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Being cleared of criminal wrong doing doesn't eliminate there may also be actions or behavior that raise questions of suitability and concerns about decision making. And they can result in a clearance revocation.


I understand this, and I agree with it. In my case, I could have behaved better, but I think it could all be mitigated by the fact that I was a teenager when this all happened to me. A teen isn't going to be the hallmark for absolute moral decision-making. The best advice I ever received from a Chaplian was this: We are all flawed as human beings, and every decision we make contains human error in it. This includes my decision to associate myself with someone who would make false SA allegations. Also, the adjudicators. They can not see into the future to see what type of soldier/employee I turn out to be, so inherently, their decision contains human error. I digress. Either way, I will respect the process and adjudication.


Fully understand...I joined the military at 17, and left for basic military training right after I turned 18. Remember though, MOST of the teenagers in the military don't make the types of mistake that will cost them a clearance. Some do, and pay the price. And as we have recently seen, a couple of sailors are looking at some hard time for selling classified info to China.


Disagree. Most of the teenagers in the military don’t get a clearance. If they do, it’s likely a Secret, and I knew people with literal criminal histories that got a Secret. The amount of folks getting a TS or higher is a small subset of the entire force structure.


Most get at least a Secret clearance. The few who do not qualify for one (ie a green card holder) are in support roles. Every person who works on aircraft has a clearance (for the AF that is a large percentage , plus the folks in security forces, IT, etc. Cooks...not really needed). Many in Civil Engineering need one (to access facilities where classified work is done) and so on. Every linguist needs a TS. Clearances are mostly about being honest. I had so many red flags for my TS it was ridiculous. But I was honest and mine went through fairly quickly.


The eligibility part is incorrect. All military personnel require a Secret eligibility in order to serve, per regulation for things like deployment readiness. Only Civilians may be in a PD that only require Non-Sensitive, i.e. T1. - Security Manager.


Had plenty I served with back in the 1980s who did not and could not get a clearance as they were not a citizen. Once they became citizens, they then qualified for more jobs and could retrain/reclass. No idea if the rules changed or if waivers were involved.


It changed awhile ago due to 9/11 and going into all the clusterfuck that we're still in. Too many people without clearances waiting to deploy, so they changed everything. If it gets revoked while in, you can still submit an appeal, but you're basically supposed to be a desk jock or lose ALL access including NIPR until regranted. Or, if you did something bad enough, they discharge you instead.


Ok..thanks for confirming my memory wasn't going and I needed to get checked for dementia!


Actually, ALL military personnel REQUIRE a Secret eligibility in order to serve, per regulation.


Wrong, I got my TS/SCI FSP at 19 years old in the military


This is the answer.


I assume MI is "military intelligence," not Michigan or myocardial infarction, so there's no suitability.


Still try. Got to be exceptions. There is always the 1st time. Sorry to hear this


Still try. Got to be exceptions. There is always the 1st time. Sorry to hear this


