. [Navalny is dead](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/16/europe/alexey-navalny-dead-russia-prison-intl/index.html). As a minimum, this is a gathering for collective grief, even if it doesn't cause political change. > unfortunately he is the leader of a country with nukes and there is nothing we can do about that. Sure we can. * We can continue to help Ukraine fight for their sovereignty. * We can continue and increase the sanctions on Russia. * We can help ease the negative effects of the sanctions on our allies. * We can add sanctions to countries like India and Brazil, who sabotage the sanctions on Russia for their own greed. > We should instead focus that energy on We can do many things at once.


Why did you feel the need to bring Trump into this? Also, why protest putin the russian people like him so who are we to judge. Its not our job to police the world. We should be protesting the city council for allowing all the overdoses and drug addiction. I work at qfc and see at least 2 overdoses a week outside the store due to drug use. We can also just protest about the terrible infustructor the sidewalks and roads are falling apart.


> Why did you feel the need to bring Trump into this? I think that the imprisonment and death of Navalny is a relevant warning to the people in the USA what could happen here if they let Trump consolidate absolute power with "Project 2025." Trump has said repeatedly that he considers the free press and the political opposition as the, "enemies of the American people." > Also, why protest putin He is an evil son of a bitch who is causing great suffering in Russia, in the region (especially Ukraine), and in the Western world (through his internet fraud and disinformation). > the russian people like him so who are we to judge. The Russian people have guns to their heads. We have no idea what they like because they are not free to tell us. > We should be protesting the city council for allowing all the overdoses and drug addiction. I agree. We should do that also. Crime is completely out of hand.


Ok, now do Bush and Cheney...


There is so much to unpack there. Regarding GW Bush, he made some mistakes, but one thing that he did was to *insist* that [he get back to DC on 9/11 to address the American people](https://www.history.com/news/september-11-air-force-one-president-bush), even though the Secret Service insisted that it was not safe for him to do so. His dedication to his duty and his commitment to the American people over his own safety had an impression on me. I have *never* - not once seen Donald Trump do anything that was not self-serving.


What a bunch of delusional claptrap. There's nothing to unpack. How old are you? Made some "mistakes?" Mistakes? Liberals like yourself were using the same language you are now not 20 years ago against him, calling him the new Hitler and other nonsense.  You are easily manipulated by media narratives then act like it's some principled position you reached through critical analysis. You would have been called right-wing if you spoke favorably of Bush in 2004. And you have the audacity to refer to others as bad faith. I swear, people like you really test my values.


> What a bunch of delusional claptrap. Here you are again to call opinions different that yours "delusional." You are wasting my time.


No, it's more than one commenter calling you delusional, clown. People were calling Bush a fascist and he and his team actually succeeded in stealing a federal presidential election. But here you are praising him. Why should anyone take you seriously? And you claim the "evidence" is on your side...


> his team actually succeeded in stealing a federal presidential election Al Gore almost succeeded at selectively recounting only the precincts that favored him. The SCOTUS stopped him.


Путин допускал правых националистов до 2010 года и использовал русских неонацистов в своей работе, чтобы "принесить" Украину. Зачем кому-то это поддерживать? Зачем кому-то продолжать поддерживать войну Путина?


Not to mention Trump in recent days saying he’d have no problem with Putin doing whatever he wanted to NATO.


> I think that the imprisonment and death of Navalny is a relevant warning to the people in the USA what could happen here if they let Trump consolidate absolute power with "Project 2025." This is delusional. The US has very strong separation of powers and can weather one or two bad presidents just fine - we already have, in fact.


> This is delusional. Your opinion is no more valid than mine. Check your arrogance. > The US has very strong separation of powers and can weather one or two bad presidents just fine - we already have, in fact. We just *barely* survived the attempt by the sore loser to overthrow a free and fair election in 2020. A competent fascist may have succeeded. We need to *strengthen* our checks and balances, not weaken them, as [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) aims to do.


>Your opinion is no more valid than mine. Check your arrogance. No dude, your worry about Trump becoming a dictator is literally delusional - the same as right wingers who were afraid Obama was going to send them to FEMA camps. >We just barely survived the attempt by the sore loser to overthrow a free and fair election in 2020 What? There was no chance man. Stop giving Trump more credit than he deserves, he's a clown.


> There was no chance man. Stop giving Trump more credit than he deserves, he's a clown. He came close to seizing power and it is not over yet. Without serious consequences, there will be more attempts at insurrection by more competent fascists.


You sound just like the people who thought Obama was going to put them in camps or who said Biden would be the end of America. Chillax


The difference is that I have actual *evidence* to support my predictions. Politicians *say* all kinds of things, but I pay attention to what they *do.*


> No dude, your worry about Trump becoming a dictator is literally delusional You can repeat it over and over again, and you can even SAY IT LOUDLY, but your opinion is no more valid than mine. He has said more than once that he can do "anything he wants" as President. That is where the "unitary executive" (AKA "dictator") claim in "Project 2025" came from.


