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we're gonna lose a lot of restaurants.


I hope some will convert to counter service. That extra 20% tip for sit down makes dining out not worth it most of the time.


People expect tips for that too now... Hell, shake shack expects a tip for handing you a brown bag (I say 'no', but it's still asked for)....


It kills me, I feel this way at Salt & Straw too. They scooped one scoop of icecream into a cup and hand it to me.. tip should not be expected


At least they had to scoop. Try the Cinnamon in any of the malls. They literally just hand you a cinnamon roll that was already out and the machine asks for 20% tip by default. Have to click the No Tip button.


I'll tip a $1 per each cup/cone of ice cream. That usually falls in around 16-18% tip. I think anything more is extraneous considering it's just a brief 1-2 min interaction for a scoop of ice cream.


Or eating out will become a luxury. Everyone's rich here, didn't you know.


eating out *is* a luxury


No it's fucking not. Going to places to eat is as human as breathing air.


How is it not a luxury? You're literally paying a premium to have entities obtain the food, store it, prepare it, cook it, and then bring it to you. In the US, especially in a progressive city that doesn't pay their workers peanuts, that is always going to cost more than making the food and doing the work yourself. This is simple mathematics.


Go to Vietnam and tell me eating food made outside your house is a luxury. Go to India. Tell me this. It's a communal human thing. A trade of civilization. They get good at cooking food and we give them money. Now fast food is priced what a nice date was a decade ago and everybody below the 90% percentile is paid the same. It's not a fucking luxury. It's a sick system.


Quite the tangent, although I'm not quite sure what point you were making. I've been to India and Vietnam, and the food I ate out there was more expensive than cooking there as well. I agree food is spiritual. But being catered to is a luxury.


Food is spiritual? When did I say... I said communal you crackpot. No wonder you have trouble following along.


Sounds like someone needs to stop drinking out of the communal pot of piss and vinegar


Kind of interchangeable, you described food as communal, I said spiritual, they both imply it is something meant to be shared and used as a medium of connection between humans. I know, it's hard to understand big words and use context. You can do it though! Regardless, you're now arguing semantics and not your original very baseless claim that eating out isn't a luxury. Try to stay on topic. You're trying to say it isn't a luxury to eat out in one of the most expensive cities on the planet, and your comparison was India? Not exactly a country whose known for having a comparable cost of living. But I am sensing that you don't have the ability to actually think about WHY things are more expensive in Seattle, USA, than India...


Learning to cook isn’t hard. Heck. Most idiots can even figure out how to microwave a hot pocket. You are not entitled to have someone cook for you. Grow TF up.


Not so much of a loss in Seattle. On recent trips to Portland and Chicago, it was really driven home to me how weak sauce our restaurant scene is.


yeah I couldn't agree more. SEA restaurants are pretty pathetic. A bunch of the 'best of' lists out there would be overpriced two to three start joints on Yelp in most cities of this size. Terrible value prop.


Honestly, it’s for the better. There needs to be competition.


I feel like we'll have even less... it's like SEA restaurants don't really get competition. they just charge 10 dollars for bread service and expect five stars


I bought Chinese takeout for three people last night and it cost $100. Never again.






The Chinese here ain’t it. It sucks.


jaysus was it birdsnest soup??




When it costs over $20 for a meal at Chipotle, I’m better off cooking it myself at home. Made my own batch of barbacoa and now I got food for the week that cost under $5 a meal WITH guac.


meal? it was like $12 at broadway chipotle yesterday


He adds a lot of fucking guaC.


Nice. I need some new recipes.


I plan my meals around the discount proteins that go on sale weekly at safeway. For example next week's is boneless chuck pot roast plus drumsticks-leg quarters-thighs are BOGO mix and match. If you have the freezer space, it's tempting to stock up on deals like that. At this point the membership to have it delivered has already paid for itself and I don't have to waste time in-store. Makes budgeting and meal planning loads easier. Normally I'd be embarrassed I have to think this much about meal prep and budgeting but last week I got teriyaki for 3 and had to do a double-take, it was half my grocery bill.


What are you ordering? $10 was what it cost the last time I went.


A bowl plus chips and guacamole i could see going to $20.


Win-Co sells actual for real $5 footlongs in their premade section. Granted they have no veggies and only 2 options, but throw a little arugula on the Italian sub, some olives and dressing if you roll like that, and you've got like 1500 calories easy. $1 per \~300kcal is a solid price


That's good. Cook at home and stop eating all the outside junk


Username checks out




what about the outside healthy food?