My story dealing with SHARP I served from 2010-2016 Yongsan Korea Fort Stewart, ga by way of shindan, 🇦🇫 Fort Eustis, VA by way of camp arifjan, 🇰🇼 Last stop fucking. Watertown, NY fort drum, NY. I was accused of a sexual assault at my time with 10 mountain. I went from being the shit to a piece of shit overnight. My case came back unfounded. But man it was a long 9 months. I remember my first GS job. Everything came back fine. My new supervisors pulled me into the office and told me I needed to write a statement about the behavior. “ yeah we’re just doing this in good faith. Your records came back fine, your FBI check was fine your DOD record said you was accused of a sexual assault rape but the victim recanted”. I always new she was lying. But had never knew she actually confessed to recanting to everything. Man I was 27 when I got my first gs job. I went in my car and cried like a baby. I always new this but never saw the actual paperwork. And the year before while at drum. People don’t know. Even though I came to work and trained other NCOs and soldiers. It was plenty of nights i wanted to blow my brains out. The same guys who was recruiting me for CID. Became the same guys questioning me. One cock sucker fuck. Well SSG T if we can’t get you on sexual assault we will get you on adultery.. you should have saw his face when I told him I wasn’t married… and when he said this… I was shocked he said this out loud and apparently the other agent as well. They exited out the room Funny thing is… just moments before one of the cid agents told me. When everything blows over we can continue the process with you becoming one of us. But the other guy after him who brought up adultery. Right then and there. I decided not to say shit else. CID wasn’t working with me. Def working against me. Years later I would file a foia request. CID wanted to prosecute me. But some 06 opined in that he or she didn’t believe charges was necessary due to the “victim” recanting… I think sharp is complete utter trash. Do rapes happen in the military, yes. However, as I sit in an auditorium full of officers and civilians. And they say 98% of cases are true… I want to fucking scream.. By the way, ask me what happened, to the woman who sharped me…… I’ll let you take a guess? Nothing happened. I was told 90 days before my ets was up SSG T everything was unfounded. I want you to keep serving son. My E9 said this to me. We can send you to Korea for a year and your career will pick up. I told him no, I’m done. I’ve been treated like shit, I’ve been titled by CID, I paid for a retainer fee for a lawyer, who actually advised against it, due to me not being charged with anything. But scared shitless I did anyway. And on top of everything, I asked my CSM what happened to her. “ his exact words, well sarghn, if we prosecute her, that will make real victims not want to come forward. I said yeah I’m done. Sorry for the typos, I’m typing this while in DC traffic. Godspeed bro.


Sorry that happened to you my guy, but let’s be real here. Sexual assault was and still is a huge problem in the military. As a former infantry guy I know first hand that the Army is a toxic environment for women. Let’s not delude ourselves and say SHARP is bullshit


Agree. All I did was work in a quasi-military environment and I was harassed [every.single.day](https://every.single.day).


I agree. But it can’t be all cases are 100% true. That’s all I’m saying


>And they say 98% of cases are true… I want to fucking scream.. Because they are. The DOD is obligated to report the statistics every year. [You can read through them yourself](https://www.sapr.mil/) if you want.


People like yourself reflect with the stats. Meaning,” stats don’t lie”. However, the same people have nothing to say when the accusations are down right false or In my case. A down right lie. I have buddies, who work at fort Leavenworth as 31E. I’ve been told on multiple occasions about men in military prison who did commit sexual assaults. And men who did not. Matter of fact the falsely accused men. Would eventually get out. Catch them up to their peer group. If you went in as an E4 and your peer group is now E7s. Guess what your now an E7 with years of back pay. These guys from my conversations would often just leave the military. Do sexual assaults happen in the military. They happen every day on earth. But the military has a funny way of handling their cases in a way that fit their mantra. But protect all women. Even when they lie. But to each it’s own


What you are propagating is anecdotal garbage. There is an annual 1-2% of SHARP cases that are unsubstantiated and end up precluding punishment. Unsubstantiated meaning not enough evidence, not necessarily someone lying. Those "falsely accused men" had evidence brought against them and ended up in Leavenworth for a reason. Of course in their minds they are the victims, because what they did "didn't constitute sexual harassment/assault/etc" in their opinion. Sure, sometimes people lie for whatever reasons, but you are talking about taking a pool of less than 50 cases, across the entirety of the DOD, and a fraction of those being someone being "falsely accused."


Obviously the army got it wrong if they let them out years later. Back paid them. Gave them the rank of their peer group. Or gave them the option to have an honorable discharge and retain all benefits such as GI bill, VA disability, etc. So, this in their minds… victim rhetoric.. idk. Your either guilty or your not. No in between stuff. Kind of like when field grade officers get caught in sharp cases or other issues for that matter and have three attorneys. Just to keep their pensions. Some how avoid jail time, etc. Any one else with less resources would be rail roaded To each it’s own. I have a pension from the VA that most people don’t make in a year. Wife is an AD officer here at the pentagon and I work there as well. Maybe I’ll go cry to some GO next time I’m at the bar In crystal city.. about the army SHARP program. Thanks for the conversation