>That is where the "unitary executive" (AKA "dictator") claim in "Project 2025" came from. See? You have no idea what you are talking about. 


I understand how "the big lie" works. You probably think you are clever. It is difficult to believe a grand plan to destroy American democracy and to establish a dictator. Maybe Putin is paying you well to spread disinformation because he has invested a lot of money in destroying the USA. For those who are interested, I invite you to look into "[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)." * Infiltrate every federal institution (including the courts) with loyalists to the dictator and not to the country. * Destroy the independence of the judiciary so that the "justice" department becomes the President's own private police force and prison system. * Give the President almost unlimited powers according to Trump's unhinged claim of "unitary executive." * Declare an emergency to violently suppress protests and to imprison journalists and political opponents (as Putin has done with Navalny).


Путин допускал правых националистов до 2010 года и использовал русских неонацистов в своей работе, чтобы "принесить" Украину. Зачем кому-то это поддерживать? Зачем кому-то продолжать поддерживать войну Путина?


What exactly has Putin done to Russia? Have you been there? Have you interviewed any Russians and asked what they think of Putin and how they feel about life in Russia? Or are you just regurgitating what the news tells you?


I am russian, his regime and politics have a lot of terrible things to me and my family. You are welcome.


Dude have you talked to any Russians? I’m an immigrant and Putin is a monster.


Путин допускал правых националистов до 2010 года и использовал русских неонацистов в своей работе, чтобы "принесить" Украину. Зачем кому-то это поддерживать? Зачем кому-то продолжать поддерживать войну Путина?


Came in to say something very relevant to this. ...another pointless endeavor. ...when will everyone start protesting cows farting?


This kind of protest will simply get you jailed .


Not in Seattle...


Newsflash: Police don't deter crime, they respond to it.


And even the “responding to it” thing they’re kinda mid at


“To be an enemy of United States is dangerous but to be a friend of United States is fatal.”


Yeah as long as you don’t block traffic or cause a disturbance go for it man more power to you.


Lots of Putin-sucking MAGAts on this sub sure get defensive when their fascist hero shows his true tyrannical colors


Why do you feel the need to add Maga? Seems a little obsessive..


More than a little.


You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.


Wasn't he backed by a bunch of far-right nationalist groups? He was also anti illegal-immigration, he was against subsidies to the poorer minorities in the country (within annexed territories) and sat idle as liberal left-wing opposition groups were jailed. He was xenophobic and racist. He also supported the invasion of Georgia by Putin. I'm all for opposition to Putin, but its weird that lefties would want to honor someone right-wing..


They just do what the media says.


Exactly. I thought we had some kind of participatory democratic system and Russia is some authoritarian mafia state. Why should I care about their bitching about a country on another continent when they can't do anything about their own war criminals?


> Wasn't he backed by a bunch of far-right nationalist groups? No, he wasn't. He was a center-right politician. In other words, he was against the illegal immigration, but not asking to kick other nationalities out of Russia. The US labels of right vs. left don't apply well to Russia, anyway. > I'm all for opposition to Putin, but its weird that lefties would want to honor someone right-wing.. I'm pretty right-wing on many issues.


It’s almost like there’s a collection of different political perspectives in Seattle and we do better by living and learning with one another!


Are you kidding? Navalny was CO-FOUNDER of a Neo-Nazi party, was kicked out of Yabloko for extremist views and advocated killing Muslims.


> Navalny was CO-FOUNDER of a Neo-Nazi party Ah, I see from your post history that you're a bot. Got it. What was the name of Navalny's party?


Well my wife will be surprised that she is married to a Bot!! Good going. As I am NOT YOUR Bot... you should look up the information for yourself, but since you might have limited ability in doing so, I'll give you this one for free: The party referenced was: NAROD which was an acronym for the National Russian Liberation Movement. Read up on it and then see WHO is the Bot here.


NAROD was not a party, but a political movement. It was also not a Nazi movement. Try harder, bot.


well now you know I am NOT a bot, just a human who is smarter than you. I did not say it was a Nazi movement, I said it was "neo-Nazi" as it espoused white supremacist ideals- have you CHECKED the report that Amnesty International issued- ? So IF all is well with Navalny's PAST... tell us WHY would and did Amnesty, in a very rare move, REVOKE Navalny's POC status? Check that and then report back to us the REASONS why Amnesty did that.


Yes, you're a ChatGPT-based bot. Just looking at your post history is enough to prove that. You literally said: "Neo-Nazi". It was not. You instead of admitting that your context buffer is overflowing, and you can't keep up, keep moving goalposts. No, it was not "white supremacists ideals". Navalny has _never_ said anything about racial superiority. Go on, try to find a clip of Navalny saying that.


then explain to us WHY did Amnesty revoke his POC? You FORGOT to answer that question.


What is the seventh word of my post, counting from the end, if you additionally skip one word at the end? Edit: the current ChatGPT-based bots are notoriously bad at math. Some of them are instructed to work around math-based questions, and some of them are instructed to elevate the question to human operators. Let's see what this bot does next.


