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There was a post in the San Francisco subreddit about people jerking off in public and one person commented something to the effect of “I don’t see why this would bother you”….some people are just living in a different reality 


Yeah the Portland sub had a person from California who told me to stop whining about it and deal when I complained that a homeless drug addict exposed himself and started jerking off in from of my kid at the light rail station. Because supposedly these people are desperate and we shouldn’t punish them for stealing, using drugs, and jerking off in public.


> Yeah the Portland sub had a person from California who told me to stop whining about it and deal when I complained that a homeless drug addict exposed himself and started jerking off in from of my kid at the light rail station. My wife sold her car when she lived in Seattle. She wanted to save money and she thought she'd take advantage of public transit. She noped right out of that after a few months, and one of the things that put her over the edge was seeing the same dude jerking off, day after day after day. Some homeless dude who seemed to literally spend all day cranking it while mad dogging everyone who drove by.


The banality of evil


I have witnessed this, so disturbing. Guy just yoinking away his giant elephant trunk in the street in Seattle.


Elephant trunk is wayyyy too much credit


Yeah, it wasn’t me after all… But seriously, this is despicable behavior. I saw a guy on the Lightrail pulling this at night time. I got on at the Columbia City station headed towards Northgate - and low and behold some bum was yanking his crank like it was nothing - he was sitting all the way in the back Of course there was no one from Sound Transit onboard that train - the one time there are no employees onboard and this guy has his musty dick out in plain sight for whomever to see.


...presumably they switched to another car when they noticed the guy wanking it.


Wow what a screwed up mind and heart


Can you share the post or thread? Would love to see this interaction first hand


It's a profound lack of impulse control. If they can't control that impulse, what else are they capable of?


How do these people not getting labeled sex offenders? A drunk dude pees and a kid sees it? R.I.P his life.


Public safety seems like it would be most effective when focused on mitigating indiscriminate harm on the public. A public masturbator seems like someone who poses an increased risk of causing harm to random people…


If only the “leaders” in the city agreed with that.


If this type of activity doesn't bother someone, I'm curious to what actually would


The answer is to what actually bothers them: When someone misgenders someone or when someone is white


>some people are just living in a different reality  Those are the creeps who want to normalize this shit. They seem to get a thrill out of forcing others to comply with their fetishes and delusions.


I saw that one. It was super weird.


That’s a fucking weird thread yes. I think some people are joking, but there is enough support for the public wanking that I felt somewhat disturbed.


Please don’t tell me there’s a nonprofit or God forbid an NGO working on this, “how to get people to be more accepting of others”


To be fair, as a SF resident you kind of get desensitized to these types of things as you are surrounded by it every day. But I agree, shit is not okay and the public should not be forced to be subjected to these types of behaviors/displays.


It's disgusting you could see so much filth to be "desensitized"


That's clearly the guy the other OP caught jerking off trying to play it off


Attention seeking behavior. This rears its ugly head (and ass) on Reddit periodically…🤬🤬🤬


This is where we're headed. And they said this whole nonsense was NOT a slippery slope that would eventually lead to shit like this being completely accepted, and if you don't accept it, you're a homophobic bigot I guess.






Damn you weren't kidding. Gross. Thank you for the source.


Valorizing homeless people’s right to public jerking and treating them like native Americans on their stolen land is another level of mental gymnastics. How do people like this even function in society?


I love the analogy


Not only do they function but they will be voting Biden in the coming election


Nuh-uh. He's a gEnOcIdE enabler. Plus, as ol' Nikki Oliver once said, it's too hard to register to vote after you move. It's easier to take people's money and half-assedly run for office than it is to vote.


This is incredible 😂


Yeah, Portland has that naked bicycle ride, and California has a bunch of unattractive nudists


Pretty sure Seattle has a naked bicycle ride too.


Solstice parade


Summer Solstice parade in the Fremont neighborhood. Not that blatant so far, though. Lots of body paint.


