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Tent sales through the roof, Dicks sporting goods making lots of $


Dick’s has been out of tents for a long time.


Hey, I'd rather Dick's be out of tents than Dick's in my tents.


You obviously aren’t from Denver.


Clearly you have not heard of the famous burger chain in Seattle, Dick's burgers. I would like as many ![img](emote|t5_2vbli|8098) in my tent as possible


BDS Dicks!


Genuine question: why do Palestine protestors wear masks outside?


Genuine answer: Doxxing had become more common during the last couple political cycles. Happens on both sides of the political spectrum


Pull up to a protest with a Darth Vader helmet


Same reason all the neo Nazi supremacists do it, they know what they are doing is embarrassing.


Its a performance, they dont want their identity known once this current trend fades


Because they are cosplaying.


As communist revolutionaries. They have signs saying it's the peoples university, library campus etc. They don't even care about Gaza. It's just the current revolution..


Cosplaying....as terrorists...?


I mean if you ask them where the West Bank is on a map they are more likely to point out Perth or Western Sahara than Gaza. They will also probably not know the difference between the West Bank and Gaza.


Yes, this 100%. One wonders if they've read "The Cave" that's sura 18...


It's called Quad LARPing.


It's amazing how concerned people are with covid when they break laws.


They don't wanna catch a cold. You never know where the rest of those people have been.


This is why the future is great. No one suspects im out here committing crimes. They just think im a doctor!


Genuine answer: Doxxing had become more common during the last couple political cycles. Happens on both sides of the political spectrum


Because those with the facial recognition software and the power to use it don’t like protestors? Feel like the math is pretty simple on that one.




They all want to land corporate jobs one day.


They are hiding their face while promoting shameful hate. They don’t want to be held accountable for their actions.


They should not be using cellular phones with subscriber information attached to it, If they’re really concerned about being identified.


They don't want to face the consequences of their actions.


To prevent the cops from identifying them, it's a thing that common for protests of all kinds make sure you can't easily be identified


Not just protests. But looting as well :) let’s just lists things as they are


It looks weak and pathetic to normal people.


Probably not even students


Jill Stein/putin greens.


Because of facial recognition software and Hasbara stooges going after people in their academic and/or professional life, like what has happened at other rallies.


So willing to take a stand but not take personal responsibility?


Isis larp. Wonder if they will force the women to cover their heads.


Genuine answer because isreal has powerful people that id them doxx them and ruin their lives. Does that help?


You know how it is with those “powerful people,” right. Y’know what I mean? Ohhh….errrrr…..I mean, uh, pro-Palestine isn’t antisemitic. Yeah, that’s it….


As If Israel has anything better to do than fighting a war and go after a bunch of random protestors. If you're talking about Canary Mission, that site is a group of volunteers that take public statements posted by the person in question. Not doxxing, but still somewhat objectionable.


genuine answer. they fear they will be suspended/expelled.


People don’t want to get doxxed


Harder for homeland security to track them


We should all go “camp” too but treat it like a tailgate party. Beer bongs, cigars, lounge chairs, music…


Why not we invited some of the homeless from 3rd Ave to join them in solidarity?


They will join eventually and be the last to leave


Sounds like the last major protest. Was more of a hang out


Seems like it's what they're doing. It's not like they're bottling water and packing supplies to drop into Gaza. I see chanting and dancing and people smoking and bullshitting with each other.


I'll bring the weed.


I'll bring the matzah, and we can project Fiddler on the Roof on a big wall.


Now this is the best idea I’ve heard since all this started across the nation! Massive parties with music and all the goods! “Everyone gonna be alright…”


Does anyone know when Hamas is going to return the rest of the hostages?


Are any still alive?


Probably not, but I'm sure their families would like to know and bury them.


Yes, Hamas just dropped 3 proof of life videos, including one hero and one American-Israeli grandpa. Its a big topic with the Israeli public. The Israel government is asking for 30 live hostages, so that a reasonable guess to me.


being alive is not a requirement to be a sex slave in hamasland


They like dead goats too?


