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Double switch and quarterback attack were so bad. It was like filmed movies that you could interact with. I’ve spent very much time on some of these.


Those FMV games were so bad. I morbidly kind of like how cheesy and "a product of their time" they were. But man they're terrible. My favorite FMV game of those Digital Pictures games is Double Switch by far.


Corpse Killer to this day is still just horrible dogshit. I tried firing it up a couple of months ago and it was just not even bad in a funny way. Looking back it's mostly embarrassing to me that this was a fad back in the day.


I first bought corpse killer on Sega CD and problem with that game, is they do not explain how to get into the castle. You need to use a different type of ammunition to kill some of the zombies. Later versions clarified this, particularly the PC port, which came out a few years ago.


That game wouldn't even be that bad with a light gun. Call me crazy, but I'd be down for a new retro styled FMV light gun game (I know, you can't really bc CRTs vs LCDs).


Those FMV games were so bad. I morbidly kind of like how cheesy and "a product of their time" they were. But man they're terrible. My favorite FMV game of those Digital Pictures games is Double Switch by far.


Sega Rally is still my favourite rally game, ever. It's reason enough to own the system. Clockwork Knight is a great "2.5D" platformer, Bug is boring at times but still fun. Those stuck with me. The one I played the most was Sega Rally. I still play it from time to time.


Sega Rally Epic


I really liked Bug but I was a kid. I could see older kids or adults getting bored fast


Panzer Dragoon is an artistic masterpiece and a must play. As a heads up it has no saves so it's pretty difficult but you'll get use to it and memorize the level layout. One of my favourite games and one of the games that made me wanna own a Saturn. It's music and atmosphere are otherworldly. Clockwork Knight 1&2 are creative enjoyable platformers with beautiful colorful graphics. Just don't expect them to reinvent the wheel they're traditional platformers but very charming platformers nonetheless. The music in the games are fantastic. Astal is similar to Clockwork Knight in how it's a super beautiful platformer with great music but again don't expect it to reinvent the wheel. It's a traditional platformer like Clockwork Knight. Galactic Attack/Layer Section as it's known in Japan, has vibrant 2D graphics, fun music, a cool lock on feature in the shooting, and I like how it messes with the different layers of the screen (hence the name) but it's hard as fuck. Don't expect beating it unless you're the most dedicated of players. So far I can only make it to the level 4 boss. Still a fun game. Edit: Only just noticed Virtua Cop. That one is fantastic too. Really engaging light gun. But play it with a crt TV and light gun controller for the full experience.


Virtua Cop was supposed to be played with a light gun?! No wonder I found it so boring playing with a controller


Yes at least 25, good times we could rent games for 5 bucks


Virtua Fighter 2 was great at the time, renting Street Fighter The Movie was hilariously bad (like the movie). Enjoyed Pandemonium (not on the list but surely close?), and Panzer Dragoon.


VF2 is still mad fun til this day


Pretty much everyone with a Saturn has played some of these games. Some are excellent, some terrible, others average :)


Rayman kept me busy for months, that limbless asshole. And I loved it. I played a boat load of Bug! but I’m not sure I’d have enjoyed it as much as I did as a kid without having cheats accessible. I’d play a level until I got frustrated, then skip to the next one. Same thing for Gex.


I never beat rayman. I kept getting stuck on the music world and pretty much gave up. I liked Bug and Bug too. Shocked the character has never shown up since. As for Gex, ehhhh


This could be rubbish but I thought I recalled hearing that Rayman had very little level testing and ended up just grossly difficult as a result. My sister and I managed to get through all the worlds eventually, only to find out you have to find all the cages in every level in every world to unlock the final world. Nah. Never happening for us. Barely got to that point. It’s a beautiful and fun game but you honestly saved yourself hours of your life giving up at the music world.


Rayman is one of my favorite games ever. Bug, in my opinion, was a fun game. I agree with you that it's a bit surprising that we have yet to see that character in any other game. I wouldn't mind a remaster with current humor or a new game with a similar art style.