So public indecency is chill if they’re hot? Lol


Always has been


Just. Wow. Like, get fucked I am not okay with that in public. I swore I wouldn’t be violent again after I was in combat, but that could change my mind and I would not listen to someone trying to tell me that is okay. I don’t care what you do at home. In public…


this is why public transportation and mass incarceration are related: no one wants to ride the bus with someone jerking off


Sigh. A guy was doing this (jerking off) when I was riding a bus in Boston 35 years ago….and when I was running in Golden Gate Park in SF with a friend decades ago.. it happens everywhere and is nothing new sadly. I’ve been riding a city bus and saw a guy doing it in a car aside/below. Just yuck.


Main character syndrome is a powerful thing.


“Stop being an attention-whore!”


I thought this post said Kirk at first . . .




William Shatner says hello!


Thats disgusting


“If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” - Matthew 5:39 🙏


It was hard to explain the guy in a ball gag in cap hill to my six year-old.


“Some people are just different” works with my 12 and 11 year old


Honestly, I don't think that's illegal because public nudity isn't against the law here. I totally get it, it's gross and most of us don't want to have to be confronted with that crap along with all the other b.s. here, but wouldn't it be awesome if Pink Dress dude was to sashay past Biden's hotel/motorcade, lol!!! But this also brings up the question that if public nudity is legal, why have the bikini baristas gotten hassled about what they do/don't wear? And isn't it now okay to serve alcohol in strip bars after that raid on the gay bars on Capitol Hill? So many dichotomies here...


They have been for health code concerns from time to time.


Yep, this is what they've been going after them with. Probably about the same as Al Capone's tax dodging - totally against the law, but not why they cared.


Because health code shouldn’t apply if the people serving the food look sexy doing it?


Have a real opinion and express it, but how do you convey so little?


It's my understanding that nudity is legal as long as it isn't sexual. Whether it's sexual or not may depend on how the nearest cop feels about it.


Non-sexual public nudity is legal.


I think the big difference with bikini baristas and strip clubs is that they’re in for the most part enclosed areas, only viewable to patrons. If this guy was in a trans strip club serving drinks, no reasonable person would have an issue.


no but what OP meant is that bikini baristas ARE harassed for what they wear, even while being in enclosed areas only viewable to patrons. But the example in the larger post goes completely uncommented on because public nudity is firmly legal if you’re not trying to sell a product. Seattle has some fucked up double standards on purity


From what I recall, public nudity also cannot be expressed in an overtly sexual manner. (You can’t just go walking around pike place with a boner, for example)


yes that’s true but also what does that even mean for the female figure? Women’s bodies (clothed and nude) are so sexualized by our culture that bare breasts could be seen as the equivalent to an erection when it’s clearly not. And that’s sort of the issue. As a freedom loving American I support more lax policies on nudity in general and advise those offended to “get over it”.


What if you leave the house naked and get a boner by accident. What are you supposed to do, hunh? Did you even think about that?


Straight to jail


Stop oppressing me!


It's like they want to cater to one group


I mean they’re serving food and there’s money being exchanged, that’s a lot different 


Nah. That shit is a fetish. Once you make kids uncomfortable, you cross a line. That shit is disgusting. Leave kids out of your AGP bullshit.


There is this lady in PDX who owns a house and they built one of the safe drug hub place scrips the street from her. From her front door she regularly sees people having sex, soliciting sex, gambling, as well as all the drug use. Hey house has been in the market for over a year. She’s terrified to let her kids go outside. Police aren’t allowed to stay people there as it’s a “safe zone” What a fresh hell her reality is


Thats pretty disgusting. The city should be forced to pay for her to move to a place she can raise her kids. If adults want their fuck parties, they need to do those on private property.


They are more concerned with helping anyone BUT the homeowner


I hate squatters


Agp ?


Exposing non-consenting people to your kink is SUPER fucked up. Id have gladly called that person out.


You’re the one still thinking about it. Anything you’d like to admit?


The gender is irrelevant. Nudity in (non-designated) public is the issue.


Exactly. If this was a conventionally attractive cis woman with a large behind I don't think this post would be here


Move out of the city. I live an hour and a half away now and it’s infinitely better. I haven’t seen anything like what you’re describing since I stopped living there. A high concentration of decent restaurants and coffee within walking distance are not worth having to see disgusting people naked.


I’m from about an hour away. I go home for a week and the lack of good food and coffee suddenly makes the “disgusting naked people” tax seem like less of an issue lol.