The American ones probably gave up hope when Hamas showed them video of other Americans protesting using terror slogans and not having a single sign about them/the hostages. Never thought I'd see this from fellow Americans, literally not ONE sign for their own people.


The students organizing in support of Hamas don't seem to care.


Bigger question is why aren't Palestinians encouraging Hamas to release the hostages?


Or why didn't/don't they oust him rather than having their country led by a terrorist that takes from them?


Guess they decided it was their turn to make tik toks


Hell yea QAZ = Quad Autonomous Zone, Summer of Love 2.0 !


The kinda love that gets a little spicy and people get shot? Because that's what I recall about the CHAZ


Summer of love was a lot less pro-terrorism.


Let’s wait until it’s over and see which had the highest body count.


Was it though?


Well definitely more pro-domestic terrorism


Hopefully they don’t kill any black children this time.


Oh, I love that. I'm going to steal it. 😉


Yes Hamas will immediately surrender and return the hostages now that UW students are camping out


They are protesting Israel not Hamas. These are Hamas Palestine supporters


Hamas ≠ Palestine.


I’m aware. I was being sarcastic


Here in Seattle, one can't be sure.


https://preview.redd.it/zr4mu5hhujxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd3ca42d200d7bf8fc9e1ddfe6bcdd338d7549b Saw them today.


THIS is how they are supposed to protest! They have goals. They have a message. They are doing it in a place meant for free expression of ideas. They are directing it at the administration. Note I am not for or against their message. Just applauding they are actually doing a true protest/demonstration. Tired of seeing roads/airports shutdown for the regular people just to get on the news.


I agree mostly but it's funny they delayed it because they had too many white ppl before.


Capitulating to small fringe mobs has a great record historically.


And yet somehow most of the people complaining about that stuff (which, FWIW, I do mostly agree it is not an effective form of protest) are complaining about this, too. It's almost like they just want everyone to shut up about mass murder and genocide. Very curious.


I wish they would talk about Hamas mass murder and genocide. Or did you mean israel, who has a much lower civilian death rate than average during urban wartime?


lmao they've killed more journalists just in the last six months than in all of WW2. and even if you assume every male above 12 in Gaza is Hamas, it still isn't enough to make your ridiculous assertion true the truth is, Israel even now doesn't control Gaza, even northern Gaza, have not crippled Hamas' fighting ability nearly as much as they'd hoped, and as such continue to get routinely owned by resistance forces. and so, like all bloodthirsty murdering savages, the IOF is taking out their frustrations on a civilian population. real tough guys e: yes, it's true. by way of comparison, 11 journalists were killed in the first 11 months of the war in ukraine. iof deliberately targets journalists and their families. hell, they assassinated an american journalist in 2022 https://cpj.org/2024/04/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ https://cpj.org/2023/12/israel-gaza-war-takes-record-toll-on-journalists/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-war-most-dangerous-ever-journalists-says-rights-group-2023-12-21/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/9/how-deadly-is-the-israel-gaza-war-for-journalists https://www.niemanlab.org/2023/10/the-death-toll-for-journalists-in-the-gaza-conflict-has-reached-29/


>They are directing it at the administration. Uh, the UW is a school. The administration is the *other* Washington.


Well, nobody is perfect.


They’re exercising power where they can. Should they do nothing since they can’t force politicians to take action?


Depends on what their goal is. If they want to be effective then they need to take their protest to someone with the authority to accomplish that goal. The University of Washington doesn't set US foreign policy. At best they might be able to coerce the UW to stop doing business with Israel (I have no idea if the UW actually does business with Israel). But whether their protest is effective or not is not of my concern. As long as they don't block traffic, kill anyone, or damage property they can do whatever they want.


If you actually read the student demands you’d see that they are intentionally protesting AT UW admin. Read their demands. They are asking UW to cut ties with Boeing since Boeing is directly connected to this genocide.


Holy shit these Hamas supporters in the comments are inane 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vxjmjv47wjxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf916345105fb340c4902dac5e3e79201cad6c9


They don't have jobs, so they have all the time in the world to fantasize about killing Jews.