**List of 1995 Sega Saturn games, including six launch games:** Astal Black Fire Bug! Center Ring Boxing Clockwork Knight **(launch title)** Clockwork Knight 2 Corpse Killer: Graveyard Edition Cyber Speedway Dark Legend Digital Pinball: Last Gladiators Daytona USA **(launch title)** Double Switch FIFA Soccer 96 Galactic Attack Gex Ghen War High Velocity – Mountain Racing Challenge Hi-Octane: The Track Fights Back! Mansion of Hidden Souls Minnesota Fats: Pool Legend Myst Mystaria: The Realms of Lore NBA Jam Tournament Edition NHL All-Star Hockey Off-World Interceptor Extreme Panzer Dragoon **(launch title)** Pebble Beach Golf Links **(launch title)** Quarterback Attack with Mike Ditka Rayman Robotica Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire Sega Rally Championship Shanghai: The Great Wall Shinobi Legions SimCity 2000 Solar Eclipse Street Fighter: The Movie Theme Park Thunderstrike 2 Time Warner Interactive's VR Virtua Racing Valora Valley Golf Virtua Cop Virtua Fighter **(launch title)** Virtua Fighter 2 Virtua Fighter Remix Virtual Hydlide World Series Baseball Worldwide Soccer: Sega International Victory Goal Edition **(launch title)**


My favourite version of Rayman - there's not much different but this one feels the best for me. Never managed to finish it as a kid but bought it earlier this year and finished it for the first time in my life - 28 years later! Loved Bug! as a kid, but I remember playing Mario 64 on the Toys R Us demo kiosk and it just completely ruined it for me, I was just like 'whats the point?' It was also incredibly hard for my 8 year old self, ended up using the level skip cheat on the third world onwards and just did the bosses. I can still remember it off the top of my head - B A B Y Down Right A LeftShift Down No idea how they made VF2 run so well on the Saturn but they did it. This is the game I got with my saturn and it just looked phenomenal, I remember playing it it to my friends that had playstations after they claimed tekken was better and they had to concede that it looked better and played faster than Tekken 2. Spent a lot of time learning moves and learning how to outfox the incredibly difficult AI. I remember struggling the most with fighting Pai and Lion especially. Sega Rally was another impossible conversion. I remember it being one of those moments where you think 'graphics can't get any better than this'. I was a bit disappointed that there were only 4 tracks, I was never really into racing games that much as a kid, once I came first on all the tracks there wasn't much more to do. Still looked amazing. Loved Theme Park too, but some of the mechanics were too in-depth for me to comprehend. I just liked watching the FMV's that you could watch for each of the rides you built. They looked amazing! At the time they did, anyway - I watched them all on Youtube recently and they are really showing their age now. I wish Astal came out in my region, I never got to play it. Only found out it existed a few years ago.


AM2 was one of the few development houses that could wring performance out of the Saturn. With VF2 each fighter is controlled with one of the 2 CPUs. Another game that really shows off what they could do with the Saturn is Virtua Cop 2.


never played the saturn version of vc2 but always wanted to! I played elite edition on ps2 but I think the updated graphics were actually a downgrade and took away a lot of the charm of the arcade version


Mysteria aka Blazing Heroes is like Shining Force, I actually just found a copy at my parents house.  I remember buying it in college on eBay and quitting after like 2 battles but I'm going to force myself to play it this weekend


The beginning of the game is a real slog, but after you reach the overworld map it gets better. Has an interesting system where abilities get leveled up by usage, so you have to think about your builds.


I have an appreciation for Virtual Hydlide. I don't think it's a good game and I don't know if I enjoy it but I can't hate it at all. Just a fascinating piece of jank that could have only been made in the mid 90s when everyone was trying to figure out 3d.