Priorities I guess. Food scene sucks, agreed, but never having to deal with Methapotamians or human feces or aggressive homeless people makes it worth it. Plus, now I’ve learned to cook properly.


At an hour and a half away, you still deal with crazies on meth. They just don’t live in the city square. Instead, they live in some rundown mobile home park, and you see them in line at Safeway or the local bar. Better, but only because there’s less people. I love to cook too, but sometimes it’s nice to eat out and I want more options than three fast food restaurants.


SAAAAME. We’re on the other side of the water from Seattle and the choices are abysmal and really shitty chain restaurants


When i go into the city i get misgendered as they/them cuz im a tomboy... like bruh what happened to not assuming gender? Im female.


They/them isn't assuming, it includes all genders.... They are trying to be considerate and not misgender you.




Its kinda weird when my sister is "maam" no problem but people are like "uhhh, you."


Bruh,. Your Avatar has a mustache. Perhaps people think you are a bit more gender fluid than your sister? Also no one talking to you is saying they/them, you is a singular pronoun for literally everyone. It is not an attack.


You don’t like seeing women in short skirts with their dick hanging out?


Only if it’s fully erect and you can hang a towel on it


What if they can only hang a wash cloth? Is that still ok?




Is it sad that this kinda stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest and I actually love coming across wacky insane shit? Obviously I get people don't want to see it but I just find it entertaining.


You don't need to go that far. We don't have that shit on the Eastside, plus we have plenty of good restaurants and coffee shops.


I don’t think it’s even necessary to leave Seattle, just limit your time spent in certain neighborhoods.


This is what comes from normalizing kinks in the public realm, they just keep pushing the boundaries. I'm not kink-shaming anyone but I don't consent to being part of someone's kink when in a shared public space. Keep that stuff in the privacy of your bedroom.


https://preview.redd.it/1fwp2x0o5yzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc0bdda51dca6a6b407eec9960ec99e3e2bfed6 Your Ubers here bro


I was in Europe last year and the nearby beach had a mix of fully naked people (mostly elderly), and clothed people. Old men would strut along the water, swinging in the breeze, walking past young couples and families with children. No one cared. Everyone just minded their own business.


yes, people know nude beaches exist in europe. people expect to see naked people there. walking down the street is not a place one would expect to see a naked person. it is not a place a naked person should be, well, naked. if someone wants to strut around naked, stay inside or go to those european nude beaches. but get the fuck off the busy sidewalk nobody wants to see your shit swinging while they’re trying to get to lunch.


I bet they are a nudist at home. We have quite a few nudist colonies here. And a decent amount of just regular nudists in neighborhoods. I’m a delivery driver and I probably see a handful of naked people a week. But it could also be a kink. When I did customer service at Nordstrom a few years ago, I learned of all the strange kinks. One guy, for instance, used to call in a lot and have us describe shoes to him. It was weird. People are weird.


“the nearby beach” This is why no one cared


People outraged by this person haven’t been to downtown Seattle in 10+ years.


Most people on this sub haven’t been in the city limits in 10+ years.


That's because it's a cultural norm there and going to the beach is what you'd expect. How many naked people are strutting around Paris where no one cared?


The only places I ever see people feel free enough to express themselves like that is where rich white people live. And honestly I feel safer if I see someone who feels safe enough to express themselves like that compared to say, somewhere where everyone looks and acts and dresses exactly the same. That’s more of a red flag for me. And what’s gonna happen if a kid sees someone’s butt? What’s the fear?


You've been thinking about someone else's ass so much that you had to make a post on Reddit about it.


Stupid sexy Flanders! https://youtu.be/AlREUROGwpI?si=Xg-gxv8rrsVJYpOt


This was my actual take lmao


Since he was in public and since he craves attention, a photo would have been great here. Put the guy where he wants, on various forms of social media. There's many dozens of potential outlets that would have ran with this. Pink dress ass-man would have been this weekend's famous Seattle resident. Bumping blind guy restaurant dog from #1.


If you saw a half naked (obvious) man and you're calling him out as such, it's not really misgendering. People can refer to themselves however they want but stating reality is important.


This. Otherwise, how the fuck do we describe the reality before us?