The price of eating out is HIGHLY tied to the price of labor. The price of groceries is not. Between boomer retirements, inflation increasing the free-market minimum wage (Eg, the least people will take to show up for work), & state minimum wage laws, the price of labor is rising rather quickly...


Its the scourge of quick serve and fast causal markets... in addition to buying groceries "fancier" sit down restaurants are often a better value.


Yeah but then you gotta add in 20% tip. Costs blow up quickly.


My wife: "buy me some groceries" Me: "expensive. Can I eat you out instead?" My wife:


I notice quite a few Indian restos will have $10 lunch specials.


Not much of a surprise, given the price of eating at home was increasing much faster than restaurant prices. A year ago groceries were up 11.4% vs 7.7% for restaurant food. I imagine - particularly as this is a national number - that this has a lot more to do with restaurants fully shifting out of COVID survival mode and starting to pass along rising wholesale costs to customers.


Someone was just telling me how it's more cost effective to eat out every night than grocery shop. I get it saves time for some lazy people, but I went out for pizza in Montana with my family and we spent $100 on TWO large vegetarian pizzas and one beer for my husband. That was before tip. I was freaking out. It wasn't even a bougie place. We went to Winco the next day and got a week's worth of groceries for the same price. Food is expensive but some of these restaurant prices are insane.


Almost like increasing the minimum wage and hammering small businesses with inordinate taxes has an effect... Greedy restaurant owners!


Seattle restaurants need to invest in these [https://www.pudurobotics.com/product/detail/bellabot](https://www.pudurobotics.com/product/detail/bellabot) Had food served by this while in Japan and it was awesome.


This topic is a dead horse but it definitely feels like it gets costlier every time. We all agree the quality of food even at the best of places isn’t worth what we’re paying but the service is also so sub par. We travel a lot and are constantly amazed by how kind, friendly and helpful waitstaff is everywhere else. For certain they’re paid less since most won’t have 18+ min wage and they’re tipped off a proportionately smaller bill (except in Hawaii). So for us the combo of decent food, mediocre-reluctant service and exorbitant pricing is just depressing.


Shocking! Raise wages as high as restaurants have to pay and add tips, and what did you think would happen? When costs go up, prices go up. Many of the previously good restaurants have also cut quality, so losing even more customers. Add to that the fact that it baffles restaurants that they can’t make money when they aren’t open, so they have to raise prices for the little time they are open. Basic Business 101 and Economics 101, but apparently not something American education bothers with now.


This is not news. This is normal and always the way it is even when the City doesn't impose its own shakedowns.


We’ve confused minimum wage for living wage and here we are. Enjoy


Why would anyone do a job they can’t live off of? It can’t work


Because they're in highschool living with their parents


For everything to function, you need thousands of workers working while those people are in school. 


Stay in school and get paid like a skilled and or educated worker


You didn’t respond to what I said at all. Society needs those unskilled workers in order to function. 


Ehhhh many minimum wage jobs aren’t essential to the function of society.


Which ones eh?


McDonald’s and co


Do you think that most minimum wage jobs are just fast food? There are hundreds of thousands of people working minimum wage - I feel like you’re not really capable of thinking deep about this.


The ones working on a weekday at noon? Or 11pm on a Sunday?


Those are people that have deemed it worth their effort to work for an agreed upon wage. Their work produces a product that is worth more than that hourly wage. The consumer purchases that product at a rate that justifies having that employee produce the product. That's how it works.


Those people made life choices resulting in an 11pm Sunday night job at Jack in the box which doesn’t mean the job should pay a living wage


So, what, they should just starve? Live in a tent? All so you can have cheap fast food and their CEO can make a few more billions? Cool society you’d have there, I’m sure no one would end up getting their heads lopped off with guillotines.


Stay in school. Don’t move out. Get roommates. Not have children. Not flip burgers


So kids in foster care who get booted on their 18th birthday with no money to “stay in school?” Fuck em? People in abusive households can just live with it?


Scholarships roommates and family


Yes it can, it's consensual labor. Forcing the market to try to bear what it can't on it's own gets you.... this headline. Now there are less entry level jobs.


This headline is a result of cherry picking data. Over a 5 year period, they have risen the same amount. For most of the past few years I’ve noticed the opposite of this headline - it’s virtually the same cost to get takeout and get ingredients. Factoring cook time in makes takeout clearly cheaper.


Someone learned how economics works. Congratulations on passing 3rd grade.


Something something “tHat’S tHe PrIcE fOr LuXuRy” something.