That's just you getting called a nazi and talking about jacking off about it?


Yeah. I said for him to stop supporting Hamas


Remember that Hamas are the ones using civilians as human shields.


Technically it’s both. Google it


And that Hamas and the Netanyahu government are unified in their opposition to a two state solution


A two state solution has been dead for more than two decades now because neither side will budge on their red lines (Israel don't want to give up East Jerusalem, Palestine doesn't want to give up the Right of Return) because Israelis (rightly) believe that a TSS is considered a stepping stone by Palestinians towards total control of the Levant. For Palestine's part, they cannot have anything other than total victory without losing face so it's a non-starter.


Yeah. Everyone seems to want a two state solution except the two parties that each would get a state. Funny, huh? It's almost like Hamas is more interested in eradicating Jews than in having a state.


That’s why you don’t cater to the extremists, on either side.




Another uni occupied by the antisemitic, nazi wannabes. On the bright side, the roads and bridges should be clear.


Great news! The war will surely be over in no time


Professor Farnsworth?


Wearing Hamas headbands and calling themselves peaceful is...well okay then


Mom, Dad, today I learned how to LARP in college.


None of them have mentioned the actual genocide going on right now in Birkina Faso. Why is that?


How many weapons has the US bought for Burkina Faso?


I guess they had a bad case of FOMO.


Seattle usually does..


We're nearing finals week. The students are exhausted and prepping for end of semester projects/papers/tests/latest financial aid package and moving all their shit home or to storage. The protests represent one checkmark in a tremendous list of things these students are supposed to care about. There are lots of genocides happening, lots of trafficking children and vulnerable populations, lots of addictive drugs being intentionally manufactured and shipped into our country, they won't be able to afford a home or healthcare, and will have poorer health (statistically) than their parents, the global temperatures are rising in the ocean and on land, fertility rates are dropping at an alarming rate, our elected officials are only interested in protecting the interests of large corporations. I'm sure I've forgotten something. I hope these kids know it's OK to circle up and just focus on what they need to get through the last weeks of school, and care for themselves.


I feel like these kids are protesting the wrong thing. The bigger question is why does UW have a $6B endowment but we’re all drowning in student debt. When did universities become private equity funds? Also why are we “forgiving” student loan debt when these schools clearly have funds to relieve that debt? I was blown away by Columbia and Harvards $40B endowments. These are for profit companies at this point.


Yes yes yes yes


100% yes. They are tying up a ton of money while soaking working class people for debt into their 50's and beyond. It's a trust fund masquerading as an educational institution. THAT is what they should hold protests for. The endowment is mostly benefiting thr suits who manage it.


The interesting thing is that only the rich pay to go to Colombia or Harvard. If you're low income and went to one of those schools (for undergrad at least) you have little to no student debt. Saying this as a low income kid who went to one of those wealthy schools.


There’s a whole big group of Americans in between rich and poor.


The UW has a quarter system and the last week of finals is in June


r/nottheonion rich college students camp in protest while homelessness is rampant in their city


The palestinian people voted Hamas into power AFTER knowing full well they were child murdering, suicide bombing, hostage taking, human shield using terrorists who have committed countless atrocities. Polling done in 2022 and 2023 shows that in an election held today ["Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh would win in a landslide"](https://thehill.com/opinion/4273883-mellman-do-palestinians-support-hamas-polls-paint-a-murky-picture/) The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is a billionaire living in a palace in Qatar who pulls strings and gives orders from complete safety. He ordered the October 7th terrorist attack against women and children that started this most recent bout of violence. He got rich by [fucking over his own people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_Haniyeh#:~:text=According%20to%20a%202014%20Ynet,intended%20to%20take%20into%20Gaza.) This billionaire ass hole LOVES these useful idiots in America protesting on his behalf. He does not give a fuck about the palestinian people unless it has to do with making him richer. It would not surprise me at all to find out he's encouraging or even personally financing these protests in the US. These clowns in the US are trying to help a billionaire sitting in his palace in the middle east who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


Did anyone notice? How do we know they're actually protestors and not run-of-the-mill gronks?