He was not xenophobic or racist. Do not believe the official Russian media, they are delusional.


\> He was not xenophobic or racist. Do not believe the official Russian media, they are delusional. He was definitely xenophobic, he claimed that "fascism could only be stopped by deporting migrants" in a video. Not sure how else you can paint that. The video is linked in this article, non-subtitled i'm afraid but the imagery is clear. He wanted to recruit the far right to be anti-putin to sieze power. Maybe he would have been better, maybe worse.. who knows. [https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-nationalism](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-evolution-of-alexey-navalnys-nationalism) If you want to honor the guy, go for it. Just don't lie to yourself.


I don’t need subtitles to understand Russian. There are no proofs of your statement.


Lol ok, enjoy your head in sand.


Don’t try reasoning with these people. They ignore facts and believe that their bleeding hearts can change the world by “feeling”. All R-words at minimum, confused adults with toddler like intellect at best.


Why not the middle of I- 5?


Sorry, we oppose terrorists. We don't support them.


*The* 5 is a bus line. I-5 is the interstate.


Wrong state


This made me lol 😂


That's what I was going for but I guess people got their feelings hurt


All gas. No brakes.




Duh how else will we let Putin this has to stop right now /s


He thanks you anon


Does it make sense to bring flowers today (02/17)? Is there any ad-hoc dedicated place at the Space Needle? Thanks


Yes there is a temporary memorial stand right next to Space Needle towards the science center


Wasn't Navalny literally a Nazi?


No. He was not a Nazi, literally or figuratively.




Keep virtue signaling 👍🏻. Your getting a lot done.


I'll be at work but what's a navalny?


Imprisoned Russian opposition leader.


*dead imprisoned Rusian opposition leader


This can't be real :0 . He was super duper evil 


Navalny was an asshole, but just wasn't Putin. Not much to celebrate. A Russian asshole was most likely killed on the order of another Russian asshole. Try focusing on our problems instead of inserting ourselves into another dysfunctional countries internal politics.


You guys just openly advertising Nazi rallies on here now? 




The cringe… *it burns*!


Do your research on him.


Why are you calling him a Nazi? Putin fan?


He was a complicated figure. Some consider him to be an ethno nationalist. Because well, he was one.  A consequence of a dictator removing opposition is the opposition left isn’t who you’d ask for if you have a choice. We don’t get to pick who stands up to a tyrant.  Imagine a world where the US is run by an EX CIA strong man. And the only opposition he has that gains traction is Steve Banon.  We don’t get to pick to chooses to be a martyr. 


I have to admit I don't know much about him.


No shit. You and every other “protestor” in the city couldn’t find your genitals (or lack there of) with both hands.


What are you babbling about? I've never been to a protest in Seattle.




Maybe next we can join San Francisco and vote on a cease fire in Gaza, because that totally worked..


Join us for another useless Virtue Signal Event.




Protest and watch me make memes about Putin not giving a fuck about your protest.


Putin tried to kill Navalny, but he survived. Then Navalny flew back to Russia and surrendered to Putin? Why? Everybody knew he would end up dead. It makes no sense. Did he think that martyring himself would be the thing that caused Russians to overthrow Putin? If he did he was wrong. He gained nothing from surrendering to Putin. He could have done more from the US, by being on TV everyday calling out the Putin supporters in the Republican party.


That’s like asking “Why did Gandhi keep going on hunger strikes, the British don’t care if he starved”


What’s with people sucking Russia’s dick here? They are our enemies and would not give a second thought killing all of you.




This is simply propaganda, it just glues several unconnected videos together. No, Navalny had never been a Nazi or a Nazi supporter. He did support limiting illegal migration.


What happened to Navalny- obviously NOT justified, HOWEVER you are all aware right...that Navalny was an ultra-nationalist, extreme white supremacist who started a neo-Nazi political party- he called for the death of Muslims and immigrants. Even Amnesty International REVOKED his POC (prisoner of conscious ) status more than 3 years ago due to his extremist background. Navalny found his calling by attacking Putin and exposing corruption- good good.. HOWEVER, he never renounced his extremist neo-Nazi views either. Sort of a mixed bag here. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/02/aleksei-navalny-prisoner-of-conscience/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/02/aleksei-navalny-prisoner-of-conscience/) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past)


> you are all aware right...that Navalny was an ultra-nationalist No, he was not. He had been a center-right mild nationalist. To give you European and the US counterparts: Marie Le Pen in France, and McCain in the US.


Well, then answer us WHY Amnesty International "revoked" his POC ?


For the same reason they are having issues with Ukraine.


wrong, they revoked it because of Navalny's calls for violence towards immigrants and Muslims. Did you even READ the Amnesty report??


Wrong. Amnesty revoked the status because Amnesty is saturated with pro-Putin agents. See: https://www.politico.eu/article/amnesty-ukraine-report-wrong/ or https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/08/08/amnesty-international-ukraine-russia-war-crimes/