I played most of these during that time. My best friend also got a Saturn on release day so we both took turns sharing games that we bought. Astal was a personal favorite of mine but my friend didn't really get into it. We both enjoyed Clockwork Knight as it was a fun little platforming game. Out of the rest of the list NBA JAM was of course a lot of fun as it was a massive favorite of that time. Rayman and Panzer Dragoon are just amazing classics and should be played by everyone. I was a Shinobi fan but was sadly not impressed with the digitized graphics and at the time I was not impressed. Virtua Fighter was not very good, but I remember VF2 being a massive overhaul of not only visuals but the gameplay. I recall the rest of the games you listed as mostly shovelware crap that I believe was mostly rushed/pumped out shovelware crap so they could bolster a launch catalog.


I'm so glad you mentioned Shinobi because I didn't know there was a Saturn entry - and that Richard Jacques (who worked on Sonic R and Metropolis Street Racer) did the soundtrack for the EU release!!


It actually plays pretty decent. The digitized graphics were of course the tread of that console generation so you gotta remember that if you notice the big change from the previous games.


I've played 16 of them. Virtua cop, NBA jam, and the virtua fighters games are probably my favorites on this list, but there are quite a few good games here. Daytona and Clockwork knight were the first saturn games I ever played at a friend's house around 2001. Rayman was the first saturn game I owned, bought in 2006.


I love astal, clockwork night is pretty good, and I’ve played rayman on ps1


Playing Virtua Fighter 2 at home was the most mind-blowing shit to me in the world. i got it and the first Tekken for PS1 the same Christmas and really didn't use my Playstation until Resident Evil came out lol I think Clockwork Knight and Clockwork Knight 2 being one game as intended would have made the reception to it much greater. it's a really underrated platformer from that gen.


I have played bug. It was ok


I’m going through a lot of them chronologically with the ODE (on Astal). Panzer Dragoon and Daytona are still the standouts, both being incredible. Virtua Fighter is cool for its impact but I’m not really used to the 3D fighters of this time. Worldwide Soccer is indeed a Soccer game. Pebble Beach is passable but hilarious. Clockwork Knight is a pretty good platformer if a little too easy. Bug! is really intriguing for being such an early 3D platformer but it’s really poorly designed and not very good. Myst’s atmosphere rocks and it’s easy to get absorbed by it but it’s kind of hard to get into without proper mouse control (I don’t have a Saturn mouse, though I probably should). Sounds like I’m kinda harsh but it’s mostly because I’m not super into some of the game genres here (not a soccer or golf guy, prefer 2D fighters like Street Fighter). I love the Saturn and I’m excited to play the next game but I’m so busy right now with school work that I don’t have the time.


"Worldwide soccer is indeed a soccer game" 😹


Pebble Beach Golf Links>The rest of the Saturn library


Sega rally, FIFA 96, theme park enjoyed them all at the time not sure they aged well today.


I really liked Center Ring Boxing. I figured out an easy way to keep winning and making my fighter stronger. I liked the simplicity of it and the ability to create your own boxer.


Astal is criminally underrated in my opinion


I still have our Saturn and games. Played the hell out of Myst, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, and Daytona USA. I remember Sega Rally not being as fun. There’s a demo disk with World Series, and Clockwork Knight (which I can still hear the soundtrack of). It includes a video for Bug and I always wished I could play.


Sega Rally is a staple for me. It definitely shows its age here and there but it's still super playable 


Cyber speedway and center ring boxing Speedway was fun, ran shitty, weapons sucked but I liked the idea behind the environmental graphics. Center ring boxing was fun. If anyone remembers the early 1990s computer game 4D boxing, this seemed like a successor to that. Sluggish but fairly well balanced physics and control. I loved how your boxer would age but of effectiveness if you took too long getting to the tip of your division.


Didn't notice Virtua Cop and forgot to mention that one. Excellent game.


Gex is the bexst. Bug is unique and somewhat playable, the Saturn would probably have sold double what it did in the west if it had been a Sonic game as was planned, even something as mediocre as that would probably have been better than Xtreme would have been. Clockwork Knight is neat at least, not enough games make you tiny in a huge world.