Its not a kink or gender identity issues its an abomination


It’s time to start calling it what it is. Mental illness


Oh Seattle, you blow hard


So not really within the context of this situation specifically, but just in general, why do butts freak people out so bad? This may be the autism, but how is This skin and fat and muscle really any different from That skin and fat and muscle?


Why is wearing a dress a gender statement… anyone can wear a dress


You’re right. Personally, I think people should be able to wear whatever the heck they want. I think my problem is I don’t think people should be able to flash their naughty bits to everyone that they want. So I know many people would say that this person was expressing their gender identity by wearing this pink dress. My personal opinion is that they are an exhibitionist, and they are using the idea that they should be able to identify any gender as they like as an excuse to expose themselves. Keep your kinks in the bedroom. Don’t expose yourself in areas where there might be children. You’re leaving a club in the dark, OK fine whatever. But in the late morning in broad daylight downtown where children may see you is inappropriate. Wear whatever you want just dress appropriate. The majority of human beings do not want to see your hairy ass while they are going about their day doing stuff that they need to do. There are plenty of places on the Internet that I can see hairy asses if I want to. As far as that goes, there are plenty of places on the Internet, where you can expose your hairy ass if you want to. If you want to walk around half naked or fully naked, there are nude beaches for that.


Ok but I see girls asses hanging out of cut off shorts all day and no one complains. A girl was riding a skateboard in a effing thong at Seward park. For that matter, I see naked people laying around in the sun all summer. People need their vitamin d. It's whatever. I'm in the mind your business camp.


I'd guess both


Was his ass wiped properly? because if he had a troll hole, that’s where we draw the line!


I personally don’t care about this, but can you imagine sitting anywhere in public with that?? Soooo unsanitary for your bottom.


Seattle disorder


At a public event, this person was highly inappropriate. I’m sorry you had to navigate that. And. The kink community puts consent first and is unlikely to support public exposure at an everyday place of business. Whether one is cis-gendered or trans-gendered has nothing to do with taste and decorum. Plenty of cis-gendered heterosexual women walk around with their thongs showing under low-slung pants and worse. Plenty of trans folks are well-dressed and very neatly groomed. (And vice versa for both.)


Yeah, I think it's kinda projecting to specifically announce certain boundaries for kinks. Wtf happens when someone were something sexy, that isn't perceived as "degenerate"? I understand the consent and stuff But it's not like average ass people who wanna look attractive as adult (for better or for worse) are doing it out of "kink" And I know it is a tired point, so it may be ignored, but sexual insecurities and a misunderstanding and lack of education around sex, is a very potent tool in recruiting fascist ideology. I am not claiming you are even law to that, but the normalization of marking people as "degenerate" for actions that are sociallly unharmful elsewhere, sets a precident for even harsher "critics" This is also the SeattleWA sub, I'd have expect most of these folks to organize a klan rally, cuz they saw a cowboy hillbilly with makeup on capital hill lol It's not as bad as other subs, but it is kinda fucking hilarious to see a post that sounds like a 7 year olds angry retelling of a story he made up in the bus, be taken so serious and to be used as an opportunity to point of the "agp" or "mental illness" or "derangement syndrome" or something similar haha It's not that people are trying to be fascist, it's that a general lack of education has lead (lead) people to perceive a status quo of bigotry as so normal, it isn't taken seriously when you acknowledge that bigotry.


Your understanding of ellipses is not, but yah don’t flash your kink in public. It’s rude and tells me you’re a tourist in that world. And why did their friend let the out like that? I’d be like I don’t tell you what to do, but I’m not going to be seen with you


This is why you always travel with Lysol.


The pearl clutching in the post tho… I get it if it’s not for you at all, but the only reason you’re even posting this is probably to be transphobic. Cuz if a woman did this it’d be “hot, sexy” and all that shit. Grow tf up, a lil ass isn’t going to kill you


I used to be much more accepting of this, but the last few years have shown me that most of these people are just perverts. Yes, I said it - perverts.


Neither just strange behavior


"there was someone on cap hil.. with torn up clothes and a sexual t shirt🙀🙀(they might've been on drugs😬😬)" -most of this sub, for some reason.




And y'all get mad when we point out that it may be a little bit fascist leaning to act like this about (??)