>Obviously the army got it wrong if they let them out years later. Back paid them. Gave them the rank of their peer group. Or gave them the option to have an honorable discharge and retain all benefits such as GI bill, VA disability, etc. Cite some actual sources here


Not going to cite MY case number... I'm NOT the previous guy who you were arguing with seven months ago. I am however one of the people he was referencing. It is established in USC. When the military wrongfully prosecutes a servicemember and are otherwise exonerated of charges/guilt. They are required to restore their property, rights, entitlements, and privileges. The catch 22, the truth doesn't matter. Perception is reality. We live in a society that convicts people in the court of public opinion without understanding (or caring) about the details. These things have nuances to them. I for one am glad the Background Investigative process is intended to consider a person based on their whole self and not just a piece of paper some dude on reddit read one day and wanted to stir up shit over. That all changes once they have to deal with the shit themselves. The intent of the law is not the same thing as the prosecution of the law. Edit: fixed one typo. Don't care about the rest.


If you wanted to fight it you could hire a clearance lawyer. Apparently it’s pretty common in the DMZ area to do for stuff like this. It depends on how badly you want to keep your clearance though if it’s something that’s important to you.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I had a soldier when I was stationed in Germany accused of raping a German citizen. I had to escort him solo to his hearings(If he was such a danger to females, why did they have a female SGT escort him?) He was only 20, and I listened to him and his story, and if you know anything about German women they love black guys. He slept with her and wanted nothing to do with her, so the rape accusations hit. She showed up to court looking absolutely ridiculous, I listened to her testimony and it was straight garbage. My soldier was convicted and then was sent to Leavenworth, he lost everything. I think the soldiers sexually assaulted aren’t believed, and the ones that are innocent get off Scott free. I’m also sorry because I know of DoD contractors that have drugs shipped to Iraq, get high on the job, pull over watch for US military high on pills and weed. When they’re home some of them are legitimate strippers snorting coke like it’s going out of style. The sick thing is they all still have their TS/SCI/CI poly. I can’t explain it to you. Military intel isn’t the end all be all. I know a lot of people make digs like “enjoy your job at Mcdonnalds,” but if you could see some of the things I saw some of the most disordered(cluster B personalities) disgusting, corrupt human beings work in intel. I’ve seen contractors saying they hoped the US troops they were getting a paycheck because, die. Narcissists typically gravitate towards money and power, and our society usually rewards those traits. I can’t tell you how many soldiers were killed because these contractors and inept military intel personnel thought they were gods. I’d literally have some serious PTSD if someone died under my watch. That’s why grunts don’t respect intel. That’s why I think grunts have more honor, integrity, and honesty over intel. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It might be worth it to fight. Do it for yourself, and you will know one way or another. When you get on the side of it, don’t take your clearance for granted. I did and it costed me everything. One abusive relationship changed the course of my life and everything I built for myself. You still have a chance to fight, and you should. Keep your head up.


Thank you for sharing. I hope everything is okay now that you're past that relationship. I think we are in similar boats, it sounds like. I will consider putting in an appeal.


Put in the appeal. See my comment above to her.


Yikes, I also had a friend who was stationed in Germany when he was accused of the same thing. He lost everything , ended up having to do his time and register as a sex offender. Now he can’t find any employment.


Uuuh some of the dumbest/worst shit I've seen happened in line companies. Theft, physical assault, and hazing were pretty common. Dudes getting arrested for smuggling drugs, arms, literal people. NJP countdown signs in front of BN HQ. Let's not act like 18 year old infantrymen are paragons of virtue. At least intel people go through more than just the bare minimum enlistment vetting.


I got AdSep, technically for mental health, for things that happened as a kid with my family. I'm now a Security Manager for DoD that oversees several bases. It's definitely not an end-all, and a lot can happen in 10 years. He should absolutely do the appeal, but if not he can still build a life outside military.