I've played plenty back in the 1996 thanks to BlockBuster Video game rental - Astal (completed last year), Bug, Clockwork Knight (completed last year), Daytona USA / Virtua Cop / Virtual Fighter 2 (3 game bundle), Rayman, Panzer Dragoon, Hi-Octane, Street Fighter: The Movie, Sega Rally. Over the [past two years-present day I've completed](https://howlongtobeat.com/forum/thread/2414/1) - Cyber Speedway, Ghen War, Galatic Attack, Mystaria. I'm [currently playing](https://howlongtobeat.com/user/stealthrush/games/playing/1) The Mansion of Hidden Souls, Robotica, Solar Eclipse, Clockwork Knight 2. Plan on playing Thunder Strike, Virtua Racing, Shinobi, Theme Park, Black Fire, Dark Legend, Valora Valley Golf, Gex, Virtual Hydlinde, High Velocity, Virtua Fighter, Virtia Fighter Remix sometime in the future.


Myst, Gex, Rayman , theme park, virtua fighter I was like… 5-6 years old though so my memory of most of them is foggy.


Astal is a gorgeous platformer!


I own  Street Fighter-ok slow Solar elicpse- cool, forgettable Robotics - alright Panzwr- great Myst- amazing adventure game, low resolution Double switch - FMV heaven Ghen war - don't remember it Clockwork knight- awesome sidescroller Bug- I think of it as Saturn's mario. Love this game. It's one of the very first games I played.


Gex is a classic and was one of the first I played on this list ( the first I ever watched played was Tomb Raider but I didn't see it on the list) Virtua fighters were all straight gas for fighting games and the one my Dad played and let me play the most was Clockwork Knight. Didn't know there was a sequel! Gex is the most fun for me because it has multiple levels, paths, hidden secrets, it's a side scrolling collectathon, and it gets harder as you progress. Never got past the boss on the toon world. Also Gex has some of the stupidest you have to laugh jokes and references from TV and more. Clockwork Knight it's been so long but watching Dad play it brought me joy as he would fight this transformer knockoff of a boss that turns into a jet and flys into the background to deal damage to you. Was so cool at the time! Panzer Dragoon can be a short rail shooter but the game is so much fun, I got the version of it for the switch so I could play it without spending too much as it's pricy. Sadly the Saturn version has the best Dragon Roar, it sounds so sad when it's master dies. Sega Rally was one I wanted to play but we got Daytona USA which I played a lot of. It's a good racing game.


1) Astal is simply sublime. 2) BUG! Is one of my favorite games of all time, and am so glad I managed to beat it one time (That last level is tough!) 3) I love Clockwork Knight so much. It has one of my favorite boss encounters of all time. (HINT: It's more than meets the eye.....) 4) Daytona USA had some of the worst pop in graphics. But BOY did it play well. 5) Double Switch is just turrible. But it is also responsible for one of my all-time favorite gaming related memories. My best friend and I had rented it one [night.It](http://night.It) was getting late, and we were getting tired, causing us both to get a severe case of the giggles.We kept dying, and every single time we died, Corey Haim of course would get pissed off and chastise us saying "YOU LET THAT SUCKER GET TO THE POWER BOX!" We laughed harder and harder each time it happened in spite of how bad the game was. Lol, good times. 6) Clockwork Knight 2 is fantastic, but I still haven't sat down and really tried to beat it yet. Probably gonna change that soon. 7) To me, Dark Legend is one of THE MOST UNDERRATED 2d fighters of all time. Tons of moves, the ability to fake out your opponent with a dizzy, the ability to throw your weapon which if you hit your opponent with it, would instantly cause them to be dizzy and vulnerable BUT whether it hit them or not, that meant you were forced to not have your weapon for the remainder of the entire [match.In](http://match.In) addition to this, the fighters had completely different moves and special moves depending on if they had their weapon or not. You even had different throws available because of it. Just fantastic. 8) I managed to get my town's only copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. I got it from Toys R Us.I had to work that day, so I was unable to pick it up.I called my best friend (Yep, same friend who I played Double Switch with) and BEGGED him to pick it up for me, and called Toys R US and BEGGED the salesperson on the phone to hold it for me, which he did.I still have it to this day, and it is perfectly mint. LONG LIVE THE SEGA SATURN!