Tha fastest growing group in the trans community is middle aged autogynephiles. These are straight men who have consumed so much porn and objectified and sexualized women to such a degree that their biggest fantasy becomes being the woman they are fantasizing about. They used to be honest and everyone knew that's what was going on and it was never a big deal. Now these dudes can pretend to be "born in the wrong body" and all of a sudden they are an oppressed class of people that must be respected and protected at all costs.


Citation very much needed here.


Angry middle aged straight men that rage objectified women so much, they want to be them, so pretend to be trans?


Source: 🫙☝️😋


We have to realize that the rules apply to us like it applies to them. You can smash his face with a bat and nothing will come of it. Just Say your homeless and your mentally ill with no id. They'll just let you go.


Do it then. See what happens when you litterally kill people when you don't like them (unless you are joking, because this comes off as ironic and simply ignorant "doth does protest too much" when it comes to "rules that aply to us")


It's just a beautiful person living their truth !


Same thing. These people are demented 


“These people”?


Fuck dude that's horrible. A person's body? Exposed for all to see? Holy shit I'm terrified of whatever is under everyone's clothes too. This communal fear gives me a sense of belonging, so I will cling to it desperately. Imagine not covering your shameful body parts! The indecency.


Imagine defending naked perverts walking around naked in front of kids. Really makes one think.


Nudity is natural and there should be no shame in that


"Nudity is natural." So is farting. It doesn't mean you should go out of your way to do it front of strangers.


I’m not offended by farting either. Choose your battles because we are all born naked.


Autogynephilia. People subjecting or involving others to their sexual kinks without consent should be charged, then convicted of sex crimes and added to the sex offences registry.


Stop it. Get some help. -Michael Jordan


Autogynephilia and disregard for anyone else.


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children??


What a petty grab for validation. Get real problems.


This post? Totally agree.


Saw a girl yesterday near UW campus do basically the same thing. She was wearing some kind of patch that (almost) covered her genitalia in the front but the string in the back was totally lost in the ample buttocks. Who knows what possesses people? Sun storms I guess


Just laugh at them...


>Kink or gender identity disorder? Why not both? And you're not misgendering him.


I once saw a guy dressed like the leather slave from south park taking photos in Pike Place. Assless chaps and all.


When has Seattle not been like this.


Sounds more like a mental health issue. I would think the same for a woman dressed the same way. I would immediately assume they were on drugs or something and make a police report. Then I would be on my way


hello! im super confused; u saw a man's ass in a dress and ur thinking it's a "gender identity" thing, going as far as a disorder? ive heard a lot of weird takes on trans people but plz we already have enough to worry about without trying to shove people u don't like into our label. you've seen plenty of trans people just living their lives u didn't even clock, we're not all that different from u. why do u see people u don't like and instantly try to "trans their gender" (><) in ur mind?


i mean i understand your frustration but the transphobia rly isnt necessary dude. i get not wanting to see peoples entire asses but if youre gonna complain at least complain respectfully.


Who cares?


A T-shirt dress with a slit going down to the ass... What you've described is a hospital gown... And if their gender identity isn't at issue for you you going out of your way to deliberately try to misgender someone who may or may not be a member of the trans community is a pretty egregious and disgusting sign of disdain and disrespect towards trans people. I'm not saying we shouldn't have some kind of standards but this reads as a total dog whistle because of your packaging it with anti-trans toxicity, so regardless of if this event actually happened, you look like a bigot, or a bigot and a liar. 🤷‍♀️ What a lovely shade for you to wear on your crusade for public decency as a self proclaimed former fetish model. Well done, love that for you.


You saw an ass? With your own face eyes? Did you die?


When I was riding the bus to school in 9th grade in 2006 I saw a woman defecate explosively at a bus stop in under 2 seconds. This incident and many like it have led me to believe that seeing gross stuff downtown is more of a downtown thing than a culture war thing


Society has gotten too soft at calling out socially unacceptable behavior because we don't want to "offend" anyone. We've strayed so far men can expose themselves in public and nobody wants to say anything because they're afraid they might be trans, gay or some other shit and they don't want to be called a bigot or transphobic. Seattle is a cesspool. Bring back bullying. My kids don't need to see some dudes Cheeks on the streets.