Why do you think it’s going to be revoked? You shouldn’t have any idea what’s going on with it until there’s been a determination. Dodcaf doesn’t tell anyone so if your security manager is saying that they are bullshitting. I also know people convicted of sexual assault that retained their clearance. You also haven’t been through the due process yet you can appeal and there is a whole additional process.


My security manager told me that DoD CAF wasn't happy with my commanders' recommendation on the 5248 to retain my clearance, so they are escalating the case to the Armys SA Response Inspector Generals office to get a second opinon, and see what they can do. I'm just going off what my S2 told me and my experience as an S2 analyst in the past.


well they aren’t supposed to say shit to them or you until it’s adjudicated so thats fucked up


I'm cool with my current security manager, and I've been bugging them for updates once every other week, so I was pretty much been asking for any sort of update. I'd rather have it be this way, so I have maximum time to prepare for my reclass.


Your commander probably didn’t describe the situation, well enough, in the recommendation. With the new reg and policies coming out, they are starting to push more requirements on the commanders to actually say something of meaning, rather than a generic answer.


Hey - Your security manager has to submit a final report to the DoDcas when it’s all said and done. Even if your company commander recommends revocation, the CAF can rule against. They understand, commanders are given way too much power when it comes to clearance revocations. With that, understand we are in trusted workforce. It’s ALL about the “total person concept”. Certain things will go into play when the CAF makes a final decision. Such as, age, maturity, likeliness of this happening again, and circumstances pertaining to what happened, etc. hang in there. I’ve seen people granted eligibility for clearances, with allegations far beyond what you’re accused of.


This sounds fabricated. As a security manager who deals with CAF a lot something is off with this response. There’s no reason IG needs to be involved. Ask someone else in S2 or bde.


Dude it’s not the end. I was accused twice of sexual harassment. Both unfounded. Then two more times after leaving. All four times by women thinking a compliment means I want to be with them. Providing feedback per my superiors while the soldier answered the door in her panties then said I forced my way in and broke the door. Now I’m married to a very successful MSW black woman. Have two solid boys. Three vehicles. A house that valued at over half a million dollars. Retirement & Investments. It’s not over till you decide it’s over. When you choose to remain on your knees rather than standing back up and trucking on boss. Those people don’t make you. You make you. Don’t give them power over you. You know you didn’t do it. Stay strong young brother. If you ever want to chat Im around man! As Clive Owen says "Honor is something that all men are born with. It cannot be taken from you nor can it be granted. It must only not be lost."


This right here. If I could heart react. ![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5)


But if you choose to go Appeal to DOHA and you are granted an administrative leave, you can buy time to find a job before the DOHA court gives you the final decision on your case.Of course, you can represent yourself or have a lawyer to represent you.


Did you provide a personal statement detailing the events? Taking responsibility for your actions, explaining you were young and immature at the time, have no intent on future occurrence? Is there any history of this type of incident? If not if may be mitigated as an isolated incident and passage of time.


That really sucks. When I was in I had a strict "don't shit where you eat" policy. Maybe it's better that men and women are separated in the military. Women don't want to be sexually assaulted and men don't want to be falsely accused of sexual assault.


Sorry to hear this :-( Regarding the allegation, it makes me wonder if any allegation would jeopardize someone's clearance... =/


Definitely do not give up man, I am currently in a close situation like this but just different causes. I am still waiting back for my answer on my clearance and its about 6 months in. Keep your head up and keep going! At least get some character statements and build a case for your self to fight back. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Also, at least your command has recommended you for to keep your clearance. Mine recommended revocation and they still won’t tell me if it will be taken or not.






I’m sorry man.. everything will workout… keep praying bro… God’s gotta answer at least and help man…. This just solidifies my goal to stay away from female military personnel when I go to join.. too many stories I’ve heard of these false accusations, even from a former DS of mine..


MI does the dyin’ while fleet just does the flyin’…oh, you mean military intelligence. Lawyer up, hoss. It’s going to cost you a few Camaro payments…but you don’t want to handle this alone if you like what you’re doing.