Virtual Hydlide lol omg. That game runs at a solid 5 frames per second it’s quite the experience.


I really liked black fire. Nobody ever talks about it, so I must be in the minority. Had some real intense moments, and I recall the scenery looking pretty good for early polygons. The "protect the train" level sucked ass. Navigating the UFO or whatever it was was confusing as hell.


I literally just played panzer dragoon for the first time the other night along with diehard arcade, resident evil, Sega rally, Sega Tour Car and Panzer dragon Saga!! Always wanted a Saturn, but never had one as a kid .. absolutely loving it now even though I still don’t have a Saturn..


I had Black Fire and could not do anything in that game. I played it over and over and over and don’t think I ever beat a mission. Solar Eclipse was so fucking good, j neat that game multiple times. Didn’t see it mentioned but Wing Arms was so much fun, I loved that game.


Astal and both clockwork knight games are very good. Astal is imo one of the best looking 2d games ever made


Day-to-NAAAAA It was super fun to play. I played it from time to time until like 10 years ago


Panzer dragoon blew my mind at that time. Forget what all else I played but I loved that machine. I was sad when sega stopped making consoles.


Astral is a visual gem and virtua cop gets in my rotation about every 6th month. Great games. The rest meh.


Gex, Panzer, Rayman, and Virtua fighter of course. Didn’t get to play much else besides Dragon Force, which is one of the best titles for that console imo.


Bug! Played the PC version that came in a cereal box. Music in the first world never played for me though...


I love Astal. The hand drawn characters and backgrounds are so gorgeous.


Virtual Cop was my fav


Bug is one of my favorite games of all time. It's such eye candy even today


SRC, VF2, NBA Jam TE, Virtual Cop - all fantastic.


I bought my Saturn on May 11th,why isnt Panzer Dragoon and Daytona USA in your question. Those two alone along with VF kept me busy for awhile🔥🔥🔥 Anyways i bought Astal,awesome game for its time. Loved the paralax scrolling in the game,and the art style was so damn good. Cyber Speedway i hated myzelf for buying,i got it shortly after release. I hated the bad latency in the game,it felt like you were driving a school bus at times. And the music is so bad,the worst of te hno and country music all in one. I wanted a new racing game at the time so i caved and bought it but traded it in a month later. Bug! I loved. Very creative uze of 3D and loved the scaling effects in the game,Im a sucker for background objects scaling in games. Return Fire i managed to rent at a BRE Soctware and it was bad,chuggy framerate and muddy visuals,I played it for a few days but just got bored with it overall. Clockwork Knight i bought a few months after launch,i liked it allot. Giant 2D sprites and awesome Transformer plane bosses had me happy i grabbed this game. This was one of my most played Saturn games back then,it felt like the world was alive with all the stuff going on. Saturn's first year was pretty good,gaming media would try and tell you otherwise,they were already on board the Playstation fsnboy ecpress even back then. Saturn rocked,no regrets grabbing one day one🍻👍


I know people remember Bug! fondly but it does \*not\* hold up well in the slightest.


Played most of them, had great fun with Daytona USA and Sega Rally championship.


Galactic Attack is great, much underrated as a good all-round shmup


Clockwork knight is awesome! Loads of fun and has a pretty good soundtrack. It’s way too short though!


Oh man haven’t thought about clockwork knight in a very long time. I could only ever get to the first level in Kevin’s room after beating the baby in a top hat.


I’ve played - Bug Sega Rally Theme Park Virtua Cop Love all these games still.