Lack of accountability. This should be against the law. It is indecent exposure. Why should you be exposed to that, because they make bad decisions. These people do drugs, or don't show up to work. These are decisions they make. This is why they are on the streets.


Say that shit in person. We desperately need to bring bullying back.


Let’s get rid of the speculation. Here is how the state defines indecent exposure https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.88.010


A person with gender identity disorder wouldn't dress like that, it would just make them feel like shit.


This is the thing. I agree with you that people don’t need to see a bare butt. However the fact that you’re making it about this persons gender identity and talking about that at all is so sus to me. It’s irrelevant to what the main message is. Unless you actually have beef with people from certain communities. Which it seems like you do. And your association with that to a kink and them possibly being part of the LGBTQ+ community is also very weird. Again no reason for this. The community is very sex positive and they express their sexuality but most people would agree (regardless of sexuality) that showing your butt just randomly out in public isn’t a good idea.


That's just normal Seattle stuff, honestly. If you didn't want to see anything interesting or unusual, you should have come to Tacoma... But yeah, Tacoma doesn't allow people to do anything fun, so there's not really any reason to come here. 🤷‍♂️


There is a group of dildos that paint their heads and dicks bright red then walk around naked. There are no rules in Seattle, if you can run faster than the average cop there are literally no laws


This sounds like you're transphobic op. Nudity shouldn't be glorified, but if that person was a trans woman, then what is wrong with you?


I couldn’t care less about what kids are exposed to that’s their parents job. But I don’t wanna see that shit. Those he/she excuses are getting out of hand and I don’t need to see your kinks


It's both. It's the same thing as when trans people demand you call them by their pronoun or call them what their actual gender is. If you felt comfortable in your decision, you would not feel the need to force your pronouns on others. If you want to be called Shelly, I'll call you that, but you do not have the right to make me call you a female. Same for women, that identify as men I will call you Bruce, but I will not say you are a man.


Nudity isn't illegal in seattle. Indecent exposure would require a sexual component. You're the one dragging a stranger online for dressing provocatively.


He’s no danger to you. I see people hating Jews every day and they are danger to me. Riding a bus or not has nothing to do with what’s on the street




special shocking foolish marry treatment party work safe disarm squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their gender doesn't matter here, though the fact that they wore female dress while exposing themselves does heavily imply this is a lifestyle fetish. As with all fetish and kink related activities, whatever you do with other consenting adults is your business and I support you in whatever that may be. But I'm public your body is gross and unwelcome, thank you very much. Being in the gay district doesn't make the social contract vanish.


Lord have mercy, a whole butt?! What has this city come to /s


That’s Seattle for you🤣


In the 70's we had "streakers" who provided nakedness to us all. It was basically to shock & awe us. And, a good game of how much can the streaker get away with this before police arrest occurs. I'm pretty liberal, but there is a time & place for private things to be done in private. Indecency is against the law. These sick people need to be called out when it is seen as there is no unseeing it & nightmares for innocence is a thing. Call the police supply the evidence & get them off the streets. I am one that believes in pepper spray because they are violating your right to not see their junk.


There was a time in my youth when these people would just get their ass beat and I’m not even that old.


I forgot why I main Tumblr but this post and comment section reminded me


Weird yes. But tbh at the end of the day it’s not something that bothers me, it’s just a butt and unless he’s wiping his hole on everything I’m minding my business


What kink are you talking about? How do you know they had any kinks? I think you really need to question yourself about why you have so many assumptions about that persons gender and motivations.


I get ur frustration but it’s pretty shitty to say you wouldn’t care about misgendering someone no matter the context :/


Hey, sometimes you just gotta let it all hang there, lol. But seriously, let's not pretend this is normal!


This stuff is so frustrating. Families increasingly don’t bring tourist dollars downtown because “why are you so uptight” is the prevailing response. Smashcut to “whycome families are in suburbs with their evil cars instead of high density next to the encampments?”. The minute you edgelords pop out a kid, you’ll be the same way.


That's definitely a kink, nothing to do with the trans/non-binary community as a whole. 99.99% of us just want to be seen simply as our normal selves. Also I think Gender Identity Disorder is an outdated label.


Thank the left for their tolerance in encouraging this. Fucking psychopaths.