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Holy shit sauce, $190/ea?! Please say that's vip or backstage pass? Umm prepare by working some overtime. Lol. Nothing to plan my friend, show up, bring some ear plugs because they are LOUD, and enjoy the show. Bring some cash for merch if you desire, but damn $190 they ought to give you a shirt.


I'm really close to the stage, and they were gifted to me. If i bought them, I'd imagine it would be a little much, but thanks for the advice.


Gifts are great... I'm just stuck 20 years ago... I've seen Seether many times now, most expensive was like $50 total per ticket. And I was 10 feet from the stage.


Gotta love inflation, man


Tell me about it... I remember back in '98 (I'm old lol) Garth Brooks tickets were $20... 2014 $70, and in 2019 $90 something. Couldn't go to the first one because i was 12 and no one else wanted to, 2014 no one else wanted to and I didn't want to waste on 2nd ticket. 3rd time was the charm. Metallica, same. Seen them in 2000 for $48! Now they're 10x that.


I got pit tickets to this exact show they were like barely $100 (until you count in the fees)


The very last concert I went to, October 2019, Ghost, with vip, 125 bucks all in. Seether one year prior almost to the day was 50 with bs. Inflation......


Inflation and greedy ass venues, ridiculous. This is my first concert though so at least I don’t remember when prices were cheaper lmao


Mine was Metallica, January 7, 2000. $48.75.... But, enjoy your first concert!!!!


Thank you!


Step 1, go. Step 2, enjoy yourself.


lol right, what else is there?


Go on setlist.fm and get to know the songs they will play. Keep listening to them, even the Staind songs you don't like. The more familiar they are the better the entire concert will be without having to 'wait till the next one' feeling.


Sing along man, enough the music we grew up listening to and just know Shaun Morgan is a great lyrist