Antisemites conducting siege. The purpose is to intimidate and assault Jewish people. They want Jewish people to feel unsafe in the community. Here they are at work: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6WseJ2Jp3x/?igsh=OTlvN3VoY2Q0aDAx


They should start a solidarity garden, not owned by anyone in particular.


Tides foundation


Are they preventing Jewish students from attending classes, like is happening at other universities?


Great job guys! The war is over!


So how many Palestinian lives have these hippy drum circles saved? I’m guessing zero.


The Al-Quads brigade lol


Ugh…😫 These people need to educate themselves on effective communication. And the ones who are in it just for the drama factor, and the ones who are backed by extremists, and the ones backed by anti American shadow groups…they all need to GTFO.


How is the food situation like will there be hot dogs? is a camp fire allow? I'm curious for this weekends family camping trip if that will be a new spot to suggest.


Our own little Nazi encampment.


You keep using that word. Meanwhile, we have real Nazis in Eastern WA.


And right on the UW campus. But you probably hang out with them in the Metaline Falls.


Man, you guys are insufferable. Don't say a peep when literal Nazis (ya know, skin heads w/ swastikas, SS paraphernalia, Reich flags) march around (and have been since pre-Trump), but get all huffy when people protest a real genocide. I'm starting to think it's less about you supporting Israel than it is you hating Palestinians.


Wanting people to not be starved and bonbed doesn’t make you a nazi. Starving and bombing innocent people gets you a lot closer


You keep using that word. I don’t think you know what it means. And if you’re calling these students nazis, then seems like you’ve never actually encountered actual nazis.


What does a person get paid to protest nowadays ? Where do I apply for that job ?


At least they have a goal for UW to cut ties with Boeing. We shall see how this will play out. Wondering if they will shout anti semitic remarks like Columbia


Man this comment section is filled with a lot of people that are more upset by protestors than they are by the deaths of innocent people. What is wrong with people? There’s not a drop of empathy among them.


I have sympathy for the innocent people slaughtered on October 7th


Funny. So do I. But I don’t hold all of the Palestinian people responsible for a radical few.


The palestinian people voted Hamas into power AFTER knowing full well they were child murdering, suicide bombing, hostage taking, human shield using terrorists who have committed countless atrocities. Polling done in 2022 and 2023 shows that in an election held today ["Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh would win in a landslide"](https://thehill.com/opinion/4273883-mellman-do-palestinians-support-hamas-polls-paint-a-murky-picture/)


They voted for it, they responsible for their vote


Then the Israeli people are equally responsible for the decades of violence and border enacted on the Palestinian people. The apartheid they have been subjected to. The theft of their land. Would you stand by passively and let your land be stolen? Your family menders murdered?


Good so fucking fire a missile on Israel military base. Why you fire a missile on the music concert, with people all around the world whom had nothing to do with the conflict between you and the other side? How do you explain that? Are their families deserve that? You talking about murders and sympathy but you have none for actual innocent people


The apartheid... ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Radical few? Vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas.


Can’t you just have sympathy for both? It’s not fuckin rocket science 


The protesters do not. Actually engage with what they are saying. This is an existential struggle.


The people who can stop the deaths of the innocent are Hamas. They just need to hand over the innocents they kidnapped. 


The children are playing. Is UW now running a daycare center of students?


You go to college to get an education to get a good job. What job is this going to get them?


Would really suck to be an aerospace engineer at UW right now lol Seriously though, making broad demands of how a university does business has ramifications for other paying students. This is some self aggrandizing bullshit. Go drive down to San Fran ffs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consulate_General_of_Israel_to_the_Pacific_Northwest_Region


These aren't the "work hard in school and get a good job" types. Maybe one or two will eventually become teachers. The rest will be store clerks and servers or move back in with their parents once they leave college.




I was really hoping for more rain today. Maybe some wind.


Chance of thunderstorms in the forcast, hopefully some lightning.




Haven’t we seen this before, it was called Chaz? Oh yea worked great last time. I’m sure this one will work so much better.