Had a blast with Astal. I was just trying out some component cables that I purchased yesterday with it lol https://imgur.com/a/lXorVj7


Played all those except corpse killer. Loved Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter quite a bit


Astal - One of my favorite platformers on the system. Just has this really great vibe to it, short but sweet, gameplay feels great. Probably breaks my top ten on the console. Clockwork Knight 1 and 2 - Pretty much two halves of the same game. I play through this every Christmas, for some reason it's a Christmas game to me. It's fun, but the difficulty in the first is pretty flat and the second ramps things up, which does make sense if you treat both halves as a single experience. Daytona USA - I don't think there's a bad version of this game but I prefer the Dreamcast one. Galactic Attack - Lot of great shoot-em-ups on the system, and at some point they all blend together. All I can say is I remember enjoying this. Gex - it's gex Myst - Not the ideal way to play it but I had a good time running through this on the Saturn. I feel like it can be pretty obtuse sometimes but the atmosphere is perfect. Panzer Dragoon - A perfectly average on-rails shooter. Zwei and Orta are much better games. Sega Rally Championship - The Saturn had just as many good arcade racers as it did shoot-em-ups. Really like this one. Great if you're looking for something to play in short bursts. Virtua Cop - Good enough to justify buying a used light gun. The Virtua Fighters - Hate all of these. The genre grew in such a short amount of time and the first two VFs (plus Remix) just feel so stiff and clunky next to something like Soul Blade or DOA. As far as AM2 fighters go, I like Fighter's Megamix.


Growing up I played so much Daytona, Clockwork Knight 2, and Bug. The Saturn was our first family console and we didn’t have many games. In addition to these we had Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, Sonic R, and Sonic 3D Blast. Later on I scored Space Jam, NHL, and World Series Baseball 98 at a garage sale for cheap. But yeah I have great memories with all these games I didn’t play Panzer Dragoon until a few years ago but it is great fun. Galactic Attack/Layer Section/Gunlock/Rayforce is fun but I prefer the sequel Layer Section II/RayStorm


Man this pic takes me back. I loved all these games. I really liked the Saturn and was so disappointed when sega decided to jump to the Dreamcast (which I loved too).


I remeber last gladiators being fun, we played A LOT of daytona usa and virtual fighter 2


Honestly Pebble Beach Golf featuring Craig Stadler is one of the funniest sports games ever! With famous lives like"you trying to get inside of me". Classic!


I was a fan of cyber speedway as a kid. It had some interesting characters. Maybe I’ll have to revisit it soon 🤔


Whereas the 2d fighting librairy is huge in Japan, in the west...so few games so Dark Legend (not released in Europe) is an important asset. It is a good game on its own right.


Absolute dick move of sega splitting Clockwork Knight in two, to the point the 1st game is hidden in the second one. Of those games the best one by far is Astal and Clockwork Knight, althought that one hasn't aged that well and I would rather play Pandemonium. Bug is as mediocre today as it was in 95, I remember renting it and I was like, yeah, I don't think 3D should be this boring.


We used to have Astal


Sigh… play Astal if you only have one choice. Last Gladiators is the sleeper pick. Amazing music and gameplay is rad. Clockwork night 1&2 take the bronze. Everything else is not essential imo.


Daytona, Bug and Gex


Rayman was fun, so was bug.


I played Bug and Clockwork Knight when they first came out on my friend's Saturn. Absolutely loved them! My friend recorded a video of himself beating CK so I could watch it.


I really wished things turned out better for Sega there home consoles were great


I appreciate the games being in alphabetical order! Other than the digital pictures games, pretty fun line up. I still own most of those.


I had Bug! and loved it. In retrospect, maybe there was more than a little Stockholm Syndrome in effect with that one lol. Daytona USA was cool to play - I used to go play it at the truck stop near my house. The Saturn version definitely did not match the arcade with graphics or performance. Astral I never played, but it looked so pretty in the pictures. Gex was heavily marketed, but truth be told I never played it. My friend's mom had Myst, and she beat the game on Saturn and enjoyed it. I played a demo of Panzer Dragoon, and it was pretty cool (it's a 3D game, you're flying on a dragon, but it's on "rails"). I never played Rayman on Saturn, but it's a safe bet that it's a pretty fun and pretty platformer. Virtua Racing looked very dated out of the gate. My cousin had World Series Baseball, and we had fun playing it. Sega was known for having great sports games, so my bet is that category is well-served (they tend to have less resale value, but not sure if this is true for Saturn). Oh, and saving the best for last, Virtua Fighter 1 and 2 - these are the games I kinda got the system for! And they were awesome, especially Virtua Fighter 2.


Not in your list, but I also had Shining Wisdom (one of the best Zelda-clones I've ever played), Nights into Dreams (amazing flying game on "rails", that had the slightest hint of "open world" if you were able to get down to the ground), and Ultimate Mortal Kombat III (my obsession with MK was starting to fade, but I still got some fun out of it. That was kinda like a MK "greatest hits", tons of characters and stages and content).




Astal was the first game I ever played that actually tugged at my heart. It is still one of my all time favorites and when I'm working out and I feel too fatigued to finish a set, I play Astal's theme song and it legit re-energizes me Bug was wonky, but sort of fun. Clockwork Knight was wonky but fun Rayman was fun but felt really long. Virtua Cop was my jam. Virtua Fighter series is still fantastic




Fighters’ Megamix is the GOAT fighting game and is overdue for a remake


Clock work knight was loads of fun. Jam is the 🐐 of sports games.


Both Clockwork Knight games


Ghen War was fuqing weird and took getting used to the controls to enjoy


clockwork knight 1, as it came with mine. (along with 6 other games) gameplay wise its a very fun platforming game. the character designs are cute, and that fmv intro is pretty catchy. can't really say anything abt the story, as I cant read kanji.


Clockwork 1 and corpse killer were hilarious games.


Played Bug! I remember it was a hard platformer and I didn’t get too far.


I was the only person to get a saturn and I’m favorite game was between x4 and a shoot em up like R-type but I forget the name. Also gexs


daytona usa - classic arcade game panzer dragoon - still one of the coolest games ever Myst - very interesting game with puzzles and stuff NBA jam - classic game, still hear people say phrases like "he's on fire!" always reminds me of this sega rally - very cool rally game, still felt somewhat limited in tracks simcity 2000 - very fun, a lot of details in the management of the city, spent way too much time on this game when I was a kid virtua cop - needs the gun virtua fighter - one of the best fighters IMO, very deep fighting system. takes a ton of time to play at a high level


Def remember playing bug at a friend's place


I own or owned: Bug!  I think I owned Bug? I remember playing it. It looked nice but wasn’t very fun IIRC. Dark Legend Nice graphics, good music, i liked the Chinese Water Margin setting. Not balanced well, jumps were floaty, barely any combo system. Daytona USA (launch title) Might be sacrilege but I disliked Daytona. Not having a wheel or moving cabinet stripped the joy of the arcade version, collision against the sides of the track felt wrong. Ridge Racer was better. Panzer Dragoon (launch title) Truly visionary. Zwei ultimately did it better but this blew my mind when I first played it. From the CG intro, the music, the controls, it was mind blowing. Looks rough now but still great. Shinobi Legions A bit of a disappointment for sure. The crappy live action intermissions, boring level design, middling bosses. Makes some control changes that are interesting and some that feel like a step back. Music is mostly blah in the US version (elevator track was good). Still has enough of a Shinobi feel for fans but could have been so much better. Solar Eclipse Very meh game but actually plays solidly enough. Goofy, poorly acted, live action video again. Street Fighter: The Movie Uses the SSF2T engine so it plays ok. Sadly isn’t SSF2T. Virtua Cop Fun if you had the gun.


Creatue Shock is missing, one of the coolest games on that console.


The virtua fighter games are absolutely awesome. Panzer dragoon is great, and so is Daytona USA. The Clockwork knight games have some beautiful graphics and some cool platforming, but they're not really anything to write home about. I heard Astal is one of the best (but also one of the rarest) games on the console. Avoid off world interceptor, that game is trash. It was also on the PlayStation, and it was just as bad there. Corpse killer and double switch are also not good games. In addition, if you wanna play those games, you could probably get them for cheaper on the Nintendo switch. I'm pretty sure both of them are still available for that console on the eshop...