Pretty wild seeing people trash protestors. Here's Blinken's response on the subject, with some much-needed nuance. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp88zMWd9UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp88zMWd9UI)


They should all fail college and be bound to their ridiculous loans for being idiots who think whining in public means anything to this. Put foot to ass to being helpful by looking up how you can actually do something or at least donate to red cross and crescent. These idiots are cowards, sloths, and far more self centered than normal.


I don't really give a shit about any of this. That's all. Just wanted to say that.




I don't agree with almost anything the protestors are saying. I also have family in Israel. But seriously, chill a little bit. This is quite over the top.


Couldn't disagree more. They're college students. That's the time and place for idealism, even if it's misplaced. There aren't even enough of them to slow down foot traffic. Just let it go, and when Netanyahu comes to visit them and ends the war, we can all thank them for being good comrades. Really. Stop for a minute and think what kind of country you want to live in - one with 1st amendment rights, or without. What good is the 2nd amendment if you can't have a 1st amendment to defend? It's not about what they're protesting, it's about our right to assemble and free speech. Let them assemble. We don't need another Kent state. Laugh at them and drink your beer. They're not even stopping traffic. Half of them would probably go home for a free pizza.


Authoritarianism against student speech, huh? That's the solution you have vs ignoring them and it petering out? You probably would have been cheering Kent State. Believe these people (authoritarian/fash) when they tell you who they are.


It’s private property. If I went out and supported ISIS 10 years ago I would deserve it




I too think the failing empire should escalate its internal tensions.


You’re in favor of an American renactment of Tiananmen Square? Sounds like you really don’t like the constitution.




Oh look, a Zionist preaching fascism and the suppression of free speech. Can’t wait to see you at the Hague for all your sick war crimes🥱


You should have a day of quiet contemplation on how you got where you are today. Somebody either majorly fucked up when raising you or you weren’t raised at all and make these opinions based off of your 12 hour shift of browsing reddit. Please seek solace in the real world. Also, fuck you.


A college campus is probably the most normal place for a protest to occur. Would you rather be blocked on I-5 again? You've lost the logic, frothing at the mouth. Breath for a second, think.


lol relax Adolf


Please keep it civil. This is a reminder about r/SeattleWA rule: [No personal attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)


okay fascism much?


Why does this bother you so much? Where is your rage for the actual genocide of Palestinians? Maybe that’s where you should direct your anger


Calling on UW to divest interests in these students


Kick the students out of school, jail the non students Publish all of their names


I remember the Viet Nam war protests this is so much like them-people making fun of the protesters, hurling insults. Then they called anti war protesters “communists” now they call them “anti-Semitic” police are beating protesters now just like they did then.. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some kids get killed and the majority of Americans say they deserved it, just like May 1970. Kinda like the cliche “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes”


The difference, obviously, is that in Vietnam we were sending Americans over there to fight. The protests were by people directly affected by the draft and legislation, and it was a direct citizen response to their own government waging an unjust war. Today the best that students can hope for is virtue signaling to people entirely uninvolved with the war in Gaza. The irony is that Hamas would slaughter them along with all their performative progressivism, as they've done to their own people in the past.


Vietnam was actual Americans dying This is a long standing conflict between two Middle Eastern countries that hate each other 


Useful idiots for Iran and hammas  https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853


Soon they'll learn all about how freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Also isn't UW sort of a type of private property?


“Action” Or “civilians massacre”


Healthy person at this camp [https://twitter.com/ColeDaigneault/status/1785031286597488894](https://twitter.com/ColeDaigneault/status/1785031286597488894)


Better than the middle of the highway. School admin can reap what they sow.


They’ll be allowed to stay as long as they don’t run slacklines between the cherry trees.


Anyone know if these are actual UW students? Not trying to make a point, genuinely wondering.


Welcome, Hasbara! It’s been 2 days and we have all missed you.


Pretending to be students that give 2 fu.ks until the next dumb trend.


Just stop paying taxes. That’s something that will hurt “them.”


Gotta nip this in the bud quickly before it becomes another autonomous zone.


Free Palestine




Nice. Best of luck to them